Archive for the ‘Alt-right’ Category

WATCH: ‘Alt-Right’ Disrupts Seemingly Clueless Shia LaBeouf’s Live Broadcast – Forward

During a live-streamed protest performance organized by actor Shia LaBeouf members of the alt-right bombarded the camera, praising Donald Trump and delivering coded messages to fellow members of their white nationalist movement.

LaBeouf, who was born to a Jewish mother and a Christian father, calls his participatory performance piece, He will not divide us, a mantra which he and others chant repeatedly on screen and in reference to Trumps polarizing rhetoric. The performance is housed at a museum in Queens, New York.

But, over the course of three days, 4chan users took advantage of the platform to spread their own, somewhat cryptic, political messages using coded alt-right references and insider language which would be meaningless to an outsider.

4chan is one of a handful of online platforms where the somewhat amorphous alt-right movement developed.

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For example, a young duo walked up to the camera and held a piece of paper, on which it was written: #Pepe

Pepe the Frog is a cartoon icon of the alt-right and the Anti-Defamation League has added his likeness to its database of hate symbols.

Another man, his face concealed, spelled out the word KEK in red tape on a wall nearby the camera.

Kek is another frog figure associated with the alt-right, seen as something of an ancient Egyptian relation to Pepe who has divine powers.

Other young men played music on stereos, choosing a 1986 disco song, Shadilay, sung by the Italian band named P.E.P.E. Remarkably, the original single design for Shadilay features an illustration of a green frog holding a magic wand. This coincidence has made the song into an unofficial theme song for Pepe.

LaBeouf and others congregated at the site sometimes seem unaware of the alt-right messages, as they are so obscure.

But one man also approached the camera and recited the opening words of a white supremacist slogan known as Fourteen words. In this case, LaBeouf interceded and shouted the man off camera. But not before the disrupter was able to slip in another frog-reference to the camera, shouting Praise Kek!

Email Sam Kestenbaum at and follow him on Twitter at @skestenbaum

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WATCH: 'Alt-Right' Disrupts Seemingly Clueless Shia LaBeouf's Live Broadcast - Forward

Alt-Right Event in Seattle Devolves Into Chaos and Violence Outside, Truth-Twisting Inside – Southern Poverty Law Center

It was a scene ripe for violence last Friday night in Red Square on the University of Washington campus in Seattle: Several hundred fans of the racist "Alt-Right"figure Milo Yiannopoulos outside the hall where he was to speak, waiting to be let in, confronted by a much larger crowd of counter-protesters, chanting anti-Trump and anti-fascist slogans, including an organized pack of masked, black-clad anarchists.

Eventually, violence did strike.An antifascist protester was shot during one of the many small melees that broke out during the evening. Police said a 34-year-old man was seriously wounded by the gunfire and was in critical condition at a local hospital after undergoing surgery.

A man earlier identified as a person of interest in the case described by the Seattle Times as an Asian man in a black leather coat with a maroon shirt underneath turned himself in to police laterand was arrested along with a man who accompanied him to the station. Both were later released without charges.

Afterwards, Yiannopoulos and Breitbart News, where he is a celebrity editor, attempted to cast his supporters as the martyrlike victims in the shooting. However, Hatewatchs eyewitness version of events is precisely the reverse: The shooter was a Trump-supporting man who had been acting as a provocateur in the crowd all night, while the victim was an anti-fascist liberal who had been acting as a peacekeeper in the moments before he was shot.

Yiannopolous event invites chaos, violence.

The chaos outside Kane Hall was directed at Yiannopoulos the Breitbart tech editor and Alt-Right provocateur who endedhis nationwide Dangerous Faggot speaking tour inSeattle and his admirers who lined up outside to hear him, manybedecked in red Donald Trump Make America Great Again.

Yiannopoulos'talk at the invitation of the schools College Republicans chapter had created a controversy beforehand, with many critics questioning the universitys decision to permit hate speech on campus. UW officials were firm in their decision, defending it as a First Amendment matter.

Would-be attendees lined up to wait for the doors to the event to open, an even larger crowd of about a thousand counter-protesters showed up to greet them. The shouts, chants, and angry behavior clearly discomfited manyTrump fans, but early on, they responded by singing the National Anthem and chanting Trump! Trump! Trump! and USA! USA! USA!

When the doors to the event opened, the counter-protesters quickly moved to block any further entrance to the event. Press reports indicated that several hundred managed to make it in the Times estimatedabout half of the auditoriums lower bowl, which holds some 530 seats, was full. However, the remaining crowd with tickets to the event remained stuck outside.

Eventually, the verbal exchanges that began taking place in increasingly denser conditions became physical shoves, and then punches. One young Trump supporter made the mistake of directly approaching a phalanx of masked anarchist Black Bloc protesters and was punched in the mouth and hit in the face with a blue paint ball. He was later rescued by his father.

More Trump supporters began showing their anger and frustration at being unable to get inside many of them remaining in a long, exposed line by shoving their tormentors and flipping them off as they chanted. Eventually, one of them unfurled a banner featuringPepe the Frog an Alt-Right mascotwidely understood as a symbol of hate. They began chanting, Pepe! Pepe! Pepe!

The eventual shooting victim is seen peacefully interceding in a near-melee moments before he is shot.

Around that scene, a handful of melees began breaking out. A Hatewatchreporter was assaulted from behind by a black-clad anarchist who kicked his recording device away, while angry anti-fascists began tussling with Alt-Rightfans in the area. It was amid that chaos that one of the Trump fans pulled a gun and shotone of the anti-fascists a tall man with a black leather jacket who had been acting to intercede as a peacekeeper with a single shot that manypeople in the vicinity did not even hear.

Upon being told that a protester had been shot, the Times reported, Yiannopoulos briefly stopped his talk to confirm the news, and then continued, telling the crowd: If we dont continue, they have won.

If I stopped my event now, we are sending a clear message that they can stop our events by killing people. I am not prepared to do that," Yiannopoulos said.

His mostly youthful audience eagerly congratulate themselves.

Outside, the shooting galvanized the protesters, who increased their ferocity. Most of the remaining Yiannopoulos fans began clearing out. The protest crowd outside remained for most of the talk and lingered well afterward, so police wound up escorting most of the audience outside via a tunnel that exited through a nearby parking garage.

According to the Times, the man accused of the shooting told police that he fired the gun in self-defense and claimed that the man he shot was a white supremacist. However, friends of the victim (who remains officially unidentified) contest that characterization, saying he was a liberal anti-fascist sympathizer.

In the video recorded by Hatewatch in the moments before the shooting, the shooting victim can be seen interceding in a dispute by placing his body as a buffer between opposing factions in the crowd. (8:16-8:24 in the above video.)

Yiannopoulos pronouncement at the speech clearly attempted to cast the Alt-Rightas victims of the shooting. Breitbart News, where Yiannopoulos is the tech editor and chief provocateur, reported the shooting as having been perpetrated by the anti-fascist protesters. That was clearly not the case.

One of Milos young fans, bedecked in furs and sunglasses, afterward gave an interview posted by Yiannopoulos conveying that similarly confused mischaracterization of the events outside.

He decided to let the show go on despite somebody being shot, and compared it almost to a spoiled child, showing them whats OK. Pretty much saying its OK to kill people, if you are willing. ...because that would shut down our events," the fan said. "I mean, it was amazing, because it was almost like a movie, everyone stood up and clapped in accordance. It was really exciting to see that. Its one of the best things of Milos Ive ever heard, actually.

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Alt-Right Event in Seattle Devolves Into Chaos and Violence Outside, Truth-Twisting Inside - Southern Poverty Law Center

Screenshot: Alt-Space – A.V. Club

One of the most dizzying effects of the current culture war is the way language is quickly co-opted and subverted toward directly opposed purposes. Witness, for example, the fate of fake news. In the days following the election there was a rightful investigation into the ways Facebooks algorithms created self-reinforcing echo chambers of fictional stories passed around as news. The furor over this, though, was quickly claimed by the Trump administration, which repurposed the term fake news to describe any factual reporting that was inconvenient for them.

This is an old trend online: The same has been done repeatedly over the years, as alt-right trolls repurpose the language of progressivestrigger warning, safe space, and so ontoward their misogynistic, white-nationalist ends. Just last week, while still nursing his grievous head injury, alt-right frontispiece Richard Spencer used the phrase triggered to troll Aziz Ansari, after which he spent the remainder of the evening getting dunked on by everybody with a Twitter account. Its hard to troll while the whole world is still cackling at you for getting sucker-punched.

Anyway, this new Chrome extension flips that exact language back around again, rendering the internet into a safe space for MAGA kids. Called Alt-Space, it scans pages for terms that might trigger a troll into shitpostingLGBTQA, social justice, reproductive rights, climate change, etc.and issues a warning after the page is loaded, allowing the sensitive troll to decide whether or not to engage with the questionable content. Choose to proceed on and read the page, or click go elsewhere to be well, sent elsewhere. (Its a Rick Astley video.)

It is not the most trenchant piece of cultural critique, and its hard to say how many times you can reclaim a terms meaning before youve watered it down to nothing. On the other hand, we do need these terms to mean something. A delineation like fake news was once useful to identify a category of deliberate misinformation, but when applied to CNN or The New York Times it turns into a maddening exercise in semantics. At this point it feels almost trite to talk about, but if that term is gone, how else will we describe alternative facts?

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Screenshot: Alt-Space - A.V. Club

Twitter suspends ‘alt-right’ WeSearchr on back of dubious bounty … – RT

A website offering a hefty reward for the identity of a man who punched a US alt-right leader has been suspended from Twitter.

WeSearchr, a crowdfunding site relating to alt-right interests, is offering US$4,500 for the identity of a man who struck controversial white nationalist Richard Spencer at a protest rally on inauguration day.

Twitter has not given any reason for the suspension or communicated with us at all in any way, WeSearchr Co-Founder Pax Dickinson said in an email to RT.

We have suspicions about why we were suspended but Twitter has refused to tell us the reason or issue any statement on this at all, said Dickinson. Theres no sign of it being reversed, but only because there has been NO communication from Twitter at all.

READ MORE: Alt-right leader sucker punched by masked man during DC protest rally (VIDEO)

Prior to its Twitter suspension, WeSearchr had raised a few thousand dollars towards a bounty to identify the person who punched Spencer whom the site identifies as a conservative, pro-Trump activist.

Speaking to RT, Dickinson alleged the Twitter ban happened after left-wing anarchists complained to the social network.

Twitter, however, defended its decision to suspend the account in a recent statement to We Are Change saying violent threats, harassment, hateful conduct and multiple account abuse were prohibited on its site.

RT reached out to Twitter but have yet to receive a response.

WeSearchr Co-Founder Charles Johnson was banned from Twitter in 2015 after asking for donations to help take out DeRay McKesson, a civil rights activist who had been protesting police shootings in Baltimore and Ferguson.

Johnson defended his actions, saying Twitter didnt have a problem with people using their service to coordinate riots but they did have a problem with his kind of journalism.

Originally posted here:

Twitter suspends 'alt-right' WeSearchr on back of dubious bounty ... - RT

How Breitbart could lose its alt-right street cred – Washington Post

On election night at Donald Trump's victory party, a jubilant Milo Yiannopoulos paraded through the press section with a beer in one hand, an ice cream bar in the other, and a videographer in tow. Turning to face the camera, he declared that Breitbart News is an influential, now-mainstream publication.

It was an odd boast about a website described in August by former chairman Stephen K. Bannon as the platform for the alt-right a site whose influence grew out of a proud and aggressive rejection of the mainstream. Yiannopoulos probably just meant that Breitbart's many critics will have a hard time dismissing the site after Trump's win. Yet Breitbart has, in fact, looked increasingly mainstream since Election Day.

Besides Bannon, now a senior White House adviser, two other Breitbart staffers will reportedly jointhe Trump administration in precisely the kind of incestuous merging of media, journalism and politics that former Breitbart editor Larry O'Connor has said the site is supposedly against.

Meanwhile, Breitbart has made several recent hires from decidedly mainstream news outlets: John Carney from the Wall Street Journal, Sam Chi from RealClearPolitics and Kristina Wong from the Hill. Their mainstreamitis is bound to infect the Breitbart newsroom.

And Yiannopoulos, Breitbart's best-known writer and provocateur, appears to be toning things down as he works on a book for which he reportedly received a $250,000 advance. Yiannopoulos bragged to the Hollywood Reporter in December that he met with top execs at Simon & Schuster earlier in the year and spent half an hour trying to shock them with lewd jokes and outrageous opinions.

I thought they were going to have me escorted from the building, but instead they offered me a wheelbarrow full of money, he said.

Simon & Schuster offered a very different account of the meeting in a letter sent Monday toother authors in the publisher's stable, some of whom had protestedthe decision to sign Yiannopoulos, who was permanently banned from Twitterin the summer. According to Simon & Schuster chief executive Carolyn Reidy, Yiannopoulos actually said that he was interested in writing a book that would be a substantive examination of the issues of political correctness and free speech.

Reidy added thatSimon & Schuster will not publish hate speech and that Yiannopoulos will have to adhere to the publisher's standards.The book's title, Dangerous, is a censored version of Yiannopoulos's self-applied moniker, dangerous f----t.

This book, Yiannopoulos told the Hollywood Reporter, is the moment Milo goes mainstream.

There's that word again. Yiannopoulos and Breitbart are, of course, free to capitalize on their support of Trump's successful campaign and to try to broaden their audience. But if they want to go mainstream, they risk alienating readers who were drawn to the website because it seemed to be by and for outsiders.

This is the same conundrum that confronts indie bands and craft beer makers get too popular, and you might lose your street cred.

I asked Breitbart's Washington editor, Matt Boyle, whether he is concerned about maintaining the site's rebellious brand. He didn't respond.

If Boyle and his colleagues aren't thinking about the ramifications of all this mainstreaming, they should be. The hard-right readers who view it as their platform might use a different term: selling out.

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How Breitbart could lose its alt-right street cred - Washington Post