Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category

Judge Napolitano: Al Sharpton’s Using The Race Card "Reprenhensible" – Video

Judge Napolitano: Al Sharpton #39;s Using The Race Card "Reprenhensible"
Air Date: January 5th, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;f...

By: selfownership1

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Judge Napolitano: Al Sharpton's Using The Race Card "Reprenhensible" - Video

MSNBC Should Fire Al Sharpton – Video

MSNBC Should Fire Al Sharpton
How is it possible for Al Sharpton to still be hosting a show on MSNBC? His hate-speech has led to the death of at least two police officers and possibly more. It is time to demand that MSNBC...

By: NewsWithViews.TV

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MSNBC Should Fire Al Sharpton - Video

The New York Post Takes Aim at Shakedown Al Sharpton

*The Rev. Al Sharpton has never been a stranger to anyone with a beef against him.

Or in this case, a publication with a beef against Sharpton as the New York Post devoted a recentfront page to the MSNBC host with allusions to Sharpton being paid to keep quiet about shady activities from corporations.

Want to influence a casino bid? Polish your corporate image? Not be labeled a racist? Then you need to pay Al Sharpton, the story, written by Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klein, said.

For more than a decade, corporations have shelled out thousands of dollars in donations and consulting fees to Sharptons National Action Network. What they get in return is the reverend supposed sway in the black community or, more often, his silence. . .

In response to the article, Sharpton pointed out on the National Action Network website that, What is interesting is that the exact same story was done by the exact same New York Post writer on June 15, 2008 and was widely discredited. . . .

The Post may not be the only publication Sharpton has to worry about. A story by Luke Mullins for the Washingtonian magazine hints that the creation of Sharptons MSNBC show PoliticsNation was part of a plan for Comcasts takeover of NBC upon winning federal approval.

In 2009 and 2010, Comcast gave $155,000 to an organization founded by the Reverend Al Sharpton, who ended up endorsing the merger, Mullins wrote in the magazines January issue. The campaign paid off. In January 2011, Washington approved the deal. . . .

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The New York Post Takes Aim at Shakedown Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton wields a special kind of magic

During the Christmas season, the national media hoped to once again dip the entire Republican Party in the mire of David Duke and other racists, to spread that taint across the political landscape. Republicans fought back with Obama's long association with his racist Reverend Jeremiah Wright, which the media worked hard to erase as utterly irrelevant.

But here's someone who hasn't been removed from the spotlight around Obama. We recently found an amazing video The New York Times made about Al Sharpton, the unrepentant racial hoax-exploiter. Sharpton has never suffered from ruining reputations and causing strife over teenager Tawana Brawley's made-up stories of rape and racist mistreatment at the hands of white cops in the late 1980s.

The video ends with left-wing journalist Wayne Barrett exclaiming, "One would think if he sold you such a terrible bill of goods, on such a giant story that dominated news cycles for such a long period of time and proved to be a total hoax, that you might not show up at his next press conference with your camera crew. He has managed to transcend it magically."

That "magic" is the liberal media's absolute shamelessness about Sharpton's cynical exploitation of (and lying about) race. He's not only benefited from gooey liberal media coverage. Comcast hired him into the media as a nightly talk show host on MSNBC - even as they continue to subsidize his activist day job at the National Action Network.

If Republicans have public relations problems from radical race-hustling figures, what about the president? In August, Politico reported that Sharpton was Obama's "go-to man on race," exchanging texts and phone calls with top administration officials. "There's a trust factor with The Rev from the Oval Office on down," a White House official familiar with their dealings told Politico. "He gets it, and he's got credibility in the community that nobody else has got."

He's not a cynical race hustler, says the White House. He's Captain Credibility. "Sharpton - so often criticized for being a self-promoter - finds himself in the unusual position of being too close to a White House that seems to be losing power by the day, " Politico concluded.

Sharpton is magic, according to Obama.

In November, The New York Times reported, "Sharpton has regularly sidestepped the sorts of obligations most people see as inevitable, like taxes, rent and other bills. Records reviewed by The New York Times show more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his for-profit businesses."

Sharpton is so shameless that he attacked the Times as some sort of conservative outfit: "A lot of people don't like the fact that President Obama is the president; a lot of people do not like the fact that Bill de Blasio won for mayor." The Times ran that quote themselves, as if they thought it had some merit.

How magical. Fox host Greta Van Susteren wondered why Obama's IRS isn't garnishing Sharpton's wages. Silly Greta: The IRS is too busy hounding conservative groups to worry about left-wing groups Obama favors.

See the rest here:
Al Sharpton wields a special kind of magic

John Burns Discusses Kim Kardashians Paper Magazine Cover Photo on Politics Nation – Video

John Burns Discusses Kim Kardashians Paper Magazine Cover Photo on Politics Nation
John Burns Discusses Kim Kardashian #39;s Paper Magazine Cover Photo on Politics Nation with Al Sharpton on MSNBC.

By: John Burns

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John Burns Discusses Kim Kardashians Paper Magazine Cover Photo on Politics Nation - Video