Rev. Al Sharpton honors Trayvon Martin, calls for support in fighting Trump policies – New York Daily News
Rev. Al Sharpton honors Trayvon Martin, rips Trump and AG
Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 12:48 AM
The Rev. Al Sharpton marked the fifth anniversary of the death of Trayvon Martin and the last day of Black History Month Tuesday by assailing the Trump administration and encouraging those who oppose the Presidents policies to stand up for themselves.
When people ask me where we are five years after Trayvon, I could give a whole dissertation ... but the quick answer is Trump and (U.S. Attorney General Jeff) Sessions. Thats where we are, Sharpton told a crowd at the New School near Union Square.
Sharpton spoke about how the 17-year-old African-American teens death at the hands of a neighborhood watch volunteer helped spark a movement that morphed into Black Lives Matter.
Those challenges that came out of Trayvon, all of that is the history of civil rights. None of this is new, Sharpton said.
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But the National Action Network founder said President Trump presents both a challenge and an opportunity.
I think Donald Trump and his administration could be an example of how we show the world those policies are so unfair and so insensitive, if we dont beat each other up in the huddle before we get to the field, he said.
The goal must be the priority and the coalescing around interests must be the priority ... the achievement of the goals is the only thing that will satisfy any of us.
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Rev. Al Sharpton honors Trayvon Martin, calls for support in fighting Trump policies - New York Daily News