Archive for the ‘Alphago’ Category

AI Behind AlphaGo: Machine Learning and Neural Network

Yiqing Xu is a senior studying Computer Science with an interest in a variety of programming languages and a solid math background.

The board game Go has been viewed as one of the most challenging tasks for artificial intelligence because it is complex, pattern-based and hard to program. The computer program AlphaGos victory over Lee Sedol became a huge moment in the history of artificial intelligence and computer engineering. We can observe AlphaGos enormous capacity, but people know little about how it thinks. AlphaGos rules are learned and not designed, implementing machine learning as well as several neural networks to create a learning component and become better at Go. Seen in its partnership with the UKs National Health Service, AlphaGo has promising applications in other realms as well.

From March 9 to March 15 in 2016, a Go game competition took place between the worlds second-highest ranking professional player, Lee Sedol, and AlphaGo, a computer program created by Googles DeepMind Company. AlphaGos 4-1 victory over Lee Sedol became a significant moment in the history of artificial intelligence. This was the first time that a computer had beaten a human professional at Go. Most major South Korean television networks carried the game. In China, 60 million people watched it; the American Go Association and DeepMinds English-language livestream of it on YouTube had 100,000 viewers. A few hundred members of the press watched the game alongside expert commentators [1]. What makes this game so important? To understand this, we have to understand the roots of Go first.

Go, known as weiqi in China and igo in Japan, is an abstract board game for two players that dates back 3,000 years. It is a board game of abstract strategy played across a 19*19 grid. Go starts with an empty board. At each turn, a player places a black or white stone on the board [2]. The general objective of the game is to use the stones to surround more territory than the opponent. Although the rule is very simple, it creates a challenge of depth and nuance. Thus, the board game, Go, has been viewed as one of the most challenging tasks for artificial intelligence because of its complexity and pattern-based state.

In common computer games, the AI usually uses a game tree to determine the best next move in the game depending on what the opponent might do. A game tree is a directed graph that represents game states (positions) as nodes, and possible moves as edges. The root of the tree represents the state at the beginning of the game. The next level represents the possible states after the subsequent moves [3]. Take the simple game tic-tac-toe as an example, it is possible to represent all possible game states visually in Figure 1 [3].

Figure 1: A complete game tree for tic-tac-toe [3].

However, for complex games like Go, getting the best next move in the game quickly becomes impossible since the game tree for Go will contain 10^761 nodes, an overwhelming amount to store in a computer (the universe has only 10^80 atoms, for reference) [4]. This explains why Go has been viewed as one of the greatest challenges for artificial intelligence for so long. Most AIs for board games use hand-crafted rules created by AI engineers. Since these rules might be incomplete, they usually limit the intelligence of the AI. For example, for a certain stage of Go, the designers think the computer should choose one of ten selected steps, but these might be silly moves for professional players. The Go game level of the designers will influence the intelligence level of the AI.

So how did AlphaGo solve the complexity of Go as well as the restriction imposed by the game level of the designers? All previous methods for Go-playing AI relied on some kind of game tree search, combined with hand-crafted rules. AlphaGo, however, makes extensive use of machine learning to avoid using hand-crafted rules and improve efficiency. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can teach themselves to grow and change when exposed to new data.The machine learning systems search through data to look for patterns. But instead of extracting data for human comprehension as is the case in data mining applications it uses the data todetect patterns and adjust program actions accordingly [4]. AlphaGo also uses deep learning and neural networks to teach itself to play. Just like iPhotos is able to help you divide photos into different albums according to different characters because it holds the storage of countless character images that have been processed down to the pixel level, AlphaGos intelligence is based on it having been shown millions of Go positions and moves from human-played games.

AlphaGos intelligence relies on two different components: a game tree search procedure and neural networks that simplify the tree search procedure. The tree search procedure can be regarded as a brute-force approach, whereas the convolutional networks provide a level of intuition to the game-play [5]. The neural networks are conceptually similar to the evaluation function in other AIs, except that AlphaGos are learned and not designed, thus solving the problem of the game level of the designers influencing the intelligence level of AI.

Generally, two main kinds of neural networks inside AlphaGo are trained: policy network and value network. Both types of networks take the current game state as input and grade each possible next move through different formulas and output the probability of a win. On one side, the value network provides an estimate of the value of the current state of the game: what is the probability of the black player to ultimately win the game, given the current state? The output of the value network is the probability of a win. On the other side, the policy networks provide guidance regarding which action to choose, given the current state of the game. The output is a probability value for each possible legal move (the output of the network is as large as the board). Actions (moves) with higher probability values correspond to actions that have a higher chance of leading to a win. One of the most important aspects of AlphaGo is learning-ability. Deep learning allows AlphaGo to continually improve its intelligence by playing a large number of games against itself. This trains the policy network to help AlphaGo predict the next moves, which in turn trains the value network to ascertain and evaluate those positions [5]. AlphaGo looks ahead at possible moves and permutations, going through various eventualities before selecting the one it deems most likely to succeed.

In general, the combined two neural networks let AlphaGo avoid doing excess work: the policy network focuses on the present and decides the next step to save time on searching the entire game tree, and the value network focuses on the long run, analyzing the whole situation to reduce possible moves in the game tree. AlphaGo then averages the suggestion from two networks to make a final decision. What makes AlphaGo so important is that it not only follows the game theory but also involves a learning component. By playing against itself, AlphaGo automatically became better and better at Go.

The Go games were fascinating, but more important is AlphaGos demonstration of the ways artificial intelligence algorithms will affect our lives; AI will make humans better. In the 37th move in the second game, AlphaGo made a very surprising decision. A European Go champion said Its not a human move. Ive never seen a human play this move. So beautiful. This European Go champion who helped teach AlphaGo by playing against it said that though he lost almost all the games, his understanding of Go was greatly improved due to the unusual way the program played. This was also reflected by his jump in world rankings [6].

According to the data, in the United States, there are around 40,500 patients that die of misdiagnosis. The amount of medical information available is huge, so it is impossible for doctors to sort through every little thing. AIs like AlphaGo are able to collect all the medical literature history as well as medical cases, medical images, and other data in the system, and can output the best solution to help doctors. Recently, AlphaGo launched a partnership with the UKs National Health Service to improve the process of delivering care with digital solutions. AlphaGo uses its computing power to analyze health data and records. [6] This will open up new treatment opportunities to patients and assist physicians in treating patients. The increased efficiency will also reduce costs for insurance companies [6].

People already learn so much from the best humans, but now even more knowledge can be acquired from AI. [6] Artificial intelligence can surpass human capabilities in certain situations, and this may make some people uncomfortable. Artificial intelligence uses many techniques in addition to the board game artificial intelligence represented by AlphaGo, with a variety of technical fields including visual recognition and voice recognition. The fact that AI can outperform humans in a specialized area is not surprising. However, in comprehensive intelligence and learning ability, humans are much better than AIs. Although deep learning has made a lot of progress, machine learning still relies on a manual design progress. Moreover, deep learning requires a large amount of data as a basis for training and learning, and the learning process is not flexible enough.

The idea that a comprehensive artificial intelligence will control humans and will have a devastating impact on human society is fictitious. It is not impossible that AI will go beyond human, but that day is still far away, and the beyond will still be under human control.

Whether it is AlphaGo or Lee Sedol winning, overall the victory lies with humankind. The AI behind AlphaGo uses machine learning and neural networks to allow itself to continually improve its skills by playing against itself. This technique of artificial intelligence also offers potential for bettering our lives.

The AI won the Go game, but the human won the future.

[1] How Googles AlphaGo Beat a Go World Champion The Atlantic. Web. 28 Mar. 2016 < opponent/475611/>

[2] Go (game) The Wikipedia. Web. <>

[3] Game Tree The Wikipedia. Web. <>

[4] Definition machine learning The WhatIs. Web. Feb. 2016 <

[5] Google DeepMinds AlphaGo: How it works The tastehit. Web. 16 Mar. 2016 <>

[6] AlphaGo Can Shape the Future of Healthcare The TMF. Web. 5 April. 2016 <>

The rest is here:
AI Behind AlphaGo: Machine Learning and Neural Network

Google AlphaGo: How a recreational program will change the world

In March 2016, Googles AlphaGo program defeated the world champion of board game Go [1]. Go is popular in China and Korea and is 2500 years old [Go game rulesare here]. This was a watershed moment in Artificial Intelligence as experts had not expected a computer to defeat professional Go players for many more decades.

IBMs Deep Blue computer defeated Chess Grandmaster Kasparov in 1996 [2]. However, Go is more complicated than chess. There are 2 metricthat captures a game complexity:

Source: Blogwriter analysis and [2]

To give some perspective, the number of atoms in the universe = 10^80 [2]. Therefore, both chess and Go are almost impossible to beatusing brute force. Go is also 200 times more difficult to solve than chess.

AlphaGo achieved this using a combination of data and algorithms

The initial dataset for AlphaGo consisted of 30Mn board positions from 160,000 real-life games (Dataset A). This was divided into 2 parts training and testing dataset. The training dataset was labelled (i.e. every board position corresponded to an eventual win or loss). AlphaGo then developed models to predict moves of a professional player. These models were tested on the testing dataset and the models correctly predicted the human move 57% of the time (far from perfect but prioralgorithms had achieved a success rate of only 44%) [3].

AlphaGo also keeps playing against itself and generates even more data (Dataset B). It, thus, continues to generate and learn from more data and improves in performance.

A game like Go is essentially deterministic i.e. since all the moves must follow certain rules, a powerful computer can develop a game tree (like the one shown for tic tac toe on the right) for all possible moves and then work backwards to identify the move that has the highest probability of success. Unfortunately, Gos game tree is so large and branches out so much that it is impossible for a computer to do this calculation. [4]

AlphaGo identifies the best move by using 2 algorithms together. The first algorithm (Algorithm X) tries to reduce the breadth of the game while the second algorithm (Algorithm Y) reduces the depth of the game. Algorithm X comes up with possible moves for AlphaGo to play while algorithm Y attaches a value to each of these moves. This eliminates a number of moves that would be impractical (i.e. for which the probability of winning would be almost zero) and, thus, focuses the machines computational poweron moves with higher winning probability


The following schematic explains how AlphaGo uses this combination of data and algorithms to win [Note: this schematic is very bare bones and gives a very high level overview of how AlphaGo works]

Source: Blogwriter

AlphaGos value creation is beyond just its capability to solve a board game. Google acquired DeepMind (creator of AlphaGo) in 2014 for $500Mn [5] and, thus, clearly sees value in a seemingly recreational program. IBMs Watson is a great example of recreational programs becoming mainstream technologies. Watson started off as a computer to play jeopardy but now employs more than 10,000 employees [6]and is beingused in healthcare, digital assistants etc.

The advantage of AlphaGo is that its algorithms are general purpose and not specific to Go [2]. It would be comparatively easy for Google to customize the algorithms to solve other AI challenges as well. The data that AlphaGo generates or has collectedis not useful for other application but the algorithms that power the machines are. Google is already using elements of AlphaGo for incremental improvements in its products like search, image recognition (automatic tagging ofimages inside Google Photos), Google assistant [7].

Google achieved the holy grail in Artificial Intelligence by developing AlphaGo. Its investment in these algorithms (and a seemingly worthless attempt to win at a board game) will pay rich dividends by improving its products like search, Photos, Assistant and self-driving cars as well as by solving other big problems in healthcare, manufacturing etc.













Google AlphaGo: How a recreational program will change the world

Computer Go – Wikipedia

Field of artificial intelligence around Go computer programs

Computer Go is the field of artificial intelligence (AI) dedicated to creating a computer program that plays the traditional board game Go. The field is sharply divided into two eras. Before 2015, the programs of the era were weak. The best efforts of the 1980s and 1990s produced only AIs that could be defeated by beginners, and AIs of the early 2000s were intermediate level at best. Professionals could defeat these programs even given handicaps of 10+ stones in favor of the AI. Many of the algorithms such as alpha-beta minimax that performed well as AIs for checkers and chess fell apart on Go's 19x19 board, as there were too many branching possibilities to consider. Creation of a human professional quality program with the techniques and hardware of the time was out of reach. Some AI researchers speculated that the problem was unsolvable without creation of human-like AI.

The application of Monte Carlo tree search to Go algorithms provided a notable improvement in the late 2000s decade, with programs finally able to achieve low-dan level: that of a weaker professional. Better professionals could still exploit these programs' weaknesses and win consistently, but AI performance had advanced past the intermediate level. The tantalizing unmet goal of defeating the best human players without a handicap, long thought unreachable, brought a burst of renewed interest. The key insight proved to be an application of machine learning and deep learning. DeepMind, a Google acquisition dedicated to AI research, produced AlphaGo in 2015 and announced it to the world in 2016. AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, a 9 dan professional, in a no-handicap match in 2016, then defeated Ke Jie in 2017, who at the time continuously held the world No. 1 ranking for two years. Just as checkers had fallen to machines in 1995 and chess in 1997, computer programs finally conquered humanity's greatest Go champions in 20162017. DeepMind did not release AlphaGo for public use, but various programs have been built since based on the journal articles DeepMind released describing AlphaGo and its variants.

Professional Go players see the game as requiring intuition, creative and strategic thinking.[1][2] It has long been considered a difficult challenge in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and is considerably more difficult to solve than chess.[3] Many in the field considered Go to require more elements that mimic human thought than chess.[4] Mathematician I. J. Good wrote in 1965:[5]

Go on a computer? In order to programme a computer to play a reasonable game of Go, rather than merely a legal game it is necessary to formalise the principles of good strategy, or to design a learning programme. The principles are more qualitative and mysterious than in chess, and depend more on judgment. So I think it will be even more difficult to programme a computer to play a reasonable game of Go than of chess.

Prior to 2015, the best Go programs only managed to reach amateur dan level.[6][7] On the small 99 board, the computer fared better, and some programs managed to win a fraction of their 99 games against professional players. Prior to AlphaGo, some researchers had claimed that computers would never defeat top humans at Go.[8]

The first Go program was written by Albert Lindsey Zobrist in 1968 as part of his thesis on pattern recognition.[9] It introduced an influence function to estimate territory and Zobrist hashing to detect ko.

In April 1981, Jonathan K Millen published an article in Byte discussing Wally, a Go program with a 15x15 board that fit within the KIM-1 microcomputer's 1K RAM.[10] Bruce F. Webster published an article in the magazine in November 1984 discussing a Go program he had written for the Apple Macintosh, including the MacFORTH source.[11] Programs for Go were weak; a 1983 article estimated that they were at best equivalent to 20 kyu, the rating of a naive novice player, and often restricted themselves to smaller boards.[12] AIs who played on the Internet Go Server (IGS) on 19x19 size boards had around 2015 kyu strength in 2003, after substantial improvements in hardware.[13]

In 1998, very strong players were able to beat computer programs while giving handicaps of 2530 stones, an enormous handicap that few human players would ever take. There was a case in the 1994 World Computer Go Championship where the winning program, Go Intellect, lost all three games against the youth players while receiving a 15-stone handicap.[14] In general, players who understood and exploited a program's weaknesses could win with much larger handicaps than typical players.[15]

In 2006 (with an article published in 2007), Rmi Coulom produced a new algorithm he called Monte Carlo tree search.[16] In it, a game tree is created as usual of potential futures that branch with every move. However, computers "score" a terminal leaf of the tree by repeated random playouts (similar to Monte Carlo strategies for other problems). The advantage is that such random playouts can be done very quickly. The intuitive objection - that random playouts do not correspond to the actual worth of a position - turned out not to be as fatal to the procedure as expected; the "tree search" side of the algorithm corrected well enough for finding reasonable future game trees to explore. Programs based on this method such as MoGo and Fuego saw better performance than classic AIs from earlier. The best programs could do especially well on the small 9x9 board, which had fewer possibilities to explore. In 2009, the first such programs appeared which could reach and hold low dan-level ranks on the KGS Go Server on the 19x19 board.

In 2010, at the 2010 European Go Congress in Finland, MogoTW played 19x19 Go against Catalin Taranu (5p). MogoTW received a seven-stone handicap and won.[17]

In 2011, Zen reached 5 dan on the server KGS, playing games of 15 seconds per move. The account which reached that rank uses a cluster version of Zen running on a 26-core machine.[18]

In 2012, Zen beat Takemiya Masaki (9p) by 11 points at five stones handicap, followed by a 20-point win at four stones handicap.[19]

In 2013, Crazy Stone beat Yoshio Ishida (9p) in a 1919 game at four stones handicap.[20]

The 2014 Codecentric Go Challenge, a best-of-five match in an even 19x19 game, was played between Crazy Stone and Franz-Jozef Dickhut (6d). No stronger player had ever before agreed to play a serious competition against a go program on even terms. Franz-Jozef Dickhut won, though Crazy Stone won the first match by 1.5 points.[21]

In October 2015, Google DeepMind program AlphaGo beat Fan Hui, the European Go champion, five times out of five in tournament conditions.[22]

In March 2016, AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol in the first three of five matches.[23] This was the first time that a 9-dan master had played a professional game against a computer without handicap.[24] Lee won the fourth match, describing his win as "invaluable".[25] AlphaGo won the final match two days later.[26][27]

In May 2017, AlphaGo beat Ke Jie, who at the time was ranked top in the world,[28][29] in a three-game match during the Future of Go Summit.[30]

In October 2017, DeepMind revealed a new version of AlphaGo, trained only through self play, that had surpassed all previous versions, beating the Ke Jie version in 89 out of 100 games.[31]

After the basic principles of AlphaGo were published in the journal Nature, other teams have been able to produce high-level programs. By 2017, both Zen and Tencent's project Fine Art were capable of defeating very high-level professionals some of the time. The open source Leela Zero engine was created as well.

This section needs to be updated. The reason given is: Most of this section dates back to 2010, before there were high-level Go computers. The entire section might need to be condensed and rewritten, since these obstacles are now largely historical.. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (June 2022)

For a long time, it was a widely held opinion that computer Go posed a problem fundamentally different from computer chess. Many considered a strong Go-playing program something that could be achieved only in the far future, as a result of fundamental advances in general artificial intelligence technology. Those who thought the problem feasible believed that domain knowledge would be required to be effective against human experts. Therefore, a large part of the computer Go development effort was during these times focused on ways of representing human-like expert knowledge and combining this with local search to answer questions of a tactical nature. The result of this were programs that handled many specific situations well but which had very pronounced weaknesses in their overall handling of the game. Also, these classical programs gained almost nothing from increases in available computing power. Progress in the field was generally slow.

The large board (1919, 361 intersections) is often noted as one of the primary reasons why a strong program is hard to create. The large board size prevents an alpha-beta searcher from achieving deep look-ahead without significant search extensions or pruning heuristics.

In 2002, a computer program called MIGOS (MIni GO Solver) completely solved the game of Go for the 55 board. Black wins, taking the whole board.[32]

Continuing the comparison to chess, Go moves are not as limited by the rules of the game. For the first move in chess, the player has twenty choices. Go players begin with a choice of 55 distinct legal moves, accounting for symmetry. This number rises quickly as symmetry is broken, and soon almost all of the 361 points of the board must be evaluated.

One of the most basic tasks in a game is to assess a board position: which side is favored, and by how much? In chess, many future positions in a tree are direct wins for one side, and boards have a reasonable heuristic for evaluation in simple material counting, as well as certain positional factors such as pawn structure. A future where one side has lost their queen for no benefit clearly favors the other side. These types of positional evaluation rules cannot efficiently be applied to Go. The value of a Go position depends on a complex analysis to determine whether or not the group is alive, which stones can be connected to one another, and heuristics around the extent to which a strong position has influence, or the extent to which a weak position can be attacked. A stone placed might not have immediate influence, but after many moves could become highly important in retrospect as other areas of the board take shape.

Poor evaluation of board states will cause the AI to work toward positions it incorrectly believes favor it, but actually do not.

One of the main concerns for a Go player is which groups of stones can be kept alive and which can be captured. This general class of problems is known as life and death. Knowledge-based AI systems sometimes attempted to understand the life and death status of groups on the board. The most direct approach is to perform a tree search on the moves which potentially affect the stones in question, and then to record the status of the stones at the end of the main line of play. However, within time and memory constraints, it is not generally possible to determine with complete accuracy which moves could affect the 'life' of a group of stones. This implies that some heuristic must be applied to select which moves to consider. The net effect is that for any given program, there is a trade-off between playing speed and life and death reading abilities.

With Benson's algorithm, it is possible to determine the chains which are unconditionally alive and therefore would not need to be checked in the future for safety.

An issue that all Go programs must tackle is how to represent the current state of the game. The most direct way of representing a board is as a one- or two-dimensional array, where elements in the array represent points on the board, and can take on a value corresponding to a white stone, a black stone, or an empty intersection. Additional data is needed to store how many stones have been captured, whose turn it is, and which intersections are illegal due to the Ko rule. In general, machine learning programs stop there at this simplest form and let the organic AIs come to their own understanding of the meaning of the board, likely simply using Monte Carlo playouts to "score" a board as good or bad for a player. "Classic" AI programs that attempted to directly model a human's strategy might go further, however, such as layering on data such as stones believed to be dead, stones that are unconditionally alive, stones in a seki state of mutual life, and so forth in their representation of the state of the game.

Historically, symbolic artificial intelligence techniques have been used to approach the problem of Go AI. Neural networks began to be tried as an alternative approach in the 2000s decade, as they required immense computing power that was expensive-to-impossible to reach in earlier decades. These approaches attempt to mitigate the problems of the game of Go having a high branching factor and numerous other difficulties.

The only choice a program needs to make is where to place its next stone. However, this decision is made difficult by the wide range of impacts a single stone can have across the entire board, and the complex interactions various stones' groups can have with each other. Various architectures have arisen for handling this problem. Popular techniques and design philosophies include:

One traditional AI technique for creating game playing software is to use a minimax tree search. This involves playing out all hypothetical moves on the board up to a certain point, then using an evaluation function to estimate the value of that position for the current player. The move which leads to the best hypothetical board is selected, and the process is repeated each turn. While tree searches have been very effective in computer chess, they have seen less success in Computer Go programs. This is partly because it has traditionally been difficult to create an effective evaluation function for a Go board, and partly because the large number of possible moves each side can make each leads to a high branching factor. This makes this technique very computationally expensive. Because of this, many programs which use search trees extensively can only play on the smaller 99 board, rather than full 1919 ones.

There are several techniques, which can greatly improve the performance of search trees in terms of both speed and memory. Pruning techniques such as alphabeta pruning, Principal Variation Search, and MTD(f) can reduce the effective branching factor without loss of strength. In tactical areas such as life and death, Go is particularly amenable to caching techniques such as transposition tables. These can reduce the amount of repeated effort, especially when combined with an iterative deepening approach. In order to quickly store a full-sized Go board in a transposition table, a hashing technique for mathematically summarizing is generally necessary. Zobrist hashing is very popular in Go programs because it has low collision rates, and can be iteratively updated at each move with just two XORs, rather than being calculated from scratch. Even using these performance-enhancing techniques, full tree searches on a full-sized board are still prohibitively slow. Searches can be sped up by using large amounts of domain specific pruning techniques, such as not considering moves where your opponent is already strong, and selective extensions like always considering moves next to groups of stones which are about to be captured. However, both of these options introduce a significant risk of not considering a vital move which would have changed the course of the game.

Results of computer competitions show that pattern matching techniques for choosing a handful of appropriate moves combined with fast localized tactical searches (explained above) were once sufficient to produce a competitive program. For example, GNU Go was competitive until 2008.

Human novices often learn from the game records of old games played by master players. AI work in the 1990s often involved attempting to "teach" the AI human-style heuristics of Go knowledge. In 1996, Tim Klinger and David Mechner acknowledged the beginner-level strength of the best AIs and argued that "it is our belief that with better tools for representing and maintaining Go knowledge, it will be possible to develop stronger Go programs."[33] They proposed two ways: recognizing common configurations of stones and their positions and concentrating on local battles. In 2001, one paper concluded that "Go programs are still lacking in both quality and quantity of knowledge," and that fixing this would improve Go AI performance.[34]

In theory, the use of expert knowledge would improve Go software. Hundreds of guidelines and rules of thumb for strong play have been formulated by both high-level amateurs and professionals. The programmer's task is to take these heuristics, formalize them into computer code, and utilize pattern matching and pattern recognition algorithms to recognize when these rules apply. It is also important to be able to "score" these heuristics so that when they offer conflicting advice, the system has ways to determine which heuristic is more important and applicable to the situation. Most of the relatively successful results come from programmers' individual skills at Go and their personal conjectures about Go, but not from formal mathematical assertions; they are trying to make the computer mimic the way they play Go. Competitive programs around 2001 could contain 50100 modules that dealt with different aspects and strategies of the game, such as joseki.[34]

Some examples of programs which have relied heavily on expert knowledge are Handtalk (later known as Goemate), The Many Faces of Go, Go Intellect, and Go++, each of which has at some point been considered the world's best Go program. However, these methods ultimately had diminishing returns, and never really advanced past an intermediate level at best on a full-sized board. One particular problem was overall game strategy. Even if an expert system recognizes a pattern and knows how to play a local skirmish, it may miss a looming deeper strategic problem in the future. The result is a program whose strength is less than the sum of its parts; while moves may be good on an individual tactical basis, the program can be tricked and maneuvered into ceding too much in exchange, and find itself in an overall losing position. As the 2001 survey put it, "just one bad move can ruin a good game. Program performance over a full game can be much lower than master level."[34]

One major alternative to using hand-coded knowledge and searches is the use of Monte Carlo methods. This is done by generating a list of potential moves, and for each move playing out thousands of games at random on the resulting board. The move which leads to the best set of random games for the current player is chosen as the best move. The advantage of this technique is that it requires very little domain knowledge or expert input, the trade-off being increased memory and processor requirements. However, because the moves used for evaluation are generated at random it is possible that a move which would be excellent except for one specific opponent response would be mistakenly evaluated as a good move. The result of this are programs which are strong in an overall strategic sense, but are imperfect tactically.[citation needed] This problem can be mitigated by adding some domain knowledge in the move generation and a greater level of search depth on top of the random evolution. Some programs which use Monte-Carlo techniques are Fuego,[35] The Many Faces of Go v12,[36] Leela,[37] MoGo,[38] Crazy Stone, MyGoFriend,[39] and Zen.

In 2006, a new search technique, upper confidence bounds applied to trees (UCT),[40] was developed and applied to many 9x9 Monte-Carlo Go programs with excellent results. UCT uses the results of the play outs collected so far to guide the search along the more successful lines of play, while still allowing alternative lines to be explored. The UCT technique along with many other optimizations for playing on the larger 19x19 board has led MoGo to become one of the strongest research programs. Successful early applications of UCT methods to 19x19 Go include MoGo, Crazy Stone, and Mango.[41] MoGo won the 2007 Computer Olympiad and won one (out of three) blitz game against Guo Juan, 5th Dan Pro, in the much less complex 9x9 Go. The Many Faces of Go[42] won the 2008 Computer Olympiad after adding UCT search to its traditional knowledge-based engine.

Monte-Carlo based Go engines have a reputation of being much more willing to play tenuki, moves elsewhere on the board, rather than continue a local fight than human players. This was often perceived as a weakness early in these program's existence.[43] That said, this tendency has persisted in AlphaGo's playstyle with dominant results, so this may be more of a "quirk" than a "weakness."[44]

The skill level of knowledge-based systems is closely linked to the knowledge of their programmers and associated domain experts. This limitation has made it difficult to program truly strong AIs. A different path is to use machine learning techniques. In these, the only thing that the programmers need to program are the rules and simple scoring algorithms of how to analyze the worth of a position. The software will then automatically generates its own sense of patterns, heuristics, and strategies, in theory.

This is generally done by allowing a neural network or genetic algorithm to either review a large database of professional games, or play many games against itself or other people or programs. These algorithms are then able to utilize this data as a means of improving their performance. Machine learning techniques can also be used in a less ambitious context to tune specific parameters of programs that rely mainly on other techniques. For example, Crazy Stone learns move generation patterns from several hundred sample games, using a generalization of the Elo rating system.[45]

The most famous example of this approach is AlphaGo, which proved far more effective than previous AIs. In its first version, it had one layer that analyzed millions of existing positions to determine likely moves to prioritize as worthy of further analysis, and another layer that tried to optimize its own winning chances using the suggested likely moves from the first layer. AlphaGo used Monte Carlo tree search to score the resulting positions. A later version of AlphaGo, AlphaGoZero, eschewed learning from existing Go games, and instead learnt only from playing itself repeatedly. Other earlier programs using neural nets include NeuroGo and WinHonte.

Computer Go research results are being applied to other similar fields such as cognitive science, pattern recognition and machine learning.[46] Combinatorial Game Theory, a branch of applied mathematics, is a topic relevant to computer Go.[34]

John H. Conway suggested applying surreal numbers to analysis of the endgame in Go. This idea has been further developed by Elwyn R. Berlekamp and David Wolfe in their book, Mathematical Go (ISBN978-1-56881-032-4). Go endgames have been proven to be PSPACE-hard if the absolute best move must be calculated on an arbitrary mostly filled board. Certain complicated situations such as Triple Ko,[47] Quadruple Ko,[48] Molasses Ko,[49] and Moonshine Life[50] make this problem difficult. (In practice, strong Monte Carlo algorithms can still handle normal Go endgame situations well enough, and the most complicated classes of life-and-death endgame problems are unlikely to come up in a high-level game.)[51]

Various difficult combinatorial problems (any NP-hard problem) can be converted to Go-like problems on a sufficiently large board; however, the same is true for other abstract board games, including chess and minesweeper, when suitably generalized to a board of arbitrary size. NP-complete problems do not tend in their general case to be easier for unaided humans than for suitably programmed computers: unaided humans are much worse than computers at solving, for example, instances of the subset sum problem.[52][53]

AlphaGo, developed by Google DeepMind, made a significant advance by beating a professional human player in October 2015, using techniques that combined deep learning and Monte Carlo tree search.[61] AlphaGo was significantly more powerful than previous Go programs, and was the first to beat a 9 dan human professional in a game without handicaps on a full-sized board. Work on Go AI since has largely consisted of emulating the techniques used to build AlphaGo, which proved so much stronger than everything else.

Several annual competitions take place between Go computer programs, the most prominent being the Go events at the Computer Olympiad. Regular, less formal, competitions between programs used to occur on the KGS Go Server[62] (monthly) and the Computer Go Server[63] (continuous).

The first computer Go competition was sponsored by Acornsoft,[64] and the first regular ones by USENIX. They ran from 1984 to 1988. These competitions introduced Nemesis, the first competitive Go program from Bruce Wilcox, and G2.5 by David Fotland, which would later evolve into Cosmos and The Many Faces of Go.

One of the early drivers of computer Go research was the Ing Prize, a relatively large money award sponsored by Taiwanese banker Ing Chang-ki, offered annually between 1985 and 2000 at the World Computer Go Congress (or Ing Cup). The winner of this tournament was allowed to challenge young players at a handicap in a short match. If the computer won the match, the prize was awarded and a new prize announced: a larger prize for beating the players at a lesser handicap. The series of Ing prizes was set to expire either 1) in the year 2000 or 2) when a program could beat a 1-dan professional at no handicap for 40,000,000 NT dollars. The last winner was Handtalk in 1997, claiming 250,000 NT dollars for winning an 11-stone handicap match against three 1113 year old amateur 26 dans. At the time the prize expired in 2000, the unclaimed prize was 400,000 NT dollars for winning a nine-stone handicap match.[65]

Many other large regional Go tournaments ("congresses") had an attached computer Go event. The European Go Congress has sponsored a computer tournament since 1987, and the USENIX event evolved into the US/North American Computer Go Championship, held annually from 19882000 at the US Go Congress.

Japan started sponsoring computer Go competitions in 1995. The FOST Cup was held annually from 1995 to 1999 in Tokyo. That tournament was supplanted by the Gifu Challenge, which was held annually from 2003 to 2006 in Ogaki, Gifu. The Computer Go UEC Cup has been held annually since 2007.

When two computers play a game of Go against each other, the ideal is to treat the game in a manner identical to two humans playing while avoiding any intervention from actual humans. However, this can be difficult during end game scoring. The main problem is that Go playing software, which usually communicates using the standardized Go Text Protocol (GTP), will not always agree with respect to the alive or dead status of stones.

While there is no general way for two different programs to "talk it out" and resolve the conflict, this problem is avoided for the most part by using Chinese, Tromp-Taylor, or American Go Association (AGA) rules in which continued play (without penalty) is required until there is no more disagreement on the status of any stones on the board. In practice, such as on the KGS Go Server, the server can mediate a dispute by sending a special GTP command to the two client programs indicating they should continue placing stones until there is no question about the status of any particular group (all dead stones have been captured). The CGOS Go Server usually sees programs resign before a game has even reached the scoring phase, but nevertheless supports a modified version of Tromp-Taylor rules requiring a full play out.

These rule sets mean that a program which was in a winning position at the end of the game under Japanese rules (when both players have passed) could lose because of poor play in the resolution phase, but this is not a common occurrence and is considered a normal part of the game under all of the area rule sets.

The main drawback to the above system is that some rule sets (such as the traditional Japanese rules) penalize the players for making these extra moves, precluding the use of additional playout for two computers. Nevertheless, most modern Go Programs support Japanese rules against humans and are competent in both play and scoring (Fuego, Many Faces of Go, SmartGo, etc.).

Historically, another method for resolving this problem was to have an expert human judge the final board. However, this introduces subjectivity into the results and the risk that the expert would miss something the program saw.

Many programs are available that allow computer Go engines to play against each other and they almost always communicate via the Go Text Protocol (GTP).

GoGUI and its addon gogui-twogtp can be used to play two engines against each other on a single computer system.[66] SmartGo and Many Faces of Go also provide this feature.

To play as wide a variety of opponents as possible, the KGS Go Server allows Go engine vs. Go engine play as well as Go engine vs. human in both ranked and unranked matches. CGOS is a dedicated computer vs. computer Go server.

See the rest here:
Computer Go - Wikipedia

AvataGo’s Metaverse AR Environment will be Your Eternal Friend – Digital Journal

Metaverse, AR, AI, Avatar, Blockchain, Web3.0, and NFT

These are just a list of words that are hardly heard and dont understand to me. What do these things have to do with me?

Then, do any of the following relate to you?

Are these things related to me? Or is it the world that I have to look for with interest?

AvataGo is going to provide this world to anyone in the metaverse AR environment.

The metaverse market, naturally created by COVID-19, has already approached 10 to 20 years earlier. The metaverse market is expected to grow from $148.5 billion in 2021 to $1.54 trillion in 2030. This is more than 10 times the growth rate.

Web3.0 and NFT markets, which have added ownership concepts due to blockchain technology, are also expected to achieve rapid growth. Along with the metaverse market, AI technology is also remarkable. AlphaGos victory over Lee Se-dol in Go shocked the technology of artificial intelligence, and It was the moment to confirm the possibility and maturity of AI technology.

We can easily meet the metaverse world around us.

Roblox is growing explosively with the concept of C2E (Create to Earn), where consumers can also create and earn money from P2E (Play to Earn) where consumers can make money while having fun. The same goes for ZEPETO.

Avatar is evolving. Up to now, avatars that represent me are the mainstream in the metaverse VR environment. In the future, AI avatars will become another mainstream, like new independent creatures in an AR environment where virtual and reality are mixed.

Heres a company called AvataGo which is creating avatars of the future.

In conclusion, AvataGo is a platform company that offers solutions for the PET, friends, money, and royalty of the future mentioned above.

Recently, the AvataGo token, which will be operated in the ecosystem, has been issued, and token can be verified in bscscan.

The concept of AvataGo is to create new life and successfully nurture it in various environments, just as Prometheus in Greek mythology gave new life to humans.

According to the Whitepaper on the homepage (,

You can even earn royalties through self-satisfaction, trial and error, and all necessary economic activities in the process of growing a new life.

The concept of AvataGos P2E (Play to Earn) and C2E (Create to Earn), as well as the royalty income, and the creation of new life forms, are of interest to the reader.

The change to the metaverse created a huge growth for Roblox and ZEPETO.

AvataGo is talking about PET and friends forever with humanity.

As AvataGo hopes, in the new world of the metaverse, I hope that everyone will not be left behind and it will develop in a direction that is beneficial to mankind.

Read more here:
AvataGo's Metaverse AR Environment will be Your Eternal Friend - Digital Journal

This AI-Generated Artwork Won 1st Place At Fine Arts Contest And Enraged Artists – Bored Panda

In May 1997, the chess supercomputer Deep Blue sensationally won a full-fledged match against world champion Garry Kasparov, who was almost in his prime. Okay, said many experts at the time. Chess is cool, but there are also much more tactically sophisticated games where a person can show their imagination, inaccessible to a computer. For example, Go.

Almost twenty years later, in March 2016, the AlphaGo program defeated one of the best Go masters on the planet, Lee Sedol, with a score of 4: 1 in games. Three years later, he left the sport, admitting that computer algorithms had become so superior to humans that competition with people simply lost its meaning.

Well, said then the participants in the discussions about the possibilities of artificial intelligence. After all, its just a game where there is a given set of rules and conditions, within which the computer surpasses the human mind. But there are also some areas of activity where unbridled fantasy is needed, accessible only to people. For example, in fine art You are here for now

More info: Twitter

Image credits: GenelJumalon

Or rather, you were here. On August 26, the Colorado State Fair started in Pueblo, which also included a fine arts competition. The Digital Arts award was won by local designer Jason Allens Thtre Dopra Spatial, one of three entries he submitted to the contest. Really beautiful and impressive painting, for sure.

Image credits: discord

Image credits: discord

Thunder struck a few days later when Allen tweeted that the picture was actually generated using Midjourney, a commercial neural network for generating images from a given text description, which runs on the basis of the Discord messenger and is available to literally everyone.

Image credits: discord

Allen, with the help of Midjourney, generated several hundred images, choosing three of them that he liked the most. Then the man slightly processed each of the paintings using Adobe Photoshop, enlarged it in size using another neural network Gigapixel AI, and then printed it on canvas and sent to the competition.

Image credits: eldritch48

Of course, Allen did a lot of preparatory work, because in order to get a really effective and beautiful artwork, you need to experiment with the choice of prompts for Midjourney. In the end try it yourself we guarantee that on the first attempt, you will not get a masterpiece. Yes, and with the tenth, twentieth and more as well.

Image credits: macrubs

Allen states that he noted that AI was used while creating the artwork, labelling it as Jayson Allen via Midjourney. However, according to Cal Duran and Dagny McKinley, the judges of the fine arts competition, they were not warned that they were evaluating the work of a neural network, and not a human being, and were judging, first of all, how the art tells a story. And the official list of winners doesnt say anything about Midjourney either. In any case, out of twenty-one entries submitted to the contest, they chose the one that was generated by artificial intelligence.

Image credits: l_unchtime

And here the question really arises how far can AI be considered the author of the work, because, in Allens own words, he really spent a lot of time to find the right description for the neural network. And anyone who has ever worked with something like Midjourney will agree. Of course, if you write the famous Draw me a sheep from The Little Prince in the prompt, the result will not be as primitive as in the famous book, but it will not win the fine art contest either.

Image credits: arvalis

In any case, there are two points of view here. One of them calls to consider AI just a tool for the human creator the way the camera became almost two hundred years ago. And indeed, then, at the beginning of the 19th century, many critics said that technology would bring death to art after all, no artist reproduces reality the way a photo camera does.

Image credits: The_Galactabee

But years have passed and we see that photography, on the contrary, gave art a new impetus in the form of impressionism, surrealism, suprematism, and many other trends that arose, as if by coincidence, just after photography began its triumphant march around the world. As for photographers, arent Annie Leibovitz, Helmut Newton or Henri Cartier-Bresson considered great artists?

Image credits: JanbluTheDerg

Image credits: fluxophile

On the other hand, who can be considered, for example, the author of the great fresco The Last Judgment? Michelangelo, who painted it, or the Pope, who told the artist in detail his own vision of the painting? From this point of view, of course, the author is AI and the discussion about its capabilities is entering a new round.

Image credits: CityofStPete (not the actual photo)

We must say that the participants of this discussion on Twitter also shared their opinions. For example, artist Genel Jumalon believes that AI is just a useful tool for the creator, but in this case, you should simply inform the judges of the competition about the use of the neural network. Going forward, Genel believes AI-created work should be separated into a special competitive category.

Image credits: GenelJumalon

Image credits: SaphireShear

Image credits: JohnM5991

Image credits: aetheredgefilm

Image credits: ichibanhomo

Other people think its just like winning a footrace using a car, and human and computer art should not be confused anyway. In any case, with the development of artificial intelligence, more and more questions will arise, and humanity will sooner or later have to create a new paradigm of its co-existence.

Image credits: Gunzales76

Image credits: Lofren

Image credits: OmniMorpho

Image credits: RemmingThe

Image credits: shortnocturnal

Image credits: ChrisShehanArt

Were pretty sure youve got something to say on this topic as well, so please feel free to express your point of view in the comments. Be that as it may, one thing you can be absolutely sure of is that this very post was 100 percent written by a human!

Continued here:
This AI-Generated Artwork Won 1st Place At Fine Arts Contest And Enraged Artists - Bored Panda