Using an Artificial Intelligence Interface to Plan a Disney Cruise – DCL Fan

Avid Disney vacation planners know that using technology to help plan a Disney vacation is as old as tech itself. When the internet still had that new car smell, us Disney planners flocked to Disneys fledgling website and independent chat groups to help craft magical vacations.

Many decades later, we still utilize online resources and discussion boards, like DISboards, but today we have social media, vlogs, podcasts, and even TikToks. This brings me to the new kid on the planning block Artificial Intelligence.

Chat GPT is an online platform that allows almost anyone with an internet connection to have a chat dialogue with an artificial intelligence bot. But, lets let ChatGPT answer the question.

You will find pros and cons of utilizing artificial intelligence like ChatGPT. So I thought, why not begin my AI adventure exploring a subject with which I am extremely familiar: Disney Cruise Line.

Below you will see screenshots of questions I have asked, along with the answers generated by Chat GPT.

If you can use a search engine, you can use Chat GPT. I simply asked, What is Rotational Dining on Disney Cruise Line? and this is the answer provided.

I also asked, What Port Adventures are available on Disneys Castaway Cay?

So far, so good, but these are fairly simple questions.

ChatGPT provides users with answers that are conversational and authoritative meaning it really thinks it knows what it is talking about. However, if you ask ChatGPT, it will sometimes admit the answers provided are simply wrong.

For example, I asked ChatGPT How much should I tip on Disney Cruise Line? and this is the response given.

Current gratuities charged are $14.50 per guest per day. Also, bar, beverage, and spa services gratuities are actually 18%, not 15%. It is a small detail, but one you wouldnt catch unless you had previously sailed with Disney Cruise Line or had already done your research.

ChatGPT does offer a feedback option. You can utilize the Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down icons at the top of your answer, or you can provide the correct information in the chat field. That does not mean the answer will be corrected the next time you ask. It only means that the artificial intelligence will group your response with the information it has already gathered from various sources.

For me, the best feature of ChatGPT is that I can ask the program a question as if I was talking with a person. You can ask for ideas like:

This AI is aware that it has limitations. For vacation planners, this tool can help spark ideas on what activities are available at destinations worldwide. However, it cannot provide real-time travel information, nor can it give you travel quotes or help you book travel.

That last suggestion about contacting a travel agent is good advice. Lets see what ChatGPT has to say about that.

Visit the human agents over at Dreams Unlimited Travel the official sponsor of DCL Fan to request your free, no-obligation quote from one of our experienced Disney Cruise Line travel planners who will be happy to assist you when planning a Disney Cruise Line vacation for the humans in your traveling party.

Melanie is the mom of three young adults. She is a native Floridian who now lives in North Carolina. She is a Gold Castaway Club Member who has sailed on all four of the current ships at least once and is ready to set sail on the Disney Wish this fall.

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Using an Artificial Intelligence Interface to Plan a Disney Cruise - DCL Fan

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