Walter Scott family ‘bar Rev Al Sharpton from the funeral …
Source close to Scott family say they have told the Reverend to stay away Rev Al Sharpton was vocal after Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson He was criticized for stirring up rage as Missouri city was hit by violence Family of father-of-four Walter Scott are planning relatives-only memorial service at home in North Charleston, South Carolina His killing has grabbed national attention after video emerged showing white officer Michael Slager shooting him in the back New video from Slager's car shows no violent conflict before Scott ran off Another new video shows two officers arriving and not giving CPR
By Mia De Graaf For
Published: 23:04 EST, 9 April 2015 | Updated: 15:07 EST, 10 April 2015
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Walter Scott's family have asked Al Sharpton not to attend the funeral, it is claimed.
The New York-based Reverend became a prominent voice in the wake of Michael Brown's shooting at the hands of a white police officer in Ferguson last August.
But as the nation's attention turns to South Carolina and footage showing Officer Michael Slager shooting dead father-of-four Walter Scott, his parents and brothers have made plain that they do not want the same treatment.
According to the New York Daily News, the family told Rev Sharpton to 'keep away' from the relatives-only memorial service.
Walter Scott family 'bar Rev Al Sharpton from the funeral ...