Oh, snap! TheBlaze TV host corners Black Lives Matter activist who called her racist – TheBlaze.com

TheBlaze TV host Dana Loesch cornered Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson on Thursday amid mounting criticism of a new National Rifle Association ad.

The ad, which, as Loesch pointed out,is not new, calls on NRAsupporters to fight the political lefts violence with a clinched fist of truth.

Loesch citedthe lefts use of violence specifically the violence at the University of California- Berkeley, Washington, D.C., and Baltimore to make her point that its time for conservatives to fight back.

The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of lies with a clinched fist of truth, Loesch said in the NRA ad that first published to YouTube on April. 7. A number of liberals responded to the ad Thursday.

One of them, Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson, even accused Loesch of being racist.

This NRA ad is an open call to violence to protect white supremacy. If I made a video like this, Id be in jail, McKesson tweeted.

Loesch took to Twitter Thursday morning to challenge McKesson to a one-on-one debate on her radio or TV show.

Come on air and tell me to my face that Im a racist for condemning violent riots you incite, Loesch fired back.

Loesch also reacted more generally andaddressed the criticism in a videoWednesday, which she sharedon her Facebook and Twitter accounts.

I dont even know why people are freaking out over this ad that I did, this commentary that I did for NRA, because its actually kind of I did it a while ago. Its not like its brand new. The NRA just created a new Facebook page and they put it up on the Facebook page, Loesch began.

And by the way, we were very specific in this particular ad: clinched fist of truth, my line, Loesch said, referring to the anti-Trump Resist movements poster that shows a clinched fist.

Thats not the rights imagery. Thats not conservatisms imagery. Thats not libertarianisms imagery, Loesch pointed out. Thats the progressive leftists imagery. So what am I to infer from that particular image. You have an image of a fist and you have resist underneath.

Loesch then clarified that when I said use a clinched fist of truthyes, its using a clinched fist of truth. Arm yourself with truth.

Nowhere in the NRA ad did Loesch suggest taking up arms, as some on the left, inferred.

Twitter users likened the ad to everything from an ISIS recruitment video to dog whistle politics.

As of the time this article was published, McKesson had not publicly taken up Loeschs offer to discuss the ad on air.

Original post:
Oh, snap! TheBlaze TV host corners Black Lives Matter activist who called her racist - TheBlaze.com

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