Bitcoin Core developer proposes new type of pruned node – Protos

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Bitcoin Core developer James OBeirne has proposed a new way to run a Bitcoin pruned node. His proposal overhauls the conventional method for pruning Bitcoins blockchain.

Pruning, of course, has been available to Bitcoin node operators for years.

With standard Bitcoin Core software, node operators enable pruning by setting a maximum number of megabytes they are willing to store in their bitcoin.conf file. They can also modify this setting in the settings area of Bitcoin Cores graphical user interface (GUI).

The two largest software clients for Bitcoin nodes, Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin QT, can be pruned. However, once the node owner has activated pruning, they may not transmit old blocks over the Bitcoin network nor verify old wallets.

Of course, pruning has trade-offs. First, however, to OBeirnes proposal.

OBeirne has proposed an update to the method by which full nodes prune. This proposal is part of his largerassumeUTXOprotocol project.

Rather than the status quo setting a number of blocks and compressing historical blocks prior to that milestone OBeirnes assumeUTXO is an experimental way for new Bitcoin full nodes to delay their need to verify historical transactions until the user receives recent transactions.

AssumeUTXO-compatible node clients would contain a hard-coded hash of the conditions necessary to spend all bitcoin (the UTXO set) as of a safe, recent point in time (OBeirnes variant of the popular Bitcoin Core client, Bitcoin Core #25740, supports assumeUTXO).

Read more: This Bitcoin Core update will protect full node operators from hacks

Because of its importance, developers would have to check any revision of the hard-coded assumeUTXO hash for correctness during code review. As long as the snapshot hash is correct, it would allow pruned node operators to opt-in to disregarding full data prior to that hash. This trimmed blockchain file would be much smaller than Bitcoins entire, half-terabyte blockchain.

In addition, OBeirnes proposed update could add background validation to the assumeUTXO protocol. The assumeUTXO proposal adds serialized UTXO sets, reducing the time needed to sync a new Bitcoin node. It also reduces the storage space required to save the Bitcoin blockchain.

In summary, James OBeirne proposes that pruned node operators may optionally trust a developer-reviewed snapshot of the blockchain at a specific point in history. A pruned node can use that snapshot hash to reduce the large file size of Bitcoins blockchain.

Once the node has passed an accuracy check of Bitcoins ledger using that hash, the node can delete the information used to perform the check the next time the software client restarts. After abridging this data, the node has become a pruned node. Like other pruning techniques, OBeirnes proposed feature reduces blockchain storage requirements.

Developers are still working on finalizing the assumeUTXO proposal. To be clear, assumeUTXO is not in consensus with the main Bitcoin network today. Development, safety checks, and code review are ongoing. Bitcoin Core developers are discussing OBeirnes proposal, debating its pros and cons, and debugging drafts of code.

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Originally posted here:

Bitcoin Core developer proposes new type of pruned node - Protos

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