Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category

Bow Wows Got Words For Rev. Al Sharpton and His Hair Grease

Bow Wows Got Words For Rev. Al Sharpton and His Hair Grease

Dec 16, 14 by Qwest7 24 Comments

*The Rev. Al Sharpton may have kept the plight of those protesting the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner in the public eye with this past weekends March on Washington, but rapper/actor/TV host Bow Wow was not moved.

The 106 & Park co-host voiced his opinion about Sharpton and his motivation for being amongst the protestors with the following post on his Facebook page:

Stationed outside the U. S. Capital, Sharpton stood next to the families affected by the loss of loved ones at the hands of police as he proclaimed the movement to bring wrongdoing by the police to light will not end anytime soon.

You thought youd sweep it under the rug. You thought thered be no limelight. We are going to keep the light on Michael Brown, on Eric Garner, on Tamir Rice, on all of these victims because the only way Im sorry, I come out of the hood the only way you can make roaches run, you got to cut the light on, Sharton said.

Bow Wows post apparently struck a nerve with a few folks. Some who saw it agreed with what he wrote, while others wondered exactly what he was doing for the cause. The post is the latest shot fired by the entertainer, who criticized Sharptons presence in Ferguson in August after Browns death. According to Bow Wow, the MSNBC host has a habit of always being where the TV cameras are.

Bow Wow isnt the only one coming down on Sharptons knack for attracting public attention to him. The activist caught a thumbs down from the aunt of Akai Gurley, the young man who got shot in a dark stairwell last month by a rookie cop in Brooklyn. In her eyes, Sharpton was guilty of doing too much as the family prepared to bury Akai. So much so that she told the New York Post that Sharpton tried to deliver the eulogy without talking to the family about it first.

So does Bow Wowreally have a point with what hes saying about Sharpton or is it a question of what has Bow Wow done for the cause?

Weigh in below:

Read the rest here:
Bow Wows Got Words For Rev. Al Sharpton and His Hair Grease

Donald Trump says Sony Pictures co-chief Amy Pascal should 'resign for stupidity reasons'

Real estate mogul and reality-TV star told MailOnline that Pascal's troubles are far from over 'Al Sharpton will toy with her, use her and then dispose of her,' Trump said in an exclusive interview Rumors are swirling that the Sony pictures co-chair will be fired to 'set an example' Pascal's emails were leaked online in a hack thought to be carried out by a group with ties to the North Korean regime Some emails were racially charged, including a few that joked about President Obama's preference for financing only movies with slave themes

By David Martosko, U.S. Political Editor and Ashley Collman for MailOnline

Published: 21:08 EST, 15 December 2014 | Updated: 03:46 EST, 16 December 2014



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Real estate titan Donald Trump said Monday that Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal should quit her job because of the 'stupidity' involved with asking Rev. Al Sharpton for advice.

Pascal has been caught up in a maelstrom of outrage since her emails were leaked online following a computer hacking spree. Some of those messages were racially insensitive, and Pascal sought out Sharpton to help insulate her from criticism.

'The [co-chair] of Sony, Amy Pascal, when she goes out and says "I'm going to seek the advice of Rev. Al Sharpton," who I know very well, she should probably resign for stupidity reasons,' Trump said.

'Al Sharpton will toy with her, use her and then dispose of her.'

Here is the original post:
Donald Trump says Sony Pictures co-chief Amy Pascal should 'resign for stupidity reasons'

Donald Trump says Sony Pictures co-chief Amy Pascal should 'resign for stupidity reasons' after she sought help from …

Real estate mogul and reality-TV star told MailOnline that Pascal's troubles are far from over 'Al Sharpton will toy with her, use her and then dispose of her,' Trump said in an exclusive interview Rumors are swirling that the Sony pictures co-chair will be fired to 'set an example' Pascal's emails were leaked online in a hack thought to be carried out by a group with ties to the North Korean regime Some emails were racially charged, including a few that joked about President Obama's preference for financing only movies with slave themes

By David Martosko, U.S. Political Editor and Ashley Collman for MailOnline

Published: 21:08 EST, 15 December 2014 | Updated: 22:11 EST, 15 December 2014



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Real estate titan Donald Trump said Monday that Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal should quit her job because of the 'stupidity' involved with asking Rev. Al Sharpton for advice.

Pascal has been caught up in a maelstrom of outrage since her emails were leaked online following a computer hacking spree. Some of those messages were racially insensitive, and Pascal sought out Sharpton to help insulate her from criticism.

'The [co-chair] of Sony, Amy Pascal, when she goes out and says "I'm going to seek the advice of Rev. Al Sharpton," who I know very well, she should probably resign for stupidity reasons,' Trump said.

'Al Sharpton will toy with her, use her and then dispose of her.'

See the original post:
Donald Trump says Sony Pictures co-chief Amy Pascal should 'resign for stupidity reasons' after she sought help from ...

Sony kissing up to Sharpton

Published December 15, 2014

Embattled Sony chief Amy Pascal is due to meet with the Rev. Al Sharpton in person in New York just days before Sonys remake of Annie, starring Jamie Foxx and Quvenzhan Wallis, is to be released in theaters.

Pascal made a call to Sharpton late last week after racist e-mails between herself and producer Scott Rudin about President Obama and what movies he might like were revealed as part of sensitive information released by hackers.

Sharpton said to Page Six exclusively:

Sharpton said Pascal was due to be in New York next week and asked me to meet. I agreed. Sharpton also said he would ask prominent African-American academic Dr. Cornel West and Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League, to join the meeting. He added no mention was made of Rudin in the call.

Go to The Post for more.

Sony kissing up to Sharpton

All lives matter Even Al Sharpton says so

Leave it to Al Sharpton to expose the hypocrisy of the PC mobs fake outrage machine. Wait, what?

On Dec. 5, Kathleen McCartney, the president of Smith College down in Northampton, Mass., released a letter decrying the grand jury verdicts in the famous Ferguson, Mo., and New York City cases in which two black men died at the hands of white officers. She ended her letter: We are united in our insistence that all lives matter.

The PC mob went ballistic. It should be black lives matter, they insisted. President McCartney capitulated and apologized for thoughtlessly implying that all races are equal.

Then this past Saturday Sharpton led a rally in Washington, D.C., to bring attention to the same grand jury verdicts and other killings of blacks. He titled his rally the Justice for All march.

This is not a black march or a white march. This is an American march so the rights of all Americans are protected, Sharpton said.

We eagerly await the angry cries of racism from the white undergraduates of Smith College.

The rest is here:
All lives matter Even Al Sharpton says so