Jacob Steinblatt
Feb 14th 2017 7:37AM
White nationalists and "alt-right" commenters on the internet are upset by the sudden resignation of Michael Flynn, President Trump's national security adviser. Flynn, a retired U.S. Army Lt. General, quit late Monday after reports that he'd lied to Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials over the details of his communication with Russia's ambassador to the United States.
Disappointment over Flynn's resignation, 24 days after assuming the role, was felt widely in internet discussion boards like Stormfront and The Daily Stormer, alt-right outlets. Members blamed everyone from the media, Mike Pence, the intelligence community and Jews.
Andrew Anglin, creator of the neo-Nazi news blog The Daily Stormer offered his own commentary, labeling Flynn as "one of our best guys," and describing the resignation as "definitely a loss. To the Jews." The website's readers agreed, several called Flynn "the kind of person we need on our team," "stand up," and that he was "too pro-white" for the administration.
A prominent "alt-right" news blog edited by white supremacist Richard Spencer also aired its dismay over the news, considering the resignation "a huge mistake."
Michael Flynn was no stranger to controversy prior to his conversation with the Russian ambassador. He used his social media account to spread numerous fake news stories and conspiracy theories relating to Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama.
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Possible replacements for Michael Flynn
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Retired Gen. David Petraeus' career includes 37 years ofservicein the US Armyand a role as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
In addition to commanding theentire coalition force in Iraq, the four-star general headed US Central Command (CENTCOM), which oversees all operations in Middle East.
Petraeus was briefly considered for Secretary of State by the Trump administration.
Stephen Hadley served as the National Security Adviser to President George W. Bush from2005 to 2009.
Heservedon several advisoryboards, including defense firm Raytheon, andRAND's Center for Middle East Public Policy. Together withformer Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice andformer Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, he helps head the international strategic consulting firm,RiceHadleyGates LLC.
He alsowrotethe "The Role and Importance of the National Security Advisor," which, as the title implies, is an in-depth study of theNational Security Adviser's role.
Asthe interim National Security Adviser filling in forMichael Flynn, retiredLt.Gen.Keith Kellogg wasthe chief of staff for the Trump administration'sNational Security Council (NSC).
Prior to that, heworkedin the Joint Chiefs of Staff officeand was part ofcomputer software giant Oracle'shomeland security team.
Tom Bossert, a cybersecurity expert,servesas theHomeland Security Adviser in the White House.
The formerDeputy Homeland Security Adviserto PresidentGeorge W. Bushco-authored the 2007 National Strategy for Homeland Security, the governments security policies established after the 9/11 terror attacks.
In a 2015column in The Washington Times, Bossert seemed to defend the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by writing, "To be clear, the use of military force against Iraq and Afghanistan was and remains just ...The use of force inIraqwas just and, at the time, necessary, even if Mr. Obama disagrees with how things went."
Retired Vice Adm.Robert S. Harwardis a US Navy SEAL and the formerDeputy Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM).
He served as thecommander ofSEAL Team 3 and was the Deputy Commanding General of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Harward also servedon the National Security Council as the Director of Strategy and Policy for the Office of Combating Terrorism, andisalsotheCEOfor Lockheed Martin in the United Arab Emirates.
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White nationalists, alt-right disappointed by Michael Flynn ... - AOL News