Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

How To Be A ‘Woke’ White Person: Join The Alt-Right – The Federalist

An image has been circulating around the Internet listing 10 Ways You Can Actively Reject Your White Privilege. Take a read, because this is really instructive.

The first thing that struck me about these rules are that the white people who comply with it most fully are: the resurgent racists of the alt-right.

Rule 1? The alt-right usually take up minimal space at anti-racism ralliesthe most minimal space possible. Rule 2? Theyre not likely to live in gentrified upper-middle-class city neighborhoods. Rules 4 and 5? They dont care about the diversity of their organizations, they presumably dont have black friends, and as far as I can tell they have little interest in learning about the black urban subculture.

Rule 6? The alt-right are happy to put a spotlight on the black people who seem most radical and dangerous. They may not follow rules 3 and 7but man, have they got rule 10 down. They will insist to you repeatedly that everyone is racist and theres nothing we can do about it. Thats their whole shtick.

Im obviously being a bit satirical in saying that the alt-right creeps are the perfect adherents of these rules for guilty white liberals. But theres a point to the satire.

Notice that most of these rules are about fighting racism by pushing the races apart rather than bringing them together. Its about telling white people to stay away from your rallies, or at least to stay in the background. Its about telling them to stay out of your neighborhoods, to stop trying to learn your slang or music, and to stay out of conversations about race. Last, most ironic of all, it tells them to give up on the whole underlying cause of getting rid of racism. Way to attract allies and fire up the troops.

The ten rules are condensed from a longer article at a blog for a leftist Christian organization that is basically the First Church of Wokeness. (If youre not familiar with woke, Ill send youwhere else?to Urban Dictionary.)

In its longer version, Im almost sympathetic to the articles goals, because its not really aimed at me or at most of the readers of this article. Its aimed at a certain species of overly zealous white liberalthe kind for whom anti-racism and being down with the struggle is regarded less as an actual cause than as a status symbol. Theyre the sort of people to whom those of us on the Right applythe term virtue signaling, which refers to taking a political stand out of a desire to signal your exalted moral status to peers in your social group. If you describe yourself as woke, for example, it is almost certain that you are engaging in virtue signaling. Its what we used to call moral preening.

But the proposed solution to that problem, to tell white liberals to go to sit down, shut up, and go to the back of the anti-racism bus, just makes the broader problem worse.

The most perceptive and important thing written on the current state of racial politics is Shelby Steeles White Guilt, which is therefore almost universally ignored. At the close of the civil rights movement, he argues, the issue of racism ceased to be about actual racism. Instead, it became a weapon used to take away moral authority from some people and give it to others.

The Left, which had been looking for a way to delegitimize the entire American economic and political system, seized on it for that purpose. Rather than get caught on the wrong side of this wave of white guilt, white liberals adopted ritualistic ways of disassociating themselves from the guilt of racism and shifting that association onto others. The most spectacular example was the overnight transformation of the Democratic Party, in which the party of slavery and segregation suddenly cast off all of those associations and shifted responsibility for the entire history of racism onto the party of Lincoln.

The result was that rejection of racism, instead of becoming a universal creed above partisan bickering, got reduced to a narrow partisan cudgel, a way of beating up people who disagree with you and making you feel good about yourself by comparison.

But now it has gotten out of control, and blacks and other minorities have started to realize the extent to which they were being used as a tool of somebody elses self-validation. So white liberals who thought the system was rigged to make them look like the good guys are now finding themselves cast on the wrong side in an ever-intensifying struggle over who gets to control the fount of moral authority that is racial politics.

Andrew Sullivan notices this and writes an interesting dissection of intersectionality. This is the new mechanism for putting white lefties in their place and subordinating them to the proper victim groups. Sullivan sums it up as a recent neo-Marxist theory that argues that social oppression does not simply apply to single categories of identitysuch as race, gender, sexual orientation, class, etc.but to all of them in an interlocking system of hierarchy and power. In other words, its the Victimhood Olympics, in which the big prize of supreme moral authority goes to the person who belongs to the greatest number of intersecting victim groups.

Sullivan points out the most disturbing part about this religion: it has no paradise, no end point it is striving to reach. It is a worldview with no eschaton to immanentize. The only thing this religion lacks, of course, is salvation. Life is simply an interlocking drama of oppression and power and resistance, ending only in death. Its Marx without the final total liberation.

For the intersectional left, racial conflict is not a means to some greater end. It is the end. Thats what makes this ultimately compatible with the alt-right, who want the same thing. Indeed, you could say that intersectional racial politics needs white supremacists as a permanent bogeyman to justify further conflict.

The Left has embraced a racial politics that doesnt seek to gather people together in a common cause, but instead seeks to divide them into separate groups in a never-ending ritual of power struggles. They had better be careful what they wish for, because at the rate theyre going, they just might get itand smash everything to pieces.

Follow Robert on Twitter.

Originally posted here:
How To Be A 'Woke' White Person: Join The Alt-Right - The Federalist

New "Alt-Right" Theory: Obama Was Secretly Behind Judicial Halt Of Trump’s Muslim Ban – Media Matters for America

Media Matters for America
New "Alt-Right" Theory: Obama Was Secretly Behind Judicial Halt Of Trump's Muslim Ban
Media Matters for America
Pro-President Donald Trump outlets and alt-right outlets pushed a conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was the reason a federal judge in Hawaii blocked Trump's revised Muslim ban executive order. The president's son Donald Trump Jr.

and more »

Go here to read the rest:
New "Alt-Right" Theory: Obama Was Secretly Behind Judicial Halt Of Trump's Muslim Ban - Media Matters for America

The Global History of the Alt-Right – Atlantic Sentinel

Marine and Jean-Marie Le Pen, May 1, 2009 (Laurent Garric)

When I was a teenager, I had to drive my older brother to downtown Phoenix. He couldnt drive himself; hed made a series of poor life choices, so it fell to me, the relatively responsible one, to ferry him about.

As we drove, he ranted to me about blacks, Mexicans and Jews, using all the tried and true tropes of the traditional white-supremacist right tossing in, for my education, that the Bible had given blacks over to whites as slave-animals. When we pulled up to our destination, a Mexican guy was hanging out on the Phoenix equivalent of a stoop; my brother would have to pass by the guy. I asked him, in that teenaged point-blank manner, what he thought of the man.

Oh no, my brother replied. Hes one of the good ones. Switching off from racist extraordinaire, he proceeded to carry out his errand and have a light, polite chat with the very man whose race hed spent much of our journey together trashing.

It was my first encounter with the doublethink that would swirl to become the alt-right.

The alt-right is a brand-new lexicon that came of age during the final months of the US presidential campaign in 2016. The term itself is traceable to 2008. As written in Salon:

In 2008, conservative political philosopher Paul Gottfried was the first to use the term alternative right, describing it as a dissident far-right ideology that rejected mainstream conservatism.

Yet the intellectual force, not to mention the personalities, of the alt-right are considerably older. It pulls threads from old-school fascism, nineteenth-century nativism, slavery-produced white supremacy, Goldwater conservatism and 1970s-style disillusionment.

It is also not a uniquely American phenomenon. Alt-right forces have bubbled and gurgled throughout the rest of the world since the 1970s.

Today, versions of the alt-right are global. Virtually every developed country has at least one alt-right political party. Even idyllic New Zealand has New Zealand First, an anti-immigration party.

The English alt-right, head by the United Kingdom Independence Party, helped force Britain out of the European Union and has since pushed its Conservative Party further right.

The populist Finns Party in Finland has surged to heights its never enjoyed before. The alt-right-leaning Sweden Democrats are fighting against more refugees.

Critically, in the Netherlands, France and Germany, alt-right parties are growing to become not a fringe but mainstream political phenomena. As the Dutch prepare to vote on March 15, Geert Wilders, once a political pariah for his extreme rightist views, is leading in the polls. Marine Le Pen, another alt-right force, has spent decades hoping to reach the political popularity she now enjoys.

How did we get here? And what does it say about the international system that produced this force?

The basic left-right divide begins in the French Revolution, when right-wing forces supported the monarchy and left-wing forces wanted to introduce Enlightened government through a republic. Depending on how hard they believed, their views could be quite violent.

Since then, leftist forces have sought change; rightist forces sought to slow or even reverse it. The alt-right builds on the conservatism and rightist impulses of Europe and the United States. We should step back and look at those modern roots.

Western conservatives used to represent industrial, imperial/royal and nationalist interests. They built the great empires of the late nineteenth century. Their Christian zeal sent missionaries worldwide as their gunboats shelled native peoples into submission. They also managed to squabble their way into World War I, which completely discredited their royal factions and weakened their imperial ones.

But they kept hold of their industrial and nationalist ideologies until World War II exhausted those as well.

Inspired by Allied propaganda, conservatism retooled itself as the ultimate arbiter of freedom, mostly via economic choice. On the western side of the Iron Curtain, it came to represent zealous anti-communism (especially offended by Soviet godlessness), anti-statism (conflating Keynesian economics with Soviet central planning, which was a nicely dishonest way to start a movement) and cultural nationalism.

That last part was a fine needle to thread: cultural nationalism could be contrasted with the Soviet boogeyman, which was trying to refashion the many subjects of the Soviet empire into a single cultural entity. But it could go too far. Millions had lived through Axis cultural atrocities.

They did not want to be seen allied to the old fascist survivors of the war, who lurked beneath the political surface. Fear of division in the face of the Soviet menace kept the public from gambling on anything but safe bets. The atomic bombing of Japan was too recent and the many duck-and-cover drills of the 1950s and 60s hammered in the reality of nuclear annihilation.

In 1972, just shy of the thirty-year anniversary of the liberation of Paris from the Nazis, Jean-Marie Le Pen founded the progenitor of the modern alt-right: the National Front.

Planks of tough law-and-order, cultural and economic protectionism and anti-immigration held together a coalition of French voters angered by the changes they were seeing in their country.

Many of these changes were self-inflicted: Frances stubborn war in Algeria brought the first big wave of African migrants to the continent, producing a subnationality mainstream France could not figure out how to assimilate. Conflicts between diehard colonialists and the rest of French society led to a wave of bombings in the 1960s and the collapse of the Fourth Republic; old-school Vichy fascists found more mainstream allies willing to overlook their past faults in the pursuit of French national glory in Africa.

The National Front became the archetype of the alt-right political party: claiming to protect Western civilization from both its own decadence (often by alluding that Jews were corroding it from within) and from evil outside forces (like Islam and communism), the National Front built a shaky base of French voters initially too spread out to have any national effect.

The 1970s coincided with a marked shift in conservatives throughout the West. Most went hard for the neoliberalism of Ronald Reagan and Margret Thatcher, who produced the conservative ideology only recently upended by the alt-right. But some split off. Rather than seeing tax cuts and free trade as opportunities to get rich, they saw them as opening doors to new, increasingly different foreigners.

Its important to note they did not reconstitute with out-and-out old-school fascists or racists, who also tried, and failed, to reinvent themselves in this period. Skinhead culture was appropriated by fascists hoping for a more modern edge. It fell flat when they refused to stop Seig Heiling. The Ku Klux Klan appointed a supposedly nicer, better-looking leader, David Duke, to wow cameras, but his traditionally vile worldview could not be hidden under any sugarcoating.

Even Le Pen couldnt hold his tongue when it came to the Jews. As recently as last month, he was still making jokes about Jews in ovens.

As Reagan and Thatcher dominated conservatism, the budding alt-right could move nowhere. Too easily lumped in with neo-Nazis and fascists, and with too much at stake in the Cold War, the National Front and those like it went nowhere.

Around 2000, the geopolitical understanding of the post-Cold War world began to shudder and break apart. Sunni supremacism began to violently lash out at Western powers long used to dominating the Middle Easts resources and states; Russia started a slow rise out of its post-Soviet collapse; neoliberalism as an economic ideology began to rust and the generation that fought World War II began to die in large numbers.

All four combined to create an environment perfect for the alt-right.

Sunni supremacism provoked more and more Western thinkers and voters to conflate Islam with violence. Despite the best efforts of leaders like George W. Bush, Tony Blair and Barack Obama, all of whom differentiated between violent supremacists and everyday practitioners, repeated attacks undermined their arguments.

This was exactly what groups like Al Qaeda wanted: the more Westerners hated Muslims, the more Muslims would join Al Qaeda.

It also thrilled the nascent figures of the alt-right.

As early as 2005, Geert Wilders was quoted as saying, The analysis is clear, we have a great problem with Islam, in the Netherlands too. Once in the political wilderness, Sunni supremacist attacks in the Netherlands suddenly made Wilders appear sensible.

The return of Russia brought a structural discipline to a movement that hadnt had any before. While Vladimir Putin himself does not practice an alt-right worldview (its more like an imperial nationalism, an older school of geopolitical thought), he saw use in the alt-right parties budding throughout Europe and America.

Since repeated Sunni supremacist attacks made it increasingly okay to slam Islam, the alt-right could no longer be hammered as neo-Nazis as readily anymore. (A common alt-right defense for why their Muslim-bashing is not the same as Nazi Jew bashing: The Jews werent going around beheading people.)

Since Putins goals were to roll back values-based institutions like NATO and the EU that might threaten his rule (and possibly undo the Russian Federation), he had to find useful assets that could corrode those institutions. NATO and EU values are rooted in neoliberalism: free trade and open borders through the EU and human rights protected by hard power through NATO. By supporting parties that undercut these values, Putin sought to undermine both the NATO and the EU.

We now know about Putins Facebook and Twitter bot army and Russian financing of alt-right parties throughout Europe. The accusations that the Kremlin did something similar in the United States is gaining credibility. Russian spy tradecraft provided discipline to movements that were otherwise too prone to fracturing.

But that would have been irrelevant had neoliberalisms cracks not begun to show. Even as early as 2000, it was obvious that free trade deals were widening the wealth gap and benefiting only the upper classes. The Battle of Seattle, the anti-globalization protests that took place in 1999, was just a harbinger of the energy that would be mobilized against neoliberalism.

The world realized the emperor had no clothes in the wake of the financial crisis, when all the inequalities of neoliberalism were laid bare. Years went by with both American and EU leaders trying to cobble together formulas to save the system without addressing any of the problems caused by it: during that time, conservatives began to drift away from economic freedom and free trade and toward the protectionism that had long been espoused by the alt-right.

Finally, and perhaps most crucially, the 2000s also saw the end of the World War II generation as a major political force.

The veterans and their memories of Axis horrors died off and left their children and grandchildren without any check on rightist impulses. Political decency, a key postwar value meant to act as a breakwater again violent, thuggish politics, fell away: politicians and public figures could get away with saying increasingly outrageous things. Rightists felt no responsibility or connection with the Hitler era and were so less stung by the accusation by their enemies that they were behaving like Nazis.

After all, can you imagine a World War II veteran excusing Trumps Pussygate?

When one sees Hillary Clinton as the standard-bearer of discredited neoliberalism, her defeat makes a lot more sense. So too does Brexit; the European Union was always designed as a neoliberal project. The disappearance of the World War II generations political power has coincided with the rise of the alt-rights thuggishness. Their check on the alt-right was crucial.

Yet these alone might not have been enough to propel the alt-right to its heights were it not for the machinations of outsiders.

Russian plots to bolster alt-right parties have largely worked. Their ultimate success will depend on the outcome of both the French and Dutch elections this spring.

Moreover, Sunni supremacists welcome the takeover of the West by alt-right holy warriors, who want the same civilizational showdown they do. If the alt-right becomes the dominant ideology of the West, it would almost certainly mean wider war in the Muslim world.

The Dutch election will be critical. Should Wilders gain power, it will be another out-and-out alt-right government. That will put both France and Germany in the ideologys crosshairs.

Nobody expected Donald Trump to win the presidency, just as nobody expects Marine Le Pen, the less overtly antisemitic leader of the National Front, to do so in April.

Such electoral victories might tip Great Britains conservative movement firmly into the alt-right. It already dangerously tiptoes that line.

Other borderline governments, like Poland and Denmark, could also firmly act more like the alt-right. That would leave only Germany as a force powerful enough to withstand the complete collapse of neoliberalism.

Such a task would be beyond its reach, however, should the United States slip firmly into a new alt-right consensus: Berlin cannot hope to stand up against both Russian and American political interference.

In the long run, should the West become dominated by the alt-rights nativism, nationalism and protectionism, the world risks returning not to the 1930s but to the 1910s, when brute geopolitical interest propelled each power to seek its own short-term gain.

The alt-right cannot hold together NATO; alt-right forces already mumble against it. It actively seeks to destroy the EU. Without either, Europe returns to its pre-war self: an anarchic continent of powerful nation states unsure of the intentions of their neighbors. That is an environment Russia can thrive in, but it will leave Germany, France and Britain all the poorer, as they waste resources trying to gain domination over one another.

There are good reasons to believe this wont happen. Already forces are arrayed against the alt-right, most powerfully in the United States. Should Trump be impeached and convicted over his ties to Russia, it could kill the movement globally. This could simply be the final, most dramatic act in the Strauss-Howe Crisis, giving way to a gentler 2020s.

Or it could be the beginning of a new normal. Watch the Dutch today; watch the French in April. And watch how long Trump occupies the White House.

This article originally appeared at Geopolitics Made Super, March 15, 2017.

Excerpt from:
The Global History of the Alt-Right - Atlantic Sentinel

Is ‘antifa’ activism a necessary answer to the alt-right? – CTV News Published Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:53AM EDT Last Updated Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:45AM EDT

Youve heard of alt-right for sure, but how about antifa or the anti-fascism movement?

Extremism doesnt just belong to the far right. Those on the far left are rejecting the mainstream left and fighting extremism with extremism, says Ameil Joseph, a professor of social work at McMaster University who studies race and activism.

The antifa movement has its roots in Europe in the 1930s, when radicals took a paramilitary approach to fighting Nazism, says Joseph. It was also found in the actions of the Black Panthers in the American civil rights era.

Today, its found in groups like Black Lives Matter or the indigenous protests against the Dakota pipeline, Joseph told CTV's Your Morning.

There is the belief that the left hasnt done enough to fight fascism, corruption, widespread centralized executive ordering and that a more radical approach is necessary.

View original post here:
Is 'antifa' activism a necessary answer to the alt-right? - CTV News

Why all Christians should oppose the ‘Alt-Right’ – Crux: Covering all things Catholic

The 2016 election introduced many Americans to what was previously a non-mainstream group in American politics: the alt-right.Last month saw the rise and sudden reversal of alt-right personality Milo Yiannopouloss incorporation into the conservative mainstream, after his controversial comments on pedophilia surfaced.

But the alt-right is not going anywhere. And with Steve Bannon, who boasted of turning Breitbart into the platform for the alt-right, serving as a chief adviser to President Donald Trump, it cannot be ignored.

The threat this movement poses to foundational American values and the key tenets of the Christian faith are so grave that Christians across the political spectrum should join together with other responsible citizens in opposing its pernicious influence and corrosion of our national character.

For those who are unfamiliar with the goals, methods, and nature of the alt-right, it can be described as a loose collection of individuals and groups that advocate for a far-right, ethno-nationalism that is centered on white identity and the notion that Western Civilization is under attack from immigrants, multiculturalism, feminism, political correctness, Muslims, and Jews.

At the heart of the alt-right is a vile racism that permeates the entire worldview. The racist elements of the alt-right are so predominant that some oppose the use of the term alt-right, favoring other descriptions like white nationalists, white supremacists, or even neo-Nazis.

Richard Spencer, the founder of the white nationalist organization, The National Policy Institute, and the man who coined the term alt-right, infamously led a rally in the days after the election of Donald Trump where the crowd made Nazi salutes after he shouted Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!

But even those who do not engage in such overt displays of racial bigotry and white pride are nevertheless motivated by a sense of white identity and focused on maintaining and fostering a culture and policies that they believe will benefit white Americans. This shapes their economic views, hardline immigration policies, and more.

Against these racist and xenophobic beliefs, Christian churches have taught the importance of all persons being a part of one extended human family. The Christian commitment to human equality is rooted in this recognition of universal brotherhood and sisterhood. The racism of the alt-right alone is enough to make it untenable for a serious Christian to be a part of the movement.

But Latinos and black Americans are not the only objects of enmity for the alt-right, there is deep anti-Muslim sentiment in the movement and it is linked to their belief in a clash of civilizations. The clash of civilizations is a theory proposed by the late Samuel Huntington that posited that after the end of the Cold War, there would be conflict between people whose cultures, values, and religions were incompatible with each other.

The alt-right maintains that Islam is not a religion of peacethat Islam itself, not just terrorist organizations like ISIS, is actively at war with the West, and that Muslims living in the West are an inevitable threat to Western culture and institutions. The exclusion of refugees from Muslim countries is not supported because they believe refugees present direct security risks, but in order to halt demographic changes.

Christians, on the other hand, are called to love and assist their brothers and sisters who face oppression around the world. This is why Christian leaders have called upon the United States and other countries to accept refugees and welcome migrants.

Christians maintain that diversity enriches society. It is possible to have a multi-ethnic and multi-religious pluralistic societythe proof is the American project itself. Freedom of religion is a fundamental right of all peoples, and Christians have a duty to stand up for the religious freedoms of others.

Another distinctive feature of the alt-right is the sexism and misogyny of the movement. Feminism is seen as a threat to the role of men as the heads of households. The alt-right is known for its online trolling and harassment, but its vile behavior toward women online is particularly egregious.

Likewise, the rise of anti-Semitic harassment on social media reflects the alt-rights deep antipathy toward Jews, whom they often accuse of participation in conspiracies.

Christianity, meanwhile, has done better and better over time as a whole in affirming the full dignity and worth of women and promoting authentic equality, while also working to eradicate anti-Semitism from its churches. There is more progress to be made, but all Christians should be able to condemn the Nazi-like anti-Semitism of the alt-right and its degradation of women.

Finally, the alt-right has a distinctive foreign policy view, as well. In their attacks on globalism (which are frequently linked to anti-Semitic conspiracies), proponents promote an America First approach of populist nationalism that is strongly anti-interventionist, anti-trade, and anti-foreign aid. They reject notions of universal human rights and global solidarity, key Christian political beliefs.

The only exception seems to be among those who promote a sectarian Christian agenda that places the well-being of Christians above the lives of non-Christians. We see this in action in their support of dictatorships that offer preferential treatment to Christians and in the debate over refugees from Syria. Many in this crowd advocate for letting in Christian refugees but refusing admittance of even Muslim children.

While the alt-right is not shy about its affection for dictators and strongmen abroad, it is also waging war on democratic norms here in the U.S. They declare real news fake and fake news real. This nihilistic assault on truth advances relativism and undermines democracy.

Christians who believe in truth and want to preserve the norms that allow our democracy to function must fight back against such efforts.

Racism, xenophobia, anti-Muslim bigotry, anti-Semitism, sexism, sectarianism, and isolationism are not Christian values. Christians across the political and ideological spectrum must come together and speak with one voice: you cannot be Christian and support the alt-right.

Daniel Petri and Robert Christian are PhD candidates in Politics at Catholic University and organizers of a recent conference at the Catholic University of America on How Catholics Should Respond to the Rise of the Alt-Right.

Originally posted here:
Why all Christians should oppose the 'Alt-Right' - Crux: Covering all things Catholic