Read more from this special report: The Black Lives Matter Movement – Scientific American

Special Report

Special Report

What began as a call to action in response to police violence and anti-Black racism in the U.S. is now a global initiative to confront racial inequities in society, including environmental injustice, bias in academia and the public health threat of racism.


Minority patients are diagnosed later, stay on dialysis longerand are added to transplant lists less quickly. Why?

Policy & Ethics

Those who argue that the system will magically self-correct are kidding themselves

Policy & Ethics

Accountability, demilitarization and the transfer of responsibilities to social workers are needed to remake our overly antagonistic law-enforcement agencies

The aftermath of the Springfield, Ill., rampage led, in part, to the NAACP

December 29, 2020 Rob Hotakainen and E&E News

Lower-income residents and people of color are more likely to live in the hottest neighborhoods

December 10, 2020 Chelsea Harvey and E&E News

Amid multiple crises, science and medicine cannot stand aloof from politics

Challenging racisms deleterious effects requires first identifying its many forms

The common, chronic inflammation of the airways may help explain why deaths in custody are so high among African-Americans

Frederick Douglass, Antonio Maceo and the outrages of racial science

A gay, African-American physician relied on personas to endure his medical training

September 22, 2020 Chase T. M. Anderson

Theyre a story about racism

Moviemakers have perfected the art of rendering skin and hairbut only for white people

Contrary to the sanitized version we sometimes hear about the civil rights movement, change was not achieved solely by protest marches and people singing We Shall Overcome

An incoming medical student points out that the field has always been political, prioritizing some bodies over others

Biases in the system put the lives and well-being of women and minorities at risk

Racial minorities and those with underlying health conditions may be at a greater risk from coronavirus infection, but have historically been less likely to be included in clinical trials...

July 27, 2020 JoNel Aleccia and Kaiser Health News

A study of nearly 200 U.S. medical centers found that even apparently healthy kids suffer racial disparities in complications associated with surgery

July 20, 2020 Jim Daley

And stop letting hospital security guards carry guns; there are better ways to keep patients and staff safe

As physicians, we believe that recognizing it begins with understanding our own privilege and biases

From Frederick Douglass to George Floyd, photography has been key for racial justice. But cameras have also been used to hurt

Management researcher Modupe Akinola explains on how stereotypes hurt Black Americans and what we can do to counter them

July 8, 2020 Katy Milkman and Kassie Brabaw

Statues are ideological powerhouses that compress whole systems of authority into bodies of bronze or marble

Systemic inequities such as credit scores mean Black home and business owners receive fewer federal relief loans than white ones

July 2, 2020 Thomas Frank and E&E News

Demonstrators face tear gas, flash bangs, coronavirus and surveillance

June 26, 2020 Karen Kwon

Academic institutions and scientific organizations must embrace collective action

One of the forces behind #BlackInAstro week shares her optimism for the future

June 25, 2020 Karen Kwon

Rubber bullets and tear gas are not as innocuous as they sound

June 23, 2020 Kelsey D. Atherton

Large crowds, tear gas and jail cells could contribute to transmission of the virus. But it would not be easy to separate that danger from the risks of states reopening businesses and workplaces...

June 22, 2020 Tanya Lewis

Pairing the practice with greater accountability, better oversight of law enforcement and efforts to reimagine the role police play in communities could help reduce officers use of force...

June 17, 2020 Stacey McKenna

Public health specialist and physician Camara Phyllis Jones talks about ways that jobs, communities and health care leave Black Americans more exposed and less protected

June 12, 2020 Claudia Wallis

Some scientists call for police to stop using the chemical irritants, which could increase the risk of spreading COVID-19

June 8, 2020 Will Stone and Kaiser Health News

Antiracism in science must be about much more than challenging the bigoted graybeards of our past

Air pollution disproportionately impacts minority communities, and proposed changes would stymie efforts to address the disparity

June 12, 2020 Jean Chemnick and E&E News

Here are 10 ways to reduce adverse outcomes

An academic strike is planned for this week, alongside marches and demonstrations worldwide

June 9, 2020 Nidhi Subbaraman and Nature magazine

June 10 is a day off from business as usual for non-Black academics and a day of rest for Black students, staff and faculty

June 9, 2020 Gary Stix

Some scientists and politicians have invokedbaseless ideas about unknown genes, ignoring systemicinequality andoppression

June 7, 2020 Clarence Gravlee

The weaponization of medical language emboldened white supremacy with the authority of the white coat. How will we stop it from happening again?

June 6, 2020 Ann Crawford-Roberts, Sonya Shadravan, Jennifer Tsai, Nicols E. Barcel, Allie Gips, Michael Mensah, Nichole Roxas, Alina Kung, Anna Darby, Naya Misa, Isabella Morton and Alice Shen

Columbia University attorney Alexis J. Hoag discusses the history of how we got to this point and the ways that researchers can help reduce bias against black Americans throughout the legal system...

June 4, 2020 Lydia Denworth

Co-organizers of the first Black Birders Week talk about the joy of the natural world and the work outdoor-focused groups need to do to reduce racism and promote inclusion

June 5, 2020 Andrea Thompson

Such reviews are intended to allow community input and minimize harm to the environment

June 5, 2020 Adam Aton, Scott Waldman and E&E News

Prescribingweight loss to black womenignoresbarriers to theirhealth

June 4, 2020 Sabrina Strings and Lindo Bacon

Experts and affected communities say environmental justice must be a key component of efforts to address climate change

June 4, 2020 Daniel Cusick and E&E News

Discover world-changing science. Explore our digital archive back to 1845, including articles by more than 150 Nobel Prize winners.

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Read more from this special report: The Black Lives Matter Movement - Scientific American

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