IN MY VIEW: Do black lives matter to blacks? – Green Valley News

In the Black Lives Do Matter letter in the Green Valley News, July 16, Georgia Hotton states that when your black, its almost like having a gun pointed at your face, which is from the movie Detroit, to be released next month.

Yes, Hottons claim is absolutely accurate since 93 percent of blacks who are murdered are killed by other blacks. In Chicago, more than 100 people were shot over the long 4th of July holiday, mostly in black neighborhoods, leaving at least 14 dead. The next weekend in Chicago, 40 people were shot, 10 dead. The fatalities included a community activist trying to curb street violence and a 9-year-old boy.

During the past 35 years, according to FBI crime stats, 324,000 (rounded off) blacks were murdered in the United States and 93 percent, or, 301,000, were murdered by blacks.

Hotton claims that blacks are asking for equal justice since a disproportionate number of blacks are imprisoned. We can fix this problem. Lets establish a new criminal statute that plea bargains a certain number of crimes by blacks down to the misdemeanor category, e.g. simple assault, with no state prison time, until the white prison population is equal to the black prison population. There, that took care of that problem.

Hotton further claims that blacks are only responsible for 36 percent of violent crimes while whites commit 42 percent. I will accept Hottons facts as accurate, taken from the book, Tears We Cannot Stop by Michael Dyson, a black activist and professor. What Hotton fails to point out is the disparity in population numbers. Since whites total 76 percent of the U.S. population of 325 million, and blacks represent only 13 percent, there are 173 million more whites available for criminal activity than blacks.

Activists and others who consistently alter and distort the facts in high-profile matters are bent on convincing others that law enforcement is to blame in so-called controversial incidents, usually a police shooting of a black person when the facts, even after a Department of Justice investigation, proved that the witnesses were lying. The shooting of Michael Brown in August 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, sparked the Black Lives Matter movement nationwide and led to riots across the country. And to this day, many in the African American community still align themselves with the black activists who will not reverse their erroneous conclusions and advise their following of the facts. Why? Because that is what they surreptitiously believe and that is what they shout to their constituents.

In their minds it also justifies their destructive organization, whose platform not only encourages anti-police demonstrations, but openly promotes the killing of police officers. What frequently follows is the looting, burning and razing of their communities across the nation.

Georgia Hotton, you are either part of the problem or have been duped by anti-American fanatics on the extreme left whose focus is to instill hatred and blind allegiance to the destruction of the United States of America, as we know it, through lies, deceit and evil conspiracies.

In his book, Dyson ignores some of the root causes of the black communitys negative profile. He should shout to the gang bangers to stop their illegal activity, stop selling drugs, stop killing each other over turf disputes, advise fathers to assume personal responsibility for bearing children, to promote family values at home, and to advise communities to instill cooperation with law enforcement.

William Davis lives in Green Valley.

Editors note: The 93 percent statistic for black-on-black homicides comes from a 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report that looked at black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008. That report also concluded that 84 percent of white victims were killed by white offenders.

See the original post here:
IN MY VIEW: Do black lives matter to blacks? - Green Valley News

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