Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category

National Radio Host Tom Joyner Reacts to Grand – Video

National Radio Host Tom Joyner Reacts to Grand
DAYTON -- The Crawford shooting has gained nationwide attention. Wednesday morning, a national radio show was broadcasting live from Dayton. The reverend Al Sharpton and others called in to...


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National Radio Host Tom Joyner Reacts to Grand - Video

Allen West: Unconscionable for Al Sharpton to Help Choose Holder Replacement

During an appearance on Fox & Friends this morning, Allen West spent plenty of time critiquing the legacy of retiring Attorney General Eric Holder, but saved most of his anger for Al Sharpton, who claimed yesterday that he and his organization would be playing a role in the nomination process for Holders replacement.

Its unconscionable that Al Sharpton has this level of influence with the White House, West said, pointing out that Sharpton was also a media commentator. And everyone knows his history, so he has no credibility whatsoever.

To be able to make a statement like that, and also be on a news network, thats very concerning, he added.

When prodded to name a potential replacement, West thought that Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) another activist would be an appropriate Obama pick. (Patrick removed his hat from the ring yesterday.)

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Allen West: Unconscionable for Al Sharpton to Help Choose Holder Replacement

Al Sharpton at press conference 9-25-14 – Video

Al Sharpton at press conference 9-25-14

By: Christine Sisto

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Al Sharpton at press conference 9-25-14 - Video

Al Sharpton Wants to Help Crown Eric Holders Successor

Rev. Al Sharpton said todaythat he is in immediate conversations with the White House about crowning a successor to Attorney General Eric Holder, the nations first African-American attorney general.

We are proud that he has beenthe best Attorney General on civil rights in U.S. history and disappointed becausehe leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most, Mr. Sharpton, the president of the National Action Network, said in a statement. We areengaged in immediate conversations with the White House on deliberations overa successor whom we hope will continue in the general direction of AttorneyGeneral Holder.

Mr. Sharpton, who is close to President Barack Obama, heaped praised Mr. Holder, a Democrat who spoke openly about race relations in America. The Justice Department announced this afternoon Mr. Holder will voluntarily resign his post.

His accomplishments in working to protect Americans fromterrorism, fighting to protect voter rights, challenging unfair sentencing, directing U.S. attorneys on fair prosecution, and being the only Attorney Generalto visit the site of a civil rights complaint in Ferguson must be noted in American history, Mr. Sharpton continued.

Having served since the beginning of Mr. Obamas first term, Mr. Holder had made it known he would leave his post by the end of the year. The White House does not intend to name a successor today, according to published reports, and Mr. Holder will stay on until a successor is nominated and confirmed.

Mr. Sharpton has called on Mr. Holder to press charges in the cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, two black men who died in police custody this summer. Mr. Holder traveled to Ferguson, Missouri where Mr. Brown was shot and killed and was recently in New York, where Mr. Garner died in July, though he did not comment about Mr. Garners case during his appearance at New York University.

Mr. Sharptons statement was not without criticism: like many other liberals, he faulted Mr. Holder for not closing Guantanamo Bay.

Though we would have liked to have seen other areas more aggressively dealt with, such as closing Guantanamo Bay, his general service has been more than exemplary, Mr. Sharpton said.

Both U.S. Attorneys overseeing New York City, Preet Bharara and Loretta Lynch, have been rumored as possible successors to Mr. Holder.

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Al Sharpton Wants to Help Crown Eric Holders Successor

Al Sharpton: Im Helping Obama Pick Eric Holders Replacement

In a newly-released statement, Al Sharpton announced that he and his organization, the National Action Network, were engaged in immediate conversations with the White House on deliberations over a successor whom we hope will continue in the general direction of Attorney General [Eric] Holder.

To be clear, as he told BusinessInsider, hes not actually picking picking the next candidate for Attorney General. We did not say we are in the decision making, he told them in an update. We are in conversation to reach out to them to have meetings about what we want to see in a successor.

In his statement, Sharpton called the outgoing AGs tenure more than exemplary, and he was proud [but] disappointed to hear about his resignation, initially reported earlier this year.

We are proud that he has been the best Attorney General on civil rights in U.S. history and disappointed because he leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most, Sharpton said, citing his work in the Ferguson shooting aftermath, upholding voter rights, and curbing an excessive use of police force. Policing of Americans is the critical challenge of today, especially Blacks and Browns in particular, he added.We will aggressively pursue the Justice Departments involvement in dealing with these matters in his remaining days and in the days ahead of his successor.

Sharpton hosts a nightly political talk show on MSNBC.

[Business Insider] [Image via screenshot/NBC]

>> Follow Tina Nguyen (@Tina_Nguyen) on Twitter

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Al Sharpton: Im Helping Obama Pick Eric Holders Replacement