RCSD Designates ‘Black Lives Matter Day’ to Celebrate District’s Diversity – TWC News

ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- It's a new day with a similar tune that will soon make its mark on the entire Rochester City School District.

It's like having a holiday, it basically shows them how important we are," parent Bryan Harrell said.

We want people to acknowledge and respect one item one part of what makes America great which is the black community, said Van White, Rochester School Board president.

As part of an initiative to embrace racial equality and address ongoing conflicts that plague our society officials at Rochester City Schools have proclaimed February 17th Black Lives Matter Day.

I'm black and I want people like me, my mom and my dad to have power," 11-year-old student BryahHarrell said.

According to RSCD, commemorating this day in February during Black History Month has no affiliation with the national Black Lives Matter movement. The special day stemmed from a collaborative grassroots collaboration between parents, students and faculty to illustrate to those near and far that people of color matter.

The whole idea is to understand the struggles that black folks have in this country," White said. "If people don't respect your life as an African American, Latino, Italian that will raise obstacles for you.

With Black Lives Matters Day just over a week away, RCSD officials hope the day brings the entire district closer to its mission that celebrates Every student by face and name. Every school, every classroom, to and through graduation."

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RCSD Designates 'Black Lives Matter Day' to Celebrate District's Diversity - TWC News

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