Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category

Rev. Al Sharpton expected to preach, attend vigil in North …

Pallbearers walk Walter Scott's casket to the gravesite for his burial service in Charleston, S.C. on Saturday, April 11, 2015. Scott was fatally shot by a North Charleston, S.C., police officer a week earlier after a traffic stop. Officer Michael Slager has been charged with murder.(The Associated Press)

Judy Scott, left, looks up as an honor guard folds a U.S. flag that covered the casket of her son, Walter Scott, before it's presented to her during his burial service in Charleston, S.C. on Saturday, April 11, 2015. Walter Scott was fatally shot by a North Charleston, S.C., police officer a week earlier after a traffic stop. Officer Michael Slager has been charged with murder. (AP Photo/David Goldman)(The Associated Press)

Neda Nussbaum, left, attaches flowers to a fence accompanied by her husband, Alan, in North Charleston, S.C. on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at the scene of Walter Scott's death. Scott was fatally shot a week earlier by a North Charleston police officer after a traffic stop. Officer Michael Slager has been charged with murder. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)(The Associated Press)

People gather inside the lobby of city hall as Danielle Richardson, of James Island, S.C., speaks during a rally in protest to the shooting death of Walter Scott, Saturday, April 11, 2015, in North Charleston, S.C. Scott was fatally shot by a North Charleston, S.C., police officer a week earlier after a traffic stop. Officer Michael Slager has been charged with murder. (AP Photo/David Goldman)(The Associated Press)

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. The Rev. Al Sharpton is expected to appear in North Charleston and attend a vigil for Walter Scott, the black driver who was fatally shot by a white police officer after he fled a traffic stop.

Sharpton is expected to preach Sunday at Charity Missionary Baptist Church before attending a vigil near the scene of the shooting.

Scott was shot April 4 and former officer Michael Slager initially said he fired after a tussle over his department-issued Taser. Witness video showed that Slager fired eight times as Scott ran away. Slager was fired and has been charged with murder.

The shooting sparked outrage as another instance of a white law officer fatally shooting an unarmed black man under questionable circumstances.

Hundreds gathered in Summerville on Saturday for Scott's funeral.

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Rev. Al Sharpton expected to preach, attend vigil in North ...

Sharpton urges unity, praises S.C. mayor

Rev. Al Sharpton speaking at Charity Baptist Church. WCSC

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. -- The Rev. Al Sharpton called for unity during a vigil at the site where 50-year-old Walter Scott was fatally shot by a North Charleston police officer.

A small crowd assembled Sunday afternoon under cloudy skies in the grassy, fenced-in area to pray for Scott, his family and for justice.

Scott was shot after fleeing a traffic stop April 4. Then-officer Michael Slager initially said Scott was shot after a tussle over his stun gun, but witness video surfaced showing Scott being shot as he ran away. Slager was fired and has been charged with murder.

Other speakers at the vigil urged the crowd to attend an upcoming meeting at the South Carolina Capitol about a bill proposing body cameras for officers in the state.

Earlier, Sharpton thanked the mayor and police chief in North Charleston, South Carolina for their response to the fatal shooting of Walter Scott during his sermon at a local church on Sunday morning. | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Sharpton appeared at Charity Missionary Baptist Church, where mayor Keith Summey and Police Chief Eddie Driggers were among those in the congregation.

"What this mayor did is what we've asked mayors to do all over the country. Not 'do us a favor,' just enforce the law," Sharpton said, CBS affiliate WCSC reported.

Despite the city's response and Sharpton's praise, there's still a lingering sense of skepticism about whether Scott's death would have been thoroughly investigated without the witness video.

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Sharpton urges unity, praises S.C. mayor

Sharpton leads memorial for shooting victim Walter Scott

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. The Rev. Al Sharpton thanked the mayor and police chief in North Charleston on Sunday for their response to the fatal shooting of Walter Scott.

Sharpton gave the sermon at Charity Missionary Baptist Church, where Mayor Keith Summey and Police Chief Eddie Driggers were among those in the congregation. Later, he led a vigil for a small crowd in the grassy, fenced-in area where Scott, 50, was fatally shot after fleeing a traffic stop April 4.

Then-officer Michael Slager initially said Scott was shot after a tussle over his Taser, but witness video later surfaced showing Scott being shot as he ran away. Slager was fired and has been charged with murder.

Scotts death was criticized as another police shooting of an unarmed black man by a white officer under questionable circumstances. In Sharptons commendation of the citys response, he said the mayor and police chiefs swift action could set the tone for handling future questions of police misconduct across the country.

Despite the citys response and Sharptons praise, theres still a lingering sense of skepticism about whether Scotts death would have been thoroughly investigated without the witness video. The mayor and the chief, they did what they had to do because none of us are blind, Keith White, 60, of North Charleston, said before the church service. Everyone saw the video and they did what they were forced to do once that video became public.

The response by city officials and the local community hasnt been similar to that of Ferguson, Missouri, where protests after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown and a grand jurys decision not to indict the officer who shot him turned violent and exposed striking social rifts between black and white residents in the area.

Photo: AP

Some North Charleston residents have said they suspect abuse of power and public trust among law enforcement as issues that may have played a more pivotal role than race in Scotts death.

Its not about the color of your skin, its about social justice. When we all practice social justice were all free, said Mattese Lecque, a North Charleston resident who heard Sharpton preach Sunday. Sometimes it takes disaster to bring about change, and thats whats happening now.

Before concluding his sermon, Sharpton mentioned that South Carolina is an important state in the upcoming presidential race. He charged the congregation with pressing candidates about their stances on community policing.

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Sharpton leads memorial for shooting victim Walter Scott

Sharpton leads service to remember SC police shooting victim

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. During a sermon at a North Charleston church, the Rev. Al Sharpton said Sunday that swift action taken by a white mayor and police chief in the South could set the tone for handling future questions of police misconduct across the country.

"It's not about black and white. It's about right and wrong," Sharpton said. "What this mayor did is what we've been asking mayors to do all over the country: Not do us a favor, just enforce the law."

The tone of the local community's response to the shooting death of Walter Scott, 50, has been different than other instances of unarmed black men being fatally shot by white police officers, including the violent demonstrations from people in Ferguson, Missouri after Michael Brown's death.

Sharpton preached at the Charity Missionary Baptist Church and commended Mayor Keith Summey and Police Chief Eddie Driggers both of whom were in the congregation and at a later vigil at the grassy vacant lot where Scott was shot to death.

The shooting was captured on dramatic video that was taken by a witness. Scott was shot after fleeing a traffic stop by then-officer Michael Slager. The officer initially said Scott was shot after a tussle over his Taser, but the witness video that later surfaced showed Scott being shot at eight times as he ran away. Slager was fired and has been charged with murder.

Scott's death was criticized as yet another fatal shooting involving an unarmed black man by a white officer under questionable circumstances.

Some North Charleston community members said they suspect abuse of power and the abuse of public trust played more of a role than race in the shooting.

"It's not about the color of your skin, it's about social justice. When we all practice social justice, we're all free," said Mattese Lecque, a North Charleston resident who heard Sharpton preach. "Sometimes it takes disaster to bring about change, and that's what's happening now."

The chants, hymns and calls for more police accountability during small rallies in North Charleston have echoed those in Ferguson, Missouri.

However, many in the North Charleston area have said they don't want to see the burned-out buildings, broken windows and social tension that characterized Ferguson after Brown's shooting and the announcement that a grand jury wouldn't indict the officer who shot him.

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Sharpton leads service to remember SC police shooting victim

Sharpton thanks mayor, police chief for response to S.C. shooting

David Goldman/AP Photo

The Rev. Al Sharpton speaks during a service at Charity Missionary Baptist Church in the wake of the death of Walter Scott, the black driver who was fatally shot by a white police officer after he fled a traffic stop, Sunday, April 12, 2015, in North Charleston, S.C. The officer, Michael Thomas Slager, has been fired and charged withmurder.

By Phillip Lucas, Associated Press

Sunday, April 12, 2015 | 1:19 p.m.

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. The Rev. Al Sharpton thanked the mayor and police chief in North Charleston, S.C., for their response to the fatal shooting of Walter Scott during a sermon Sunday morning at a local church.

Sharpton appeared at Charity Missionary Baptist Church, where mayor Keith Summey and Police Chief Eddie Driggers were among those in the congregation.

Scott, 50, was fatally shot after fleeing a traffic stop on April 4. Former officer Michael Slager initially said Scott was shot after a tussle over his Taser, but witness video later surfaced showing Scott being shot as he ran away. Slager was fired and has been charged with murder.

Scott's death was criticized as another police shooting of an unarmed black man by a white officer under questionable circumstances. In Sharpton's commendation of the city's response, he said the mayor and police chief's swift action could set the tone for handling future questions of police misconduct across the country.

Despite the city's response and Sharpton's praise, there's still a lingering sense of skepticism about whether Scott's death would have been thoroughly investigated without the witness video.

"The mayor and the chief, they did what they had to do because none of us are blind," Keith White, 60, of North Charleston, said before the church service. "Everyone saw the video and they did what they were forced to do once that video became public."

See the article here:
Sharpton thanks mayor, police chief for response to S.C. shooting