Uncommon Sense: Black Lives Matter Leader Wants to Kill Whitey – MRCTV (blog)

At "Uncommon Sense," the mind-numbingly stupid will find no refuge. The sky is blue. Water is wet. Look both ways when crossing the street. Billie Jean is not my lover.

We dont prey on peoples legitimate sensitivities, but we hunt for faux outrage - and whatever the heck micro-aggressions are supposed to be.

Were going to Liberalville, and taking them to a place called reality!

MRCTV's Nick Kangadis points out the blatant and overt racism of BLM-Toronto co-founder, Yusra Khogali.

Khogali took to Facebook recently and decided to go on a racist diatribe about how black people are the master race of people, how white people are inferior and how she has to pray for the strength to not kill men and white people.

Watch as Kangadis calls out Khogali for her hate-filled, racist beliefs.

For this episode of Uncommon Sense, watch below:

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Uncommon Sense: Black Lives Matter Leader Wants to Kill Whitey - MRCTV (blog)

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