JESSICA LAWS: Money on monument could have been better used – Belleville Intelligencer

A newly-installed black marble anti-abortion monument in Belleville Cemetery has received strong reactions both for and against across Canada. DEREK BALDWINjpg, BI

The Belleville, Ont. Chapter of the Knights of Columbus have garnered recognition both good and bad after the Catholic fraternal organization chose to erect a gravestone-like monument at St. James Cemetery in memory of all victims of abortion.

The monument that was erected on Nov. 2 is inscribed with the phrases, life is sacred and unborn lives matter as well as an image of a fetus in the womb and a verse from the book of Jeremiah.

The headstone-like monument is beautifully polished and is visually well done and appealing; however, it is the purpose and the inscription that causes such a stirring of emotions and reaction from people.

The topic of abortion is a painful dilemma for those who have found themselves in that position, as well as a very personal and private one.

I tend to sit on the fence with the opinion that what others do in their personal lives is none of my business, but I cant personally imagine being in that type of predicament and then having it thrown in my face as a shameful act.

Because grief is already a complicated emotion the last thing women need to feel is shame for the act of choosing what to do with their own bodies.

Perhaps that is what makes the monument such a controversial piece, not only is it a political statement in a church cemetery but it was also erected by a fraternity of all men whove never had to be placed in the position of making a decision on whether to choose to abort or not.

This monuments message isnt in line with the direction that womens rights and reproductive rights have continued to fight for and the fact it was erected in our very own small community just makes the issue that much more unimaginable.

Theyve put us on the map for such a personal and behind closed doors matter that it doesnt seem appropriate, especially when we already have a high amount of teen pregnancies in our community.

But it is also important to acknowledge the fact the Knights of Columbus is trying to invoke and mimic the popular movement of Black Lives Matter by stating that unborn lives matter.

The two issues are nothing alike and the way they chose to grasp at straws by trying to invoke the same amount of steam and support as #BlackLivesMatter is a blatant disregard for the actual fact that police brutality against minority groups is a tragedy being faced far too often and needlessly ends far too many lives.

The Knights of Columbus could have just as easily used the money to hold support classes to inform and protect against unwanted pregnancy and abstinence or helping support womens health and supporting the children already here and having problems with getting the appropriate nourishment before and after school.

The money and dedication they put into this monument could have just as easily gone to support other organizations that have a better handle on the issues facing people in our community that would have just as easily given them the same amount of recognition and would better serve them as a group than what theyve already done.

They cant take it back, but they really should be contributing to the conversation as to why they chose this type of monument as opposed to supporting the community in an outlet that would garner them recognition for only good rather than the mixed reactions theyve currently received.

The one blessing with the monument is perhaps it is out of sight for a lot of people and has to be sought out in order to see it, but even then it really shouldnt have been erected in the first place.

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JESSICA LAWS: Money on monument could have been better used - Belleville Intelligencer

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