Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

Why the upcoming alt-right rally in Charlottesville may be less important than we think – Washington Post

By Martese Johnson and Aryn Frazier By Martese Johnson and Aryn Frazier August 8 at 3:17 PM

Martese Johnson graduated in 2016 from the University of Virginia with a bachelors degree in Italian studies. Aryn Frazier graduated from U-Va. this year with a bachelors in African American and African studies. In March 2015, Johnson, who is African American, was bloodied during an arrest outside a Charlottesville bar that drew widespread attention amid national debate about race and law enforcement. Frazier was a leader in the U-Va. Black Student Alliance and participated in protests over how Johnson was treated. Here, the two alumni write about a rally expected in Charlottesville on Saturday.

In early July, an estimated 50 members of the Ku Klux Klan marched down the streets of Charlottesville. They were met by the fierce resistance of nearly 1,000 protesters who openly denounced the vitriol and hatred for which the Klan stands. The appearance of Klansmen dressed in white robes shouting epithets in the progressive college town made headlines across the nation.

This week, an even larger contingent of white nationalists will descend on the picturesque city for the Unite the Right Rally. The presence of major alt-right leaders will probably bring even more media spotlight and news coverage than did the rally in July.

But it shouldnt.

This is not because blatant demonstrations of hate no longer matter in 2017 the rationale is actually quite the opposite.

The very existence of the KKK, the hatred for which it stands, and the vitriol that its members spew is absolutely important. It is important because it reminds people that, for as far as weve come and as many minds as have been changed, we still have quite a long way to go. The Klans sustained existence is important because it challenges us to be vigilant in our beliefs and to find inventive, invigorating ways to disseminate our messages about the civil and human rights work this country still has left to do. Its existence keeps us alert to both present and lurking dangers.

However, the diminished Klan itself is not what worries us. Instead, we are concerned about their ideological heirs who hide in plain sight without the distinguishing hoods and robes who walk in and out of government buildings, lobbying firms, think tanks and corporations day in and day out.

These are the people at the root of our gravest concerns: disproportionate poverty, gentrification, housing and education inequity, and the killing and killing and killing of black and brown people.

During the July rally in Charlottesville, the media coverage centered on the fact that 50 people who marched in support of the Klan were met by opposition from many more people who were, frankly, demonstrating what ought be considered common human decency.

Such ephemeral coverage means that our deeply institutionalized, more pressing concerns cannot have the spotlight that they so desperately need. Instead, sensationalized stories about the re-emergence of the KKK become the primary focus of some of our activists, organizers and influencers who light up social media with impassioned if misdirected tweets highlighting how protesters outnumbered the KKK sympathizers.

While this may seem to convey that our recent attempts to combat racial injustice have proven ineffectual, that is far from the truth. The truth is that our newfound ability to create media-fueled grassroots movements has bolstered our likelihood of securing progressive change in this new era. We have gained a key strength from our efforts, and now it is time to properly utilize it.

We know what it takes to get news coverage. And this is where we get to the part the media has to play in this. There is much talk about responsible journalism these days and what exactly it looks like. An easy place to start is in Charlottesville on Saturday. Cover the alt-right march.

But the media should also cover the outcomes of the myriad town halls called to garner solutions to issues of racial injustice that either followed or preceded this most recent display of bigotry. Inform viewers of whether their elected and appointed officials are simply paying lip service to these causes and using time and money to seem as though they are addressing the problems everyday citizens and citizen-activists have brought to their attention, or if they are actually moving policy and practices to be more in line with equality and justice.

Without a major shift in the stories that are covered extensively, we will develop further into a society duped by distraction, rendered immobile by our indignation at the KKK and alt-right in Charlottesville instead of the true villains in our local, state and national politics.

The Ku Klux Klan and the alt-right, for all the individualized danger and trauma they represent and inflict, stands simply as a spawn of that real, quiet, but deadly injustice. By focusing on them, we are allocating our attention and resources to a pawn rather than the true enemy.

And that is not good for us any of us in the long run.

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Why the upcoming alt-right rally in Charlottesville may be less important than we think - Washington Post

The Alt-Right and Glenn Greenwald Versus HR McMaster – New York Magazine

Donald Trump and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster. Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump has scrambled the political spectrum in certain ways, and one of them has been to introduce a new set of players to the national scene. Nationalists or populists (as they now call themselves), or the alt-right (as they used to call themselves), have been vying with traditional Republicans for control of the Trump administration. The nationalists tend to be pro-Russia, virulently anti-immigrant, race-centric, and conspiratorial in their thinking. Their current project is a political war against National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, a conventional Republican who displaced the nationalist Michael Flynn. The nationalist war against McMaster has included waves of Russian social-media bots, leaks placed in the nationalist organ Breitbart, and undisguised anti-Semitism.

Most observers outside the nationalist wing have treated McMaster as the sympathetic party in the conflict. The Intercepts Glenn Greenwald is a notable exception. Greenwald has depicted the conflict, much like the nationalists themselves have, as the machinations of the deep state to prevent the authentic, democratically legitimate populist representatives of Trumpism from exerting their rightful authority. Greenwald himself is not a nationalist, and is certainly not a bigot, but the episode has revealed a left-wingers idiosyncratic sympathy for the most odious characters on the right.

Greenwald lays out his thinking in a deeply, if inadvertently, revealing column denouncing anti-Trump saboteurs in the deep state.

The foundation of Greenwalds worldview on this issue and nearly everything else is that the United States and its national-security apparatus is the greatest force for evil in the world. Who has brought more death, and suffering, and tyranny to the world over the last six decades, he writes, than the U.S. National Security State? (This six-decade period of time includes Maos regime in China, which killed 45 to 75 million people, as well as the Khmer Rouge and several decades of the Soviet Union.) In Greenwalds mind, the ultimate expression of American evil is and always will be neoconservatism. Its hard, for instance, to imagine any group that has done more harm, and ushered in more evil, than the Bush-era neocons with whom Democrats are now openly aligning, he argues.

The neoconservatives have lined up against Trump, and many Democrats agree with them on certain issues. Since the neocons represent maximal evil in the world, any opponent of theirs must be, in Greenwalds calculus, the lesser evil. His construction that its hard to imagine any worse faction than the neocons is especially telling. However dangerous or rancid figures like Steve Bannon or Michael Flynn may be, the possibility that they could match the evil of the neocons is literally beyond the capacity of his brain to imagine.

A second source of Greenwalds sympathy for the nationalists is their populism. The nationalists style themselves as outsiders beset by powerful, self-interested networks of hidden foes. And while their racism is not his cup of tea, Greenwald shares the same broad view of his enemies.

Trump advocated a slew of policies that attacked the most sacred prongs of long-standing bipartisan Washington consensus, argues Greenwald. As a result, he was (and continues to be) viewed as uniquely repellent by the neoliberal and neoconservative guardians of that consensus, along with their sprawling network of agencies, think tanks, financial policy organs, and media outlets used to implement their agenda (CIA, NSA, the Brookings/AEI think tank axis, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, etc.).

It is certainly true that all manner of elites disdain Trump. Whats striking is Greenwalds uncharitable reading of their motives, which closely tracks Trumps own portrayal of the situation. Many elites consider Trump too ignorant, lazy, impulsive, and bigoted for the job. Instead Greenwald presents their opposition as reflecting a fear that Trump threatens their wealth and power. (This despite the pro-elite tilt of his tax and regulatory policies which, in particular, make it astonishing that Greenwald would take at face value Trumps claim to threaten the interests of Wall Street and its financial policy organs.)

The opposition to Trump naturally shares a wide array of motives, as would any wide-ranging coalition. Greenwalds column consistently attributes to those opponents only the most repellant beliefs. He doesnt even consider the possibility that some people genuinely believe McMaster is a safe, responsible figure who might help dissuade the president from doing something terrible.

Greenwald emphasizes, Hank Paulson, former Goldman Sachs CEO and George W. Bushs Treasury Secretary, went to the pages of the Washington Post in mid-2016 to shower Clinton with praise and Trump with unbridled scorn, saying what he hated most about Trump was his refusal to consider cuts in entitlement spending (in contrast, presumably, to the Democrat he was endorsing). It is true that Trump promised not to cut entitlement spending. Greenwalds notion that this promise placed him presumably in contrast with Hillary Clinton ignores that fact that Clinton also promised to protect these programs.

The passage about entitlements appears deep in Paulsons op-ed, which Paulson began by lambasting Trump for encouraging ignorance, prejudice, fear and isolationism, among other flaws. Greenwald asserts that Paulson identifies Trumps hostility to cutting entitlements as what he hated most about the Republican nominee, but nothing in the op-ed indicates this is what Paulson hated most. Greenwald just made that part up.

The same concoction of motives is at work in Greenwalds contempt for McMaster and John Kelly, the new chief of staff. The pair of former generals have long been hailed by anti-Trump factions as the Serious, Responsible Adults in the Trump administration, primarily because they support militaristic policies such as the war in Afghanistan and intervention in Syria that are far more in line with official Washingtons bipartisan posture, he writes.

Note that primarily. Greenwald is arguing that news coverage treating them as competent managers, as opposed to the amateurish nationalists, is propaganda by the elite plumping for greater war in Afghanistan and Syria. He is implying that if Kelly and McMaster took more dovish positions on Afghanistan and Syria, their public image would be altogether different. Greenwald supplies no evidence for this premise. In fact, McMasters most acute policy struggle has been his efforts to maintain the Iran nuclear agreement, one which has placed him on the dovish side, against an established neoconservative position. Greenwald does not mention this issue, which fatally undermines his entire analysis.

The final point of overlap between Greenwald and the nationalists is their relatively sympathetic view of Russia. The nationalists admire Putin as a champion of white Christian culture against Islam, a predisposition Greenwald does not share at all. Greenwald has, however, defended Russias menacing of its neighbors, and repeatedly questioned its ties to WikiLeaks.

From the outset, he has reflexively discounted evidence of Russian intervention in the election. Democrats completely resurrect that Cold War McCarthyite kind of rhetoric not only to accuse Paul Manafort, who does have direct financial ties to certainly the pro the former pro-Russian leader of the Ukraine, he asserted last year. (Manafort did have financial ties to that leader, a fact that was obvious at the time and which Manafort no longer denies.) Democratic accusations that Trump had hidden ties with Russia were a smear tactic, unhinged, wild, elaborate conspiracy theories, a desperate excuse for their election defeat, and so on.

As evidence of Russian intervention piled up, Greenwalds line of defense has continued to retreat. When emails revealed a campaign meeting by Russians on the explicit promise of helping Trumps campaign, Greenwald brushed it off as politics as usual: I, personally, although its dirty, think all of these events are sort of the way politics works. Of course if youre in an important campaign and someone offers you incriminating information about your opponent, youre going to want it no matter where it comes from.

This closely tracks the Trump legal teams own defense of the Russia scandal, a fact that is probably coincidental. (There are only so many arguments to make.) Greenwald is not a racist, and is the opposite of a nationalist, and yet his worldview has brought him into close alignment with that of the alt-right. A Greenwaldian paranoid would see this quasi-alliance as a conspiracy. The reality of his warped defenses of Trump is merely that of a monomaniac unable to relinquish his obsessions.

While many people think Congress is enriching itself, its actually too poor in policy knowledge and resources to do much more than take orders.

Tensions are ramping up on the Korean peninsula.

The presidents attorney says Trump has never thought of firing the special counsel and has sent Mueller messages of appreciation.

A report suggests the White House wants to tap Rudy Giulianis colleague at a white-shoe firm.

In a race marred by negative ads, Senator Luther Strange has a positive spot thats got more shout-outs to conservative icons than you can count.

This is why Trump hasnt condemned the attack.

Oh, gosh.

House conservatives are (essentially) asking Paul Ryan to either drive America into default, or surrender his Speakers gavel.

With conservatives now threatening to take must-pass legislation hostage, they could get together with Trump and permanently end Democratic leverage.

Including admiring tweets and pictures of Trump on TV looking powerful.

In a policy reversal, the Justice Department now supports quick purges of infrequent voters, which especially affect minorities (and Democrats).

A bill can be tax reform, or it can pass exclusively with Republican votes. But it cant be both.

Despite inheriting a strong economy, Trump has lost significant ground with GOP voters, 200 days into his presidency.

The U.S. is helping Saudi Arabia tear apart its poorest neighbor.

He voted for Trumpcare and got Danny Tarkanian.

The hysterical response of Team Pence to reports his political team has contingency plans for 2020 illustrates the deep neuroses of the White House.

The city says the Justice Departments new qualifications for federal grant money are unauthorized and unconstitutional.

The extensive report, which concludes that human activity is driving climate change, is awaiting final approval by the administration.

See the original post here:
The Alt-Right and Glenn Greenwald Versus HR McMaster - New York Magazine

Sorry alt-right dudes, but #BoycottGoogle is more complicated than you think – The Daily Dot

Members of the alt-rightare uniting against Google after it fired an engineer for writing what many media outlets are calling an anti-diversity manifesto. The document sparked outrage in Silicon Valley for claiming that biological differencesnot discriminationare the reason so few women have tech jobs.

Scattered throughout the 10-page memo are references to Googles left leaning political biases. James Damore, the author of Googles Ideological Echo Chamber memo, claims Google operates on a deep moral bias founded on its leftist political orientation. Googles left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold by shaming dissenters into silence, he wrote.

This sentiment appears to have struck a cord with members of the alt-right, who feel Damores dismissal was unjust and politically driven. They are now flocking to Twitter to call for a ban against Google.

But outraged critics hoping to ban the tech giant face a difficult truth: Banning Google is like banning the interneta nearly impossible task, as some have already acknowledged.

Almost everyone in the United States uses one of Googles products on a daily basis, but it isnt until you consolidate its services that you recognize the companys remarkable digital footprint.

Lets begin with the heavy-hitters: Google Chrome and Google Search. Chrome is the most used web browsing service in the world, with just short of 60 percent of the desktop market share. It also tops numerous best web browsers charts for its stability and presentation. Even then, Chrome isnt the most difficult Google service to replace. There are a number of good alternatives out therein fact, many wont push your computer as hard as Chromebut youd be hard-pressed to find a faster and simpler platform for navigating the web.

Google Search (, on the other hand, is in a league of its own, garnishing more than 90 percent of all web search traffic. The truth (for most people) is that alternatives like Bing and Yahoo wont provide results as relevant as those presented by the de facto industry leader.

If you really wanted to ban Google, you could sacrifice convenience and use alternative search and web browsing services. But youd only have dipped your toes in the deep pool that fills Googles online presence.

To truly ban Google, youll also need to stop using Google Maps, the clear front-runner when it comes to navigation apps. And no, Waze wont dothats also owned by Google. Oh, and youll need to step out of the International Space Station to get away from Google Earth, a rather niche program, but one that is nonetheless difficult to replace.

At this point, youll have to transfer to arguably inferior web browsing and search services, and a good alternative to Google Maps that isnt Waze. All that and youll still have to handle two more powerhouse Google services: YouTube and Gmail.

There is simply no replacement for YouTube (and its female CEO). Sure, there are alternatives, but nothing comes close to the largest video platform, and a breeding ground for internet culture. According to Statista, YouTube owns 78.8 percent of the market share for multimedia sites, followed by Netflix and Hulutwo video streaming sites that dont step into YouTube territory. Its closest competitor, Bing Videos (yes, Bing Videos), owns less than 1 percent of the market share and doesnt come near YouTubes more than 1 billion monthly active users (or a third of the internet). Similarly, Gmail dominates the email client market share, falling only to the iPhone client, which youll presumably use once youve tossed out your Android devices.

Other useful Google services youd be sacrificing include Google Flights, Drive, News, and Shopping, along with Hangouts instant messaging and the excellent Google Translate.

But banning Google could also mean a living room makeover. If you own a Sony, Sharp, or Philips smart TV, it may come with Googles Android TV OS. If you dont, there is still a good chance your TV has Googles Chromecast built-in. The company has also released its own hardware over the last few years, including Chromecast devices, the Google Home smart speaker, and Google WiFi/OnHub routers. Finally, youll need a new way to adjust the temperature of your home. Alphabet, Googles parent company, owns Nest, best known for its popular smart thermostats.

Simply put, Google products touch every corner of the internet, even before accounting for its ad presence and partnerships. Thats not to say banning Google is impossibleyoull just need to accept that doing so means getting rid of pieces of the internet that make the internet so appealing.

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Sorry alt-right dudes, but #BoycottGoogle is more complicated than you think - The Daily Dot

Who is James Damore? Alt-Right Furious After Google Fires Engineer Over Anti-Diversity Memo – Newsweek

Google has fired the employee that wrote a widely criticized memo suggesting that "biological differences" are the reason why there are so few women leaders in the tech industry. The tech giant's decision sparked outrage on social media, with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange andalt-right media outlets claiming the company was censoringJames Damore, the sofware engineer behind the leaked memo.

The 28-year-old had been working at the company since 2013 after achieving a PhD in systems biology from Harvard University, according to his social media profiles. He claimed he was fired in an email to far right news website Breitbart: They just fired me for perpetuating gender stereotypes, he wrote.

His 10-page document started circulating among Google employees on Friday and was first reported by tech news website Motherboard before being published in full byGizmodo.

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Several paragraphs in the document advanced old-fashioned ideas linked to biological determinism,reinforcing traditional gender roles. Women, on average, have more neuroticism, read one of the bullet points aiming to explain how the gender gap in the tech industry arises.

If we, as a society, allow men to be more feminine, then the gender gap will shrink, although probably because men will leave tech and leadership for traditionally feminine roles, another one of the software engineers observations read.

Participants hold up a Google banner during Berlin's annual Christopher Street Day (CSD) gay pride parade on July 22, 2017. The tech giant fired employee James Damore who authored a memo advancing gender stereotypes that violated the company's Code of Conduct. John Macdougall/AFP/Getty Images

Damores name began trending on Twitter on Monday night following the news of his dismissal, with conservative and alt-right commentators condemning Googles decisions. Breitbart led its site Tuesday with severalarticles on the firing; onefeatured a picture of a face, the mouth gagged with tape, with the word silenced written across it. In some memes shared on Twitter, the "Google" logo was rearrange to spell "Goolag", meant to associate the tech giant with Soviet Russia's "gulag"prison camps.

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro dubbed Googles managers corporate fascists and the tech giant a leftist monopoly and, in one of several tweets about the issue, suggested Damore should immediately declare himself a woman and sue Google for discrimination based on gender stereotypes.

Eric Weinstein, managing director of Peter Theils investment firm Thiel Capital, wrote a widely shared tweet to Google asking the company to stop teaching my girl that her path to financial freedom lies not in coding but in complaining to HR.

Damore is now reviewing his options for legal action against Google,as reported on the alt-right crowdfunding platform WeSearchr, which set up a fundraiser for the software engineer, on his behalf at his request.At the time of writing, 24 people had pledged donations worth a combined $1,644, out a total $60,000 target. Some of the anonymous contributors pledged as much as $300, with some calling Damore an American hero and an inspiration.

Damore may not be out of work for long, though. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange tweeted Tuesday morning: "Censorship is for losers. @WikiLeaks is offering a job to fired Google engineer James Damore." He also used the opportunity to promote his 2014 book on Google.

According to Google, Damores memo was in breach of the companys rules. In a statement to employees quoted in Bloomberg, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said parts of the document violate our Code of Conduct and cross the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.

Google's recently hired vice president of diversity, integrity and governance, Danielle Brown, also described the essay as advancing incorrect assumptions about gender."

"Part of building an open, inclusive environment means fostering a culture in which those with alternative views, including different political views, feel safe sharing their opinions," Brown wrote. "But that discourse needs to work alongside the principles of equal employment found in our Code of Conduct, policies, and anti-discrimination laws.

View original post here:
Who is James Damore? Alt-Right Furious After Google Fires Engineer Over Anti-Diversity Memo - Newsweek

Death Wish: is the Bruce Willis remake an alt-right fantasy? | Film … – The Guardian (blog)

Lock and load... Bruce Willis in Death Wish. Photograph: MGM

There is a long and fine tradition of pointing out that Eli Roths new films dont look very good. The cocksure writer, director, producer and sometime actor has spent the last 15 years serving up reliably polarising product from the gloomy, insidious torture-porn of Hostel to the garish sexpot thriller Knock Knock. Roths latest and most high-profile project a long-in-the-works resurrection of the Death Wish franchise with Bruce Willis as the trigger-happy lead has attracted even sharper criticism than usual. The launch trailer has sustained heavy fire on social media, called out for being nakedly fascist and being compared to alt-right fan fiction.

To mix animal metaphors, the trailer does make the rebooted Death Wish look like a depressing frog chorus of alt-right dog whistles. The setting has been shifted from New York to Chicago, a city currently struggling in real life to cope with a resurgent murder rate while being attacked by Donald Trump on a weekly basis. The alt-right like to paint the USs third largest city as an urban hellscape overrun by predominantly black gangs fighting for turf. Purists might point to the fact that the new films location is paying tribute to Michael Winners 1974 original, which ends with Charles Bronson arriving at Chicagos Union Station to continue his vigilante campaign. By fully setting their remake in Chicago, however, Roth and his producers are wading into real-life racial tensions (while filming mostly in Montreal).

The remake appears to stick to the man-on-the-edge premise of the original. Willis plays an affluent, middle-aged surgeon whose wife and daughter are victims of a savage home invasion. With the cops and courts seemingly incapable of punishing the perpetrators, Willis swaps scrubs for a hoodie to enforce his own brand of guerrilla justice, torturing low-life criminals in pursuit of information, gunning down a black drug dealer in broad daylight and, it is implied, becoming a folk hero in the process.

You might suppose that a film about a medical professional so psychologically upended by anger and grief that they become a murderer could be the basis for a thought-provoking meditation on how we construct our own morality in a volatile world. Roths film, judging by its trailer, chooses to go in a rather different direction, with Willis quipping his way through a montage of violent kills over an AC/DC soundtrack. The strutting Back in Black is prominent on the soundtrack of Iron Man, and the suggestion seems to be that, like libertarian billionaire Tony Stark, Willis Paul Kersey is a maverick hero with no time for liberal hand-wringers. Roth initially seemed happy to stoke the flames, promoting the trailer with some macho lock and load talk and the social justice warrior baiting #triggerwarning hashtag.

Could Roth deliberately be courting the alt-right dollar? His 2015 jungle cannibal movie The Green Inferno received some unexpectedly admiring notices from pro-Trump publisher Breitbart, who seemed tickled that the gnawed-on victims were students whose conservation activism was a pose. But despite his crass creative impulses and glib comments, Roth is an unlikely cheerleader for the alt-right. He makes a searing screen appearance in Quentin Tarantinos Inglourious Basterds as Donny Donowitz, a second world war soldier who goes a little further than just punching Nazis. The formidable Bear Jew specialises in clubbing them to death with a baseball bat.

In truth, Roth seems more of an equal opportunities controversialist who views himself as a gonzo cinematic provocateur rather than propagandist. When recently confronted about the Death Wish reaction, he claimed to be proud of the final product. When people see the movie in context I think this [controversy] is all going to evaporate, he said. Like the Rambo franchise, the original Death Wish series began with downbeat, thorny, unsettling films before rapidly becoming exaggerated cartoons. Judging by the way Willis jokes and smirks in the trailer, Roth seems to have internalised the spirit of the 1980s sequels, citing Death Wish 3 as a key inspiration. That was the one where lethal architect Charles Bronson returned to New York City which looked suspiciously like London and ended up taking out punks with silly Home Alone-style booby traps.

Irrespective of Roths intentions, Death Wish still seems likely to be embraced by right-wing activists in the run-up to its November release, if only because it has already enraged so many liberal commentators. In the alt-rights culture war, opportunistic points-scoring is more useful than cogent debate, and anything that draws fire from snowflakes is seen as good. That this latest ammunition has come from Hollywood itself traditionally a liberal stronghold will make it all the more appealing to dudes who fantasise about white men taking charge through violence.

Still, at least Roth can claim to have honoured the original Death Wish in his own weird way. The Michael Winner original was also greeted as dangerously right-wing agitprop in 1974, which the New York Times called a bird-brained movie to cheer the hearts of the far-right wing.

Death Wish: is the Bruce Willis remake an alt-right fantasy? | Film ... - The Guardian (blog)