Afghanistan Operation Renegade Fury
1st Battalion 12th Infantry Regiment 4th Brigade Combat Team 4th Infantry Division took an advisory role to help the Afghan National Army #39;s 2nd Mobile Strike Force during Operation Renegade...
By: vor033
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Afghanistan Operation Renegade Fury - Video
Big Red One Takes the Lead in Afghanistan
The 1st Infantry Division, nicknamed the Big Red One, is the United States Army #39;s oldest division, serving from World War I to Operation Enduring Freedom. Marine Corporal Tia Nagle takes us...
By: usmilitaryvideo
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Big Red One Takes the Lead in Afghanistan - Video
Robert Gates Leaves Afghanistan, June 7th 2011
By: idha doll
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Robert Gates Leaves Afghanistan, June 7th 2011 - Video
Unser Krieg - (2/2) Kampfeinsatz in Afghanistan - Doku/Dokumentation
Der Teil 2 der Dokumentation des ZDF ber den Krieg in Afghanistan. Zusammen mit den bewegenden und zum Teil schonungslosen Aussagen der Soldaten entsteht ei. iPhone 5 im Wert von 899,- gewinnen:...
By: Herminius Leevi
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Unser Krieg - (2/2) Kampfeinsatz in Afghanistan - Doku/Dokumentation - Video
A 10 Silences Taliban During Intense Night Time Firefight Afghanistan
A-10 Silences Taliban During Intense Night Time Firefight Afghanistan. U.S convoy in intense nitghtime firefight against taliban. You can see the enemy posit. U.S. Soldiers In Heavy Intense...
By: Duncan Melancon
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A 10 Silences Taliban During Intense Night Time Firefight Afghanistan - Video