Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category

ARMSTRONG WILLIAMS: The Teflon Don of civil rights


The Rev. Al Sharpton seems to have learned this lesson long ago: When youre a controversial civil rights leader whos made a career out of harassing the cops and embarrassing the government, never keep any assets in your own name. But that has never prevented authorities from vigorously inspecting the good reverends personal and organizational finances over the years, often coming up with troves of improprieties ranging from misappropriation to delinquency and possible fraud.

But even when the government seemed to have Mr. Sharpton and his organization squarely within its sights and hobbled by the costs of litigation, fines and arrears assessed for unpaid taxes, none of it seemed to stick.

He has repeatedly stuck his thumb in the eye of the best-laid plans for his demise and risen to a level of mainstream power and influence that belies what many feel is at best an unorthodox style and, at worst, a cynical exploitation of the suffering of the people he purports to represent. Certainly Mr. Sharptons role in the tawdry Tawana Brawley hoax, and his subsequent conviction for defamation for his role in tarnishing the careers and reputations of the falsely accused police officers, should been enough to bury him for good.

But the lessons he learned early on stood him in good stead. When the cameras are on, Mr. Sharpton seems to be literally everywhere. But when it comes time to pay the bill for that infamously earned publicity, he vanishes into a cloud of impalpable smoke. What assets does he own? Who pays his expenses? How does he manage to get around the country and set up shop at a moments notice each time there is a controversy involving the police and black people? Those are questions that government officials have tied themselves in knots trying to answer over the years, mostly to no avail.

Whats probably most remarkable about Mr. Sharptons financial shenanigans is that, rather than being a source of shame, they are seen by his most ardent supporters as a badge of honor. In fact, he has played on the justified suspicions of many blacks that the powers that be will use every trick in the book, up to and including assassination, to discredit black leaders who are considered a thorn in the side of the system.

But Mr. Sharpton can adroitly use that cover because he has singed the government so many times over cases such as the abuse of Abner Louima and the fatal shooting of Amadou Diallo that, in many cases, municipalities will try to settle cases as quickly as possible, lest Mr. Sharpton drag them through the mud for months and years. Its not just the millions in settlements to the aggrieved families: Mr. Sharpton has probably been more influential in spurring changes in police procedure, including use of force and improving internal investigations, than perhaps any single person since the civil rights movement.

Thats impressive.

And yet how hard could it possibly be for the government to collect the $4.5 million in federal taxes that even Mr. Sharpton acknowledges he owes? Therein lies the rub. The government has attempted the threat of financial and/or criminal sanctions to gain leverage over Mr. Sharpton and his organization. It does not really want him to be free and clear of financial encumbrances lest he really get out of hand and start making more substantive demands. And so rather than bringing the full weight and power of the law down on Mr. Sharpton, the government has acted more like a lenient creditor at best and, at worst, an angel investor in Mr. Sharptons improbable yet undisputedly successful enterprise.

He has in a sense evolved into the crazy uncle who owes you money but still gets invited over to holiday dinners because not doing so would cause strife in the family. And who wants family strife, especially during the holidays?

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ARMSTRONG WILLIAMS: The Teflon Don of civil rights

Bill de Blasio, Al Sharpton depicted as 'Fifty Shades' characters in GOP ad

State Republicans mocked New York City Mayor Bill de Blasios cozy relationship with Rev. Al Sharpton on Tuesday by issuing a parody poster of the pair as Fifty Shades of Grey characters.

In the poster titled Fifty Shades of Bill, the mayors face is superimposed over an image of the raunchy films female protagonist. His head rests dramatically on Mr. Sharptons shoulder.

Tied up by his habitual tardiness. Dominated by the duties of his office. Handcuffed by his poor management of the NYPD, reads the poster by the New York Republican State Committee.

The parallels between the heroine of Americas hottest movie and New Yorks mayor are striking: both have completely ceded control over their situation to outside forces, and the results are difficult to watch, said David Laska, the state GOPs spokesman, The New York Observer reported.

On the committees website, the group calls the film the movie phenomenon thats sweeping the country and said New York Citys mayor wanted to get in on the fun.

Kirsten John Foy, a director with Mr. Sharptons National Action Network, called the parody junk.

The New York State Republican Party owes Rev. Al Sharpton and communities of color, particularly the African-American community, the LGBTQ community and the mayor an apology, and they need to immediately sever ties with whoever is responsible for this junk, Mr. Foy told The Observer.

To depict the mayor as a woman, as a female lover of Rev. Sharpton, is disrespectful to people who have put their lives on the line to advance the causes of civil rights and gender equality, he added.

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Bill de Blasio, Al Sharpton depicted as 'Fifty Shades' characters in GOP ad

Congressman Andre Carson with Rev. Al Sharpton – Video

Congressman Andre Carson with Rev. Al Sharpton
Indianapolis Congressman Andre Carson spoke with Rev. Al Sharpton (and Jonathan Capehart) about President Obama, Islam, terrorism and Muslims in America on M...

By: Wilson46201

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Congressman Andre Carson with Rev. Al Sharpton - Video

Rev. Al Sharpton to Deliver Key Sermon in Selma on Sunday

Rev. Al Sharpton to Deliver Key Sermon in Selma on Sunday Sermon commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery marches and signing of the voting rights act of 1965

Mar 6, 15 by EURweb editor/BJ 8 Comments

*(New York, NY) On Sunday, March 8 at 11 a.m., Rev. Al Sharpton, President of National Action Network, will deliver a key sermon at Brown Chapel A.M.E. in Selma, Alabama, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders were based during the 1965 Voting Rights campaign and organized historic marches from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.

WHO: Rev. Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network

WHAT: Key sermon to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery marches and the signing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

WHERE: Brown Chapel A.M.E., 410 Martin Luther King St, Selma, AL 36703

WHEN: March 8, 11 a.m.

Additionally, on Friday, March 6, Rev. Sharpton will host his MSNBC show Politics Nation live from Selma as well as his nationally syndicated radio show. On Saturday, March 7, he will join other civil rights leaders as they listen to President Obama and Bushs speeches at the Edmund Pettus Bridge to mark the 50th anniversary of the marches from Selma to Montgomery and the signing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

On Saturday evening at 5 p.m., Rev. Al Sharpton will participate in a civil rights forum at the Selma Convention Center, and at 7 p.m., he will speak at an HIV/AIDS Town Hall meeting at Selma University. On Sunday, before his sermon at Brown A.M.E., Rev. Sharpton will participate in the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King Unity Breakfast. Following his sermon, he will participate in the march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge and post-march rally at 4 p.m.

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Rev. Al Sharpton to Deliver Key Sermon in Selma on Sunday

Eric Garner's Daughter Accuses Al Sharpton Of Caring Only About Money

Society By Lisa Fogarty, Tue, February 24, 2015

The Reverend Al Sharpton was one of the first leaders to speak out against police brutality after Staten Island man Eric Garner died in July after a cop put him in a chokehold.

But a secretly recorded conversation between Garner's daughter and an activist reveals Sharpton may not be a close family friend. Erica Snipes reportedly revealed to an investigator from activist James O'Keefe's group, Project Veritas, that Sharpton was more interested in money than in helping others, reports the New York Post.

Posing as a Garner supporter, the investigator reportedly interviewed Snipes using a hidden camera during a protest last month in Staten Island. When asked if she thought the Baptist minister was a "crook," Snipes can be seen rubbing her fingers together and saying, "He's about this."

The investigator attempted to clarify by asking if he is "about money," to which Garner's oldest daughter replied, "Yeah."

Snipes says she tried to distribute fliers about her father and that she was stopped by the Staten Island director of Sharpton's National Action Network, Cynthia Davis, who told her she should have included the organization's logo on the materials.

"Instead of me, he wants his face in front," Snipes reportedly said of Sharpton.

When Snipes was interviewed by the New York Post,she reportedly denied saying Sharpton was all about money, but continued to criticize Davis and said she tried to keep her from attending a protest against mass incarceration.

Sharpton slammed Project Veritas and said its members are using Snipes and other victims to satisfy their own agenda.

"They're splicing and dicing stuff together," Sharpton reportedly said. "It was a distortion. Erica is a sincere victim. She was not trying to infer anything with me."

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Eric Garner's Daughter Accuses Al Sharpton Of Caring Only About Money