Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

Trump’s CNN-Bashing Tweet Video From ‘Alt-Right’ Reddit Site – The National Memo (blog)

Reprinted with permission from MediaMatters.

President Donald Trump tweeted a video showing him tackling and punching a man with the CNN logo imposed over his face. The video appears to have come from forum frequented by alt-right Trump supporters who posted it days earlier.

On July 2, Trump tweeted video that appeared to show Trump in a wrestling match attacking a man with CNN on his face, writing along with the video, #FraudNewsCNN #FNN.

The Reddit forum r/The_Donald, wherealt-rightmembers supporting Trump congregate,posted a GIFfour days prior that seems to be the same footage.

Following Trumps tweet, users on the forumtook creditfor Trumps promotion of the footage, with one user telling the original uploader of the GIF that his dankery has been tweeted by the President of the United States.

Trumps tweet is the latest example of him promoting content that appears to have originated on online message boards such as Reddit and 4chan, which have regularlypushed conspiracy theoriesthat some in Trumps inner circle have sometimes promoted. During the presidential campaign, Trumps campaign teammonitoredforums like r/The_Donald for content, and in May, Trumpappeared to take messagingfrom r/The_Donald directed at Rosie ODonnell.New Yorkmagazines Olivia Nuzzinotedthis trend on CNNsReliable Sources, saying, I think this has happened a number of times where something it goes from Reddit to one of Donald Trumps aides, and then to Donald Trumps Twitter account.

(h/tBrian StelterandBradd Jaffy)

Original post:
Trump's CNN-Bashing Tweet Video From 'Alt-Right' Reddit Site - The National Memo (blog)

Navigating Trump’s Twitter: @realDonaldTrump and the alt-right meme factory – Mic

Navigating Trumps Twitter is a new series from Mic that explores how the president elects to use his favorite medium to impact policy, express his viewpoints and attack the media. Instead of covering Trumps tweets as they come, we look for patterns in behavior that offer a window into the presidents actual world view and how he chooses to express it through unmediated 140-character missives.

On Sunday, President Donald Trump tweeted a disturbing video of himself bodyslamming a man who had the CNN logo digitally pasted over his face.

The tweet, which rounded out a week of controversy over Trumps salacious Twitter usage, was widely criticized both by Democrats and Republicans for going too far. CNN issued a response saying Trump was engaging in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office.

But perhaps the most disturbing element of the entire controversy was the fact that the meme appears to have been created by a racist Reddit user who posts under the handle HanAssholeSolo.

Many were shocked that the president whose deputy press secretary claimed just days earlier that Trump had never promoted or encouraged violence would capriciously spread alt-right propaganda insinuating physical violence against the media is OK.

But this isnt the first time or even the second time that Trump has tweeted out memes originating from the darkest corners of the internet in order to promote his agenda, and it likely wont be the last.

During his presidential campaign, Trump famously tweeted an anti-Semitic meme of his opponent Hillary Clinton, which featured a Star of David over a pile of money labeling Clinton the most corrupt candidate ever. The image appeared to be an attempt to draw a connection between Clinton and anti-Semitic tropes about Jewish people and money, or possibly global banking conspiracies.

Less than a year before that, Trump manually retweeted an image that purported to show statistics about the percentage of black people killed by other black people in the U.S. The image, which has since been deleted by the original user, was based on made-up statistics from the Crime Statistics Bureau San Francisco, an agency that does not exist.

Sure enough, the origins of the image appear to trace back to white supremacist Twitter.

The crime statistics tweet was one of many manual retweets in which the president copied and pasted problematic content from his supporters into his own Twitter feed. The method is a holdover from a time before Twitter created a retweet function and users would have to copy others content to post it on their feed.

Trump continued to manually retweet things well after Twitter developed the retweet function, which frequently led to incidents during the campaign in which Trump retweeted his own racist followers with Twitter handles like @WhiteGenocideTM.

Trumps ability to credulously retweet his followers without any due diligence even led now-defunct Gawker to create a fake Benito Mussolini Twitterbot, which tweeted quotes from the fascist leader at Trump with the hope that he might retweet one of them which he eventually did.

The retweeted white supremacist content can be easily explained by the presidents famous lack of attention to detail. The same cannot be said of content like the CNN tweet or the Star of David tweet, both of which required the president to download or copy the source material into an original tweet.

The image of Hillary Clinton Trump tweeted had been edited from the original meme to obscure its attribution to a white supremacist website at the bottom.

The original version of the Hillary Clinton Star of David meme side-by-side with the one tweeted by Trump. The attribution is obscured in the latter by the addition of a Fox News Poll graphic.

In both the Star of David tweet and the CNN video tweet, questions remain about how the content made its way from the internets racist message board fever-swamps to the presidents Twitter feed.

Further, in at least one other case, Trump has had problems with Nazi imagery appearing in tweets that his campaign claims to have made themselves.

In a tweet sent out near the beginning of his campaign Trump tweeted a photo of himself, an American flag, $100 bills and soldiers. The only problem is that the soldiers, which were taken from a stock image, were wearing Nazi uniforms.

At the time, the Trump campaign blamed a nameless intern who they claimed had apologized and removed the link. But given what we have since learned about the resources of the early Trump campaign, its not outside the realm of possibility to imagine that Trump actually sourced the image from the internet.

One possible window into how alt-right memes end up in front of the president comes from his son, Donald Trump Jr. Following the 2016 campaign moment that saw Hillary Clinton claiming half of Trumps supporters are in a basket of deplorables, Trumps eldest son posted a meme on his Instagram account that featured him and his father alongside other prominent republicans as well as alt-right cartoon symbol Pepe the Frog and alt-right provocateurs Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopolous.

In the caption, Trump Jr. claims that a friend sent him the image. That same day, a similar version of the same meme, based on the movie campaign for The Expendables, had been tweeted by former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke.

Its possible that Trump and his family come by these memes through their connections with people who spend time in and around alt-right circles. Conspiracy theorist and alt-right personality Alex Jones has boasted that he has spoken to the president multiple times since he took office, and others like the eccentric Roger Stone, who frequently appears on Jones show, are also thought to have the the presidents ear.

Despite the presidents avid Twitter use, he is not a person who frequently seeks out information and culture online. His infamous Twitter account only follows 45 other accounts, most of which belonging to members of his campaign and Fox News hosts. And he has frequently demonstrated his preference for cable news over other forms of news media consumption.

But if someone close to Trump is sharing this content with him, then the question is who? And how much influence do they have over a president who plays fast and loose with his messages to the public?

Visit link:
Navigating Trump's Twitter: @realDonaldTrump and the alt-right meme factory - Mic

The alt-right is tearing itself apart. What remains after will be the future of far-right politics. – Mic

Just the very definition of the alt-right is it a moving target. Its been described as a sociopathic nonsense experiment in trolling and chaos, the future of conservative youth movements and an organized resurfacing of white supremacist politics. The alt-right is chimeric, confusing and intentionally ambiguous, largely because its adherents are composed of dozens of competing ideologies.

And now, the alt-right is thinning out its ranks.

The movements grassroots heroes are turning into a circular firing squad. Over the past few weeks, popular far-right figures have been attacking and doxxing one another in an intra-right conflict, and its tearing apart the loose circle of the countrys most visible pro-Trump provacateurs.. For the white nationalists who built the movement, this is a natural part of the alt-rights evolution a cleansing that will leave behind a serious nationalist movement that can hold Trump accountable to his darkest campaign promises.

The various banners flying at the Lincoln Memorial, where white nationalists held court last weekend

The schism was best represented last weekend in Washington, D.C., where the superstars of the far right split themselves into two competing rallies, each disavowing the other. At the first rally at the White House were the A-List of alternative media propaganda and dirty tricks, like Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec and Laura Loomer the latter two are most recently famous for interrupting a controversial Shakespeare performance. And at the Lincoln Memorial rally were the hard right commentators and white nationalists who claimed that the media figures at the White House were a bunch of liars, fanboys and celebrity wannabes with no real politics.

If you look at the politics being pushed out, the fat is getting trimmed, James Allsup, a YouTuber and young conservative who opened the festivities at the Lincoln Memorial rally, told Mic on Thursday.

Richard Spencer, a white nationalist who has become famous since Trumps election, is a crowd favorites at rallies that will tolerate his presence.

The divide is reflective of an ideological crisis in conservative media at large. In lieu of showing outright support or condemnation of Trumps policies, conservative mainstays like the National Review, and even networks like Fox News, are instead picking low-hanging fruit by going after the perceived hysteria of Trumps liberal detractors. Instead of having to walk the daily minefield of being pro-Trump, they can instead build a coalition thats anti-anti-Trump.

For the far right, it was galvanizing at least for a while. At free speech rallies across the country, the loose coalition of militia groups, 4chan trolls, white nationalists and literal adult frat boys have gathered to draw out anti-fascist, black bloc protesters in violent clashes. At one of these rallies in Boston, the founder of the Oath Keepers one of the largest militia groups in the country called the antifa a godsend for the way it brought together the alt-right under a common cause.

In Berkeley, CA, antifascists clashed with far-right groups in the first of many street battles between the far-right and the far-left.

But recently, antifa stopped taking the bait, leaving these groups standing in their own company, forced to come to terms with their strange new bedfellows.

The Oath Keepers, for example, are strictly Constitutionalist, and detest the white nationalists that show up to rallies. Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, who travels to many of these rallies to provide a security detail of right-wing military veterans and former police, made it clear that dividing people along racial lines is dangerous. On his terms, the white nationalists, who were definitely present, were not welcome.

This is not their event. If we identify them and theyre wearing an armband or whatever, we make them take that shit off, Rhodes told Mic in Boston. We all have a common ground of a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. But a Communist does not respect the Constitution, and neither does the white nationalist.

And then, at one of these rallies in Houston, someone mistaken as an Oath Keeper put a white supremacist in a headlock, and neo-Nazi news hub the Daily Stormer began referring to the Oath Keepers as the Boomer Antifa for, as the Washington Post put it, not being racist enough.

But when it came time for dueling rallies in D.C., Rhodes was speaking at the event held by Cernovich and Posobiec and firmly on the side of the pro-Trump ratfuckers. The young 4channers that Rhodes once looked to as the future of the patriot movement were now calling his group the Oath Cucks.

For the nationalist alt-right, its good riddance to those who join up with the media personalities and cheerleaders that Allsup calls pro-Trump sycophants.

Allsup, 21, treads a careful line: Hes a popular young commentator who advances a new vision of far-right politics while keeping his distance from the darker rhetoric of the white nationalists in his company. A dapper race realist, if you will. This year, Allsup made a symbolic run for the national chair of the College Republicans, and has repeatedly criticized mainstream conservatives for cleaving to historically losing causes. In one diplomatic example, Allsup came to the defense of Tomi Lahren after she was ostracized from the conservative punditry for being pro-choice.

Allsup, like innumerable Trump voters, has been disappointed by the the new presidents inability to make good on his promised nationalism. He wants Trump to build the wall, and do away with Obama-era protections for undocumented immigrant children born in America. Allsup says that the current purge could lead to a more militant, politically organized alt-right free of the fanboys unwilling to hold Trump accountable to his promises, who believe politics is a function of retweets and viral media stunts.

If Trump returns to his base and starts enacting right-wing policies, youll see some infighting die down, Allsup said. But if Trump keeps pushing an agenda thats indistinguishable from Paul Ryan, youll see infighting continue on the right, and a galvanization on the alternative right wing.

What is the galvanizing theme behind this vision of a far-right Republican politics? Whiteness. In Allsups estimation, the next generation of voters will be alienated enough by anti-white sentiment in the media that real nationalism will have a chance at winning a young electorate, if Republicans can take advantage of the opportunity.

He looks at how Republicans have tried to court the Latino vote, for example, and thinks thats all wasted time. Instead, he says Republicans should be spending money in states with vast white majorities, while Democrats focus on states with rising hispanic populations like Texas and Arizona. Republicans need to be pushed, he says, and the newly militant, political alt right could be the internal opposition party that moves them in that direction.

The question becomes: Is the next generation of voters ready to hear race realism, pro-white tribalism or perhaps even white nationalism as a legitimate argument, or has America left explicitly racial politics firmly in our dark history?

I think the Overton window is moving, and as a result of Trump its moved so much further right that these ideas are being talked about again, Allsup said. Being called a racist doesnt have the same zing that it used to. That boogeyman is out of the closet.

See original here:
The alt-right is tearing itself apart. What remains after will be the future of far-right politics. - Mic

The ‘Alt-Right’ and ISIS Agree On More Than You Think – Patheos (blog)

You might not think conservative white nationalists within the so-called Alt-right could possibly agree with Islamic terrorists from the Middle East. You might be wrong.

Richard Spencer, who says he coined the term Alt-right in 2008, recently tweeted about Austrias controversial decision to ban women from wearing burqas in public places. He responded by saying he supports compulsory burqas for all Muslim women in Europe.

I support *compulsory* burkas for Muslims in Europe. The last thing we want is assimilation!

Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) June 13, 2017

Ill give you one guess as to who else supports mandatory burqas for Muslim women: The Islamic State (ISIS) and basically all Islamic extremists. Women under ISIS rule in Iraq and Syria, for instance, face harsh wardrobe restrictions enforced by religious police.

ISIS also opposes the assimilation of Muslims into western cultures, and even encourages violence against their fellow believers to prevent it. Islamic terrorists were likely over the moon after a man drove his van into a group of Muslims near a mosque less than two weeks ago, according to Newsday Columnist William F. B. OReilly.

That fight is essential, in their doctrinaire minds, to prevent the assimilation of millions of Muslims into western society. Every burqa shed, every new Muslim Lions Club membership executed is a strike at the heart of fundamentalist Islam.

When interviewed, Spencer contested my assertion that he agrees with ISIS on this issue but couldnt explain how he doesnt.

Well, I dont *agree* with them. My sympathies are with European, secular leaders like Bashar al-Assad. That being said, this is projecting European norms onto a drastically different region.

Spencer went on the admit that he can see how a Caliphate is a more natural political order in the Middle East. Looks like another agreement to me!

I wouldnt say that such a thing would accomplish my goals. An ISIS caliphate could be an extreme danger to Europeans; it could become a base for a conquest of Europe. From one angle, perhaps an aggressive caliphate would be exactly what Europeans needdangerous, violent *challenge*, something that would make us understand who we are and bring about manliness in politics.

On assimilation, Spencer doubled down:

Yes, the last thing I want is assimilation, though. That would simply mean the loss of European culture and identity. To have an identity, one needs an Other. Liberalism (and Abrahamic monotheism, btw) basically has no concept of the Other; we are all one: all individuals, all Christians, all Muslims, etc.

The mandatory burqa isnt the only similarity between the beliefs of ISIS and those of white nationalists like Richard Spencer, of course. Spencer has championed the notion that things will be better if people returned to their cultural homeland (he calls it peaceful ethnic-cleansing), and thats pretty much all ISIS wants: An Islamic caliphate without outside (secular) influences.

It would be easy to play a game of Mad Libs with the following paragraph, written by Spencer, and make it apply to ISIS. You wouldnt even need to switch many words.

For us immigration is a proxy for race. In that way, immigration can be good or bad: it can be a conquest (as it seems now) . . . or a European in-gathering, something like White Zionism. It all depends on the immigrants. And we should open our minds to the positive possibilities of mass immigration from the White world.

Why are these similarities so easy to find? Because both ISIS and the Alt-right lie on the extreme end of the xenophobia and fascism scales, and they both propagate their nonsense by demonizing the Other. Oddly enough, all the racist outbursts and rants about manliness stem from the same place as the bombs and rigid fundamentalism: fear. They were so weak as to succumb to the fear of mere outsiders. Dont let the same thing happen to you.

David G. McAfeeis a Religious Studies graduate, journalist, and author ofNo Sacred Cows: Investigating Myths, Cults, and the Supernatural,Atheist Answers: Rational Responses to Religious Questions,The Book of Gods,The Belief Book,Mom, Dad, Im an Atheist: The Guide to Coming Out as a Non-believer, andDisproving Christianity and other Secular Writings. He is also the founder of TheParty of Reason and Progressand a frequent contributor toAmerican Atheist Magazine. McAfee, who writes about science, skepticism, and faith, attended University of California, Santa Barbara and graduated with bachelors degrees in English and Religious Studies with an emphasis on Christianity and Mediterranean religions.

Read more:
The 'Alt-Right' and ISIS Agree On More Than You Think - Patheos (blog)

Extremists Too Busy Smacking Each Other Around to Disrupt Waterfront Blues Festival – Willamette Week

In the latest staging of extremist political theater that has begun to carry the whiff of professional wrestling, a far right "march for freedom" took to the Portland Waterfront tonight without disrupting the larger entertainment at the Waterfront Blues Festival.

Leftist protesters trailed the alt-right free speech march along the Waterfront. (William Gagan)

The march included elements that are now standard whenever the "alt-right" and its associates come to town and meet antifascists: speeches about right-wing victimhood, smoke bombs, bare-knuckle brawling and defiling of each others' chosen flags.

An antifa supporter yells at alt-right rally across the street. (William Gagan)

But so far tonight, the right-wing marchers and their antifascist foils have been more interested in sparring with each other than harassing the crowds.

Alt-right and leftist anarchists share a weed blunt. (William Gagan)

Starting about 6 pm, the Patriot Prayer group marched northbound along Tom McCall Waterfront Park, with antifascist counter-protesters tailing closely behind. The march would pause periodically for speeches, where tensions flared.

During the march's stop at the Battleship Oregon Memorial, someone on the left-wing side tossed a blue smoke bomb onto the monument Shortly after this stop, the group stopped, a commotion ensued, and multiple American flags were set ablaze by the counterprotesters. A fight ensued.

During the fight, well-known local Patriot Prayer protester "Tiny" Toese punched a counterprotester, and others in "Proud Boy" black and gold trim could be seen delivering several stiff punches to another counterprotester. Kicks were delivered by standing alt-right protesters to downed counterprotester. Later, Toese could be seen sporting glitter on his faceevidence he had been "glitter-bombed" by antifaand exclaimed aloud that he had glitter in his eyes.

Tiny eventually produced an antifascist flag, which was apparently stolen, and wiped it between his legs before returning it to the opposition.

Antifa just had their flag ripped from them by the alt-right. 10 minutes later returned to them. (William Gagan)

See more here:
Extremists Too Busy Smacking Each Other Around to Disrupt Waterfront Blues Festival - Willamette Week