Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

McInnes, Molyneux, and 4chan: Investigating pathways to …

TRS 504um posters describe their radicalization as a gradual process, with charismatic alt-lite personalities like Gavin McInnes introducing them to ideas they would eventually take to their extreme. McInnes, especially, hides under a guise of irony, freely using racial slurs and making incendiary comments about women, Muslims and African Americans in the name of mocking political correctness.

McInnes, who formed the Proud Boys in 2016, has repeatedly insisted the SPLC-designated hate group is simply a right-wing mens drinking club in the vein of the Elks Lodge, and has taken pains to distance himself from the alt-right. But even he agrees that theres overlap between his Western chauvinist Proud Boys and self-proclaimed white nationalists: both sides have in common Western chauvinism, theyre not embarrassed by whiteness or whatever, [and] they dont believe diversity is the end-all and be-all.

Responses within the TRS threads show how easy it is to slip from the notion that the West is the best into believing that western culture is superior because its white. Of the respondents in the sample, roughly 15 percent mentioned McInnes as a step in their path to white nationalism or recommended using his videos and writing to convert others. There are more than a few real-life examples of Proud Boys moving into more extreme groups.

McInnes is loathed by many at TRS for being unwilling to take racial politics head-on and counter-signaling them, but hes still credited with helping to cultivate their own belief in white nationalism. In a thread called Do We Still Hate Gavin McInnes? a user calling themselves KarlVonBraun came to his defense, writing I remember first hearing Gavin trash niggers who do that pole/street dance thing on the subwayBasically he says everything short of calling them worthless niggers. I'd literally never heard anyone be brutally honest about what is uniquely nigger behavior while maintaining decorum, without crossing lines you can't cross. It was totally exhilarating. Another user wrote, I guarantee that he is still (without meaning to) funneling people into the Alt-Right.

McInnes is also responsible for introducing a number of TRS users to Jim Goad and, indeed, for much of the writer and podcasters recent resurgence in popularity. Goad got his start as a writer in the 1990s producing his own controversial and acerbic independent magazine and, in 1997, published a book in the same vein. The Redneck Manifesto, which begins with a chapter called White Niggers Have Feelings, Too, bemoans liberals tendency to look down on poor whites and argues, Multiculturalism is a country club that excludes white trash. Goad (much like McInnes) began his career as a sort of small-time countercultural celebrity, but his focus on white persecution now earns him widespread praise within the alt-right.

McInnes has hosted Goad on his shows numerous times and, on a list he created of required reading on Western culture, included Redneck Manifesto together with Patrick Buchanans The Death of the West and Charles Murrays Coming Apart: The State of White America both writers who are also mentioned as influences by TRS posters. One respondent called Goads book an early redpill on the malicious anti-white agenda of the left.

Goad takes advantage of the fact that hes often treated as a serious literary figure, presenting his extremist views on race as simply thoughtful meditations on politically taboo topics or as an attempt to resist political correctness. Hes used his numerous platforms to perpetuate the myth of white slavery and criticized the corporate globalist left for making it difficult for the Daily Stormer to maintain a domain. He even hosted Andrew Anglin, the sites founder, on his podcast, as well as former Ku Klux Klan lawyer Sam Dickson and the Holocaust-denying author Michael Hoffman.

Goad, who is cited six times by TRS members, disparages Those who blame Jews for everything. But in the same breath, he repeats their rhetoric, making him into what one poster calls the missing link from people like Gavin to the white nationalist TRS. If youre trying to red pill a friend and they like Gavin, NotDonSilvo wrote, send them his old podcast with Jim and some of his Taki articles or guest appearances in Gavins Compound Media [show].

Besides his podcast, Goads main platform is Takis Magazine, an extreme right-wing publication with an irreverent tone that promises its only ideology is to be against the junk culture foisted upon us by Hollywood and the mainstream media. Along with Goad and McInnes, it publishes authors like John Derbyshire, who was fired from the conservative National Review after he wrote an article for Takis about advising his teenage children to stay out of heavily black neighborhoods. It described black people as ferociously hostile to whites and is now listed in the greatest hits section on Takis website.

Takis contributors overlap with those at the hate site VDARE, including Steve Sailer cited four times by TRS users whose writing is largely dedicated to opposing immigration and drawing a false link between race and intelligence.

BothTakis Magazineand VDARE are cited by posters of the TRS threads as good in-betweeners, and, together, are cited in more than 16 percent of responses. Both websites, the user Cniva wrote, are good at presenting racism in a were just being reasonable/this is what the science says, why are you acting so upset? type of way.

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McInnes, Molyneux, and 4chan: Investigating pathways to ...

TWP chief Matthew Heimbach arrested for battery after …

Matthew Heimbach, the leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party, is free on bond after being charged with battery in southern Indiana after a bizarre sequence of events involving Heimbach having an affair with his chief spokesmans wife.

Police in Paoli, Indiana, said Heimbach attacked his wife and TWP spokesman Matt Parrott early Tuesday morning after the two confronted him about the affair with Parrotts wife.

After the arrest, Parrott announced he was walking away from the group.

Im done. Im out, Parrott told the Southern Poverty Law Center on Tuesday. SPLC has won. Matt Parrott is out of the game. Yall have a nice life.

Parrott declined to comment further on Heimbachs arrest or his resignation. His resignation came hours after the arrest and just days after he learned of the affair between Heimbach and his wife.

Heimbach, 26, posted $1,000 bond and was released Tuesday. He did not answer calls to his cellphone and did not return questions sent by text message from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The strange incident began just after 1 a.m. Tuesday, when Matt Parrott, 36, called police from a Walmart near his home. He fled to the Walmart with his step-daughter after a violent confrontation with Heimbach.

The step-daughter told police that Heimbach and Parrotts wife had been having an affair for three months. Heimbach and Parrotts wife said the fling had ended.

The step-daughter and Parrotts wife tried to set up Heimbach to see if he would continue the affair after saying it was over, police said in a report.

During the setup at Parrotts Paoli trailer home, Matthew Parrott and his step-daughter waited outside, standing on a box and watching through a window, police said.

A confrontation ensued between Heimbach and Matt Parrott. Parrott told police Heimbach twisted him down to the ground, then choked [him] out.

He grabbed and injured my hand after I poked his chest then choked me out with his arm, Parrott said in a handwritten statement to police. Then he chased me to my home and did it again.

After police arrived, the responding officer overheard a verbal confrontation between Heimbach and his wife, followed by a scuffle, the report states. Heimbachs wife said her husband kicked a wall, grabbed her face and threw me with the hand on my face onto the bed. Police said the step-daughter recorded the attack on her cellphone.

In the report, all four people involved in the incident recorded their occupations as White Nationalist.

Parrott has been distancing himself from Heimbach and the TWP in recent days.

On the alt-right social media platform Gab, Parrott posted on March 9: I have attempted to be a positive, uplifting, and unifying voice in the nationalist cause. At a certain point, even the most stubborn man must hold himself accountable to the fruit of his labor. My focus from here on out will be exclusively infrastructure and logistics.

Heimbach started up the Traditionalist Youth Network (TYN)in 2013 after graduating from Towson University. He and his father-in-law, Parrott, later folded TYN into theTraditionalist Worker Party, awhite nationalist organization cloaking itself in traditionalism.

The latest arrest puts Heimbach in jeopardy of going to jail for a prior incident.

Heimbach pleaded guilty in July 2017 to disorderly conductin the assault ofa protester at a 2016 campaign event for Donald Trump in Louisville, Kentucky.

Heimbach was fined $145 and sentenced to 90 days in jail after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct, a lesser charge.District Court Judge Stephanie Pearce Burke suspended the jail time so long as Heimbach avoids being charged with another offense in the next two years.

A probation hearing for Heimbach is set in Kentucky on June 1.

A federal civil lawsuit is pending against Heimbach, President Donald Trump and others stemming from the incident.

Heimbachs scandal and arrest is the latest incident to rock the alt-right.

Over the weekend, Richard B. Spencer, head of the National Policy Institute, announced he would forgo any more campus speeches for now after a sparsely attended speech on March 5 at Michigan State University.

Heimbach and members of the TWP were outside the agricultural pavilion where Spencer spoke, at one point physically fighting with and throwing rocks at protesters. By the time the fights ended, more than two dozen people protestors and Spencer supporters were arrested.

In the days after the Michigan State fracas, Heimbach posted on Gab: Our speaker spoke at your campus. We picked your best fighters up and threw them around like rag dolls until the police stepped in to protect y'all, and we even captured your flag, faggots, TWP wrote.

Photo credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images

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TWP chief Matthew Heimbach arrested for battery after ...

The Alt-Right is Killing People | Southern Poverty Law Center

The timeline for alt-right killers began on May 23, 2014.

On that day, college sophomore Elliot Rodger stabbed his three roommates to death before driving to a sorority house at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and shooting several women. He then killed or injured several pedestrians with both gunfire and his vehicle before exchanging fire with police and eventually taking his own life. He ultimately killed sevenand wounded 14.

Rodger left behind a sprawling 107,000-word manifesto titled, My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger, which contained passages lamenting his inability to find a girlfriend, expressing extreme misogyny and various racist positions including disgust for interracial couples (despite the fact that he was multi-racial himself).

How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself, Rodger wrote. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves.

In a video, uploaded to YouTube just prior to his violent rampage titled, Elliot Rodgers Retribution, Rodger tells his audience, Well, this is my last video, it all has to come to this. Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you. College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure. Within those years, Ive had to rot in loneliness. Its not fair.

Rodger frequented PUAhate, a deeply misogynistic forum populated by failed pick up artists dedicated to revealing, the scams, deception, and misleading marketing techniques used by dating gurus and the seduction community to deceive men and profit from them. Discussions about women on the forum are at best objectifying and at worst, violent.

In his manifesto, Rodger fantasized about putting all women in concentrationcamps to starve while he watched gleefully from a tower. It is celebrated on some alt-right sites, like The Right Stuffs 504um.

User Doctor Mayhem annotates excerpts from Rodgers manifesto in a thread titled, Elliot Rodger Did Nothing Wrong: Why Yellow Fever is Okay.

Basically, all you need to know is that seeing blonde girls with niggers made Elliot RRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE like a billion pissed off Pepes, Mayhem writes towards the end of his post. We all know the end result. DEAD SLUTS! So White men of all kinds! No need to fear creating hapas! [a term denoting someone of partial Asian or Pacific Islander descent] In fact, you are a much superior man for the creation of them! LET ALL NEGLECTED HAPA BOYS KILL SLUTS IN THE NAME OF WHITE SHARIA!


The term, white sharia, allegedly coined by Sacco Vandal of the popular alt-right site Vandal Void, is a radical response to Patrick Buchanans argument in Death of the West: that the increase in immigration and decline of white birthrates is leading to the end of Western civilization.

Vandal argues for an end to womens suffrage and stripping them of all political, legal, and economic power. Our men need harems, and the members of those harems need to be baby factories, Vandal writes. This is not about muh dicking nor beta revenge uprisings. These are cold, calculated plans to save our dying race. White Sharia is a blueprint for salvation.

Rodgers celebration at the 504um, one of the premier alt-right forums, is the rule rather than the exception, and locates misogyny at the core of the alt-right.

Take for instance Just what are traditional gender roles?, an article written by notorious hacker and troll Andrew Weev Auernheimer at the Daily Stormer one of the alt-rights most repugnant and successful propaganda engines in response to those counter signaling the white sharia.

Rape is a property crime and nothing more, Auernheimer writes. Regular slapping and the occasional vicious beating of a woman was a necessity in every household. Women need to be regularly disciplined to keep their heads about them.

Auernheimer continues, Man up, put women under your heel, throw away their birth control and make them bear your children and take care of your house. If they resist, discipline them. All we are pushing for is a return to the status of women we had in the early 19th century before Jews and their feminism ruined our civilization. This should not be controversial. If you are opposing WHITE SHARIA because you disagree with women being reduced to the status of property to be beaten and fucked at the whims of her husband, you are a faggot and a cuckold and have no place in any right-wing site, and instead belong at the bottom of festering bogs like Reddit and Voat.

Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi Daily Stormers founder and chief propagandist, has his own troubling history of vicious misogyny, tracking all the way back to high school.

According to an account published by The Atlantic, Anglins high school girlfriend told him that she was raped by a friends older brother while passed out at a party. He allegedly responded by calling her a slut and encouraged girls from another high school to harass her for weeks. Both the misogyny and harassing behaviors are recognizable on the present-day Daily Stormer.

In the aftermath of Rodgers killing spree, a user at 4chan/b/ posted a photo from Rodgers Facebook page with the note, Elliot Rodger, the supreme gentleman, was part of /b/. Discuss. This sentiment was echoed by other /b/ users who found similarities between his lexicon and that of the noxious board, including the term beta, used by men online to describe themselves as lacking the physicality, charisma and confidence associated with alpha males. It also denotes a level of isolation or withdrawal.

The term resurfaced on 4chan/r9k/ in the wake of a shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, by Chris Harper-Mercer, who killed nine and wounded at least seven others at the college on October 1, 2015.

This is only the beginning. The Beta Rebellion has begun, one anonymous user wrote. Soon, more of our brothers will take up arms to become martyrs to this revolution.

Although never proven, it is widely speculated that Harper-Mercer was a user on the board as warnings against attending school the following day that circulated on the eve of the shooting. Authorities believe Harper-Mercer, who like Rodger was multi-racial, was also motivated by white supremacist ideas. The Government Accountability Office categorized the Roseburg killings as white supremacist in an April 2017 report.

Many on the alt-right, including some of its most notorious leaders, like Anglin, spent their early ideological years submerged in extreme image and message boards like 4chan and 8chan. Many credit them with their red pilling a reference to a scene from The Matrix in which the main character chooses between remaining in a comfortable illusion or facing a harsh, but true, realitywhich requires taking a red pill.

As the alt-right spread, the subculture had another effect on its adherents: the inculcation of cruelty. As Angela Nagle and Jacob Siegel wrote:

The far right knew what progressives are only beginning to realize: Lulz wasnt just an amoral defiance of moral categories, it was an ethical claim. Through years of pre-political collective bullying, it trained those who would go on to become alt-right to deprogram the moral codes that might cause feelings of guilt and empathy by aestheticizing the collective dehumanization of enemies.

Anonymous and disparate interaction with online extremist content, frequently without any real-world connection to hate groups or far-right extremism, is becoming an established pattern for those on the alt-right who have gone on to commit acts violence.

See original here:
The Alt-Right is Killing People | Southern Poverty Law Center

Alt-right – RationalWiki

Well, tough luck, fags. The alt-right is just a euphemism for Nazism. And Nazism is based on the eternal laws of nature itself. Its incorruptible.

Here's how to understand the alt-right: Think about what's right, then think about the alternative to that.

The alt-right (shortened for Alternative Right)[note 1] is a far-right movement that opposes multiculturalism and social justice movements (or what they call "Cultural Marxists" and "SJWs"). The movement is made up largely of young Internet-dwellers; it is itself the merger of traditional white nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, and far-right internet groups (such as the neoreactionary movement and right-wing elements of the Gamergate movement). The alt-right consensus generally rests at the juncture of those three groups. The alt-right is also united by its support for U.S. Republican President Donald Trump. The term originated with Richard Spencer's white nationalist magazine/blog Alternative Right, nicknamed "AltRight".

The alt-right wholeheartedly embraces the overt racism, misogyny, neo-Nazi affectations, bullying and trolling of chan culture as a lifestyle. You'll find them on /pol/, /r/The_Donald, My Posting Career or The Right Stuff; they make up a sizable fraction of the more radical and uncouth sections of Gamergate. They're also the ones who popularized "cuckservative" as a term of abuse for those on the right who are deemed not racist enough.

Whether they are primarily neoreactionaries who are into white nationalism or white nationalists dressing their ideas up with neoreactionary jargon is probably a distinction without a difference. The term "alt-right" has come to be more generally used for Trump supporters who think swastikas are good; in this context, it's just a hip name for white supremacists.

The press has been mistaking it for an online phenomenon even though some factions pre-date the internet. 4Chan and vloggers are the online element with others having one foot in the real world and the other online. You can trace it back through father's rights and mythopoetics back in the 1980s,[4][5][6] which had some crossover with Christian Identity/Quiverfull in the 1990s.[7][8] Over time it became more myopic and selfish, with Men's Rights, Ladder Theory, PUA, and the Red Pill.[9] Gamergate was the debutante ball for a lot of the reaction which had been building but had no central ladder.[10][11]

The paleocon wing is perhaps the oldest (hence paleo):[12] Pat Buchanan (himself a Nixon aide) founded the news journal which produced Richard Spencer, and you have guys who were once mainstream like Peter Brimelow,[13] who was an aide to Orrin Hatch and editor of Forbes. Then you have the Clinton-era militia groups like the Oath Keepers,[14] who are in or out depending on who you talk to.[15] There's the Silicon Valley neoreaction wing made up of techies and businesspeople where some have considerable weight[16] (see Peter Thiel advising Trump), and others who are just extremely prolific bloggers (Mencius Moldbug).[17] There's the academic HBD/eugenicist wing made up of professors, grad students, and their followers, some of whom are actually affiliated with neo-Nazi parties like Kevin MacDonald. The internet didn't really cause these things so much as it allowed consolidation into the loose coalition of alt-right. There's even more sects, but the point of things like "Unite the Right" is to try to hold all of them together.

Who exactly brought the movement to the mainstream? Richard Spencer, who is best described thus:[18]

The correct response to Spencer and to the alt-right is "wow, that's some fucking cringey racialist bullshit".

Although the alt-right has only come into prominence in recent years, the truth is that random people using the Internet to spread cringey white supremacist propaganda is nothing new. Perhaps the first example of such would be the 1995 Usenet essay The Long March by Ian P. McKinney of the neo-Fascist National Alliance.[19] This essay was infamous not only for its extreme bigotry and logic that would best be described as being not even wrong, but also for being spammed everywhere on the Internet.

The essay begins with a plea, supposedly to those who care enough about the fate of Western civilization, to heed the author's words. The essay then attacks Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh for not being racist enough for McKinney's liking (one can assume that, if the word "cuckservative" existed at the time, McKinney would have used it).

From there, the author proceeds to rattle off a painfully long diatribe in which he fusses about IQ scores, religiously cites The Bell Curve, and uses all other manner of disproven statistics, circumstantial evidence, half-truths, stereotypes, and condescending pseudo-intellectual jargon to reach his main "conclusion": that African Americans are developmentally inferior to Caucasians and that the only reason anyone believes otherwise is because of the fiendish machinations of Jewish communists who have successfully infiltrated the Cultural Anthropology departments of major universities as part of their sinister plot to overthrow Western civilization.

McKinney argues that racial equality is a "false religion" promoted by fanatical sheeple consisting of liberals and moderate conservatives (and yes, he counts people like Gingrich as "moderates"), and there's also a brief mention of immigration causing white genocide. At least the knowledge that Mr. McKinney clearly has a lifetime's supply of tinfoil is of some use, should we need to borrow some for baking.

The alt-right is a loser's poor fantasy of what a radical revolution looks like. I should know.

Superstructure taken from:[21]

The subbreddit /r/AltRight defines itself thusly:[23]

While not much different from views expressed by more traditional idiots white nationalists like Tom Metzger, members of the alt-right have called for a "white homeland" and the potential division of the continental United States into ethno "regions". For example, noted asshat alt-right leader Matthew Heimbach has called for the white region to be named "Avalon".[24] There is some irony here of course, in that Heimbach has chosen to use a name of an Asian automaker's car for his white ethnostate. One would have hoped he could have come up with a name more in keeping with his proud white heritage, maybe something along the lines of "The United States of White America", "Mulletland" or "KidRockistan". Which in and of itself raises some real central issues for this entire discussion: first, what exactly is and is not "a white person"? And second, instead of trying to change the geography of the United States, why not just have those who want these changes made move to some place where it is already illegal to live there if you're not.."white"? You know, like how it used to be in Oregon, and kinda like how it is in West Virginia? Third, instead of outlawing, say, "nonwhites" why not outlaw those whose IQ is below 110, or people with a felony record, pedophiles, DUI convicts, you know that kind of thing?

I dunno.

Any one of these dweebs alt-right leaders are basically just taking the ideas of past idiots like David Duke, Tom Metzger and George Lincoln Rockwell (who was such a joke in his day that he was murdered by a bunch of fellow Neo-nazis in 1967), dusting them off and updating a few words here and there. Then when shit gets crazy, much like supreme asshole alt-right figurehead Gavin McInnes, they abandon the alt-right ship and say the whole thing was just a joke anyways.

Most involved in movement are attention seeking media whores who will latch onto anything in order to get a press agent. When judged on accomplishments alone, someone like Milo Yiannopoulos, who can't seem to figure out how to properly book a room at UC Berkeley, stands shoulder to shoulder with a complete nutjob like David Duke, who can't get through an interview without frothing at the mouth about his fake PhD and disavowing his past KKK affiliation.

On substance, they indeed put forth the same vile tenets of white extremism, nazi ideology and ethnic inferiority as part of their modern agenda. But they share the same laughable ineptitude as their forefathers at not being able to make even the most basic logical case for their point of view when challenged with the most simplistic line of rational questioning. Although to be fair that's probably not true of all of them, there may even be some who can make a coherent logical argument in support of their socio-political position that "white people are good, period"...that doesn't even ignore the obvious counterargument that there are a hell of a lot of bad white people with more and more coming out of the woodwork each and every day and no you can't blame all that on the blacks but you can blame it on the fact that they survived the rocky shoals of white intra-family crime and made it to the firm ground of white-owned America where they stood tall and proudly declared themselves to be The Greatest Race On Earth as a result of that fact. Does kinda prove their point, actually, but realistically that's an argument that no white-supremacist would ever make. Simply because no white supremacist is a criminal or would ever become one, and thus never would be personally responsible for white intra-family or intra-race crime. Or any crime at all, other than the obvious crime of going around and claiming that white people and only white people are good for the country, and that we need to get rid of all the no-whites in order to Make America Great Again [still unsure on what that "white" means and what kind of "great" they're talking about]. any rate, let's just say that on substance they're somewhat circular. The country would be great only if white people are in charge and only white people are in it and that's true because white people say so. The fact that there is disagreement is a result of non-white influence and should be not just ignored but destroyed for the good of the country. Remember: white=right, white=good. Those who disagree are the spawn of Satan.

For whatever reasons, most of the leaders that have emerged from this joke new movement have shared the same trait as their glorious forefathers in so far as needing attention from both traditional and non traditional media outlets. But this might also be what separates them from your average, low IQ neo-nazi and KKK member, who have, up until now at least, only really managed to be able to produce typo-strewn monthly publications and random acts of violence, mostly on their fellow idiots race warriors.

In being able to actually put a sentence together, traditional media outlets have raced to interview, profile and "examine" this group of complete dickwads "new voices" emerging on the fringes of the right wing. The major issue with this development is that, at the end of the day, they are basically just re-hashing the tenets of racist propaganda for their own gain.

The other problem with of all this lies in the fact that by giving these asshats alt-right figureheads a platform, traditional media outlets (also corrupted by blacks) have allowed them to spread a damaging underlying message of hatred to many more ears (also corrupted by blacks) than their incompetent predecessors could have ever dreamt possible. This fact can (and does) have tragic consequences, as witnessed by some of the recent mass shootings (largely caused by the blacks). But even when the alt-right tries to walk back from these events (as they usually do once the proverbial shit hits the fan as a result of black involvement), they eventually take credit for these tragedies by referencing them (and blaming them on the blacks) at the first possible instance, once the dust has settled of course (listen to any of idiot in chief Andrew Anglin's latest interviews and he will specially address these events when the slightest opportunity is presented to him).

In order for the alt-right's massive number of conspiracies, slurs, and insults to make any kind of sense, obscene use of doublethink is basically required. To quote The New York Times:[25]

Alt-tech refers to a recent phenomenon of various "free speech" internet websites and companies which serve as alternatives to mainstream websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Wikipedia, Patreon, GoFundMe, and dating sites . In many cases, these websites are overflowing with typical alt-right content and while many of these websites do not necessarily support the views of the alt-right (with a few exceptions) they tend to have plenty of users who post or upload content that is explicitly in line with the alt-right. "Alt-tech" websites include PewTube, Gab, WrongThink, Voat, Hatreon, Rightpedia, Goy Fund Me, and WASP Love. One New York Times reporter had used various "Alt-tech" outlets and found them to be a mess in his own eyes.

The full spectrum from neoreaction through to the alt-right came out solidly for Donald Trump as 2016 Presidential nominee. In an interview with MSNBC, Republican strategist Rick Wilson characterised Trump supporters as an online movement of anti-Semites and "childless single men who masturbate to anime," noting the "Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons and names."[27] Elements of the alt-right have also been sympathetic to Nigel Farage, Vladimir Putin[28] and Brexitalthough some white nationalists call for a European superstate built along ethnic lines,[29] not unlike Oswald Mosley's "Europe a Nation" policy.[30]

Steve Bannon the former CEO of the Trump campaign and now Trump's Chief Political Strategist ex-Chief Political Strategist in the White House, is also tied in with the alt-right and anti-"Establishment" populism; he was the former executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC[31] and "turned Breitbart into Trump Pravda for his own personal gain", according to former Breitbart employee Ben Shapiro. Under his leadership, Breitbart embraced "the white supremacist alt-right", and the website "[became] the alt-right go-to website", according to Shapiro.[32]

On August 12, 2017, various alt-right white nationalist, white supremacist, and anti-Semitic groups held a rally in the city of Charlottesville, Virginia where they protested against the Jews and their supposed plan to replace the white race with non-white immigrants. Cries of "Jews will not replace us" and "You will not replace us" followed by "White Lives Matter" and the Nazi-era slogan "Blood and Soil" were heard. Unfortunately for the protesters, Antifa activists and counter-protesters were standing in their way and what was a simple protest soon turned to violence when a Neo-Nazi named James Alex Fields Jr. killed a woman named Heather Heyer during the rally. This wasn't the only act of violence, though. A protester was seen shooting a gun, three protesters were seen beating a black man, and League of the South Florida members led by Craig Tubbs shoved their shields at counter-protesters. Afterwards, the organizer of the rally, Jason Kessler, was denounced and later sentenced to 50 hours of community service for punching James Taylor. The Daily Stormer insulted the victim killed in the rally during the subsequent media frenzy, resulting in the website being expelled from Google and

Read the rest here:
Alt-right - RationalWiki

Alt Right MN

Original article here:


Before this incident, we had heard of media and news organizations fabricating stories about Trump supporters, but never thought this could happen to us. We never thought that our own support for Trump would put us personally in danger while the media fabricated stories to slur us. Over the course of 2016, our support for Trump left us feeling isolated from many of our liberal friends, but we were able to make new bonds of shared ideals within this exciting new movement of the Alt-Right. However, never did we suspect that we would be violently targeted for our skin color and political leanings, and then accused of being Nazis a term that now seems to apply to everybody to the right of Stalin.

Our Minneapolis-based group is organized through a private server on an online chat app. Due to a lapse in security and our naivete, a member of the IWW managed to get on our server by pretending to be a Trump supporter. This member learned of our plans to meet at the Minneapolis Institute of Art and alerted the IWW.

We were there only to meet a few new faces and enjoy the Minneapolis Institute of Arts beautiful collection. However, when we got there, the IWW protesters were waiting. We had no idea that it had anything to do with us until two of our members were attacked upstairs, simply for how they looked. One was brought to the ground and kicked in the face until security intervened. The assaulters left the area and ran down the stairs where they met another Trump supporter who they violently attacked and maced.

One of the assaulters was handcuffed by the police after he was found carrying an illegal knife. The Minneapolis Police Department made no arrests over this affair why not? Are they supporting the actions of these leftist thugs?

The leftists have since made numerous false statements to the press. The funniest was that we were there to guard the art I guess from them? If that were the case, we succeeded, since despite their unprovoked violent attack in a major art gallery, none of the art pieces were damaged. But honestly, we can thank the work of the MIA security for that as they bravely shielded us from the attack and prevented any damage to the surrounding exhibit. The other widely spread slander is that we were all neo-Nazis, the only evidence being the way we looked or were dressed.

These are the same violent, anti-democratic, anti-free speech agitators who burnt down Berkeley only a few weeks ago. They are a real threat to order, safety and sanity in this nation and we call upon the new administration and President Trump to take action and defend our citizens!

Regardless of what we looked like, who we support, or what we believe, we were there for purely peaceful and positive reasons, and no part of the thuggish, cowardly attack on our members was warranted. We want to ask the police and local attorney general why no charges? And we ask the press why the lies?


Addendum: here are some pics from the Twin Cities IWW FB page:

We can positively identify the man in the center of the first photo, and onthe right of the second, as one of our attackers. If anyone has any info on him, please let us know or alert the Minneapolis Police Department!

Excerpt from:
Alt Right MN