Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category

Flag Baby, Judges against Flag display, Al Sharpton, & H – Video

Flag Baby, Judges against Flag display, Al Sharpton, H
Did you see the photo of the baby in an American Flag held by U.S. Navy dad? What do you think? Unpatriotic or love of country? Some are calling for his dishonorable discharge? Is that really...

By: The Real Side

Visit link:
Flag Baby, Judges against Flag display, Al Sharpton, & H - Video

POLITICSNATION WITH AL SHARPTON | George W. Bush to join Selma march celebration – Video

POLITICSNATION WITH AL SHARPTON | George W. Bush to join Selma march celebration
POLITICSNATION WITH AL SHARPTON 2/25/15 George W. Bush to join Selma march celebration Former President George W. Bush will join Pres. Obama and thousands of...

By: Msnbc

See the rest here:
POLITICSNATION WITH AL SHARPTON | George W. Bush to join Selma march celebration - Video

Louis Farrakhan 2015 – The Rev Al Sharpton Louis Farrakhan Comedy Hour – Video

Louis Farrakhan 2015 - The Rev Al Sharpton Louis Farrakhan Comedy Hour
farrakhan | farrakhan 2015 | farrakhan speeches | farrakhan on bill cosby | farrakhan this week | farrakhan on ferguson | farrakhan on isis | farrakhan interview | farrakhan on donahue Louis...

By: IslamRegionSpeak

See more here:
Louis Farrakhan 2015 - The Rev Al Sharpton Louis Farrakhan Comedy Hour - Video

Pansy Watch: $20 Billion Lawsuit Against Al Sharpton & Associates – Video

Pansy Watch: $20 Billion Lawsuit Against Al Sharpton Associates
Ras Reports #39;Head Line #39;

By: Ras Reports

Here is the original post:
Pansy Watch: $20 Billion Lawsuit Against Al Sharpton & Associates - Video

POLITICSNATION WITH AL SHARPTON 3/10/15 Bon voyage, Rush Limbaugh – Video

POLITICSNATION WITH AL SHARPTON 3/10/15 Bon voyage, Rush Limbaugh
POLITICSNATION WITH AL SHARPTON 3/10/15 Bon voyage, Rush Limbaugh Five years ago, Rush Limbaugh promised that if the ACA is completely implemented and working by today, he #39;d leave the ...

By: Msnbc

Read more from the original source:
POLITICSNATION WITH AL SHARPTON 3/10/15 Bon voyage, Rush Limbaugh - Video