Archive for the ‘Afghanistan’ Category

6,758 American soldiers died while serving in Afghanistan and Iraq: DoD – Video

6,758 American soldiers died while serving in Afghanistan and Iraq: DoD
The U.S. Department of Defense has released figures of service members who died in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Released on Veterans Day, it said 6-t...


6,758 American soldiers died while serving in Afghanistan and Iraq: DoD - Video

Respiratory Dangers Contractors Face in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq – Video

Respiratory Dangers Contractors Face in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq (Maitland Florida) Legal Assistant, NON-ATTORNEY Bennett Garfinkel explains what happens to the lungs of anyone who inhales the toxic chemicals from burn pits...

By: Garfinkel Schwartz PA

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Respiratory Dangers Contractors Face in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq - Video

India-Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations – Najam Sethi – Video

India-Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations - Najam Sethi
Pakistan Relations With Afghanistan - Najam Sethi For More Videos Najam sethi india najam sethi pakistan najam sethi latest najam sethi pak-af najam sethi af-pak.

By: Karan Aggarwal

Original post:
India-Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations - Najam Sethi - Video

Opium Production in Afghanistan at an All Time High – Video

Opium Production in Afghanistan at an All Time High
Opium-poppy growth in Afghanistan hit an all time high this year rising seven percent over last year with Afghan poppies now account for 90 percent of the world #39;s opium supply. Most of this...

By: TheLipTV

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Opium Production in Afghanistan at an All Time High - Video

$420 Million in U.S. Weapons, ‘Sensitive Items’ Go Missing in Afghanistan! – Video

$420 Million in U.S. Weapons, #39;Sensitive Items #39; Go Missing in Afghanistan! Nearly $420 million in weapons and other sensitive items have gone missing from U.S. Army bases in Afghanistan and are not likely to be recovered due...


Read the original here:
$420 Million in U.S. Weapons, 'Sensitive Items' Go Missing in Afghanistan! - Video