Letters to the editor, Oct. 4 – The Star Press
In support of re-election of Sue Errington as State Rep.
Sue Errington has a long history of public service, including board membership on various environmental, public policy, health, outreach, and womens organizations. She was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives in 2012, and previously served four years as an Indiana state senator.
I have found Sue Errington very responsive to my concerns for the children of this state, no matter how busy she was.
Childrens health initiatives, on which she collaborated, that were enacted into law included:
When Indiana privatized its welfare system, many people were initially denied necessary medical care and nutrition coverage. Sue Errington brought this to the attention of her colleagues, the governorand FSSA, and assisted constituents in navigating the system for resolution. When services for autism were not being reimbursed, and Riley, and St. Vincentsand private providers dropped autistic children on Medicaid, Sue took letters that my colleagues and I had written and used them to get action from the State Medicaid Department. Care was restored for these most vulnerable children.
For many years I have known Representative Errington as a person who genuinely cares about her constituents and the issues confronting their lives. She is a woman of integrity, who has dedicated her life to public service, and works hard for all of us in this community.
Anne Eliades
Recently, a car drove slowly past our house, while the driver yelled, white lives matter.Weve overheard our neighbors talking (loudly) about the importance of white lives.I suspect both of these moments were prompted by our Black Lives Matter and Black Trans Lives Matter yard signs.
First, of course white lives matter.Im white and I matter to myself and a small group of lovely people.Most of my family is white and I love most of them.I also love Jane Austen, the supergroup Yes, and the show Letterkenny all super white.
I feel a topsy-turvy quality with this demand that I stand up for white lives. I dont see the president, despite his support from white lives folks, standing up for those lives. He mocks soldiers who died in war dont those lives matter?He ignores the bounty that Russia placed on (often white) U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. He "downplays"the dangers of COVID-19 dont those lives deserve protecting?He sues to end the Affordable Care Act, which gives healthcare to millions of whites.He sends teargassing troops against mostly white protestors; some of those white protestors have been killed.He ignores climate change, the biggest threat to white lives.
Police violence and systemic racism are part of our society; this breaks my heart and calls me to respond.Instead of being angry at my choices, consider who you support.If you support the president:why not value Black lives, and also: do you truly value white lives?
Jennifer Rice-Snow
That Kevin Wingate ("Protesters are playing into Trump's hands") calls Trump the law and order" man aiding "local authorities in their efforts to stop the violence" is ironic, given Trumps corruption, fraud, adultery on an Olympian scale as well as his legitimizing right-wing violence through silence.
About those left-wing groups Wingate faults for street violence: Examine the pantheon of Trumps right-wing groups, fine people, in protests from Charlottesville to Kenosha Proud Boys, an anti-immigrant group;QAnon, a conspiracy-peddling group; Alt-Right; Boogaloo Boys; neo-Nazis; white supremacists; white Nationalists,all believing in racial superiority and brutal force governance.
I oppose the growing fascist authoritarianism of the Trump administration, mirroring that of Vlad and Xi. Perhaps Trumps fixation on and hate for a free press and the anti-fascists (Antifa) lies therein. Democracies die one law at a time. The Hatch Act, flouted by this administration, is one such law. Mussolini, a fascist, said, If you pluck a chicken one feather at a time, nobody notices. Let us not allow our democracy to be plucked by Trump.
Finally, my contempt for Trump isnt only his divisiveness and failure to demonstrate moral leadership, which are Olympian, but his serial lying and ignorance of geography, history, government, science, religion, the Constitution and more. He is unable even to read statements written for him: Yo-se-mites towering se-coy-as (Yosemites towering sequoias). Did you know that the 1917 flu ended WWII?
I welcome peaceful BLM demonstrations.Its time that police brutality against Black people be called out, dismantled.
Meanwhile, COVID-19 rages!
Julia K. Gouveia
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Letters to the editor, Oct. 4 - The Star Press