Teaser: Military Working Dogs cool down in Afghanistan
Veterinary Specialty Hospital surgeon, Dr. Sean Aiken talks about the challenges of veterinary surgery and his passion for animals. A team of military medica...
By: Animal Surgery
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Teaser: Military Working Dogs cool down in Afghanistan - Video
MISSION AFGHANISTAN | Documentary Film videolarn Connect the World #39;s launch from Abu Dhabi coincides with Afghan elections. Becky Anderson meets Dubai #39;s Af...
By: christina louka
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MISSION AFGHANISTAN | Documentary Film - Video
Long Way Home: US withdrawal from Afghanistan biggest military challenge since WWII
The US is preparing for its biggest military challenge yet in Afghanistan, that of pulling out. The mission involves transporting tens of thousands of soldie...
By: RT
Go here to see the original:
Long Way Home: US withdrawal from Afghanistan biggest military challenge since WWII - Video
Afghanistan #39;s Elections: What Comes Next?
A discussion with Anthony Cordesman Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy and Stephanie Sanok Kostro Acting Director, Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Pro...
By: Center for Strategic International Studies
The rest is here:
Afghanistan's Elections: What Comes Next? - Video
The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan 2001-2014 Book Discu
Carlotta Gall, Dr. Mohammad Taqi, and Ambassador Husain Haqqani discuss Gall #39;s latest book, her experiences reporting from Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the ...
By: Hudson Institute
View original post here:
The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan 2001-2014 Book Discu - Video