Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category


POLITICSNATION WITH AL SHARPTON 3/4/15 SCOTUS begins ACA arguments Rev. Sharpton talks to Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) and Jeffrey Rosen, president of the Nati...

By: Msnbc

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Malzberg | Byron Allen takes on Al Sharpton, explains why he’s "disappointed" with Barack Obama. – Video

Malzberg | Byron Allen takes on Al Sharpton, explains why he #39;s "disappointed" with Barack Obama.
Byron Allen, Chairman/CEO of Entertainment Studio, tells Steve Malzberg that he #39;s "disappointed" with President Obama #39;s treatment of the African-American com...

By: NewsmaxTV

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Malzberg | Byron Allen takes on Al Sharpton, explains why he's "disappointed" with Barack Obama. - Video

Man Of God: Come Out And Confess – Video

Man Of God: Come Out And Confess The Manning Report Dr. James David Manning continues to teach the man of God. (18 Feb. 2015) Please Boycott the supporters of Al Sharpton. Here is the links below: http://atl...

By: ATLAHWorldwide

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Man Of God: Come Out And Confess - Video

Al Sharpton, Comcast sued for racial discrimination

A black media group has filed a $20 billion racial-discrimination lawsuit against Comcast and Time Warner, as well as MSNBC host Al Sharpton, the NAACP and other black advocacy groups, for allegedly being paid to facilitate such discrimination.

The National Association of African-American Owned Media and Entertainment Studios Networks filed the complaint in California on Friday ahead of Comcast and Time Warners proposed merger.

According to court documents obtained by The Hollywood Reporter, the group claims that Comcast and Time Warner collectively spend approximately $25 billion annually for the licensing of pay-television channels and advertising of their products and services, yet 100% African Americanowned media receives less than $3 million per year.

The lawsuit claims that Comcasts diversity deals with the NAACP, the National Urban League and Mr. Sharptons National Action Network are a sham, undertaken to whitewash Comcasts discriminatory business practices.

Despite the notoriously low ratings that Sharptons show generates, Comcast has allowed Sharpton to maintain his hosting position for more than three years in exchange for Sharptons continued public support for Comcast on issues of diversity, the lawsuit says.

Comcast said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter that the complaint represents nothing more than a string of inflammatory, inaccurate, and unsupported allegations.

We are proud of our outstanding record supporting and fostering diverse programming, including programming from African-Americanowned and controlled cable channels, a spokeswoman said. We will defend vigorously against the scurrilous allegations in this complaint and fully expect that the court will dismiss them.

The National Action Network said it has not been served with any papers and considers the claim frivolous.

If in fact we were to be served, we would gladly defend our relationship with any company as well as to state on the record why we found these discriminatory accusations made by said party to be less than credible and beneath the standards that we engage in, the group said, THR reported. As for Rev. Sharptons TV show ratings the numbers are clear. Rev. Sharptons show has the highest ratings of any 6 p.m. show in the history of the network.

Mr. Sharpton said he welcomes the opportunity to answer the frivolous allegations and says he will be bringing counterclaims for defamation, THR reported.

Here is the original post:
Al Sharpton, Comcast sued for racial discrimination

Eric Holder Defends Al Sharpton's Ties To White House, Despite Tax Debts

At tax time, many Americans might find it pretty tempting to emulate Rev. Al Sharpton. After all, heseems to get by just fine no matter how many taxeshe owes and no matter for how long. And he seems to be more of a fixture at the White House than Lois Lerners hard drive. Even Politico seems to be scratching its collective head. Politico was where Lois Lerner broke her silence.

And Politico justasked outgoing Attorney GeneralEric Holder,IsAl Sharptontoo close to this White House? The softball interviewer who had the temerity to make such an outrageous suggestion wasMike Allen, Politicos chief White House correspondent. That such aquestionis even being asked by Democrats who rarely question the President is a surprise.

Mr. Sharpton has been accused , for example, byEric Garners daughter,of being all about themoney. And yet the reverend and activist owes New York State over $900,000 from 2008 and 2010 taxes, and greater sums to the IRS. With about $4.5 million in tax liens, most taxpayers know they would be pushed and prodded to pay. Mr. Sharpton, however, seems graced by a kind of Teflon liturgical outfit.

Some might be luck, of course. On severaloccasions he suffered fires that destroyed his records. It is hard not to think ofLois Lerners hard drive. Several fires destroyed Mr. Sharptons financial records just as he was about to turn them over to officials. But AG Holder sees no problem, though Mr. Sharpton has been to the White House on many occasions. Aside from Mr. Holder, many peoplehave questioned whyPresident Obama would so elevateRev.Sharpton, particularly sincehe owes millions in taxes.

Mr. Holder sawnoproblem with Rev.Sharptons proximity to the most powerful man in the world, saying, The president has a number of people who he listens to, who he interacts with. You know, Reverend Sharpton is a person who has interacted with people within the administration, including myself. But we also hear from people who have, you know, fundamentally different views than Al Sharpton has.

Not all of the tax problems are new. In 1993, Rev. Sharptonpleaded guilty to a misdemeanorfor failure to file a state tax return. HisRaw Talent operation which he usesforspeaking engagements has reportedly also hadtax problems. But beyond these smidgens, Mr. Sharpton has never faced criminal tax-related charges. He has been marvelously successful inexplaining that he is simply in over his head.

It isnt only the taxman that is not being paid, according to reports. Even worthy causes like hotels, landlords, and travel agencies are getting the cold shoulder from Mr. Sharpton or from his advocacy organization, theNational Action Network. He hastwo for-profit business,Revals Communications and Raw Talent. Some of his financial woes appear to stem from poor divisions between business and personal, a common tax problem among entrepreneurs.

See the article here:
Eric Holder Defends Al Sharpton's Ties To White House, Despite Tax Debts