Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

CPAC invites alt-right Milo Yiannopoulos to keynote for his hatred, disinvites him over pedophilia – Daily Kos

Yes, it turns out that the "liberals" who don't like alt-right "Milo" may have had a point. Why, maybe he isan odious human being who doesn't deserve a platform for spewing a constant stream of hate masquerading as "edgy" half-comedy. It turns out that a ideological platform no more substantive than liking whatever liberals don't like will, sooner or later, end up with you shaking hands with supporters of things like child rape. Go figure.

But note that Milo's support for anti-Semiteswasn't the thing that did him in. His advocacy for the nation's most prominent white supremacists wasn't it. His bizarre trolling episodesseemingly devoted to nothing more than being mind-numbingly hateful and offensive and celebrating as"funny" saner peoples condemnations of his anticswas enough to consider him a "conservative standard bearer." None of his past statements were enough to keep him from being invited to speak as one of the top "conservative" voices in the movementuntil they found out about the pedophilia bit. And considering the habits of the now-sitting president, who both bragged about and who was confirmed to have invited himself into teenager's changing rooms while the contestants dressed for his beauty competitions, it seems even the pedophilia has some fudge factor built in.

Meanwhile, the folks at Milo's day job apparently don't quite know what to do with him either. Breitbart "News" was, like CPAC, fine with their writer promoting anti-Semitism, xenophobia, racism, misogyny and whatever else he could stuff into his self-promoting appearances and columns, but now some of them are threatening to themselves walk if he doesn't get the boot.

That video in question, by the way? It's over a year old. Nobody thought it disqualified him from being a "conservative standard bearer" for a full year, while they were shouting about liberals oppressing him and while the now-president snuffled that well maybe if universities weren't going to let him speak in their own venues maybe those universities should lose their funding. So is the problem that he recorded the video in the first place, or is the problem just that it's creating publicity problems now that his fellow conservatives find themselves attached to it as well?

Continued here:
CPAC invites alt-right Milo Yiannopoulos to keynote for his hatred, disinvites him over pedophilia - Daily Kos

Alt-right editor challenges journalists to visit Sweden – BBC News

Huffington Post UK
Alt-right editor challenges journalists to visit Sweden
BBC News
Paul Joseph Watson, the UK-based editor of far-right conspiracy website Infowars, has donated $2,000 to one of the hundreds of reporters who took him up on his Twitter offer to pay "any journalist claiming Sweden is safe" to stay in Malmo. The donation ...
Paul Joseph Watson's Twitter Offer For Journalist Trip To Sweden Spectacularly BackfiresHuffington Post UK

all 3 news articles »

Go here to see the original:
Alt-right editor challenges journalists to visit Sweden - BBC News

Help! I Think My Dog Is Supporting The Alt-Right – Huffington Post

Im saddened, but I cant say Im surprised. It was only a matter of time before someone in my own network found comfort in this despicable movement. I just didnt think it would happen under my own roof. Or should I say ruff?

Thats right, in case you missed that incredible joke, Im referring to my dog, Rex. Allow me to explain.

It all started a few weeks back. I started noticing some abnormal behavior. For instance, on our walks, Rex (who is a male purebred golden retriever) would start barking at the Black Labs and Irish Terriers on our street. Sure, I thought it was weird, but I didnt say anything.

Things grew stranger. One day I came home to find him peeing on the latest issue of The New York Times a clear statement regarding his thoughts about free press. THE PRESS IS IN PLACE TO PROTECT CITIZENS! I screamed. The next day? I dropped him off at the groomer for an appointment. When I picked him up his hair was extremely short on the sides and long on top. I certainly did not ask for that haircut. What in Elizabeth Warrens name is going on? I thought. To make matters worse, I found 12 Twitter accounts (all with egg avatars) attached to our IP address.

Thats when I began to talk to my friends. Was I this out of touch with the Middle-America dog community? Was I so trapped inside my own elite dog-bubble that I couldnt see this coming? I mean, I know white men support Trump, but white dogs? They thought I was just being paranoid.

I started having a recurring nightmare. Id walk into my house and hear a muffled kind of sound. Id follow the noise into my living room and see my dog barking into a burner phone. When I picked the phone up to see who was on the other side the caller ID would read Richard Spencer with a heart emoji next to it. Id wake up in a sweat clutching my Barack Obama action figure.

To this day I still dont know what to believe. I know it may sound farfetched, but given our current political climate I wouldnt be shocked. If others are feeling comfortable enough to hold KKK rallies and openly support white supremacy, then whos to say our dogs arent having similar thoughts? Do you know what your dog is doing while youre at work?

Heres a tip if youre concerned. Set your TV to CNN when you leave in the morning. If you come back and its on FOX or if Tucker Carlson Tonight is being recorded, you know somethings up.

You can call me crazy. Heck, tell me Im insane. Think what youd like. But dont be surprised if you see my dog on Bill Maher sometime soon.

See the article here:
Help! I Think My Dog Is Supporting The Alt-Right - Huffington Post

Alt-Right Creep Milo Under Fire For Seemingly Defending Pedophilia In 2016 – Pedestrian TV

This article deals with some heavy themes, particularly involving child abuse, so if you reckon you might find it a bit uncomfortable, feel free to click away.

If you're unfamiliar with Milo Yiannopuolis, let me give you a quick bio: he is a huge fuckwit.

If you're unfamiliar with the alt-right, they too are a bunch of huge fuckwits. They are largely comprised of younger conservatives who insist that they aren't racist but staunchly advocate for a white "ethnostate", because they believe society can only function if it is racially segregated. These people see Milo as something of a silver bullet, because he is both gay and of Jewish ancestry, therefore he can't possibly be criticised, right?

Unfortunately for them, they're about two decades behind where we're at with progressiveness: we absolutely can criticise people regardless of their race or gender or orientation, because we treat everyone like they are people now. Wild.

This is particularly important because he uses his position as one of those rare famous conservative gay people to heavily criticise other gay people, who he has repeatedly described as deviants suffering from a psychiatric disorder. What a delightful man.

The man generates a lot of controversy, most of it because he either willfully says awful shit to shit-stir because he's a borderline sociopath or says awful shit that he genuinely believes because he's a borderline sociopath, so it's not unremarkable to see him in the headlines.

He's landed himself in quite a lot of trouble this time, though, after video surfaced of an appearance he made on a podcast in 2016 in which it seemed very much like he was advocating for pedophilia,like so:

"This arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent which totally destroys, you know the understanding of many of us have the complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships.

"You know people are messy and complex and actually, in the homosexual world particularly. Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, that sort of coming of age relationships.

"The relationships with those with older men have helped those young boys discover who they are. And give them security and safety, provide them with love and reliable and sort of a rock. Where they cant speak to their parents."

"Youre misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13-years old who is sexually mature.Pedophiliais attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is an attraction to people who dont have functioning sex organs yet. Who have not gone through puberty. Who are too young to be able to understand. That is not what we are talking about."

Asked to clarify if he's advocating for these "cross-generational relationships", he says that he is:

"Yeah I dont mind saying I dont mind admitting that. And I think particularly in the gay world and outside the Catholic Church if that is where some of you wanna go with this. I think in the gay World some of the most important enriching and incredibly the mm you know life affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences."

After the video surfaced, Milo responded lengthily on Facebook, calling the people who misinterpreted his comments "idiots":

"I do not support pedophilia. Period. It is a vile and disgusting crime, perhaps the very worst. There are selectively edited videos doing the rounds, as part of a co-ordinated effort to discredit me from establishment Republicans, that suggest I am soft on the subject.

"If it somehow comes across (through my own sloppy phrasing or through deceptive editing) that I meant any of the ugly things alleged, let me set the record straight: I am completely disgusted by the abuse of children."

He goes on to say in that in his time as a journalist he "outed" three pedophiles, and that he chose his words poorly:

"I shouldn't have used the word "boy" when I talked about those relationships between older men and younger gay men. (I was talking about my own relationship when I was 17 with a man who was 29. The age of consent in the UK is 16.) That was a mistake. Gay men often use the word "boy" when they refer to consenting adults. I understand that heterosexual people might not know that, so it was a sloppy choice of words that I regret."

I'm only bisexual so maybe I don't completely speak "gay", but I'm not so sure about that one. He also repeatedly used the age of 13 as an example, both in this interview and also He also says attacks like this are why gay people vote Democrat:

"This rush to judgment from establishment conservatives who hate Trump as much as they hate me, before I have had any chance to provide context or a response, is one of the big reasons gays vote Democrat."

"In case there is any lingering doubt, here's me, in the same interview the other footage is taken from, affirming that the current legal age of consent is about right: 'And I think the law is probably about right. It's probably roughly the right age. I think it's probably about ok. But there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age. I certainly consider myself to be one of them, people who were sexually active younger. I think it particularly happens in the gay world, by the way.'"

You can read the whole post here:

What a fucking creep. It'll be interesting to see what the Australian conservatives who fawn over him (Bolt, et al) say in response to this.

Source: YouTube.

Photo: YouTube.

The rest is here:
Alt-Right Creep Milo Under Fire For Seemingly Defending Pedophilia In 2016 - Pedestrian TV

America’s extremist battle: antifa v alt-right – BBC News – BBC News

America's extremist battle: antifa v alt-right - BBC News
BBC News
In a divided America, two groups at the extreme ends of the political spectrum are doing battle online, and on the streets. The alt-right - a disparate group of ...

and more »

Read the original post:
America's extremist battle: antifa v alt-right - BBC News - BBC News