Sharpton Claims U.S. Going ‘Back To Jim Crow’ | Newsbusters
On Saturday's installment ofVelshion MSNBC, left-wing activist,provocateur, and PoliticsNationhost Al Sharpton joined fill-inhost Lindsey Reiser to say that the country is heading back to the days of Jim Crowand to criticize Democrats for not passing Sharpton's partisan wish list.
Reiser got the hyperbolic segment started by quoting Sharpton's recent comments to Politico, declaring and wondering: "Do you feel,I feel like it was much more on thefront burner several months agowhen we were seeing states passthese restrictive voting laws and then likeany news cycle the attentionshifted.So, do you think the publicattention will shift also?"
Sharpton claimed the shift in media attention "is whatopened up the door to states likeGeorgia and North Carolina andOhio and Texas to start changingstate election laws and they've changed them right now." Adding: "Youve seen in certaincounties in Georgia where they literally changed theelection boards of certaincounties.Which means they would be able tocount the vote.Well, those counties being stacked up byright-wingers appointed by statelegislators would not have certifiedBiden as the winner."
There is no evidence to suggest that what Sharpton said is true, but he was just getting started. Next, Sharpton lumped abortion in with "voting rights" and claimedfederalism equals Jim Crow:
So, we are going back to a states' rights model where they are nolonger respects the UnitedStates of the union.They are saying we will decidestate by state what is going tobe the election laws, the abortionlaws, the voting laws, the civilrights laws, and who would be thepresident.We cannot go back to the JimCrow states' rights era all theway back until to the Civil War.We are in a state of emergencywhen it comes to the urgency ofthis moment.
Of course, even if Sharpton gets everything he wants, the states will still choose the president through the Electoral College. Reiser put this civic illiteracy aside and asked, "Rev, do you feel almost ayear into the Bidenadministration that black votersfeel let down, that nothing has been significantly passedon this issue?And again, if we go into 2022 and we dont see important action, do you think it willimpact the midterms?"
After declaring Biden has done some good things, he lamented there has been no progress on "voting rights" or police reforms and concluded by continuing his self-appointed leader of all black people schtick, "I think inaction on that levelwill lead to inaction on a lotof voter turnout.I'm getting it on my syndicated radio show, Im getting it from chapters all over National Action Networkwhich I lead."
Despite Sharpton's over-inflated view of his own importance, 63 percentof black Georgians support voter ID for absentee ballots.
This segment was sponsored byT-Mobile.
Here is a transcript for the December 18 show:
MSNBC'sVelshiDecember 18, 20218:46 AM ET
LINDSEY REISER: You know, reverend, in an interview with Politico, you said that the, quote, urgency could not be morepalpable than it is right now to take action onvoting rights.So, why is this current moment that were in socritical? And do you feel,I feel like it was much more on thefront burner several months agowhen we were seeing states passthese restrictive voting laws and then likeany news cycle the attentionshifted.So, do you think that the public's attention will shift also?
AL SHARPTON: I think that, that is our job whichis why we continue rallying andmarching and doing what isnecessary to keep the public'sattention.The shift, in my opinion, is whatopened up the door to states likeGeorgia and North Carolina andOhio and Texas to start changingstate election laws and they've changed them right now.
Youve seen in certaincounties in Georgia where they literally changed theelection boards of certaincounties.Which means they would be able tocount the vote.Well, those counties being stacked up byright-wingers appointed by statelegislatures would not have certifiedBiden as the winner.This is not something that wouldvebe bad for Biden, it would have disenfranchised the voters.
So, we are going back to a statesrights model where they are nolonger respectingthe UnitedStates of the union.They are saying that we will decidestate-by-state what is going tobe the election laws, the abortionlaws, the voting laws, the civilrights laws, and who would be thepresident.
We cannot go back to the JimCrow states rights era all theway back until to the Civil War.We are in a state of emergencywhen it comes to the urgency ofthis moment.
REISER: Rev, do you feel almost ayear into the Bidenadministration that black votersfeel let down, that nothing has been significantly passedon this issue?And again, if we go into 2022 and we dont see important action, do you think it willimpact the midterms?
SHARPTON: I think that we made it clear when we supported overwhelming theBiden ticket that we wanted votingrights and police reform.We are now a week from Christmaswith neither.Thereve been other things that have beengood.He helped fairly, I think, in someareas.But, the areas we most voted andrallied for, theres notbeen significant movement. AndI think inaction on that levelwill lead to inaction on a lotof voter turnout.
I'm getting it on my syndicated radio show, Im getting it from chapters all over National Action Networkwhich I lead.I'm saying it not to make athreat, but to give a forecast.Sometimes the weatherman tellsyou the storm is coming.Don't blame the weatherman forthe storm.I'm telling you inaction issetting in.If theres no action on thereason there was action in thefirst place.
The rest is here:
Sharpton Claims U.S. Going 'Back To Jim Crow' | Newsbusters