Author Search Results: Ann Coulter: Conservative Columns …

Back any candidate you want as long as its one of these three

Anyone opposing an incumbent Republican for any reason other than amnesty is a fraud or an idiot.

With some notable exceptions, businessmen favor free enterprise in general but are opposed to it when it comes to themselves.

Were required to wreck the country by bringing in millions upon millions more poor people so we can save the buggy whip industry.

Youre the smartest living liberal (faint praise), and you assured us that Obamacare was going to be fantastic.

You cant have conservative economic policies without also having conservative social policies.

Nothing good has ever been accomplished by a mob.

Another Russian leader is playing cat-and-mouse with an American president and guess whos the mouse?

Having artificially created a glut of low-wage workers, now Democrats want to artificially raise their wages.

Its not that Obama doesnt believe in American exceptionalism; its that he wants to end it.

The rest is here:
Author Search Results: Ann Coulter: Conservative Columns ...

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