Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

Alt-right targeting colleges, experts say. Is Georgia prepared? – Atlanta Journal Constitution

In March the Georgia Board of Regents adopted a system-wide freedom of expression policy limiting outside speakers and large demonstrations to specifically designated campus areas as a way of handling protests.

But its unclear if that policy would provide any protection against the type of speech that roiled the Auburn University campus Tuesdaywhen white supremacist Richard Spencer spoke in a rented campus auditorium.

Spencer, who became known nationally for coining the term alt-right to describe his mix of racial and populist conservatism, spoke before a crowd of at least 430 in Auburns Foy Hall, which included supporters, critics and reporters.Outside hundreds of counter-protesters demonstrated against him.

Late last week, Auburn administrators sought to block Spencer from speaking, claiming the event presented a danger to the campus. But a federal judge overruled the university on free speech grounds, allowing the event to go forward.

Experts who monitor racists and other extremist groups saythe alt-right is targeting universities. Lecia Brooks, outreach director for the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, said Auburn officials erred by trying to cancel the event. First, it flies in opposition to established First Amendment rights. Second, it handed Spencer a talking point.

Richard Spencer will use this event at Auburn to catapult himself to events at other universities, she said.

Is Georgia prepared for the campus recruiting efforts of white supremacists?Read more in this weeks AJC Watchdog column here.

See the article here:
Alt-right targeting colleges, experts say. Is Georgia prepared? - Atlanta Journal Constitution

Twitter’s alt-right wants feminists to vote for Marine Le Pen because she’s a woman – The Daily Dot

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has been an alt-right favorite for a long time. Serving as the head of Frances right-wing nationalist party the National Front, the countrys hardcore conservatives want her in power.

And on the Internet, the alt-right thinks feminists should vote for her, too. Why? Because she would bethe first woman to serve as Frances president.

So-called feminists are trying to block people voting for a woman, Infowars editor-at-largePaul Joseph Watson tweeted. She would be the first female president of France. Let that sink in.

In reality, feminists largely disprove of Le Pens platform due to the socioeconomic damage she would create for immigrants, women of color, and Muslim residents.

But thealt-right wants to pit feminists against each other, suggesting that Western feminists cannot truly support women if they dont support every single woman that runs for office. Its an attempt to point out supposed hypocrisies in feminism, even though Le Pen isnt exactly a feministcandidate.

Other alt-right users quickly chimed in after Watsons post, claiming that Le Pen would make the best type of woman for the presidency. Some proceeded to attack Islam, connecting the election back to xenophobic fears against refugees in France.

Ironically enough, Watson proceeded to attackcontroversial feminist figureChristina Hoff Sommers,claiming that she is shilling for an establishment puppet in refusing to support Le Pen.

A Pew Research Center report on the French National Front revealsthat the National Front is popular among Catholics, men, and French citizens who have not gone to college. National Front supporters are more likely to dislike Muslims, fear refugees, reject the European Union, and view globalization as an unfavorable phenomenon.

Its safe to say that the alt-right has found apleasant home with the National Front.

Le Pen now is onto the second round of the French presidential election,facing off against Emmanuel Macrona pro-European Union candidate who will be in direct opposition to Le Pens anti-EU sentiments. Whether Le Pen will win or not is unclear, although it seems like the alt-right is bolstered by Sundays news.

H/T Rossalyn Warren

Original post:
Twitter's alt-right wants feminists to vote for Marine Le Pen because she's a woman - The Daily Dot

The Movement Formerly Known as the Alt-Right Tries to Evolve – Vanity Fair

Steve Bannon on April 20th, 2017.

From AP/REX/Shutterstock.

Its all Steve Bannons fault. Three months into the Trump presidency, many in the Movement Formerly Known as the Alt-Right are in full rebellion against the term, and, ironically, many believe their acknowledged leader, currently President Donald Trumps chief strategist, gave it currency in the first place.

Trumps election, and Bannons ascendance, seemed likely to make the term a badge of pride, and a blow against political correctness. But thats far from what happened. In my reporting on the right over the months of Trumps presidency, almost nothing could make my sources more infuriated than affixing them with the alt-right label. I just think we have to be very careful about this kind of thing, [to] the extent that people want to describe that racism and anti-Semitism and all that kind of stuff, said Jeffrey Lord, CNN commentator and Trump surrogate. I mean, theres just not room for that kind of stuff in the conservative movement, period. Not under any circumstances, ever.

The alt-right label had been in use for years, partly to describe a vivid, largely online subculture of trolls who reveled in their racialist ugliness, often claiming it was an antidote to the reign of political correctness, which they saw as ruining the country. Populist nationalism joined hands with white supremacism and immature 4Chan trolls, borrowing its language from the latter and a deliberate, ironically blasphemous embrace of the former. Whether it was a belief system, a fully formed ideology, or a form of rhetoric, a way of poking at the nostrums and sacred cows of liberalism, was left deliberately murky.

Last summer, in an interview Bannon gave to Mother Jones during the Republican National Convention, Bannon allowed the movement to be pinned down. He called Breitbart the platform for the alt-right. The phrase multiplied exponentially after he became Trumps campaign chairman, catapulting the movement into the mainstream. Used to fighting a guerrilla war, now the alt-right was in the openand defending the ugliness became a lot harder.

Several people I spoke to thought that Bannons comment was not meant to be taken seriously. I think he was being his provocateur self there, said Lord, who himself scrambled from the label, and said that Bannon had approached him once about writing for the site. I think he probably saw it as an anti-Establishment group, which it decidedly is, and theres lots of us who think being anti-Establishment has considerable merit. But just because they might share a strand of a belief here doesnt make it an endorsement.

Milo Yiannopoulos, as a Breitbart columnist, was the most recognizable face of the alt-rights ugliness-as-provocation, though he never fully embraced the term. Now hes become a poster child for its struggles, after remarks emerged suggesting he condoned pedophilia (Yiannopoulous apologized for the tone of his comments, reiterated that he abhors sexual abuse, and subsequently resigned from the site). Yiannopoulos gives the Bannon interview similar weight in the history of the movement, though characteristically, he blames the media for what transpired. What I think he meant by that, was alt-right defined broadly, as the movement that propelled Trump to power, and that Breitbart was one of the places that they come to read news that is not completely opposed to their point of view, Yiannopoulos said. Calling it the platform for the alt-right, and defining the alt-right as white supremacy, is a journalistic trick, designed to pretend that what Bannon was saying was, if youre a white supremacist, come to Breitbart for your news.

Milo Yiannopoulos at the Republican National Convention in July 2016.

Photograph by Justin Bishop.

Before his exile from Breitbart, Yiannopoulos had identified himself as a fellow traveler of the movement, implying an overlap on some issues, and a rejection on others. When I spoke to him, however, he had scrambled even further away. Now the term alt-right has come to mean something else, and therefore, thats what it means now, he said. Whereas I may have considered myself previously a fellow traveler on some issues with the alt-right, the alt-right as the word is used today . . . I have nothing to do with it, and no fondness for it, and no interest in being associated with it.

If a lawmaker campaigns in poetry and governs in prose, the alt-right, whatever it is these days, is trying to pivot from campaigning in bathroom graffiti to governing in the foreign language of diplomatic tact and deliberate restraint. A movement that spent years on the attack now has to learn to defend.

The term alt-right, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, was created in 2008 by Richard Spencer to describe a strain of white nationalism that rejected every mainstream conservative view and pushed to preserve Western civilization from, in his words, a left-right dialectic...

It was Yiannopoulos, along with fellow Breitbart writer Allum Bokhari, who tried to stitch together a bigger tent for the movement. In their essay, An Establishment Conservatives Guide to the Alt-Right, the self-proclaimed Jewish gay and a mixed-race Breitbart reporter laid out the four groups they believed made up the amorphous blob of a movement fueling Trumps rise: identity politics-loathing intellectuals, migrant-wary natural conservatives, the twentysomething-year-old-white-man meme team, and, of course, the militaristic, white-supremacist 1488ers. While Yiannopoulos and Bakhari attempted to push the 1488ers away from the rest of the group and patted the memelords on the head, they still placed them under the same tent as the normal populist-nationalists. There are a myriad of agreements between its supporters over what they should build, they wrote, but virtual unity over what they should destroy.

But no one sees the alt-right as four groups; they see it as one group. To my mind, alt-right always carries with it self-conscious racialist politics, said David Frum, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush and a harsh critic of Trump and the Republican Partys racialist embrace. I would not use it to describe people who oafishly, and often without self-awareness, engage in racial dog-whistling. Id say that what the alt-right people do is take the unconscious and make it conscious.

Ever since last summer, almost everyone in the movement has been trying, and mostly failing, to get out from under the tent. Of all the trolls profiled by Politico in January, only Spencer would wear the label. Yiannopoulos, who had yet to fall, had pushed himself away from the term, but it did little good. The press did such a good job at defining it as white supremacy, that the only people who embrace it are the white supremacists, he said.

In a way, the problem of the Movement Formerly Known as the Alt-Right in the Trump era is precisely the same as Donald Trumps problem: words matter. A Hawaii district judge halted Trumps revised travel ban for its religious animus, specifically citing Trumps previous provocative statements during the campaign. Stephen Miller, a former Breitbart columnist turned White House aide, embarrassed the Trump administration with a few problematic TV appearances and disappeared from the airwaves when his comments were used by the Hawaii judge. Even Breitbart itself began to go mainstream, disclosing its investors and masthead to the Senate Press Gallery when they were denied credentials, and passively letting its radical, burn it all down writers leave.

Yiannopolous, of course, sees a bright future for his brand of conservative culture, whatever its called. I think the next 30 years in culture is going to be defined by a colossal pushback in political correctness, which was part of what this movement was about. Libertarianism and punk is coming back now in the form of Make America Great Again hats and conservative comedians and personalities. Thats not going anywhere. But the particular, specific word alt-right, the medias ruined it as a useful term to describe whats happening.

Frum, for his part, doesnt blame Bannon; he blames Trump, the tentpole of the alt-rights big tent. He attracted people who just liked bullying. He attracted people whose primary interest was seeing womens place in society reduced. He attracted people who were nihilistic and hungry for destruction. And he attracted a very small numberthere arent so many of theseof people who are self-consciously racialist. And that last group is what Richard Spencer called the alt-right.

Conservatives of many stripes are rushing to get out of the tent. But getting out is a lot harder than getting in.

Is this an endearing moment of Donald squeezing Erics cheeks, or Donald checking to see if his thoroughbred sons teeth are healthy?

Tiffany, Donald, and Donald junior at Donalds 50th birthday party.

Young Eric attends the U.S. Open in 1991, making one of the few public appearances without shellacked hair.

A 10-year-old Eric is not as camera-ready as his mother Ivana. Hell get there one day.

Don Jr., 38, and Barron, 10, share an inter-generational fist-bump at the Republican National Convention.

Eric and Don Jr., for once not wearing slicked-back hair, pay their respects to their dear father.

Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. at the Old Post Office, now a Trump hotel, Washington, D.C., July 2014.


Is this an endearing moment of Donald squeezing Erics cheeks, or Donald checking to see if his thoroughbred sons teeth are healthy?

by Ron Galella/WireImage.

Tiffany, Donald, and Donald junior at Donalds 50th birthday party.


Young Eric attends the U.S. Open in 1991, making one of the few public appearances without shellacked hair.

by Ron Galella/WireImage.

A 10-year-old Eric is not as camera-ready as his mother Ivana. Hell get there one day.

by Ron Galella/WireImage.

As Ivanka practices looking gorgeous at her fathers 50th birthday, a 12-year-old Eric appears displeased at his choice of tie.

by Richard Corkery/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images.

Eric and Donald at a basketball game in East Rutherford, New Jersey, in 2007.


Don junior in Briarcliff Manor, New York, 2014.


A 23-year-old Eric attempts to smile. Hell get there one day.

by M. Von Holden/WireImage.

Donald disapproved of Don Jr. proposing to model Vanessa Haydon using an engagement ring provided by a New Jersey jeweler who wanted publicity. You have a name thats hot as a pistol, said Trump, a man who put said name on everything from steaks to playing cards.

by Dave Allocca/StarPix/REX/Shutterstock.

It is unknown whether Eric Trump eventually killed this animal for sport.

by Paul Zimmerman/Getty Images.

Don Jr., and baby Barron at the unveiling of their fathers star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Barron is either throwing his fists in the air in celebration of his fathers accomplishments, or is waving for help.

by Hubert Boesl/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images.

We presume that this is Don Jr. impersonating his sister Ivanka at the Eric Trump Golf Tournament in 2014.

by Bobby Bank/WireImage.

A 9-year-old Barron already has his fathers eyes and princely smirk.

by Debra L Rothenberg/FilmMagic.

At a campaign event in Las Vegas, December 2015.


Don Jr., 38, and Barron, 10, share an inter-generational fist-bump at the Republican National Convention.

By Carlo Allegri/REUTERS.

Eric and Don Jr., for once not wearing slicked-back hair, pay their respects to their dear father.

by Mark Wilson/Getty Images.

Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. at the Old Post Office, now a Trump hotel, Washington, D.C., July 2014.


Read the rest here:
The Movement Formerly Known as the Alt-Right Tries to Evolve - Vanity Fair

Networks Sack Trump, Pass on Super Bowl-level Support from ‘Alt-Right’ Patriots Owner, Coach – Fox News

By Dan Gainor

Published April 20, 2017 |

Its no secret that New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and head coach Bill Belichick are friends of President Donald Trump. Unless you rely on the broadcast network evening news.

Thirty-four Patriots players joined their coach and team owner in the visit to the White House to honor them on their victory. That visit was overshadowed by the apparent suicide of former teammate Aaron Hernandez, in prison for the murder of Odin Lloyd. All three networks used Hernandezs death to downgrade the press event into B-roll. Then they skipped the positive things Kraft had to say about Trump or a key, pro-Trump anecdote the president mentioned involving Belichick.

The rest of the media did everything they could to prevent Trump from scoring points, just like normal. Politico described the visit as, The Alt-Rights Favorite Team Visits the White House. Several outlets hyped the number of players who had skipped, like Time and lefty Think Progress.

Some sites promoted an anti-Trump Patriots video. GQ claimed Trump Seems Pretty Hurt by quarterback Tom Bradys skipping the event. Even though Brady had to be broken up over the death of a former member of his offense. ESPNs Bob Ley said he was stunned the Patriots for having anyone go in light of Hernandezs death.

The Times Sports staff (Who reads the Times for sports?) tweeted out comparison photos from the Patriots 2015 visit claiming to show a major disparity in player and staff attendance.

The Patriots immediately debunked that by posting a different photo and then adding a comment saying: These photos lack context. Facts: In 2015, over 40 football staff were on the stairs. In 2017, they were seated on the South Lawn. Perhaps, this is why people shouldnt read the Times for sports.

Read the original here:
Networks Sack Trump, Pass on Super Bowl-level Support from 'Alt-Right' Patriots Owner, Coach - Fox News

Neo-Nazis And ‘Alt-Right’ Celebrate Hitler’s Birthday The Forward – Forward

The banner image on the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer celebrated Hitlers birthday.

Neo-Nazi and alt-right websites are memorializing Adolf Hitlers birthday with memes, affectionate messages and more long-winded articles on the peaceful origins of the Nazis.

Happy birthday, Uncle Adolf. Weve never missed you more than we miss you right now, wrote Andrew Anglin, editor of the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. Anglin even altered the banner of his website to picture a birthday cake, with lit candles and frosted letters wishing Hitler a happy birthday.

In the sites comment section, readers shared their own homemade images of swastika-decorated cakes.

On, a newer website launched by white nationalist Richard Spencer, one post dismissed the violence of the Nazis as another Big Lie of the establishment left and sought to cast Spencer and the alt-right as a group similarly mischaracterized and persecuted by a brainwashed and antagonistic political left.

Email Sam Kestenbaum at and follow him on Twitter at @skestenbaum

See more here:
Neo-Nazis And 'Alt-Right' Celebrate Hitler's Birthday The Forward - Forward