Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

Dissident Dispatches: An Alt-Right Guide to Christian …

Dissident Dispatches is about Christian theology. It also gives voice to the ethno-patriotic concerns now fuelling the growth of the secular Alt-Right movement. Both reject the ongoing spiritual degeneration and concomitant demographic displacement of every white European ethno-nation.

The author, Andrew Fraser, has studied and taught history and law at leading universities in Canada, the United States, and Australia. He was born a British subject when people of British stock still counted as one of Canadas two founding races. Indeed, at that time, there was no such thing as a Canadian citizen.

A late loyalist in his own personal development, Fraser deplores the ethno-masochistic eagerness with which far-too-many other WASPs still spit upon the graves of their ancestors.

He recognizes, however, that it is not enough to mourn the loss of once-secure and legitimate ethno-religious identities. Nor will politics alone save us. Dissident Dispatches outlines the fundamental elements of the Christian ethno-theology sorely needed by the Alt-Right if it is to halt, much less reverse, the rising tide of colour.

Dissident Dispatches identifies the main currents in modern Christian theology responsible for the moral and spiritual collapse of both the Anglican Church and Christendom more generally.

Given the rusted-on secularism of the Alt-Right, the book offers a critical comparative analysis of the major alternatives to a Christian ethno-theology; namely, the political theology of popular sovereignty and the cornucopian civil religion of perpetual progress.

Across a wide range of issues in systematic and practical theology, in bible studies and church history, the essays collected here provide the basic ingredients for the counter-revolutionary theology of Christian nationhood needed in contemporary debates with Christian universalists and disingenuous white liberals.

The book counters the Christophobia endemic among neo-pagan white nationalists with an intellectually respectable Christian apologetic as well as a biblical hermeneutic informed by both kinism (aka covenantal creationism) and preterism (aka covenant eschatology).

But Dissident Dispatches is more than a theological treatise. It is also a personal memoir.

The author, Andrew Fraser, is a racially aware, former law professor who became a theology student at a divinity school in suburban Sydney, Australia. He discovered there a multiracial college community of professedly Christian teachers and students promoting the postmodern cult of the Other. There, to be Christian is to celebrate the fact that Australia, Canada, the United States, even England, are no longer Anglo-Saxon countries.

Following in the authors footsteps from one class to another, the book provides insight into the academic and personal problems likely to face pro-white students engaging in politically-incorrect speech or behaviour in a divinity school anywhere in the white, English-speaking world.

The author has considerable personal experience on the receiving end of politically correct thought policing. Early on, Dissident Dispatches explores the background to the one-year suspension meted out to the author for offending faculty members and/or female and ethnic students by the allegedly racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic remarks made by him in classes and seminars.

Dissident Dispatches is the unplanned product of the culture shock experienced on all sides when an Alt-Right senior citizen cum cultural warrior decides to rattle his politically-correct bars by going to a theological college run by a church often confused with the Communist Party at prayer.

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Dissident Dispatches: An Alt-Right Guide to Christian ...

Alt-right: What is the philosophy behind white civil rights?

In 2017, an assortment of alt-right and far-right affiliated groups gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the removal of Confederate monuments and names from a city square. It ended in the death of a Charlottesville woman. USA TODAY

Multiple white nationalist groups march with torches through the UVA campus in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 11, 2017.(Photo: Mykal McEldowney, Mykal McEldowney, IndyStar via U)

With chants of "Jews will not replace us," and "White lives matter," last year's Unite the Right rally inCharlottesville, Virginia, set off a national firestorm about the rise of the alternative right.

What is the philosophy of the 'alt-right?' USA TODAY breaks it down:

The alt-right is a collection of far-right groups and people dedicated to "white ethnonationalism" in Western civilization, or the preservation of a white populace in Western countries. They viewthe presence of people of color, immigrants and religious minorities as a threat to their"white identity."

Because of it's fragmented nature, the Southern Poverty Law Center does not technicallyconsider the alt-right a hate group. However, the center considers smaller organizationslike AltRight Corporation in Alexandria, Virginia, and Alternative Right in Atlanta hate groups.

Richard Spencer, one of the prominent leaders of the movement and president ofthe National Policy Institute,described the alt-right as "historically necessary" because of changing demographics in the United States.

"The Alt-Right emerges from the experience of White dispossession, that is, demographic displacement and demoralization the idea that its *not* okay to be white," Spencer said in a text message to USA TODAY.

The group, made up of predominately young, college-educated men,also calls for the preservation of "white civil rights," or thefreedom to protestthe presence of immigrants and other minority groups in the United States.

"It does not differ (from other white nationalist groups) in the substance of its ideology. I would classify the alt-right as nothing more than a rebranding of traditional white nationalism," Keegan Hankes said, a research analyst for the law center.

More: 'Unite the Right' anniversary: White nationalists want to rally in D.C. and Charlottesville

More: 9 things you need to know about the alt-right movement

More: How white nationalists tapped into decades of pent-up racism

The alt-right does breakfrom past white nationalist groups by usingsocial media to attract members, according to Hankes. In 2008, Spencer coined the term after it began organizing on sites likeReddit, 4Chan and Twitter.

The alt-right's membership expanded widely in 2015 and 2016, spurred on by the U.S. and Europe's acceptance of Syrian refugees and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, according to the law center. Since then, thousands of Twitter and other social media users have claimed to support alt-right values.

"They started using the same social media people use in their everyday life," Hankes said.

The alt-rightrejectsthe "conservative establishment" in Washington, embracing libertarian values on trade and government regulation. Spencer said the alt-right also breaks with other nationalist ideologiesbecause it seeks to revolutionize "existing political culture."

"We are much closer to an insurgent movement," Spencer said. "The culture and political structure are not ours; indeed, we are viewed as aliens, as dangers by those in power."

Spencer added that the alt-right has struggled since the 2017 Unite the Right rally. He cited "recriminations" by Charlottesville city officials, includingthe October 2017 lawsuit to preventmore than a dozen organizations and individualsfrom organizing further "paramilitary activity" in Virginia.

"(A)t the moment, were licking our wounds, recovering, or at best, building a new foundation for the future," Spencer said."Charlottesville was used by the existing power structure to oppress us; it was an attempt to ensure that nothing like that happens again."

The movement only has a few public leaders. Spencer has toured around the country speaking against diversity at conventions and on college campuses.

At a conference in 2016, Spencer addressed a conferenceof white nationalists held by the National Policy Institute, a think tank. He was recorded on video saying"Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!" as supporters were shown giving a Nazi salute by raising their hands.

More: Video: White nationalists celebrate Trump's victory at conference

Jason Kesslerhas also been a leader in the alt-right movement. In addition to organizing the Unite the Right rally, he has been active on Twitterand on his websitesince 2015, where he describes the ideals of the alt-right as "protecting the west."

Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos have also both been associated with the movement assenior editor and executive chairman ofBreitbart News, a far-right organization.

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Alt-right: What is the philosophy behind white civil rights?

What Is The Alt-Right? Occidental Dissent

The #TruCons and the #LyingPress are all floating their own self-serving definitions in light of Hillarys big speech this afternoon which will attack the Alt-Right. The whole point of the speech is to distract the public from her own exploding scandals and to derail Trumps ongoing pivot to the center of the electorate.

It is a naked political move. Even the reporters covering the campaign know this. For the moment, the Alt-Right is said to have taken over the Trump campaign and the Republican Party, even through Trump himself has never once mentioned the Alt-Right. Weve taken over the Republican Party because Trump hired Stephen Bannon who runs Breitbart as his campaign CEO which employs Milo Yiannopoulos who writes about the Alt-Right and who knows some of the key figures in the movement.

Before we define the Alt-Right, it is important to first define its nemesis Conservatism, Inc., which the Alt-Right has always been a reaction against:

What Is Conservatism, Inc.?

1.) At the apex of Conservatism, Inc., you have the donor class, which is basically a group of millionaires and billionaires whose primary concern in life there are other concerns such as signaling their high social status is protecting their money from the grasping hands of big gubmint. This is the definition of freedom.

2.) The donor class funds a vast array of think tanks, organizations, and shills who work for print and online magazines the network we call Conservatism, Inc. whose job it is to convince you that big gubmint is destroying everything great and good in America and that letting rich people keep their money and be free from onerous regulations is the solution to every problem under the sun. The teachers unions, for example, are responsible for the low IQ of African-American students in Detroits schools.

3.) Philosophically, the pundit class defines #TruConservatism in the United States as conserving classical liberalism. This is somewhat confusing to Europeans that an older version of liberalism is called conservatism in the United States whereas in Europe it has always meant the old order that liberalism destroyed. In Europe, conservatism is often associated with statism rather than anti-statism. Anyway, when the #TruCons talk about their precious principles, what they mean is classical liberalism.

4.) Okay, so even the #TruCons know that their classical liberal principles arent sufficient to build a winning electoral coalition, which is why they have grafted all this religious baggage onto #TruConservatism in order to appeal to Christian voters in the Heartland. The same is true of fomenting new wars and preserving the military industrial complex. It doesnt necessarily have anything to do with classical liberalism (classical liberals used to hate standing armies), but it is necessary to win.

5.) The whole point of Conservatism, Inc. is to build an electoral coalition strong enough to win the presidency and advance the interests of its investors. Rich people care about two things: their money and their status.

This has created an insoluble problem for Conservatism, Inc: in order for the scam to work, it is necessary to pump up its base voters by getting them angry about, say, trannies in the restroom, aborting babies, or illegal aliens destroying the country. Then once the #TruCon politicians are elected to office, their job becomes things like deregulating Wall Street, pushing new free-trade agreements, cutting taxes, pushing comprehensive immigration reform, etc. The donor class also looks down its nose at the hoi polloi.

Inevitably, the hoi polloi which has won so many elections for Conservatism, Inc. begins to wonder: why havent these people succeeded in conserving anything? After all these elections they have won and all this money they have been given, why has their been such a poor return on our investment? The answer is that the things being conserved (the tax cuts, the free-trade agreements, deregulation, the union busting, the social safety net cuts, etc.) are the things the donors care about.

Conservatism, Inc. never cared about winning the culture wars. The donors who finance the project were always on the other side. They protested loudly when Indiana and Arkansas passed religious freedom laws. They have relentlessly pushed for amnesty for illegal aliens and all kinds of things which are anathema to the base. They look down on the base because they want to be seen as respectable by their liberal friends.

Conservatism, Inc.s biggest internal problem right now is that the shill/pundit class has collectively decided it wants to signal its status too. They want to be seen as one of the good ones by leftists in their own social class who tend to live in the same areas. Their job is to appeal to and motivate the predominantly White working class base voters to turnout for the right candidates in elections. They cant do that though by insinuating the base voters are a bunch of religious kooks and knuckle dragging racists.

The Republican signaling structure has broken down. This is why we are talking about Donald Trump and the Alt-Right instead of Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio.

What Is The Alt-Right?

The Alt-Right is not just a populist or nationalist revolt against Conservatism, Inc. Most of Trumps supporters now fully accept our critique of Conservatism, Inc. Few of these people grasp where the Alt-Right is coming from or have even heard of the Alt-Right. They are more accurately called Alt-Right Lite or Nationalist Lite. is now the main purveyor of Alt-Right Lite. My sense is that they are doing this because our message strikes a chord and most importantly it sells and has amassed a large audience. It generates clicks and shares which generates a lucrative revenue stream for them. Stephen Bannon is a smart businessman and something of a bomb thrower by reputation, but I have never seen any evidence he is Alt-Right.

The Alt-Right has three hallmark characteristics:

1.) Realism First, the most important characteristic of the Alt-Right is radical realism. By that I mean that Alt-Right is non-ideological and analyses almost every question from the perspective of whether or not it is true.

The Alt-Right has a reputation for racism. Thats because the Alt-Right looks at the question of racial equality, demands to see the evidence, and draws the conclusion it is just a bunch of bullshit we are supposed to believe. The Alt-Right looks at places like Detroit, Haiti, sub-Saharan Africa and so on, shrugs its shoulders, and suggests not really. There isnt a school district in the United States which has ever demonstrated the existence of racial equality under controlled conditions. The evidence for racial equality is less plausible than Medieval alchemists trying to turn lead into gold.

There are any number of other questions to where this way of looking at the world is applied. The existence of abstract universal human rights, for example, is derived from stories created by idiot savants about a State of Nature or an Original Position that never existed. The Alt-Right prefers to examine the question of human rights by looking to history and biology as our guide. Seen in this light, the emergence of universal human rights looks much more like an outgrowth of the Wests own peculiar culture.

I could continue with other examples like biological differences between men and women. The egalitarian fictions we are told by feminists in that area are also waylaid by reality. Were forced by society to believe in things which the evidence suggests arent true.

2.) Identity Second, the Alt-Rights interest in identity is an outgrowth of its radical realism. The Alt-Rights analysis of history and biology has led us to the conclusion that human beings ARE NOT primarily individuals. On the contrary, we are tribal beings who invariably divide the world into in-groups and out-groups, and those tribes have always been in a primordial struggle for DOMINANCE.

Liberals tell themselves a cute story about how individuals once exited a State of Nature and came together to draw up a social contract in which they parted ways with some of their inalienable rights to create society. But thats not really what happened now is it? The evidence suggests that prehistoric man lived a life that was nothing like this liberal fantasy. There is no evidence either that society was created as it was said to have been created like a lawyers contract in the liberal origin myth.

The timeless struggle for DOMINANCE between rival groups is why we have POLITICS.

3.) Iconoclasm Third, the Alt-Right has a strong Nietzchean streak. Even if many of us have studied Nietzsche at one point in our lives and moved on as we grew older, we still tend to relish creating mischief. We enjoy smashing idols.

In the United States, liberals, progressives, conservatives, and libertarians are all branches of the common liberal family. All these groups want to preserve the fundamental liberal world order even if they disagree on whether liberty or equality should be given priority and fight viciously with each other. They all share the same blinkered liberal worldview in which more liberty or more equality is the solution to every problem.

We dont belong to the liberal family. Were see ourselves as something else altogether. This is why, for example, so many of us enjoy trolling because we dont believe in any of the standard bullshit for example, nothing is less self-evident to us than the notion that all men are created equal and political correctness is an irresistible target.

Everything else about the Alt-Right is downstream from the source: cuckservative, Pepe the Frog, Meme Magic, and so on. It is very Alt-Right to call Leslie Jones a black dude, tell Bruce Jenner he is still a man because his delusion hasnt changed his DNA, to blurt out that Jews are controlling the media or that freedom failed in Africa and Haiti all which is true but something you are not allowed to say.

Its easy to see why the Alt-Right and Conservatism, Inc. doesnt get along. Conservatism, Inc. kowtows to the reigning liberal taboos. The Alt-Right lives to smash them.

Note: The media is now sharing this Walt Bismarck video from the 2016 Amren conference which is humorous summary of the last 15 years.

Excerpt from:
What Is The Alt-Right? Occidental Dissent

FULL TEXT: ‘How To Destroy The Alt Right’ By MILO | Breitbart

Id like to congratulate you on no longer being Americas fattest city, how about a round of applause for slimming down a bit?

It might have made sense for me to come to one of Americas most obese cities and talk to you about body positivity, a topic I approach with my trademark sensitivity.

But Im saving that for Louisiana State on Wednesday. Instead, I want to talk to you about a more serious topic, one thats captured the attention of American politics: the alternative right, or alt-right.

Now, various media and political figures have tried to define the alt-right, with varying degrees of accuracy, over the past few weeks. Which is to say no accuracy at all.

Hillary Clinton, just before reading out some of my headlines, called the alt-right an emerging racist ideology. Of course, she also constantly hallucinates about a vast right wing conspiracy, and, when shes having one of her episodes, a purple unicorn she calls Matilda.

According to Vox, the alt-right is a movement lurking in Reddit and 4chan threads and in community blogs and forums, a movement of right-wingers who openly argue that democracy is a joke.

This is typically nonsensical bilge from Vox, given that the alt-right were also apparently responsible for the outcome of the Brexit referendum.

Salon is more succinct. The alt-right, also known as white nationalism.

Now, obviously theres a grain of truth to some of these characterizations.

But, as weve come to expect, the media depictions of the alt right are woefully simplistic. Almost everything you read about the alt-right is wrong. It isnt just white nationalists. Not everyone in the alt-right is like Paul Town. And the movement certainly isnt led by me although the media seems determined to crown me its queen.

I can tell which members of the audience are alt-right, because their eyes are starting to twitch at me, the degenerates degenerate being called alt-right.

As I told CNBC, somethings not quite right here.

Just to be clear, I dont consider myself a member of the alt-right. Here are a few of the things I disagree with them on.

Firstly, I quite like Israel.The alt-right is sort of fundamentally hostile to these foreign entanglements that may or may not serve Americas interests, and Im a fairly unreconstructed Zionist. I dont expect everyone to agree with that.

I also really like this man [Slide: President George W. Bush].And I was pro-Iraq [war] and I still am. The alt-right would mostly find that horrifying.

And theres one last most obvious one [Slide: Interracial gay porn film]

Of course, to the mainstream media, reporting accurately on the alt-right, and understanding the movements nuances instead of just shrieking RACISTS, is tantamount to leading the movement.

The media is consumed by virtue-signalling. And yes, by the way, there are racists in the alt-right but the movement is much bigger than just them.

The lefts motivations in branding the alt-right as skinheads with Twitter accounts are easier to understand when you realise that the left is responsible for creating it in the first place, as Ill explain in a moment.

The problem is, theyre smearing an entire political generation as racist, and they dont care who gets hurt in the process.

The inability of the establishment right to decipher the movement is slightly different they just dont get it. I dont think any of the people at National Review are bad people they just dont understand what theyre seeing. They dont get cultural politics, they dont get Millennial politics, and thus they dont get the alt-right. The only tools they have to understand the movement are those handed to them by the political left.

I dont hold grudges against them. Those of them who arent senior citizens sexually identify as senior citizens.

The media desperately wants to define the alt-right by the worst 5 percent of its members. They take the genuinely anti-semitic racists the stormfronters or Stormfags, the 1488ers, the Andrew Auernheimers and use them to define the whole movement. The left is obsessed by white supremacy, which in reality makes up an infinitesimally small number of people.

I see two primary motivating factors behind the rise of the alt right.

The first is a millennial generation thats fed up with identity politics and its hypocrisies.

I see old-school conservatives who have had enough of mainstream politicians ignoring their concerns about immigration and cultural politics. I see intellectuals desperate to discuss dangerous, forbidden ideas as the left tries to make the overton window narrower and narrower.

And millennials are proving phenomenally talented at converting their parents, who might be disaffected republicans or tea partiers with Alt-Right thinking. Im sure a few people in the room have gotten Harambe jokes from their parents and that scares the left to death.

The second is anti-white racism.

Progressives in America today believe that you cant be racist unless youre white, or unless you have what they call prejudice plus power. This argument, dreamed up in gender and African studies departments, does nothing more than give people an excuse to attack others for their gender, their sexual orientation, or the colour of their skin, in the same way that eugenics gave people an excuse to view others as subhuman nearly a century ago.

Ironically so-called white privilege is the privilege to be discriminated against.

The idea that women and minorities, who have advocates for their special status in every university, every political party, and every media organization dont have power behind their prejudices is also, frankly, absurd.

Racism is everywhere in America today. So is sexism. Its in our university faculties.

But its not the racism you think.

Its on the pages of the Washington Post. Its on the pages of The Guardian. Its in Hollywood. Its on MSNBC.

Let me read you some statements which highlight the sort of casual racism and sexism that is deemed acceptable by the establishment today.

The Beginning Of The End For Angry White Males.

Feminists Dont Hate Men, But It Wouldnt Matter If We Did.

When Whites Just Dont Get It

As A White Man, Im Surprised More Women Arent Tweeting The Hashtag #KillAllWhiteMen

Women Should Speak First In Class, Says SMU Professor. Really, Do Men Have To Speak At All?

These are headlines from The Guardian, The New York Times, The Independent, The National Post, and the Chicago Tribune.

The key question behind all this is: are we going to have identity politics for everyone, or identity politics for no-one?

At the moment, we have identity politics for everyone except white men. If you advocate for mens issues, The Guardian will call you a misogynist and a sexist. If you advocate for whites, The Guardian and National Review, and everyone else will call you a racist.

Meanwhile, other groups women, gays, blacks, Muslims are not only allowed to advocate for their groups interests, but allowed to be openly racist and sexist towards white men.

When they do so, they receive support from the Silicon Valleys tech giants, who manage an increasing share of our lives. When a parody group called the Feminist Software Foundation tried to create a browser extension that took all instances of white men in articles and changed them to Jews making Guardian articles read like Mein Kampf the extension was banned from both Chrome and Firefox.

Not for antisemitism, you understand. But for showing the Left up as racists.

Id prefer we had no identity politics at all and that we judged people, as someone once said, not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. But if youre going to have identity politics, you have to have them for everybody.

You might not like the result.

The younger, millennial members of the alt-right are, for the most part, not white nationalists. But theyre being pushed toward racial humor by the progressive left.

The left is responsible for me. The left is responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. The left created the alt-right.

If youre on the Left, and youre looking out at the alt-right with horror, and want to destroy it, guess what? You probably can.

Heres the bad news: your current tactics arent working, and are in fact having the opposite of their intended effect. Name-calling, public shaming, and tearing your hair out over Pepe the Frog is simply ineffective and is enlarging the ranks of the troll army every day you continue to do it.

Heres the good news: there are a few simple things you can do to nuke the movement.

Im happy to tell you what they are, because I know youre not going to do any of them.

But I want to you to listen, because I want you to understand how your actions created this phenomenon.

The first thing you have to do is stop being hypocrites.

Double standards are everywhere in coverage of the alt-right. Whenever confronted with a left wing or minority- radical movement, The establishment will wring its hand about addressing the root causes. But they accuse anyone who does the same for the alt-right as necessarily endorsing the worsts of its proponents.

Just look at the medias coverage of Black Lives Matter, and how it gives a pass to horrifying behaviour, behaviour that goes far beyond what the alt-right does on Twitter. Oh, someone with an anime avatar tweeted a racial caricature at you? Thats nice Black Lives Matter has killed police officers.

And theyre still being championed by the mainstream press. Is it any wonder that people sympathize with the alt-right, when theyre at the losing end of such a blatant double standard?

And again you push older people to the alt-right. Who do you think stopped giving millions of dollars to Mizzou following their Black Lives Matter protests? Here is a hint it wasnt jobless gender studies majors, or young engineers whose job was replaced by an H-1B visa holder, it was established donors ranging in age from 40-65.

Its double standards that are at least in part fuelling the alt-right, and not Donald Trump. If you think the alt-right is going to evaporate with the God Emperor, think again.

The genie is not going back in the bottle. And I dont care if I just appropriated the culture of some Arab country by saying that, or infringed on a Disney company trademark for that matter.

Heres one for Hillary Clinton: you gotta stop calling half the country racists.

Establishment columnists argue that responding to racism with racism is wrong, but this is an oversimplification of whats going on with the alt-right. Not everyone on the alt-right is Andrew Auernheimer.

Others, the millennials in particular, are simply responding to real racism with trolling, as a means to expose the double standard. When the double standard disappears, I expect this performative racism if you like, will too.

Performative racism doesnt mean racism-lite. It means memes. It means jokes. It means 19 year old boys saying stuff to get a reaction.

All of the shekel-clutching about anti-semitism on the internet illustrates this perfectly.

Young people dont see anti-semitism as any different to racism or sexism. Its a term robbed of meaning from over-use.

I dont believe there has been some gigantic, spontaneous outpouring of anti-semitism from 22-year olds in this country. And no one has made that case or explained why it might be. Or even tried to.

What I do see is a lot of young people trying to get a reaction. Thats the Troll Manifesto: find something that a person in power is sensitive about, rightly or wrongly, and joke about it relentlessly until they acknowledge you.

Anyone know who this is?

Edward Rooney is the Dean of students in Ferris Buellers Day Off. Hes a cunt. It doesnt matter that hes probably in the right that Bueller shouldnt be dicking around town on a schoolday, but the audience doesnt care. They want him to lose, and Ferris to win, because Ferris is likeable and Rooney is a cunt.

For some unknown reason, the establishment has decided that the best way to fight the alt-right is to adopt the a rhetoric that sounds exactly like that over-controlling teacher that everyone hates. They are the shouting dad in Twisted Sisters Were Not Gonna Take It. They are Edward Rooney. The alt-right, on the other hand, are the Ferris Buellers of the internet, the merry, likeable pranksters that everyone roots for.

People ask why the alt right has to be so mean and why I make mean remarks about people.

Because its fun! And progressives made it fun by finger wagging.

The Left has demonized and censored people who speak about taboo issues respectfully and seriously. NYU didnt let James Watson speak last week and say what you want about Jared Taylor, hes certainly has a respectful and serious tone. So if youre going to get ostracized for having un-PC views no matter how you present them, why not be an asshole about it?To stop the mayhem, the establishment needs to do one very simple thing: stop punishing people for jokes. Stop punishing people for ideas. And stop other people from doing so as well. The bigger of a taboo you make something, the more attractive it is for young pranksters.

Im going to read out a quote from early alt-right intellectual, the Jewish entrepreneur and writer Curtis Yarvin:

If you spend 75 years building a pseudo-religion around anything an ethnic group, a plaster saint, sexual chastity or the Flying Spaghetti Monster dont be surprised when clever 19-year-olds discover that insulting it is now the funniest fucking thing in the world. Because it is

The establishment has done exactly that. Theyve built a religion around left-wing identity politics, complete with blasphemous words and excommunication. And, surprise surprise, shattering those quasi-religious taboos has become hilarious for a huge section of the youth.

The thing I most hate about the Left is that they want to stop us laughing to prescribe which jokes are okay and which are not okay to make in public and to draw artificial lines around certain subjects. I find all sorts of inappropriate things funny. Islam, trannies, AIDS.

These are all innately hilarious things. Now and again I even enjoy a good rape joke especially if Im the butt of it. Telling me Im not allowed to laugh at something does not make it unfunny.

If you think the alt-right is exaggerating about the seriousness of some of this stuff, let me introduce you to some victims of political correctness.

Theres Justine Sacco, a marketing executive who in 2013 was the subject of a Gawker (Rest in Peace!) story by Sam Biddle (Rest in Peace!).

Biddle drew attention to a single joke made by Sacco, in which she said she was glad to be white while travelling in Africa, as it meant she wouldnt catch AIDS. It was actually meant to be a subtle joke about white privilege, but amazingly, this wasnt properly processed by the towering intellect of Sam Biddle.

Gawkers story went up while Sacco was flying to South Africa. By the time she landed, she had trended on Twitter, been fired from her job, and had her hotel reservation cancelled to boot. Her life was ruined by a tweet, taken out of context by a rogue Gawker editor. Of course, this would never happen to the hundreds of feminists and black activists who tweet Kill All White Men on a daily basis.

Then theres Will Miller. Will was recently threatened with expulsion by his own university because he exposed a cabal of racists on Facebook, with members across Britains elite campuses. His article showed members of the group accusing white people of being insufferably self important all the time, telling white users to shut the fuck up, and targeting the jobs of people who disagreed with them. Naturally, they also targeted him, sending dozens of emails to his tutors at the University of Cambridge, who of course took the side of the racists against their own student, and threatened him with expulsion. His mistake, you see, was exposing the acceptable racists anyone whos not white.

This is Sir Tim Hunt, a British chemist who was working on the cure for cancer before he abruptly became the target of a feminist sting operation.

They deliberately and maliciously took a section of his speech to a room of female South Korean scientists out of context, in which he jokes about women in laboraties falling in love and crying all the time. The comment was meant to mock outdated sexist attitudes, but it was presented by feminists as a serious claim on the part of Tim Hunt.

The lie was swallowed by the academic establishment, which forced Hunt to resign from his position at University College London. It took months and months of relentless efforts from conservatives and moderates to clear his name.

Another scientist who ran afoul of the feminist mafia, Matt Taylors crime was daring to wear a shirt made for him by a friend, Elly Prizeman. The shirt was considered sexist by media feminists, you see. Hot girls are sexist, apparently.

Despite the fact that Taylor and his team of scientists had just made history by successfully landing a spacecraft onto a speeding comet, the media cruelly and maliciously decided to take their moment of pride away from them by focusing on Taylors shirt instead. A giant achievement for mankind took a back seat to the whining of man-hating feminists. Taylor was eventually forced to give a tearful apology on camera.

And these are just three examples. There are countless others. Ive already mentioned James Watson, disinvited from NYU.

There was also Razib Khan, a geneticist who lost an opportunity at the New York Times over his views on human biodiversity, and now writes for the alt-right Unz Review.

These are the people being driven into the arms of the alt-right by the excesses of the left.

As well as jokes, theres something else that establishment elites need to stop demonizing as racism: national pride. During the 2015 election in England, a left-wing candidate for parliament called people who fly the English flag simpletons and casual racists. And this is nothing compared to some of the things said by university academics about displays of national pride.

The globalist elites, who assemble in places like Dubai, Davos, and whatever unfortunate country hosts the Bilderberg Conference, dont have a nation.

Whether theyre from Istanbul, London, or Beijing, global elites tend to dress the same, act the same, talk the same, and think the same. They look at whats different and unique about their home countries, and squirm in embarrassment.

We dont.

If you want to draw people away from the alt-right, this has to stop. If you want to identify with the jet setting, cosmopolitan, nationless elite, thats fine. I like being rich and powerful too.

But stop looking down on people who want to stay true to their roots, and remember the national values and traditions that made our progressive, globalized civilization possible. Because for every national flag you take down to replace it with the faceless and sinister logo of the European Union, the International Olympics Committee or the United Nations, ten more will fly upwards in protest.

FULL TEXT: 'How To Destroy The Alt Right' By MILO | Breitbart

McInnes, Molyneux, and 4chan: Investigating pathways to …

TRS 504um posters describe their radicalization as a gradual process, with charismatic alt-lite personalities like Gavin McInnes introducing them to ideas they would eventually take to their extreme. McInnes, especially, hides under a guise of irony, freely using racial slurs and making incendiary comments about women, Muslims and African Americans in the name of mocking political correctness.

McInnes, who formed the Proud Boys in 2016, has repeatedly insisted the SPLC-designated hate group is simply a right-wing mens drinking club in the vein of the Elks Lodge, and has taken pains to distance himself from the alt-right. But even he agrees that theres overlap between his Western chauvinist Proud Boys and self-proclaimed white nationalists: both sides have in common Western chauvinism, theyre not embarrassed by whiteness or whatever, [and] they dont believe diversity is the end-all and be-all.

Responses within the TRS threads show how easy it is to slip from the notion that the West is the best into believing that western culture is superior because its white. Of the respondents in the sample, roughly 15 percent mentioned McInnes as a step in their path to white nationalism or recommended using his videos and writing to convert others. There are more than a few real-life examples of Proud Boys moving into more extreme groups.

McInnes is loathed by many at TRS for being unwilling to take racial politics head-on and counter-signaling them, but hes still credited with helping to cultivate their own belief in white nationalism. In a thread called Do We Still Hate Gavin McInnes? a user calling themselves KarlVonBraun came to his defense, writing I remember first hearing Gavin trash niggers who do that pole/street dance thing on the subwayBasically he says everything short of calling them worthless niggers. I'd literally never heard anyone be brutally honest about what is uniquely nigger behavior while maintaining decorum, without crossing lines you can't cross. It was totally exhilarating. Another user wrote, I guarantee that he is still (without meaning to) funneling people into the Alt-Right.

McInnes is also responsible for introducing a number of TRS users to Jim Goad and, indeed, for much of the writer and podcasters recent resurgence in popularity. Goad got his start as a writer in the 1990s producing his own controversial and acerbic independent magazine and, in 1997, published a book in the same vein. The Redneck Manifesto, which begins with a chapter called White Niggers Have Feelings, Too, bemoans liberals tendency to look down on poor whites and argues, Multiculturalism is a country club that excludes white trash. Goad (much like McInnes) began his career as a sort of small-time countercultural celebrity, but his focus on white persecution now earns him widespread praise within the alt-right.

McInnes has hosted Goad on his shows numerous times and, on a list he created of required reading on Western culture, included Redneck Manifesto together with Patrick Buchanans The Death of the West and Charles Murrays Coming Apart: The State of White America both writers who are also mentioned as influences by TRS posters. One respondent called Goads book an early redpill on the malicious anti-white agenda of the left.

Goad takes advantage of the fact that hes often treated as a serious literary figure, presenting his extremist views on race as simply thoughtful meditations on politically taboo topics or as an attempt to resist political correctness. Hes used his numerous platforms to perpetuate the myth of white slavery and criticized the corporate globalist left for making it difficult for the Daily Stormer to maintain a domain. He even hosted Andrew Anglin, the sites founder, on his podcast, as well as former Ku Klux Klan lawyer Sam Dickson and the Holocaust-denying author Michael Hoffman.

Goad, who is cited six times by TRS members, disparages Those who blame Jews for everything. But in the same breath, he repeats their rhetoric, making him into what one poster calls the missing link from people like Gavin to the white nationalist TRS. If youre trying to red pill a friend and they like Gavin, NotDonSilvo wrote, send them his old podcast with Jim and some of his Taki articles or guest appearances in Gavins Compound Media [show].

Besides his podcast, Goads main platform is Takis Magazine, an extreme right-wing publication with an irreverent tone that promises its only ideology is to be against the junk culture foisted upon us by Hollywood and the mainstream media. Along with Goad and McInnes, it publishes authors like John Derbyshire, who was fired from the conservative National Review after he wrote an article for Takis about advising his teenage children to stay out of heavily black neighborhoods. It described black people as ferociously hostile to whites and is now listed in the greatest hits section on Takis website.

Takis contributors overlap with those at the hate site VDARE, including Steve Sailer cited four times by TRS users whose writing is largely dedicated to opposing immigration and drawing a false link between race and intelligence.

BothTakis Magazineand VDARE are cited by posters of the TRS threads as good in-betweeners, and, together, are cited in more than 16 percent of responses. Both websites, the user Cniva wrote, are good at presenting racism in a were just being reasonable/this is what the science says, why are you acting so upset? type of way.

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