Afghanistan fallen to look down on 'powerful' Anzac Day dawn service
The Australian War Memorial. Photo: Joshua Rischin
Haunting images of the faces of the 40 Australians killed in Afghanistan will be projected on the wall of the Australian War Memorial just before this year's Anzac Day dawn service.
The new event will take place as Wing Commander Sharon Bown, RAAF, reads her reflections on leading a surgical team to the war zone.
''It's very powerful and very moving,'' memorial director Brendan Nelson said on Tuesday. ''Each image will appear twice, over 13 minutes, and this is with the knowledge and concurrence of all of the families.''
Large crowds are expected at the dawn service, following a record attendance of 35,000 last year. In the lead-up to this year's event, 200 images from the Boer War to Afghanistan will be projected on the memorial's walls from 9pm on Thursday.
At 4.25am on Friday, Lieutenant Commander Desmond Woods, RAN, will read excerpts from letters and diaries from Diggers, ranging from the Gallipoli landing through to service in Somalia. Commander Bown's readings will begin at 5am.
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Afghanistan fallen to look down on 'powerful' Anzac Day dawn service