Black Lives Matter Banner in NWA Goes Viral – KNWA

Fayetteville, AR -- - With more than 45,000retweetsand 110,000 likes on Twitter, the Black Lives Matter Banner hanging in Fayetteville has made an impact nationwide.

SamEifling, a Fayetteville native who's now a travel editor in New York for "Thrillist", says his tweet has sparked conversations all across the country.

"I think the reason so many peopleretweetedthis and moved it around is because they were surprised and they were heartened by the gesture by the move."

The Compassion Fayetteville Black History Teammet withthe Fayetteville Advertising and Promotions Commission in order to get the banner up.

The sign was originally on Dickson Street but has now been moved to Block Avenue.

Executive Director of Fayetteville's A&P Commission, MollyRawn, told Fox 24 why the banner was moved.

"Compassion Fayetteville originally requested the banner be placed on Block Street; however, it was installed on DicksonStreet in error. It has since been mover to the location originally requested."

The Black Lives Matter movement has created quite a controversy which is a reason why the banner has so many people interested.

"I think the Black Lives Matter movement has become extremely polarizing for people and I was impressed that the city said you know what we actually know what the goals of this movement are and we know what people are trying to achieve and we support those."Eiflingsaid.

Co-Leader of the Compassion Fayetteville Black History Team,D'AndreJones says it's more than just a banner.

"Black Lives Matter is a call to action it is not a political statement. What we're doing is affirming the relevance and promoting inclusion and compassion in Fayetteville."

Fayetteville MayorLioneldJordan said although he didn't have to approve the banner, he fully supports it and the message behind it.

Fayetteville honors and respects, deliberately and intentionally, all people because we believe in partnership based government since we are all partners in this city.February is Black History month, so we celebrate black history. Black lives matter because Fayetteville cares. Black history is such a part of this city..our past, our present, and certainly our future. As Mayor, it is my honor to stand with citizens in celebration of black history month.

The banner has now reached over 5 million people on social media.

See the article here:
Black Lives Matter Banner in NWA Goes Viral - KNWA

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