Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

NASH TRUMP! Evidence that Russian Meddling is an Alt-Right Movement? –




Since the start what has become known as the Russian Election Meddling conspiracy, much of the mainstream media has reported that the goal of Russias meddling in the 2016 US election, was to disrupt American politics. While many within the mainstream media have run with this idea, one Russian-born former Israeli Parliament Official who has been studying Russian election meddling for the past two years, feels otherwise.

Shaul Vladimir Kabakchy, who formerly has worked in the Israeli Parliament, tells us that he learned a great deal about Russian communications while working in his position. While he agrees that Russia tried to influence American politics, what he doesnt agree onis the notion that their main goal was to simply disrupt our system of politics, regardless of who would become president.

First of all, in the course of the last two years, I have read on Russian social media websites thousands and thousands of 2016-election related posts, many of which were apparently belonging to the people who volunteered in a pro-Trump campaign spreading fake news and reaching out to the American voters, Kabakchy tells I have never ever seen any single post referring to their motivation as willingness to disrupt the American political life. Most of the time their motivation was coming down to two Russian words; NASH TRUMP, meaning its our Trump, and that is what scares the hell out of the Alt-Right who doesnt want to have any association with the Kremlin.

Kabakchy doesnt believe that Russian leadership is stupid enough to have simply meddled with our election in order to discredit candidate Hillary Clinton, with the idea that Clinton would ultimately be elected President.

If the motivation behind the election meddling was to simply disrupt the American political system and the Kremlin was sure that Hillary would eventually come to power anyway, Kabakchy notes. Think about what the outcome would have been for them after she would have inevitably discovered the facts behind the Russian efforts. Does it make any sense? Does Russian leadership look that stupid to spit into their own drinking water, as the Russians often say?

Basically Kabakchy doesnt buy the idea that Russia would have simply been OK with Hillary becoming President, as if she had, she would have easily exposed everything the Russians had done. Instead Kabakchy focuses on the idea that this entire conspiracy is an Alt-Right movement, or as he puts it an Alt-Right Conspiracy.

The idea of a global Alt-Right conspiracy under the auspicious of Russia is presented in the books of Alexander Dugin, which is mandatory reading material for the Russian military academies, and that fact somehow is never mentioned in the American media, Kabakchy points out.

Alexander Dugin is one of the more well know political writers and philosophers in Russia. Many say that Dugin is Steve Bannons ideological soul mate. His ideas of government seems to fit perfectly in line with the ideas of Steve Bannon, who has tremendous influence over President Trump. While Russia doesnt necessarily care if they are associated with the Alt-Right or not, the Alt-Right prefers to be disassociated from Russia, even though this conspiracy has now linked the two in recorded history. Bannon and Trump would never admit that they believe Russias form of governing is suited for the US, and neither would the members of the Alt-Right in America.

So Kabackchys point appears to be one that blames the international Alt-Right for what we see going on in American politics. Trump being elected President was part of a great conspiracy by the international Alt-Right movement, one that Dugin plays a huge part in. It wasnt the goal of Russian meddling to simply disrupt the American political system, but rather to allow the Alt-Right movement to spread throughout the country, via electing a President who ran on Alt-Right ideologies. The conspiracy seems to be working, and the Alt-Right movement that Dugin and Bannon are so fond of is spreading its feet in American culture. The only problem for the Alt-Right though is the fact that most Americans are not buying the NASH TRUMPline.. but perhaps it could be Trumps 2020 campaign slogan.

Excerpt from:
NASH TRUMP! Evidence that Russian Meddling is an Alt-Right Movement? -

Canada has its own ‘alt right’ problem, and isn’t hesitating to act fast – Mic

The resurgent far right movement, or the so-called alt right, is usually described as an American phenomenon, a blowback to the election of a black president that sprouted like a mole on the face of American popular consciousness, normalizing white supremacy and ushering President Trump into power.

But new militant far-right groups are sprouting up across the globe, in England, France, the Netherlands, Ukraine and, yes, even Canada.

Over the weekend, anti-fascists interrupted yet another right-wing rally, this time in Canada. The rally was held in solidarity with a group of military service members called the Halifax Five, who are also part of an alt-right fraternity called the Proud Boys. The five were suspended from the military for interrupting an indigenous ceremony in Halifax on Canada Day, and since then, Canadian media has been fixated on the Proud Boy phenomenon, comfortable identifying them as misogynists and white nationalists.

And though the Proud Boys are an American phenomenon, Canadian media, people and institutions have rapidly diagnosed and responded to their briefly emergent right-wing phenomenon, even as Americans still struggle with how to deal with the matter of homegrown racism on U.S. soil.

Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes has been protested at speaking events, leading to police scuffles and arrests.

Canada was almost entirely quiet about the Proud Boys until the indigenous ceremony on July 1. As dozens gathered and an indigenous woman shaved her head in mourning, a group of five Proud Boys wearing Fred Perry polos the aforementioned Halifax Five began singing God Save the Queen and heckling the indigenous about their citizenship status. Shortly after videos and articles started hitting the internet, the five were suspended from military service, and Canadas top general apologized to the indigenous community for the incident.

These disrespectful actions do not represent the Canadian Armed Forces members I serve as Minister of National Defense, Canadian Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan wrote in a statement on Facebook.

The Proud Boys are a self-described Western chauvinist group that functions like a fraternity for adult men, started by Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes, who is himself Canadian. Their core tenets include glorifying the entrepreneur and venerating the housewife. Theyre not explicitly racist in their core beliefs, and their members include people of color. Rather, theyre a neo-masculine traditionalist fraternity that cleaves to strict gender roles.

In the U.S., the Proud Boys have become one of the most reliably violent, disruptive groups on the far right. They have been arrested at fights in New York City and Boston, and were among those who stormed the stage at a controversial performance of Julius Caesar in New York City.

Still, the U.S. is torn in two over the alt right. Right-wing media runs constant coverage of anti-fascists with the intent on ginning up a left-wing terroristic threat against the alt rights free speech, while the academia and media fascination with the right has spent years trying to discern its roots and ideology, and determine the proper response to the movement.

But since Trumps election, Americans are learning to deal with emerging far right sentiment in their communities. In Albany, New York, two people associated with the Proud Boys were forced to resign from a tattoo parlor when the news of their affiliation with the group went public.

I hope that the Albany community will stand up behind the employers who are truly between a rock and a hard place and send the clear message that we will support them if they defend the safety of all of their clients and community, one local women wrote in to Albanys Times Union newspaper.

Perhaps such communities should look northward for inspiration.

Canada has its own 'alt right' problem, and isn't hesitating to act fast - Mic

Not just stupid but INTENSELY STUPID: Ben Shapiro BLASTS Tariq Nasheed’s alt-right meme – Twitchy

Posted at 9:05 am on July 17, 2017 by Sam J.

Looks like Tariq Nasheed decided to try his hand at the meme game:

Ok, full disclosure this editor laughed a little mainly because this editor laughs easy and laughs often at memes. Plus the look on Gavin McInnes face is AWESOME.

That being said, the meme was meant as a way to snark at the alt-right and all it really did was prove that Tariq is clueless about what or who the alt-right is.

Case in point:

Not just stupid, but INTENSELY stupid.



And they can have him.

Awww, poor Tariq.

And no, thats not how it works maybe look at who actually wrote the article?

Its just another way way for the Left to objectify and dehumanize people they disagree with which theyve been doing for hundreds of years.



Instapundit drops the mic on Matthew Dowds hack-tastic definition of being a Christian

See the original post here:
Not just stupid but INTENSELY STUPID: Ben Shapiro BLASTS Tariq Nasheed's alt-right meme - Twitchy

Defending the West from the alt-right – Santa Fe New Mexican

Its anyones guess whether the latest round of Russia revelations will flame out or bring the administration toppling to the ground. But either way, this drama is only one act in an ongoing cycle of outrages involving President Donald Trump and the East, including the eruption of controversy over Trumps remarks in Warsaw earlier this month, which exposed a crucial contest over ideas that will continue to influence our politics until long after this administration has left office. And the responses from Trumps liberal critics were revealing and dangerous.

The speech a call to arms for a Western civilization ostensibly menaced by decadence and bloat from within and hostile powers from without was received across the center-left as a thinly veiled apologia for white nationalism. Trump did everything but cite Pepe the Frog, tweeted The Atlantics Peter Beinart. Trumps speech in Poland sounded like an alt-right manifesto, read a Vox headline. According the New Republics Jeet Heer, Trumps alt-right speech redefined the West in nativist terms.

Thus, the intelligentsia is now flirting with an intellectually indefensible linguistic coup: Characterizing any appeal to the coherence or distinctiveness of Western civilization as evidence of white nationalist sympathies. Such a shift, if accepted, would so expand the scope of the term alt-right that it would lose its meaning. Its genuinely ugly ideas would continue to fester, but we would lose the rhetorical tools to identify and repudiate them as distinct from legitimate admiration for the Western tradition. To use a favorite term of the resistance, the alt-right would become normalized.

There is no shortage of fair criticism of Trumps speech: For example, that he shouldnt have delivered it in Poland because of Warsaws recent authoritarian tilt; that his criticism of Russia should have been more pointed; or that he would have better served Americas interests by sounding a more Wilsonian tone when it came to promoting democracy around the world. And, yes, Trump has proven himself a clever manipulator of white identity politics during his short political career, so it is understandable that critics would scrutinize his remarks for any hint of bigotry. But by identifying Western civilization itself with white nationalism, the center-left is unwittingly empowering its enemies and imperiling its values.

How did progressive intellectuals get themselves into this mess? The confusion comes in part from loose language: in particular, a conflation of liberalism and the West. Liberalism is an ideology defined by, among other things, freedom of religion, the rule of law, private property, popular sovereignty and equal dignity of all people. The West is the geographically delimited area where those values were first realized on a large scale during and after the European Enlightenment.

So to appeal to the West in highlighting the importance of liberal values, as Trump did, is not to suggest that those values are the exclusive property of whites or Christians. Rather, it is to accurately recognize that the seeds of these values were forged in the context of the Wests wars, religions and classical inheritances hundreds of years ago. Since then, they have spread far beyond their geographic place of birth and have won tremendous prestige across the world.

What is at stake now is whether Americans will surrender the idea of the West to liberalisms enemies on the alt-right that is, whether we will allow people who deny the equal citizenship of women and minorities and Jews to lay claim to the legacy of Western civilization. This would amount to a major and potentially suicidal concession, because the alt-right not in the opportunistically watered-down sense of immigration skeptic, or social conservative, but in the sense of genuine white male political supremacism is anti-Western. It is hostile to the once-radical ideals of pluralism and self-governance and individual rights that were developed during the Western Enlightenment and its offshoots. It represents an attack on, not a defense of, of the Wests greatest achievements.

As any alt-rightist will be quick to point out, many Enlightenment philosophers were racist by current standards. (Have you even read what Voltaire said about the Jews?) But this is a non sequitur: The Enlightenment is today remembered and celebrated not for the flaws of its principals but for laying the intellectual foundations that have allowed todays conception of liberalism to develop and prosper.

As Dimitri Halikias pointed out on Twitter, there is a strange convergence between the extreme left and the extreme right when it comes to understanding the West. The campus left (hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go) rejects Western civilization because it is racist. The alt-right, meanwhile, accepts Western civilization only insofar as it is racist they fashion themselves defenders of the West, but reject the ideas of equality and human dignity that are the Wests principal achievements. But both, crucially, deny the connection between the West and the liberal tradition.

To critics, one of the most offending lines in Trumps speech was his remark that the fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Trump clearly intended this to refer to the threat from Islamic extremism and, presumably, the PC liberals who he believes are enabling it. But there is another threat to the Wests survival in the form of a far-right politics that would replace liberalism and the rule of law with tribalism and white ethnic patronage.

The best defense we have against this threat is the Western liberal tradition. But by trying to turn the West into a slur, Trumps critics are disarming. Perhaps the presidents dire warning wasnt so exaggerated, after all.

Jason Willick is a staff writer at The American Interest. This was first published in The Washington Post.

Originally posted here:
Defending the West from the alt-right - Santa Fe New Mexican

Alt-Right Trolls Lash Out At Laura Loomer After Profile – Forward

Laura Loomer

Laura Loomer put a burqa on the Fearless Girl statue in New Yorks Financial District during the March Against Sharia on June 10th.

Far right media activist Laura Loomer this morning, she has been the target of vicious anti-Semitic posts on social media since Forward published a profile of her Friday morning.

Synagogue of Satan. You are fake Jews, wrote @BrydensFunny.

Go back to Israel you filthy kike, wrote Leah Goldstein. (Twitter handle: @JewessGoyim.)

Goldstein? You sound like a member of the tribe to me! Mashugana! Loomer tweeted in response.

Though she tries to maintain a sense of humor about it online, Loomer acknowledges that dealing with the flood of anti-Semitic comments and imagery on Twitter is really hard to deal with.

Its insane, Loomer wrote in a text Friday.

Contact Ari Feldman at or on Twitter @aefeldman.

See the original post:
Alt-Right Trolls Lash Out At Laura Loomer After Profile - Forward