Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

Alt-right holds torch protest against Confederate monument removal … – Salon

Virginia Republican Corey Stewart has made defending monuments to the Confederacy one of his signature issues in his outsider bid for the governors office in a flagrant bid to court racist voters while pretending he wasnt.

Its a very small turnout election were talking maybe 4 or 5percent of the entire voter base, he told the Washington Post earlier this month. So youve got a certain percentage of the electorate who are going to vote on abortion. Youve got a certain percentage of the electorate who are going to vote on illegal immigration. Andthen theres going to be apercentage who will vote on thehistorical monuments issue. Pretty soon, you add them all up and its a significant portion of people.

But now Stewart has a problem. On Saturday, a group ofracist alt-right activists led by publicity hound Richard Spencer held two protests in the Virginia city of Charlottesville demanding that the mayor cancel plans to remove a statue dedicated to Robert E. Lee, the famous Confederate general.

The nighttime event, which was reminiscent of an old-fashioned Ku Klux Klan cross burning rally according to some of its critics, put Stewart in a bind.

The prolific Twitter user has been unusually silent recently about the issue. Hes kept that silence through Mondayalthough hes promised to make a statement tonight at 7 pm on his Facebook page.

According to WUSA, a Washington-based TV station, Stewart is weighing dropping out of the race entirely.

Political operatives said Stewart must decide whether to disavow Spencer and the rhetoric that emerged at the protest, or embrace it and leave the governors race, the WUSAs Peggy Fox reported earlier today.

Of course, the reality is that racist activists have long been in favor of keeping Confederate monuments up and this has been known to anyone who wanted to pay attention to recent controversies in New Orleans or elsewhere.

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Alt-right holds torch protest against Confederate monument removal ... - Salon

Trans cartoonist’s website hacked and replaced by Nazi imagery by ‘alt-right’ trolls – Gay Star News

Facebook/Sophie LaBelle

Sophie Labelle's website taken down by transphobic trolls

A Canadian trans cartoonist is being forced to go into hiding after her website was hacked and replaced by Nazi imagery.

Sophie LaBelle, who created the Assigned Male cartoon, was known for taking on transphobia and transmisogyny with her well known strip.

But then an orchestrated attack deleted every comic, she was sent thousands of death threats, and her address was published on several forums.

I just want people to be aware this is what you get for being trans on the internet and for reframing transness into something positive and empowering, the cartoonist wrote on Facebook.

Id also like to acknowledge that this attack was mostly planned because of four explicit reasons :

I will keep making my comics, no worries. Folks at Facebook are currently making sure this wont happen again before I can put my page back up. Nothing was lost.

The comics were LaBelles primary source of income, and so far her website remains down. However, her work is still available on her Tumblr.

Warning others in the trans community, a campaigner who spoke on condition of anonymity told Gay Star News:

This attack was dangerous and orchestrated. It was planned centrally, using a range of social media, and in large part out in the open.

We are still identifying posts online from individuals inciting this action, as well as people agreeing to join in. The motive is clear: many on the alt-right hate trans people with a passion, and they would like nothing better than to drive us out of the public gaze altogether.

Many of those participating in this attack are cowards. They are too afraid to identify themselves publcly and are unlikely to follow through on their threats. However, any threat should be taken seriously.

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Trans cartoonist's website hacked and replaced by Nazi imagery by 'alt-right' trolls - Gay Star News

Alt-Right Proud Boys on the Suncoast | News | – WWSB ABC 7

Alt-Right Proud Boys on the Suncoast | News |
SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB)--The alt-right group "Proud Boys" boasts more than 12,500 likes on Facebook and is growing in influence, even appearing at a protest ...

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Alt-Right Proud Boys on the Suncoast | News | - WWSB ABC 7

Va. mayor slammed with anti-Semitic tweets after criticizing alt-right … – Washington Post

Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer held onto a candle and hope that racists cannot gain a foothold in his college town at the start of this week, one night after white nationalists evoked the days of the KKK with a torch-lit rally to save a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Candlelight vigil against hate in Cville, Signer (D) wrote on Twitter after the Sunday event. These are the kind of torches I like to see.

The hopeful mood did not last long.

Signer, a Jewish author and lawyer who became mayor in January 2016, soon drew a hail of racist and anti-Semitic assaults on Twitter. They began Sunday and kept coming Monday.

I smell Jew, one message said. If so, you are going back to Israel. But you will not stay in power here. Not for long.

[Alt-rights Richard Spencer leads torch-bearing protesters defending Lee statue]

The attacks were only part of the fallout from a startling weekend in Charlottesville, where white nationalist Richard Spencer led two rallies Saturday. His appearances continued to reverberate Monday in the Virginia governors race, as the candidate who based his campaign around Confederate symbols remained conspicuously mum.

Corey A. Stewart, one of three Republican gubernatorial contenders, made the preservation of the states Confederate memorials a rallying cry for his campaign. There is no indication that he attended the rallies. But unlike the two other Republicans and two Democrats in the race all of whom condemned Spencers explicitly racial appeals Stewart did not comment as the events made national news.

Only a jerk would talk politics on Mothers Day, Stewart tweeted Sunday although earlier in the day, he had tweeted about his plans to cut taxes and create jobs.

Gillespie, the front-runner in the GOP primary race, chided Stewart for his silence on the ugly display of hateful rhetoric and intimidation tactics.

In a blurry, live Facebook video on Monday evening, Stewart denounced a laundry list of targets: fake news like The Washington Post; weak establishment Republicans like his chief GOP rival, Ed Gillespie; his Democratic rivals, for not condemning their partys long history of racism; sanctuary cities; corporate monopolies like Dominion Virginia Power; and Charlottesville City Councilman Wes Bellamy, who stepped down from the Virginia Board of Education over a series of tweets he made between 2009 and 2014 that included gay slurs, references to sexual assault and anti-white comments. Stewart made no mention of Spencer.

[Do Corey Stewarts Confederate antics help Ed Gillespie or hurt the GOP brand?]

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Perriello, a Charlottesville native, went on Monday to Lee Park, where the statue stands, and called for an end to Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday recognizing the Confederate leaders and for a state commission on racial healing and transformation. The other Democratic candidate, Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, also supports scrapping Lee-Jackson Day.

Once an obscure Internet figure promoting white identity, Spencer rose to prominence during Donald Trumps presidential campaign. He coined the term alt-right referring to a small, far-right movement that seeks a whites-only state. Trump denounced the alt-right, but Spencers followers have counted his victory as a win for the movement as Trump espoused hard-right stances on undocumented immigrants, Muslims and political correctness.

[Lets party like its 1933: Inside the disturbing alt-right world of Richard Spencer]

On Saturday, Spencer led two rallies in the town where he once attended the University of Virginia. He was protesting a City Council vote in February to remove a statue of Lee from the downtown park. A court injunction has halted the removal for six months.

What brings us together is that we are white, we are a people, we will not be replaced, Spencer said at an afternoon protest, which he broadcast via Periscope video. You will not replace us. You will not destroy us. You cannot destroy us. We have awoken. We are here. We are never going away.

At a rally that night, dozens of torch-bearing protesters chanted You will not replace us and Russia is our friend. Spencer tweeted a photo of himself standing in the crowd carrying what appeared to be a bamboo tiki torch.

Stewart has also held several rallies at the Lee statue and elsewhere, criticizing the planned removal as historical vandalism and unfurling the Confederate flag at several events. He is chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors and was chairman of Trumps Virginia campaign until he was fired in October for participating in a protest against establishment pukes at the Republican National Committee headquarters.

Signer voted against removal of the statue, saying in a written statement ahead of the vote that he would prefer to add monuments to civil rights victories to tell the full story of race through our public spaces.

Id rather rebut them and overcome them than purge the public realm of irritants to our values, he said in an interview Monday.

Signer said the Twitter attacks were the first time he had faced anti-Semitism in public life although he definitely experienced attacks from trolls on Twitter after writing some pretty critical pieces about Donald Trump.

A U-Va. lecturer and author of a book about demagogues, Signer has written two opinion pieces on how the president fits that description, including one for The Washington Post.

I absolutely believe this is linked to the sort of politics that the Trump campaign trafficked in, he said. If you remember that closing argument ad, when they talked about global financial conspiracies keeping regular people down, there was very clear messaging.

Signer said he was not upset by what he called the politics of bullies.

In a time when youve seen legitimacy conferred on a really toxic politics of intimidation from the top down, including the sort of blessing of the alt-right movement from the White House, I think its a sign youre doing the right things when these trolls try to attack you from anonymous accounts, he said.

On Twitter, Signer responded to the attacks with a mix of defiance and humor.

Here is what this great country faces in this age of @realDonaldTrump-a sitting mayor subjected to anti-Semitism. I will not be intimidated, he said in one tweet.

This garbage white supremacy wont even be a footnote in our history. #leave #resistance #welcomingcity, said another.

To someone offering a supportive tweet Mr. Signer, I am so embarrassed that you received this message from an American he replied: Well, lets not be too sure. Could have been a Russian.

Fenit Nirappil contributed to this report.

View original post here:
Va. mayor slammed with anti-Semitic tweets after criticizing alt-right ... - Washington Post

Why Charlottesville Is Newest Flash Point in Alt-Right Wars – Newser

Why Charlottesville Is Newest Flash Point in Alt-Right Wars
Alt-right blogger Jason Kessler of Charlottesville was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, while a protester was charged with spitting on Kessler and another with assaulting a police officer. Kessler is out with a video explaining his side of ...
Alt-Right Protesters Descend On CharlottesvilleBearing Drift (press release) (blog)
Alt-right holds torch protest against Confederate monument removal in VirginiaSalon
Alt-right's Richard Spencer leads torch-bearing protesters defending Confederate statueHouston Chronicle
The Daily Progress -WVTF -The Daily Progress
all 186 news articles »

More here:
Why Charlottesville Is Newest Flash Point in Alt-Right Wars - Newser