Black Lives Matter is the call to conscience: Column – USA TODAY

John Vaughn 5:29 p.m. ET Jan. 26, 2017

At a Black Lives Matter march during the 2016 Democratic National Convention on July 26, 2017.(Photo: Jasper Colt, USA TODAY Network)

The reality is thatfor many non-blacks, there still has not been an adequate answer to the question posed by Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum in her book title, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And the reality is that there never will be an adequate answer for many of those same people. We strive as a country to be diverse and value diversity. So, why are theyseparate?

Black Lives Matter is a movement that understands that the strength of our diversity as a nation is predicated on the strength of our individual communities. The unique strengths of our individual racial and ethnic communities addto the strength of our nation as a whole. Strong partners make for strong partnerships.

BLM has asserted itself as a movement that will not go quietly in the night,but instead is insistent that the status quo of law enforcement and government systems that were designed for many of the tragic outcomes we see unfold before usis not acceptable. There is a deep desire to be part of the American story but in a way that calls us to our highest and best selves people of love and inclusiveness. Success is not just when law enforcement stops killing unarmed black people andStand Your Ground lawsare deemed unconstitutional, but it's also whenblack, transgender men and women no longer fear harassment and brutality from law enforcement and others.


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The challenge is that, like others before us, our view of national identity is rooted in a model of scarcity and comfort. There are some who act as if there is room for only one American experience and adhering to that one story, which gets slightly modified, is just easier. The leaders of the BLM movement have saidStop killing us! andDont be afraid of us. Theyhave organized, mobilized and advocated in ways that embody the values of collaboration, love, humor, intelligence and justice that affirm that there are many American stories.

In the BLM movement, there is joy and relationship-building, dancing and historical analysis, collaborative leadership and community engagement, trauma and triumph, education and commitment to non-violence, laughter and deep spirituality. Perhaps most importantly, there is deep desire to be part of the American story in a way that affirms the integrity of ALL people and calls us to be our highest and best selves people of love and inclusiveness.

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The reality is that theBLM movement is doing what many of our faith communities have failed to do. They have created inclusive and welcoming communities that are striving to walk their walk they are striving to live up to the principles that we more seasoned leaders have taught them. They are inclusive, committed to living out their values, intentional about developing a platforming leadership and opening the door to the diversity of who we are as the black community.

As a seasoned (read: older) member of this community, my job is to not get in the way or take over according to the way I think things should be done, but be part of the movement and to bring my personal gifts and my allies with me.

The Black LivesMattermovement is a call to conscience to the greater black community, and the entire United States. It is a call to be our highest and best selves and, once again, as young people lead the way.

The Rev. John Vaughn isthe executive vice president of theAuburn Seminary.

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Black Lives Matter is the call to conscience: Column - USA TODAY

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