Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category

Erica Snipes, Eric Garner's daughter, slams Al Sharpton as 'all about' the money

Erica Snipes, the daughter of Eric Garner the New Yorker who was placed in a chokehold by police and died hours later at the hospital has issued a scathing assessment of Al Sharpton, reportedly saying the reverend only cares about money, not principle.

She made the statements during a secretly recorded conversation with Project Veritas, the group headed by conservative activist James OKeefe, the New York Postreported.

One of Mr. OKeefes employees posed as a supporter of Garner during a protest at the St. George Ferry Terminal on Staten Island and recorded the discussion with a hidden camera, the newspaper said.

In the video, the investigator asks: You think Al Sharpton is kind of like a crook in a sense?

And Ms. Snipes answers: Hes about this, and then rubs her fingers together, the New York Post reported.

Hes about money with you?

And she answers: Yeah, the newspaper reported.

Ms. Snipes also said that Mr. Sharptons National Action Network director on Staten Island, Cynthia Davis, chided her for distributing street fliers about her father that didnt contain the NAN logo.

[Davis] started attacking me Oh, I see that you got this flier out, how come you didnt add the logo? Instead of me, [Sharpton] wants his face in front, she said, the New York Post reported. Al Sharpton paid for the funeral. Shes trying to make me feel like I owe them.

Ms. Snipes later said in an interview with the New York Post that she didnt say that I think Al Sharpton is all about the money, but stood by her criticisms of Ms. Davis. Mr. Sharpton, meanwhile, accused Project Veritas of splicing and dicing stuff together and of distortion, he said, the New York Post reported.

See the article here:
Erica Snipes, Eric Garner's daughter, slams Al Sharpton as 'all about' the money

Racist Al Sharpton Gives Patronizing Lecture to Dr. Ben Carson – Video

Racist Al Sharpton Gives Patronizing Lecture to Dr. Ben Carson
Al Sharpton whose use an opinion on America is the most comical thing you can listen to on the Internet now has decided he has the moral authority to lecture...

By: Rane Davi

Racist Al Sharpton Gives Patronizing Lecture to Dr. Ben Carson - Video

Reverend Al Sharpton: From Slavery to Freedom – Video

Reverend Al Sharpton: From Slavery to Freedom


Reverend Al Sharpton: From Slavery to Freedom - Video

MSNBC Is Firing Al Sharpton! About Damn Tim – Video

MSNBC Is Firing Al Sharpton! About Damn Tim
MSNBC Is Firing Al Sharpton! About Damn Time! BUY TH...

By: Promoting Common Sense One Person At A Time

View original post here:
MSNBC Is Firing Al Sharpton! About Damn Tim - Video

Media companies, Al Sharpton sued for discrimination

NEW YORK, Feb. 24 (UPI) -- Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Al Sharpton, the NAACP and other African-American advocacy groups are being sued for discrimination by the National Association of African American Owned Media and Entertainment Studios Networks.

NAAAOM, the media company founded by comedian Byron Allen, claims that Comcast discriminates against media owned by African Americans.

The $20 billion suit claims that the only 100 percent African American-owned channel Comcast has agreed to broadcast is the Africa Channel.

The suit accuses Sharpton of helping "whitewash" white-owned businesses with black celebrities as "window dressing." It also charges Comcast with making large cash donations to Sharpton and his National Action Network for public support of Comcast's diversity and the acquisition of NBC Universal.

The suit claims that when Entertainment Studios contacted Comcast to talk about a merger, the company replied "We're not trying to create any more Bob Johnsons," in reference to the African American founder of Black Entertainment Television. Johnson sold BET to Viacom in 2001.

"Comcast has engaged in good-faith negotiations with this programmer for many years. It is disappointing that they have decided to file a frivolous lawsuit. We will defend vigorously against the scurrilous allegations in this complaint and fully expect that the court will dismiss them," Comcast said in a statement.

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Media companies, Al Sharpton sued for discrimination