Viagra prescription in Rev Al Sharpton’s name found by …
Rev Al Sharpton has accused police of trying to embarrass him Leaked that his Viagra prescription found at Sanford Rubenstein's home Rubenstein, 70, was accused of attacking a woman last October 42-year-old executive accused him of raping her in his New York penthouse Manhattan district attorney says there isn't enough evidence to prosecute Prescription for erectile dysfunction pill found during probe into the case
By Ted Thornhill for MailOnline
Published: 07:38 EST, 6 January 2015 | Updated: 08:43 EST, 6 January 2015
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Rev Al Sharpton has accused police of trying to embarrass him after they revealed they found his Viagra prescription in the apartment of a lawyer friend recently cleared of rape charges.
High-profile civil rights attorney Sanford Rubenstein, 70, has been told he will not face criminal charges after a woman accused him of rape last year.
But rather than the case disappearing from the media spotlight, it was leaked that a prescription for Viagra a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction was found in Rubensteins apartment, made out in Sharptons name.
Rev Al Sharpton (center) has accused police of trying to embarrass him after they revealed they found his Viagra prescription in the apartment of a lawyer friend, Sanford Rubenstein (second left)
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Viagra prescription in Rev Al Sharpton's name found by ...