Some conservatives who should know better legitimize racist attacks on Obama

Dec. 11, 2014 5:10 p.m.

Like most Americans, I was encouraged about race relations in America when Barack Obama was elected president in 2008.

At first, I wasnt especially surprised at the racist invective that emanated from some quarters at the specter of a black man in the White House. A certain amount of that kind of thing was predictable, I told myself.

But, as time has passed, Ive been shocked and disappointed at the extent to which presumably respectable conservatives have responded with silence, if not actual assent, to the racial bigotry aimed at our twice-elected 44th president.

Norman Ornstein, a prominent political scientist of no particular partisan bias, touches on this matter in THIS ESSAY:

Over time, the hostility toward Obama grew dramatically, and so did racist statements. Actually, it did not take very long. One year into his presidency, ABC News catalogued an array of racially tinged and overly racist statements of actions against Obama. They came from election and party officials and media figures, including Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. In the years since, the number of prominent figures using race as a wedge only grew. They include a New Hampshire police commissioner using the N word to refer to the president, a Montana federal district judge sending racist emails, and many others.

Most troubling is that some of the most loathsome comments have been enabled and legitimized. When Ted Nugent called the president of the United States a subhuman mongrel at an event for Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbotta term CNNs Wolf Blitzer noted was used by the Nazis to justify the extermination of Jews he generated a firestorm of criticism. But before long, this incendiary and hateful figure was back on the campaign trail with Abbott, now governor-elect. And Colorado Senate candidate Tom Tancredo excitedly announced that he had gotten Nugent to contribute one of his assault weapons for Tancredo to auction off to help finance his campaign.

When Ann Coulter [above] referred to the black president as a monkey for Vladimir Putin one of the most vile terms to apply to an African American, a term that, when used without malice by the late Howard Cosell to refer to a football player, resulted in massive criticism and ultimate removal from Monday Night FootballFox News host Sean Hannity was taken aback, albeit in a bemused way, and offered Coulter a chance to rephrase. She refused. Many conservatives criticized her for the remarks, but she was right back on Hannitys TV and radio shows without any hiatus or punishment.

Some conservatives who should know better legitimize racist attacks on Obama

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