Archive for the ‘Afghanistan’ Category

Find Gilead- Afghanistan by Clark Huang and Yiming Lin – Video

Find Gilead- Afghanistan by Clark Huang and Yiming Lin
Find Gilead project of Afghanistan and oppression/abuse of women.

By: BeJay Miller

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Find Gilead- Afghanistan by Clark Huang and Yiming Lin - Video

Afghanistan landslide: Focus shifts to aiding 700 families displaced

Massoud Hossaini and Rahim Faiez, The Associated Press Published Sunday, May 4, 2014 7:16AM EDT Last Updated Sunday, May 4, 2014 2:30PM EDT

ABI BARIK, Afghanistan -- As Afghans observed a day of mourning Sunday for the hundreds of people killed in a horrific landslide, authorities tried to help the 700 families displaced by the torrent of mud that swept through their village.

The families left their homes due to the threat of more landslides in the village of Abi Barik in Badakhshan province, Minister for Rural Rehabilitation Wais Ahmad Barmak said.

Another reason for the evacuation was the threat of flooding caused in part by the landslide itself, said Mohammad Daim Kakar, from the Afghanistan Natural Disaster Management Authority. He said the shifting earth had made it difficult for water to drain through the valley -- a serious concern as rain continued to fall Sunday.

Engineers are working on a plan to divert the water, he said.

Aid groups and the government have rushed to the remote area in northeastern Afghanistan bordering Tajikistan and China with food, shelter and water. But for those affected, help was slow to arrive.

"My family, my wife and eight children are alive, but have nothing to use as shelter. We have nothing to eat," said Barat Bay, a 50-year-old farmer and father of eight. "We have passed the last two nights with our children at the top of this hill with no tent, no blanket."

Kakar, who visited the area Sunday, acknowledged that aid had yet to reach some people but said their efforts were complicated by villagers from areas unaffected by the landslide also coming to claim the aid.

A spokesman for the International Organization of Migration, Matt Graydon, said the group is bringing solar-powered lanterns, blankets and shelter kits. He said after a visit to the area Sunday that some residents have gone to nearby villages to stay with family or friends while others have slept out in the open.

"Some people left with almost nothing," Graydon said.

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Afghanistan landslide: Focus shifts to aiding 700 families displaced

Hundreds missing in landslide in Afghanistan – Video

Hundreds missing in landslide in Afghanistan
A landslide has buried hundreds of houses in a remote village in northern Afganistan. The local governor says at least two thousand people are missing. Rescue teams are working to find them...

By: Al Jazeera English

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Hundreds missing in landslide in Afghanistan - Video

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah describes the changes in Afghanistan since 2001 – Video

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah describes the changes in Afghanistan since 2001
Zack Baddorf interviews Dr. Abdullah Abdullah in Kabul, Afghanistan, in August 2012.

By: Zack Baddorf

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Dr. Abdullah Abdullah describes the changes in Afghanistan since 2001 - Video

UrduNEWS|Afghanistan main landsliding,sainkron afrad halak|SaharTV Urdu| – Video

UrduNEWS|Afghanistan main landsliding,sainkron afrad halak|SaharTV Urdu|
Broadcast Date-:-May 03 2014 -Website: -Facebook: -Twitter: -Google+

By: SaharTvUrdu

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UrduNEWS|Afghanistan main landsliding,sainkron afrad halak|SaharTV Urdu| - Video