History book with Black Lives Matter banner on the front to be given to Wales schools – Telegraph.co.uk

A history book featuring Black Lives Matter on the cover will be distributed to schools by the Welsh Government, as the teaching of ethnic minority histories becomes compulsory.

History Grounded, written by historian and former teacher Dr Elin Jones, is aimed at eight to 12-year-olds and charts a history of Wales from the Neolithic up to the Transatlantic slave trade, as well as the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The protest movement features on the cover of the book endorsed by the Welsh government, which is set to be issued to schools ahead of curriculum changes - as Wales moves to become the first UK nation to make the teaching of minority ethnic history compulsory.

Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, publisher of History Grounded, has described the book as a game changer, adding: Representing Wales history in all its rich diversity was central to the work.

During the past year, we have gained a new appreciation of the importance of learning the history of marginalised communities, as well as an appreciation of education as a tool to fight against racism and all other forms of prejudice.

The book features sections on various movements in Wales, with the LGBT and Black Lives Matter banners featuring on the cover, alongside the Red Flag of Merthyr - the first red flag raised as a symbol of working class revolt.

The volume also outlines Wales connections to the slave trade, including the importing of sugar, and features a map detailing the names of about 40 families who received compensation following the abolition of slavery in 1833.

The Welsh government has said that the book will be provided to schools in early 2022, as part of plans to support the teaching of Wales history in the new curriculum beginning at the start of the 2022/23 academic year.

In 2020, the Welsh government launched a 500,000 project to develop teaching materials for a new curriculum which would inspire their learners to become ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world.

On the new History Grounded book, Jeremy Miles, the minister for education and the Welsh language, said: We want to ensure all pupils leave school with an understanding of our nations history not just the major events, but through the lives and experiences of people and communities from all over Wales.

History Grounded really helps bring Wales rich history to life and will be a fantastic teaching resource for our new curriculum.

History Grounded was not commissioned nor paid for by the Welsh government.

See original here:
History book with Black Lives Matter banner on the front to be given to Wales schools - Telegraph.co.uk

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