Archive for the ‘Afghanistan’ Category

Walter Jones talks debt, health care, need to leave Afghanistan at Rotary meeting – Kinston Free Press

Dustin George Staff Writer, The Free Press

The Department of Defense spent $6 million on a flock of goats to promote goat farming and industry in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, no one knows where those goats are or if they are even still alive.

Seven hundred thousand for one goat that you can buy right here in Lenoir County for $50. How ridiculous that tax payers money should be spent that way," said Congressman Walter B. Jones, R - Farmville, during the Kinston meeting of the Noon Rotary club.

Jones, who also represents Lenoir County in the House of Representatives, used the mystery goats as just one of a multitude of examples of wasteful spending in Afghanistan as part of his pitch to get American troops out of the country.

"Youve got people living right here that need help from Hurricane Matthew but yet we can find all these billions of dollars that we cant pay for to go to foreign countries," he said.

Calling Afghanistan the "graveyard of empires," Jones said he feels that after 16 years, it is time for America to pull its troops out of the country.

"We are trying to change a part of the world that doesn't want to be changed," he said.

Speaking to The Free Press after his presentation, Jones said he has been petitioning House leadership since the days of John Boehner, who left Congress in 2015, to hold a debate on America's future in Afghanistan.

He recently co-sponsored a resolution to have such a debate in the House of Representatives and said he's written multiple letters to House Speaker Paul Ryan about the issue, but hasn't made much headway.

You have 300 members of Congress today that were not there (in 2001). They werent part of the debate," he said.

Jones, who was in Congress in 2001, said he still believes the U.S. was correct to invade Afghanistan in pursuit of Osama Bin Laden, though he believes it was a mistake to invade Iraq in 2003.

Jones told The Free Press, Speaker Ryan - or someone writing Jones on the speaker's behalf - has told him the Speaker is looking to committees for guidance and promising to do a better job of monitoring the expense of keeping troops in Afghanistan.

We havent done a better job of monitoring the expense for 16 years. Its a joke," Jones said. We didnt want to know how you are going to manage the money. Give us a debate on our responsibility of sending a young man or woman to die.

Getting America out of Afghanistan is, Jones said, part of a bigger responsibility the government has to deal with the current national debt, which is approaching the $20 trillion mark.

That debt, he believes, could one day become a bigger threat to American security than any outside faction.

People say we will wait on the next generation of children to deal with it. Thats not fair to them," he said.

The debt problem isn't just the fault of one political party over the other, Jones said, calling out Democrats and Republicans in Congress for "spending money we don't have in the bank" each year.

When it comes to the failure of the Republican Party to create substantial health care reform, however, Jones was quick to call out his own party.

Following the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Jones said he wanted to see congressional representatives spend two months holding meetings across the country to learn from constituents what was liked and disliked about the Affordable Care Act by the people covered by the law, then use that feedback to craft a new law to replace it.

But what did we try to do? Jam it in three weeks. Jam a bill of such importance in just three weeks. Many of us didnt even know the cost of it," he said.

Jones was quick to point out he was one of only 12 Republicans in the House of Representatives to vote against the American Healthcare Act. After the bill passed the House of Representatives, the Congressional Budget Office estimated it would leave 23 million Americans without health insurance.

The failures of that bill, Jones said, were indicative of a larger problem in Congress today.

"This is probably one of the most confused sessions of Congress Ive seen since Ive been there, talking about the first five months," Jones told The Free Press.You get one moment that the healthcare bill is dead and then they work it out of course, thats the leadership of the House and Senate. It comes back and you pass a bill that the Senate says they arent going to take it up anyway. So we pass a bill, I didnt vote for it as you well know. Then the president who talks about tax reform and gives you a one pager, nobody can figure that out. Its just a confused time.

While he couldn't say exactly what a health care bill would have to contain to earn his support, Jones did say he wants something that covers pre-existing conditions for patients."

Dustin George can be reached at 252-559-1077 or

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Walter Jones talks debt, health care, need to leave Afghanistan at Rotary meeting - Kinston Free Press

Defunding the War in Afghanistan-A Bill In The US House – WBT

I'm mark Thomas and this is Carolina focus on news 1110993. WBB. 10792 winning. And 12 point 56 and the fan. It's where we look at issues events and happenings. That affect the Carolinas. And the Charlotte region. Welcome. I was reading some words. Just yesterday that attempting to find a true military and political answers for the problems of Afghanistan. Would take decades not years and drain our nation a precious resources. With the most precious being our sons and daughters simply put. The US cannot solve the Afghan problem no matter how brave and determined our troops are. These are the words of general Charles cruel acts the 31 common dunk of the United States Marine Corps. And I'm quoting from a bill that has been introduced into the US House of Representatives. A bill to as it says prohibit the availability of funds for activities in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and for other purposes. And one of them the primary sponsor of a spill is north Carolina's Walter Jones to represents the third district in the US house for North Carolina. And he joins us now on Carolina focus good morning congressman Joseph. Mark good morning and I appreciate you give me a chance to talk about this bill. After sixteen years in Afghanistan. And nothing has changed the chaos is still. As chaotic as it's ever been in and allow for John Garamendi from California and all the members of congress in both parties. Where is Santa after sixteen years it is time to have a new debate on the future of Afghanistan. So thank you for this opportunity. Well I think it's it's an extremely important. Discussion to have because. When the United States went into Afghanistan in 2001 in October. There was I'm I'm I imagine you're probably on board with that. Walk out was because we were going to have to bin Laden. Who is responsible for the downing. The towers and other. Events that happened on 9/11. And quite frankly I think President Bush was try to go after bin Laden he we knew he lived in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. And I'll sort that we as a wit from. That we live in Afghanistan and then we diverted into Iraq. Unnecessary war but the point I'm trying to get to nab is that we've been in that country for sixteen years. We spent over 800 billion dollars we were saying if one tree and I lost. And mark every 2200 Americans have been killed since we've been in Afghanistan. And over 20000 more and it is strapped to reits do have a new debate on the future of Afghanistan. And I think it's it's certainly a valid debate I think it's also interesting. It's a big near Brzezinski. Passed away just the other day and he was in the Carter administration. And was very proud to be able to draw the Soviets in the Afghanistan. During the Carter administration. Calling it bringing them into their Vietnam. It seems like those words have kind of come back to haunt us in that we are in our our second Vietnam if you will. Well absolutely and I'm glad you started the conversation off we're quoting one of my dearest friends is they forma come about truck crew lacked. And he has been mobbed Gaza for over six years so on Afghanistan. And he would say to you today if he was going to. Did in abuse said the made that he agrees to Walter Jones. Is time that this country evaluate the progress in Afghanistan. Or the lack of progress. Squad that we continues span. Money in Afghanistan. That we could be spent right here in America and what are we continues in our precious resources our young men and women to go to that country to it. And to have their limbs blown apart. And as you point out in the text of the bill. Osama bin Laden who is the architect of 9/11 if you will yup was officially declared dead in 2011. And but we're still there I got I guess the question is you know from it from someone who has children and grandchildren who could you know. If this thing doesn't stop could very well end up there. Why are we still where what what what do we actually expect to achieve. You know we talk about winning in Afghanistan. What's the prize what is what is it that we would gain. Well more suited to your point there is nothing that we can be. Gain in Afghanistan to put this recent. It is that tribal nations won at the strongest traps in Afghanistan is the customs. The pasta is Mecca the majority of the Taliban the Taliban. Ours are is who America is fighting. And I do not understand we don't have a definition of what is big tree. And that's another problem that I learned from the military as well as general crude lack. You don't have a strategy if you don't know what you're trying to achieve. And we're talking with North Carolina congressman Walter Jones who has introduced a bill to suspend funding. Or. The war in Afghanistan. I all in in looking back and I remember this because. In 2001. I was the Charlotte's morning news weekend host. Here at W BT and it reversed remember seeing stories occur through the summertime. And I went back and sure enough they're still on the Internet. This from from CNN US gives 43 million to Afghanistan. Taking a total sum in as of July something not 117 million dollars in fiscal year 2001. To aid the Taliban. Due to droughts they were having and that sort of thing. And as with many stories. The real story ends up in the last paragraph or two. And in the CNN story and I'll quote this is the UN secretary council Security Council imposed sanctions against the Taliban who we were funding. In an effort to pressure the militia to hand over Saudi exile Osama bin Laden who is accused of bombing two US embassies in Africa in Africa. Humanitarian aid is allowed. And in another article from another news service. Representative Ed Royce who was still in congress and at the time was sat on the house intelligence relations international relations committee. Said that we will have to go on the attack abroad there will probably be a military strike in the near future. Given the likelihood of Osama bin Laden's involvement in Afghanistan is a probable target. That was from July 7. That. That he made that statement. In 2001. Why are involved our involvement in Afghanistan is is a little odd we help the Taliban but now there are enemy like so many people have been in the past. What. Is there do we have some sort of Cindy got a relationship with the Taliban that keeps us there. Mark that is why this is I used the analogy of a vote in the wild west and of course this is Afghanistan. And the whole thing is that again we have. The former leader of Afghanistan. Just name its army chorus he got millions and millions that the taxpayers money. Given to him any cash bundles. Then he left office now he is trying to get the Russians. This is a news report that the Russians to come back to Afghanistan. And this time instead of fighting that Taliban. To work together. Because Karzai would like they're back as the leader of Afghanistan. That this is one of those situations you know that you heard it before. That Afghanistan is a great sort of empowers. I've used on the force several times that first evolve as a nautical written about a year ago. Good job sought code inspector general for Afghan reconstruction. It's why it web site is cigar as GA are in if you listeners can look it up. And a test that we is spent. Six million dollars about nine goats and detest Babbitt for the senate marquee Kate found ago. I wrote a letter that asked I think we're getting the W you let go into general Mattis as secretary of defense why that we take 200000. Afghan soldiers that did not exist. The article headlines goat so just being paid by taxpayer. It's not feud going ask you this though it directly if you withdraw funding. Are you paralyzed and putting our troops imperiled that are there are some 8000 of them. Know what it is believed that finding would in as we begin to bring out troops we would have enough money. To bring the troops home what this would do and we would also have troops is in the bill. That would be there to protect any US governmental agencies such as the embassy we know we would still have. Special ops would be present in Afghanistan it's it's just that. We don't need to have 8000. Troops. Going out into the villages. You walk in the eighties the roads in Afghanistan that's what we assign it. So it's not fair to the troops we've got we don't have an. An import to the strategy we don't know what they and exposed to be we have no idea out victory. So I guess and in essence you're saying we just need to save declare victory. And leave. Well absolutely and and again it's it will be a phasing down of the troops. That we would start cutting out the fun and we didn't give the flexibility to the president. If some situation would develop that he needed it to. Keep the trees there he would be able to do that but we also want to. Say that the app at this particular time with the definition of what we're trying to accomplish. How much longer can the taxpayers continues been baited debated is that dolls almost a trillion dollars. Have many models more young men and women have to dial lives and limbs. And of course you know also on the other side of that coin is I'm sure of Afghans who have them I mean they've certainly lost a lot of innocent bystanders if you will. In this adventure. I don't think it's who were necessarily ingratiating ourselves to the to an average Afghan. In in in continuing these efforts not that we necessarily want them to be our friends or anything like that. But it doesn't. We're not winning the hearts and minds by any stretch. Well what does the book I just happened to have it in my office and look at it now. The title is fair US taxpayers to bank bank rolled the Taliban. That it is titled the book is bonding big enemy but Douglas twists and FB ISS ING. I read this book to three times and actually had a conversation with the often missed or questioning. And that the that it most erotic thing is how much of the taxpayers' money. Is supposed to go full economic. Efforts in Afghanistan. But that the money is the ends up being diverted into the coffers the Taliban's soda can about weapons to kill Americans. And it's it's an. A very difficult situation obviously. To start pulling up and wanna ask you one other question. And this is something that that I noticed yours ago and it's it's something that I don't hear anybody many people talk about. In 2001. The opium production in Afghanistan was virtually nil. Since that time since the invasion of the united width of the United States. They're gonna record. Crops of poppies in Afghanistan. Since that time and your record it record set it for every year year after year in that production. I've got to you know it's it strikes me we we always talk about you know we're in war for oil. Is it possible that were in war. To prop up. A heroin trade. Well I hope not but I will tell you that you're. Information did you share with me as closure list that is exactly on target. Since we went into Afghanistan. The poppy trade is propping Thomas Massie a young member of congress bumps Kentucky has issues this several times in the hearings. That we have done more to enhance and to increase the drug trade in Afghanistan. Than anything else we've done that. And we're talking with the congressman Walter Jones from the third district of North Carolina whose intro to produce the bill. In the US house to suspend funding for. The efforts in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. Congressman Jones any any final thoughts. Well again I think this as a as a constitutional responsibility. That any member of congress such as myself the most important responsibility we have to support the constitution is to do debate. Whether we send our young men and women to adapt to this country. While all of this bill as soon as best can poll. To let us have a debate we have not had a debate on the future of Afghanistan since 2001. You for a made that point you're always saying is give without constitutional responsibility. And Paul around the speaker of the house can do that if he will. Congressman Walter Jones third district of North Carolina. We appreciate you being here on Carolina folks thank you so much more my pleasure. Charlotte Douglas airport seems to be going under tremendous amount of renovations. And WBP's still Gillespie's was out of fear port taking a look at some of those changes. Concorde makes it painful one airport deputy director of aviation Jack Christine and Venus on hard hat tour of several project hasn't been eyeing expansion that we started last year less boring when it's completed the focus will be on airline servicing the local mark. I'm blue in the united front tier big project about a 200 million dollar project federal. Not that will be completed by may of next year a lot of windows and there are very special needs flat payment last lap and IP address. So they can funeral actually manage the team. To make sure that we're not Baghdad people too high in the concordes trying to help us regulate. Inside conditions of the concorde's throughout today. In this isn't the only project under way it's. Welcome city elevator car railway project we've moved to in front of the terminal on the elevated roadway and criminal curb front. This is partly to see right here that would stand under on above us in many ways there are probably there were standing on. Then next thing was over here to the right will be three additional lanes on the upper and the lower level. When completed the totaled eight lanes on two levels for pickup and drop off someone that's completed then work will begin on a terminal expansion. Only are we building. Eight branding section of building Rosser renovating all of the existing lobbies based on but the thickening in the back clay models. And this is all part of the 2.5 billion dollar ten year expansion plans for. We'll NN colleagues when he when he won by the time we're finished. Put all that terminal working roadway work that the local custom. And of course with the new concourse a new terminal space something else will be needed yes we'll have a couple more rocking chairs and that's that that's a statement. And Joseph Gillespie joins us now here in studio Jo you spent a lot of time out of the airports. Talking about the construction obviously we just heard that. And what's going on this summer that apparently this is good news. Big things in the travel industry some. Well are expecting a lot to travel this summer and they use the number of of local. Amateur clips thirty plus thousand people big gay. It doesn't talent. That's the local people traveling out of here well that doesn't count because it's a hub. There's tens of thousands of other people pass and threw the hub city. So is that so let's just figures just people from here going someplace in other words go into the parking deck. Yes some pretty much of your going someplace and doesn't count the tens of thousands of people that are passing through the year port on the way they. Course they urged people to do what they always urged people to do. That it Acura. Picking up somebody you can use the short term parking guy and Howard doesn't cost too. Which is an incredible the cellphone Juan is a good deal. Though the mess is I think on pick and people are getting picked. That's just a mess because of the construction there wasn't dreading those lanes it's just a mass. You know and and the last time I flew round of medications play a couple of times last couple months. Priest who were. It was kind of fun because he doesn't know me and I don't know if except for this little picture so we figured out they got connected but it's sort of a mess. Getting in and out there and you know are appropriately cab are your you know beat the buster. Somebody's gonna meet Jerusalem I always tell people they don't officially sanction it and tell folks and you made news in thank. If I mean somebody from out of town sometimes. I'll say go up the departure. You know that level break the upper level under. It's easier to pick you up their probably Bennett will be he he doesn't you don't seem to have as many buses coming through. But it seems like there's more of them on the pick up there they're gonna add in the next year. About 800 parking places. The same time mild. We will I was covering the airport story one of the TV shooters. Had traveled recently and used up private long term loss and was very happy with the reserve and ahead of time. The issue in audio that they showed you in the year pour the peak yup again I don't know the price. All the same things. You know applying initial quote plenty of time. You know it's it we all remember what happened what six straight months ago one got crazy out there. TSA didn't have enough folks stamped and it was really a boondoggle. Will not one thing that and that I think I heard and correct me on this. The Memorial Day is a big big fly and travel right. But Father's Day. There's also a pump a heavy travel day I was unaware of I would I mean dimension data along with for the July. And all this the summer events and people traveling. So it's a busy place. Give yourself plenty of time. I learned some painful lessons to always check panics. Last time my flu. Season. Containers. Tuesday. Your containers toothpaste containing your big gash. Over the toothpaste container and deodorant container for Tuesday the 311 of the port baggy in the every ounce and 3.4 ounces or something of that yeah than that. Alarm bells they take it very nicely. What sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun out there this summer and any idea what Elvis constructions going to be done years years absolutely years because. The work on this concourse extension. Workers on the roadways and minister on the terminal project. Two in the lord of the terminal. Remodel the terminal. Then married they've got to environmental impact there working on because they wanna take out a runway decommission a runway and build a new runway. And while this all going along with the airport here. You know FAA's built on a new control tower controls that are out there you know this brings back visions as as people who know me and well and some who don't know me so well no I'm from Ohio. This sounds like the West Virginia turnpike. This is good before a 48 or it could be going out for along this is going to be a jobs program it is Keith though and you gotta keep on giving it and it's gonna get really that he and do you think it's start working on. When they get some of the road done and and they start moving and over. These are on the troubles in the weird. Provision gonna wanna go where your go awhile ago and they're gonna have to set up what kind of other alternate things were you coming here it you know. It's going to be Conakry is gonna be a lot of fun Joseph Lewis speak with WBT news we. Appreciate you joining us here on Carolina focus safe travels this on my friend thank. Everybody celebrates birthday is. But 100 year birthday that's a pretty big deal. And up in Salisbury they've got reason to celebrate. WBP's mark Pearson takes a look at Centennial celebration. About an hour from here in this town of Salisbury there is button popped in pride over a product made their for a hundred years. And on Saturday the streets were full as people turned out showing their undying love and loyalty. First soft drinks. Did was quite a party with a jazz band playing in the middle of Salisbury is main but it was another sound that. Tells the story of what this party was cool stuff. 101000. People walking around with three I. Kansas shield. Is this theory it all a hundred years well that's airline if ever a town had a soft spot for a soft drink. It is Salisbury and I'm amazed at a town that is so proud of just soft drink we are proud of it is more than a soft drink it's here it is. And that's Catholic born and raised in Salisbury she was standing in line at a Booth where they snap your picture. And credit her face onto a shear wind foam cousy is a keepsake. I talk about soda pop passion to grew up drink Guinness and so since I was a kid brings back good memories you know nice and there's no question people here are cheer lying crazy at the Salisbury museum. In ninety degree heat of the line wrapped all the way around the building people eager to get in and learn about the history of the dream they love we have for every bottle each airline has pretty sad. The 1970s. Here today yes cheer wind was born in 1917. Just after America declared war. Inside the White House president what robo phone and signed a proclamation of war against your it was World War I the big war that quickly changed America. Affecting industry government and Americans everywhere and or even affected business in tiny Salisbury North Carolina where LDP alert. Had a business making a mint flavored coal. But the war meant suddenly sugar was hard to fine. No more Cole makes. So go to eat. It starts experimenting with some different flavors and things like that the wild cherry. Darren kept plea as the head of the Salisbury museum. He says that traveling salesman introduced LDP alert to a mysterious. Cherry flavoring apparently made for moments Allman flavor makes it sweeter without using more children. So he order a feisty entrepreneur or created a new drink. The color was one Rick the aegis appropriated the line. And then it was all globally. I didn't make you feel good clean drinking it said that college here. Why it. And 100 years later his busy cherry contraction is still hard to describe is unlike any other soft drink that has a snooze Cherie taste. That is enjoy harper LD healers great great granddaughter. Cheer line still family business her dad is the president joy is in charge of marketing my favorite thing is still introducing you're going to need people in C in their first reaction when they tasted it. Well most of the thousands here at the festival had been drinking the stuff for years hey guys got the Brad we're out here to cheer wide 100 year anniversary but I did see it here we newbies to this couple from Charlotte went on FaceBook live to show their friends their first taste and it's been around for 100 years. So here we go cheer why. That's good it got a nice cherry flavor roaming through the crowd here is people chug free cans of cheer wise. They were full of cheer wind memories drank a lot and I love it's not favors I don't standing Nicol had her first date with cheer wine dessert. Even when I came just tells me for my first visit our energy steal it with a chill on par fake and she loved it. Ended up marrying the guy it's all the time being shipped to Norris Al list where you where you couldn't get it. Your lines available in fifteen states now and it's growing. But that's super secret cherry formula. He is still made by hand only in Salisbury. One match at a time and a locked room with no windows. And not everybody in the family knows the secret do you know the formula. I do know her so I do not only a few select people know it. I never gonna get to know full seen her I don't know. Well joy harper knows the real secret for cheer wind success. That is all of their loyal fans a. Power is we've had it forever anyways I'm only here for a long time we used to give it for Christmas presents. It is an amazing American success story tonight and make data Salisbury success story. And has all 33700. Residence just popping their tops. With pride even though we don't own stock in it. We feel we own emotional stock in I think he can say. Commercial stock and a soft drink and yes emotional stuff yes he can't and he would heard repeatedly here. Now Matt is brand loyalty to the family that those two airline had gotten some big offers but I am no plans to sell they won't keep making it right here and saw. Bill I guess from the next hundred years. This is the 95 anniversary of W BT and hello Henry. And refocus and just being inducted into the WBP hall of fame and here's a look back and an interview Henry did. With a Tar Heels. A very hearty hello Henrik welcome to mr. Howard coast so. I'm so glad we could talk. Are part of all the people we had gone our potential list of our guests in there have been some good ones and our show use your name bella heads the list have been working on you for about a year. And your your hundred tight schedule has got to precluded us getting together today and before now well here. Thank you very much let me ask you a question about two of your background a little bit I think I'm right in saying that you were born in or near Winston-Salem North Carolina. I would have gone hand went up and they'll. Do you remember much about that area or this state a did you move away when you're young child. I moved away when I was a young child. I moved to Lynchburg Virginia. So I did spend some time and remember Tim plays Raleigh, North Carolina where my late father. Worked for awhile and I did always have relatives and Carolina. Well we consider you a tar heel born on the tar heel bread when you die you'll be a tar heel dead well. How I'll bet you did. Let me ask you about saw him do one of your particular skills I admire and that is the interviewing process. You you are excellent at that as you well know because so many people tell you that but what is your secret if there is one bloody shirt technique for interviewing people so well. Only an interest in the people have been knowledge about them. And training at a loss would and it gives you word. Although lately and tell him particulate. Uploading your questions and. A lot of people in this country indeed when they see something in print so all that must be the truth and it bothers me sometimes when I read things that really are not the truth. There's a new. Well I can't say is that at any longer. To get them to pay ten years ago I couldn't have let that. But I know Hawaii and then worm that I'm at a point in time in my life where that's only natural that have to happen. Being in the business of sport 28 years of hope. And they haven't achieved whatever it is I have achieved which he broke the people can judge. And I really don't much care and they launch I couldn't keep up with all of a lot of paper that I. I fully expect that when I die and when my obituary is written that will be the same old garbage. There can be no other way because despite stepped proclamations. That the integrity. Despite that self serving statements. Very business to sell papers state decried the fact that television promotes its own shows. Chilean newspaper. That doesn't promote itself that's what they level there and circulation competition. And they have medium is fading because of television which is bad I decried that. The answer is that that is greater creativity. On the probable writers. Not in the form of sensationalism. Vilification. Lies and smears. But rather in the form of bringing to the public information in a given field that. Fight its structure and stick his broadcasts can't do because this doesn't have that. And thanks for listening to Carolina focus on news 1110993. WPP. 1079 to win. 102 point 56 and the fans. It's also available to podcasted double BT dot com. I'm mark Thomas your post so glad to be joining us this morning. You are listening to Carolina focused on who's 1110993. WP. T 1079 the link one or 2.5 610 the fan. Also available to podcasts WBT dot com I'm mark Thomas your host. Glad you could join us here this morning and the film industry in North Carolina has ebbed and flowed over the years. And one of the things that is that going on now and we're gonna talk about that in just a little bit about the industry as a whole. But. We've got will Fisher with us right now. Who is they will will what are you anyway. Don't know what you are. I'm concerned the local film community and the Charlotte city producer for an international filmmaking competition called the 48 hour film project that has. Just grown by leaps and bounds over the years and attracted some of the top talent. In the city and it's kind of become a place to go to see some of the best filmmakers in town and we're all. Basically on an ownership try to get Charlotte to Cannes Film Festival. Okay it and that's that he's gonna have taken ship must take plane yet kids can't drive there. At least not that I'm aware. But that's something them and I guess I won't we'll start there with the 48 hour. Film festival what's you say you're heading it up here in Charlotte. In general what is this thing. Says the 48 hour film project is an international film making competition that started in 2004. By a man Washington DC who is an attorney. Who went to film school late in life and then. 2004 they all got together and decided they would try to make a movie and 48 hours it was him and his buddies some of the family. Got together on a Friday night they drew genre film out of a hat. They open field envelope which contained a character's name a prop and a single line of dialogue that had to be included in their film. And then they gave themselves 48 hours to make a seven minute short film. So that was in 2004. They graduate from film school and in 2005. Most of that group moved to different parts of the country. So the second iteration of the 48 hour film project. Officially became a national platform. And since then. Over the past thirteen fourteen years essentially grew to the international. It's now held and 137. Cities around the world and that of that core group of folks that started it have a connection to Cannes Film Festival and so. They were able to take this idea this concept. That started in Washington DC. Can't get it out across the entire world and then have a connection in the Cannes Film Festival and so. Those really one of the things that attracted me to the platform was that this is an opportunity for. Local people who live in Charlotte that are engaged in the process of making films and a sharpening their craft this is a place where they can ago. Go our own hands for 48 hours and now come out on the other side of a weekend with a fully fleshed out film that can be proud of and it's my job as the city producer to put together a panel of judges that vets all the films and then. We try to decide which film gonna be the best to go on represent Charlotte and try to get us the Cannes film left and. And the Cannes Film Festival and and that's I mean everybody's heard of it that's kind of like the I don't what you what you wanna compare to the World Cup. You know that the World Series the Indy 500. What have you I mean it's it's the big film festival. On this particular planet it is but there might be a bigger once on another plan or we're not aware but as far as this planet goes that's the that's the big daddy. That's the big dance and you know my. My my goal my vision I guess is that we would begin to have people in Charlotte. Who are local Charlotte. As they share their stories continue to tell their stories that you know we would fi images from Cannes Film Festival with a big red carpet. With the likes of Jack Nicholson and Leonardo DiCaprio who you know images of our people. Published in our newspapers. You know and our media. That we are there engaging on the world stage. In this. The genre which is film misses the sexiest thing going right now read a statistic that half the in half the data. That offend received over the Internet right now as in the form of video. And with platforms like Netflix and Hulu and Amazon. They're just there's just a huge. Growing momentum for this art form and it just things that Charlotte is. Not in the conversation and we were in the conversation several years ago had a film incentives there was a ton of work that was being. Created here and then in 2014. The north star general assembly chose not to continue on. The film incentives and just. Has been on a downward spiral bands says this is kind of a grassroots effort to. Organize and get the people who are still here that are engaged in the far form I get them together get them focused on something. That is bigger than ourselves and in the meantime there's other good things that happened you know well we had a maid at the Cannes Film Festival yet but. There are some production companies have come up with a really good work that have come out of these efforts. Getting to cam though. You just don't submit a film. And it gets featured. I mean it's it's a process in itself and you say that the founders of the 48 hour film project. Have a connection and they can get. Again actually get feels reviewed and to be viewed at the fest at the festival they have. Powell what sort of connection did they have or is that something that. Is beyond your. Then so be it is that may be beyond my pay grade. It. And I hear those that are that that actual connections may be in the and a close vault somewhere I'm not sure really who had that but. My guess is that. They put together a narrative about. Activating local communities across the world four filmmaking. The the it's like marathon cause no one sleeps for two days it's really exciting you don't know the genre until. You know Friday night she's that you get your time and and then it's just go Tom all the way through. Till Sunday night so I imagine that when the people the original founders. Made that pitch to Cain and there's probably already a relationship there but also it's just thick enough and just. Not mainstream enough that maybe can wanted to make this part of their festival this is one of the one of the screening groups at Cannes film tough votes they neighboring. Twelve of fourteen films from around the world you know and have a 137 films that are submitted. And they choose the top twelve or fourteen to then go and and it is a screening group at Cannes Film Festival. And how did you get involved in this to be media director or the the lead on. The Charlotte project YE. Started Macon social media films. Just worked with some friends. More of like nonprofit stuff community build and type continent and one of the guys my friend wanna oath that I work with. He had just heard about it and I in 2013. It had never been in Charlotte before. And fellow who they announced that they were gonna have a competition in Charlotte and we entered a team and was just very disappointed to find out that we had about the second best film in the room. And now we thought man surely Charlotte can come stronger than their feet a day we're not we're not professional filmmakers by any by any stretch of the imagination or just. Haven't fund but. You know being in that. In that theater that day watch and all the films. Back to back I think there's only fix films submitted which again out like man we've got to have more participation. So it was fifteen. You know what what I need to be the potential that it is an international platform that there is a road the Cannes Film Festival a file that there's a huge potential for Charlotte. And in the first year as a filmmaker I felt that we had even scratched the surface. And so to when I was and beef ember received an email. That. They were looking for someone to take over producing the event and Charlotte and our responded to it we went through an interview process and we we worked out the the details on how I would kind of lead the banner from here. And we're talking to will Fisher who's heading up the 48 hour film project here in Charlotte. The film will the winning film will be submitted along with a hundred. How many other 13737. Other films up for review at the Cannes Film Festival. What sort of I guess my first question is. You said you weren't a professional as such. Kind of applied as a casual kind of a thing. Is there. What kind of equipment do you need I mean every cellphone has a camera. And you know having viewed the ability to edit video these days. It's on almost every computer. So what what sort of equipment do you actually need. To put something together like this because. You know in the various types of films that are out there sometimes. It. Having a film that is and and I'm not a film expert on the up and claimed to be. That at all. But you knew you have a certain agreements that you may wanna get that you could only get with a cellphone video that's going to be a member of the the Blair witch project for example a few years ago. Very big very. Massive appeal. And it was virtually had no budget production. Well so I'm do you have people who are at that level and then all the way to. Their running television cameras are releasing them from had a vision came to find that a few years ago you can't buy those things that he can only police them and Iran but a spark and a vision but. So you have ball a whole range or where you've seemed see these things. Being done as. At what level of production S. What I've that's one of the things I love about this platform is that it's open to everyone student amateurs professionals. To film buff that maybe one take a stab at making their own film. I think what Blair rich. Project. Proved it's something that I've seen to be true. Being involved with the the Charlotte iteration of the forty hour film project and that is the importance of the story. You know that it's it's not necessarily the gear in the equipment and all the bells and whistle whistles on the flash if it is. Can you create a story that connects with our audience and that. Communicate the essence of humans beer you know and that can be done with a cellphone. Camera with minimal. Editing technology. And I will phase in 2050. 20052000. Fixes this platform is just getting called on. You probably could have done quite well with a cellphone camera and and and and placing well and the platform. And today. It's really been adopted by many of the professionals. Even in even in Charlotte you know we have on our night of the best of we have some really good films that are put out about professional filmmakers here in Charlotte. It would be very difficult to compete when that with a cellphone. Camera. But I'm not saying that can be done and I'm definitely not discouraging anyone from bring in their creativity to the the table because if that's the beauty of the human spirit back I can't fathom classic David and Goliath you know yes that's love gonna say I act act they certainly does happen yet amid a mutton. My hope really with this is that. There's a kid that men and west Charlotte or. This is a platform. That he fills or she. Fills that. This is what I've been waiting for to put it out there in and that because it is open air there is Lou. Elitist mentality here we embrace every person who comes to the table we want them to share their work we want them to the other people in town we want them to create. And you know. I think that this platform is just quirky enough just crazy enough that it could bring now. Some of the very creative people and our community that otherwise. Don't really feel they have a place to. To place their work played appreciated. I know that's the timeline ultimately is 48 hour project. However what is the timeline. From where we're talking now beginning of June through. The beginning of August were mid August when the actual 48 hour period will begin what's what's their what are we looking at as far as a timeline of someone's hearing this and they want to say. I wanna give that a shot. Absolutely fellow. Last Tuesday evening we were hosted by Blumenthal performing arts thinner and the night gallery it's Peter's square and we had to kick off to the point seventeen. Season and what we did that night was we watched the twelve films that went to Cannes Film Festival this year it just so happens that they were screening on that night on. May 23 set. Just a little extra pixie dust in the air that they were screening AK and that night and we're watching them together in Charlotte that night. But that is the kick off event that we do each year that we watched. We watched as the twelve best films from around the world and the night culminates with an acknowledgment that this is the benchmark of the quality of film that Charlotte will have to produce in order to place at Cannes Film Festival. And then from there wiwa we're partners with the light factory gallery which is and plaza and it would. And they make their space available to us over the next. Two and a half months we will have a writing seminars cinematographer seminars directing seminars. We'll have an acting seminar and then the Wednesday before the Friday says the filmmaking weekend begins August 11. On the previous. Wednesday which of August night we'll have acting auditions in plaza mid woods right there in the same building with the light factory. And so by that time most all of the directors will have. I'm registered their team and usually they come out whiff the director and the writer and maybe some of the top key people within their team. And the goal of that night on August 9 is too. To watch and to meet actors who are making themselves available beginning August 11. So that is kind of networking. Last year we probably had a hundred or 150 people come now. To watch the acting auditions. Marked for I was a student at UNC fee he actually set up the camera we had a microphone. And we cut up those one minute acting auditions and to individual files. Posted them onto the Internet so that the directors. Would have a catalog of actors that were available. To pull from and in two day period we had over a thousand hits on those. On those. The acting auditions so. That's that's really the that detract leading up to a we have a series of filmmaking seminars that we have acting auditions which is where you put the final touches on your team. The of the genre show did you try chosen on Friday night with the other finance. That's August 11 August 13 the film is due back. August 19 we screen all the film from start to finish August when he fix with screen the best stuff films in the glow and theater hosted again by Blumenthal performing arts and and how does someone. Get involved bottom line web site. Yep them there's this site to register. On the international platform as 48 hour film dot com slash Charlotte. But if you wanna get engaged locally and be a part of what we're putting together here. FaceBook dot com slash Charlotte 48 hour film. And we also have a website collaboration films dot org which is where we push all the events and upcoming announcements and everything. We're talking with who will Fisher who's heading up the 48 hour film project here in Charlotte. And as far as filmmaker making in North Carolina you talked about the the budget cuts the the lack of funding or incentives. Playoffs some might call them to have people come here and make film. It's it it seems like there's a little there's less of a going on but wasn't a sort of in a decline. Prior to the 2014. Decision to not have as much funding going into this. Well I tell yeah I really took an interest all of this and 2013. 2014 says. For me to say it was and declined. At that point compared to previous years I really don't have. The the data to back that up but. I do know the significance of films like nail and days of thunder and shallow how arming these films. You know they bring people here people know that these films were being created in Charlotte. And that gets out across the world people see these films and they see the skyline they see the mountains they feed the. Well remembered most recently the Hunger Games in Lebanon though a big draw for places like Rutherford county. And that sort of thing for it's it just seems and personally I haven't mr. have a dog and in the in the fight. But it seems like all you know a lot of states are getting into the incentive business for this. And then you get into a bidding war and is that. Yeah I I guess the bottom line paying someone to be your friend to make a film. They should like ally of politics they would in the first place yes it does sound like politics doesn't address that in other end and personally I don't know it. Sure people make political films but to have a political decision be the basis on which you make a film about something. Seems less than artistic. Yeah. And I agree I I will say that. With with my expert Jack came into this. Fame march of 2014. And the conversation with still there they had not yet. Made the decision to discontinue the incentive so. And early 2014. There still were film incentives band she was being filmed here. There are several other a major projects that were being filmed and so there is if it was a very hot topic among the creative community. And then. They think they're a but I think that I get the bottom line though is I think you know a grassroots effort like what your putting together. Is going to be more solid then you know to use the comparison an Astro turf of you know bringing people in you know they'll it is it is. It's a mixed bag because. The only people that are paying and professional budget. Professional Fowler's to filmmakers. Are the big budget comfort movie directors producers that are coming here with a hundred million dollar budget in a fellow who. And in order to be creative and do professionally. You kind of need to have the opportunity to get that big hit otherwise. It. I'll throw 100 dollars here my buddy and I got a rich uncle and what he's not average you give us 500 bucks and you know and so you Kabul this thing together. And the hope is that you can get through it you make the film and then maybe get it out some festivals. But the idea of actually making money. To to tell stories. He used you kind of need this. Yeah you need a little help from me romantic if you build it they will come well. Well what one of them one of the facets to what I'm doing. And it and that our theme the value that it adds. Two of locally but also to. LA and New York in the cities that may be bringing. The larger productions is that. One of the way at one of the factors that determines where they actually choose to make their film. As is the incentive how much money in that that's huge for them obviously but it's also the talent of the day. So they they wanna know that if they bring their 500000. People here from LA. They're they can't make of a full film with that many people they're gonna need to bring in another three or forty and yet you need a local community to support that exactly and so by us having a local platform here. And and having the relationships in the community that were cultivating here around. Our local telling stories it actually makes us more valuable more attractive to the bigger production companies to come here and and make films you know the politics is to put up pendulum swings conservative liberal server live you know 12014. It's long away from the creative class and. Now we have a democratic governor still Republicans in the house for them but it's beginning to swing back for us as a swing back. The community comes together we have a stronger base and we're even better and they can film them we were before. We'll Fisher heading up to 48 hour film project we appreciate you being here and Carolina both this month but thanks for recovered. And if you didn't have a chance to write down those web sites to get involved in the 48 hour film project. The sites are 48 hour film dot com slash Charlotte in the so number 48 also on FaceBook. FaceBook dot com slash Charlotte 48 hour film again the number 48 and collaboration films dot award she. And here's a thought for the week. You never know how hard something is until you takeover. For someone who makes it look easy. Thanks for listening to Carolina focus on news 1110993. WPP. 1079 the link. 102 point 56 and the fans. It's also available to podcast that double BT dot com I'm mark Thomas your post so blessed to be joining us with more. And until next time. Being well.

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Defunding the War in Afghanistan-A Bill In The US House - WBT

Plan B for West Indies, history for Afghanistan –

West Indies v Afghanistan, 1st T20I, St Kitts June 1, 2017

Match facts

June 2, 2017 Start time 19:30 local (23:30 GMT)

Afghanistan will hope to extend their 11-match winning streak in T20Is Associated Press

Big picture

For the West Indies, this series stacks up as Plan B, a convenient arrangement facilitated by their board considering they failed to make the cut for the ongoing Champions Trophy, a tournament to which only the top eight ODI teams were invited. A side that won the tournament when it was held in England 13 years ago, and reached the final of the following edition, West Indies found themselves locked out of the competition altogether, the first time one of the traditional top eight teams failed to qualify for an ICC world event.

For Afghanistan, however, series don't come much bigger than this. This is the first bilateral series they are playing against a Full Member that isn't Pakistan, Bangladesh or Zimbabwe. They get the opportunity to tour a part of the world that will always be remembered for producing a cricketing generation that could stand up to the greatest sides in history. And, anyway, never mind nostalgia, for Afghanistan are playing a T20I series against the reigning world champions in the shortest format of the game.

A sombre backdrop marks the beginning of the series for Afghanistan. The players will still be recovering emotionally from the horrific news of a bomb blast in Kabul that killed nearly 100 people and injured almost 500 more. This series might feel much less important back home than it did just a couple of days ago. However, cricket has been a welcome distraction for the Afghan fans ever since their side burst on to the scene, and in that role, this unique tale still has a role to play, and a void to fill.

Form guide

West Indies LWLLL (last five completed matches, most recent first) Afghanistan WWWWW

In the spotlight

Carlos Brathwaite and Kieron Pollard might view this series as an opportunity to play themselves back into form. Considering how imposing the Afghanistan outfit can be in this format, both Brathwaite and Pollard will look to bring on their A-game. Furthermore, with the fifth edition of the Caribbean Premier League coming up, they hardly need extra motivation.

Rashid Khan is arguably Afghanistan's most valuable long-term asset. Still only 18, he has already played 50 limited-overs internationals, and his consistency earned him a contract with Sunrisers Hyderabad in the IPL, where he played all his side's matches and picked up 17 wickets from 14 games. He was also instrumental in Afghanistan's most famous win, a victory over West Indies in the World T20 in 2016, taking 2 for 26 in four overs. Off the only ball he faced, he smashed a six, and how many runs did Afghanistan win by? Six, of course. Given the enormity of his credentials in the shortest format, he could squeeze into most T20 sides in the world.

Team news

West Indies have included the 24-year old uncapped fast bowler from Guyana, Ronsford Beaton, in their 13-man squad. Beaton, who has scalped 31 wickets in 36 T20s, could be expected to feature in the playing XI at some stage in the series. Jason Holder, the ODI captain, has been rested.

West Indies (possible) 1 Evin Lewis, 2 Chadwick Walton (wk), 3 Marlon Samuels, 4 Lendl Simmons, 5 Keiron Pollard, 6 Jason Mohammed, 7 Carlos Brathwaite (capt), 8 Sunil Narine, 9 Rovman Powell, 10 Samuel Badree, 11 Kesrick Williams

Afghanistan's squad is a mix of experience and youth, and one of their key objectives in this series will be to gauge the performance of the younger crop of players as pioneers like Mohammad Nabi and Asghar Stanikzai begin to transition into the latter stages of their careers.

Afghanistan squad 1 Asghar Stanikzai (capt), 2 Amir Hamza, 3 Dawlat Zadran, 4 Fareed Ahmad, 5 Gulbadin Naib, 6 Javed Ahmadi, 7 Karim Janat, 8 Mohammad Nabi, 9 Najibullah Zadran, 10 Noor Ali Zadran, 11 Rashid Khan, 12 Samiullah Shenwari, 13 Shafiqullah (wk), 14 Shapoor Zadran, 15 Usman Ghani, 16 Afsar Zazai, 17 Naveen-ul-Haq, 18 Sharafuddin Ashraf

Pitch and conditions

Warner Park has been used sparingly for international cricket since it was inaugurated in 2006; it has hosted only 22 men's international games. The pitch is expected to take turn, which should play to both sides' strengths. There is a small chance of rain, but a full game is expected.

Stats and trivia

Danyal Rasool is a sub-editor at ESPNcricinfo. @Danny61000

ESPN Sports Media Ltd.

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Pakistan bans its cricketers from playing in Afghanistan T20 league – Hindustan Times

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) will not allow its players and coaches to feature in Afghanistans domestic Twenty20 league next month following a breakdown in relations between their boards in the wake of Wednesdays blast in Kabul.

At least 80 people were killed and hundreds wounded in Kabul in an attack which, Afghanistans intelligence agency said, had been carried out by the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network with assistance from Pakistan.

READ|Afghanistan cancels cricket series against Pakistan after Kabul terror attack

The Afghanistan Cricket Board subsequently cancelled all proposed fixtures between the countries, saying no agreement of friendly matches is possible between both parties.

The PCB responded by denying permission for cricketers such as Babar Azam, Umar Akmal and Kamran Akmal to play in the Twenty20 tournament despite being picked by franchises at last weeks auction.

READ|Every blast in Afghanistan sends shivers down the spine of these cricketers

The PCB announces that none of the players and officials (coaches) contracted to Afghanistan T20 league would be issued NOCs (no-objection certificates), the Pakistan board said in a statement on Friday.

No Pakistani player or official can feature in the league, it added.

The fifth edition of the six-team Shpageeza Cricket League begins in Kabul on July 18.

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Pakistan bans its cricketers from playing in Afghanistan T20 league - Hindustan Times

Sangakkara to feature for MCC v Afghanistan – Lord’s

Kumar Sangakkara has joined Brendon McCullum in representing MCC to play against Afghanistan on Tuesday 11 July in a historic match at the Home of Cricket.

The former Sri Lanka batsman will feature in the 50-over fixture which will be the first ever game for Afghanistan at Lords.

Tickets are now on sale online for the match, with prices set at 20 for Adults, 10 for Over-65s and 5 for Under 16s.

Sangakkara, who retires from first-class cricket at the end of this season, has been in superb form this season for Surrey, averaging 109.50 in the Specsavers County Championship after scoring five consecutive centuries - one short of a world record.

His historic run, which equalled the County Championship record, included a pair of 100s at Lord's against Middlesex, where he had the privilege of walking past his own newly unveiled portrait on his way to the middle.

Sangakkara also made 321 runs in the Royal London One-Day Cup at an average of 80.25 as Surrey qualified for the quarter-finals.

During his international career, the wicketkeeper scored 12,400 runs at an average of 57.40 in Test match cricket with a further 1,4234 runs in One-Day Internationals.

Sangakkara said: I am very excited to be playing against Afghanistan at Lords this summer.

I have a great respect and admiration for the Afghan cricketers as individuals and as a team.

They have stood tall against adversity and come out as a potent cricketing force capable of upsetting the best of sides in the shorter versions of the game.

I do hope that they will very soon attain Test status and contribute to improve and become a lasting fixture on the elite world cricketing stage.

Afghanistans progress as a one-day side was witnessed last year after the nation reached the Super 10 of the World Twenty20 finals in India, beating West Indies by six runs in Nagpur.

More recently, spinner Rashid Khan and all-rounder Mohammad Nabi have featured for Sunrisers Hyderabad in this years IPL campaign.

A similar fixture last year saw MCC beaten by Nepal in front of a crowd of nearly 6,000 at Lord's.

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Sangakkara to feature for MCC v Afghanistan - Lord's