Black Lives Matter Leader Tweets Support Of Chicago Dyke March – Forward

Alicia Garza, one of the co-founders Black Lives Matter, tweeted Wednesday night in support of the Chicago Dyke Marchs decision to ask two Jewish LGBT women carrying Star of David flags to leave their march.

Shoutout to @DykeMarchChi for standing up for their principals when folks tried to take it over for their own agenda, Garza tweeted.

Garzas tweet drew critical responses from some quarters.

this makes me so damn sad, tweeted Talia Lavin, a food writer. im an earnest queer leftist who loves my jewish identity - i want to be able to display a magen david on my .

before or after they deleted their KKK esque tweet? responded Chloe Simone Valdary, a pro-Israel activist, referring to a tweet posted by the Chicago Dyke March that used an anti-Semitic epithet for Zionists popularized by David Duke.

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Black Lives Matter Leader Tweets Support Of Chicago Dyke March - Forward

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