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How Hindu supremacists are tearing India apart | World news – The Guardian

Soon after the violence began, on 5 January, Aamir was standing outside a residence hall in Jawaharlal Nehru University in south Delhi. Aamir, a PhD student, is Muslim, and he asked to be identified only by his first name. He had come to return a book to a classmate when he saw 50 or 60 people approaching the building. They carried metal rods, cricket bats and rocks. One swung a sledgehammer. They were yelling slogans: Shoot the traitors to the nation! was a common one. Later, Aamir learned that they had spent the previous half-hour assaulting a gathering of teachers and students down the road. Their faces were masked, but some were still recognisable as members of a Hindu nationalist student group that has become increasingly powerful over the past few years.

The group, the Akhil Bharatiya Vidya Parishad (ABVP), is the youth wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Founded 94 years ago by men who were besotted with Mussolinis fascists, the RSS is the holding company of Hindu supremacism: of Hindutva, as its called. Given its role and its size, it is difficult to find an analogue for the RSS anywhere in the world. In nearly every faith, the source of conservative theology is its hierarchical, centrally organised clergy; that theology is recast into a project of religious statecraft elsewhere, by other parties. Hinduism, though, has no principal church, no single pontiff, nobody to ordain or rule. The RSS has appointed itself as both the arbiter of theological meaning and the architect of a Hindu nation-state. It has at least 4 million volunteers, who swear oaths of allegiance and take part in quasi-military drills.

The word often used to describe the RSS is paramilitary. In its near-century of existence, it has been accused of plotting assassinations, stoking riots against minorities and acts of terrorism. (Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead in 1948 by an RSS man, although the RSS claims he had left the organisation by then.) The RSS doesnt, by itself, engage in electoral politics. But among its affiliated groups is the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), the party that has governed India for the past six years, and that has, under the prime minister Narendra Modi, been remaking India into an authoritarian, Hindu nationalist state.

It was nearly 7pm when Aamir saw the approaching mob. At that time in mid-winter, the campus of JNU, perhaps Indias most influential state-run university, is unnervingly dark. It spreads over more than 400 hectares of wooded land, sealed off by a wall from the rest of south Delhi. Residence halls sit in groves of acacia and borage. To get anywhere from the gate requires a bicycle, an auto rickshaw or a long walk. The universitys 8,000 students appear to occupy a remote world unto themselves. Since its founding in 1969, though, JNU has functioned as a microcosm of national politics. The ideologies of its students and faculty exhibited in its hyperactive student politics have traditionally been liberal, leftist and secular. Through its academics, JNU frequently moulded government policy; its graduates went into the media, major non-profits, the law or leftist parties. Over the years, JNU has stood for much of what the conservative, ethnocentric BJP has resented about the country it governs today. The university has been like a stone in the boot of the BJP, hobbling the party with every step.

When he spotted the mob, Aamir ran into the dorms, up the stairs and into his friends room. They locked the door, then hid on the balcony. They heard the attackers shattering panes of glass, barging into rooms and beating students. Aamir silenced his phone. I was sure theyd break my arms and legs if they caught me, he said. The mob had come with clear intent, targeting students and faculty who had been critical of the BJP: a Muslim student from Kashmir, teachers with ties to the political left, members of groups that championed underprivileged castes. The president of the JNU student union, Aishe Ghosh, received a deep gash to her head and her arm was broken. The rooms of ABVP allies, though, were spared.

Later, it emerged that the universitys own cadre of ABVP had been bolstered by students from other universities and perhaps by people who werent students at all, people who were just RSS muscle. Rohit Azad, who has spent two decades at the university, first as a student and then a professor of economics, told me that although he had seen his share of violence between student groups, this thing this act of bringing in attackers from outside that was unprecedented. It was as if the Young Republicans had invited some alt-right thugs to join them in running amok through Berkeley, beating up black and Hispanic students, Young Democrats and anyone whod expressed support for Bernie Sanders.

Videos of the attacks leaked out through social media in real time. The police were called, but they didnt move to stop the violence. Instead, a posse of policemen installed itself at JNUs gate, allowing no one in. Yogendra Yadav, a political activist, arrived at the gate at 9pm. Ninety minutes later, the attackers emerged, still masked and armed. Even then, the police detained no one. Instead, they were permitted to walk away as if nothing had happened. When Yadavs colleague took photos, Yadav was set upon by a knot of men, knocked down and kicked in the face. The police did nothing. Later, from a video, Yadav identified a local ABVP official among those who had hit him. In a statement, the ABVP blamed the attacks on leftist goons, but on television members admitted that the masked, armed men and women on campus were part of the ABVP. Still, the Delhi police pressed no charges. The police gave the goons cover, gave them free rein on campus, Yadav said. A JNU professor went further, claiming that: The police are complicit.

The onslaught on JNU marked the middle of a season of nationwide protest, provoked by a new law. The Citizenship Amendment Act, passed by parliament on 11 December 2019, provides a fast track to citizenship for refugees fleeing into India from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Refugees of every south Asian faith are eligible every faith, that is, except Islam. It is a policy that fits neatly with the RSS and the BJPs demonisation of Muslims, Indias largest religious minority. To votaries of Hindutva, the country is best served if it is expunged of Islam. The act was both a loud signal of that ambition and a handy tool to help achieve it.

Since December, millions of Indians have turned out on to the streets to object to this vision of their country. The government has fought them by banning gatherings, shutting off mobile internet services, detaining people arbitrarily, or worse. After protests flared at Jamia Millia Islamia, an Islamic university in Delhi, cops fired teargas and live rounds, assaulted students and trashed the library. As demonstrations spread across the state of Uttar Pradesh, police raided and vandalised Muslim homes by way of reprisal. Detainees in custody were beaten; one man reported hearing screams in a police station all night long. (In various statements, the police claimed to be acting in self defence, or to prevent violence, or to root out conspiracy.) At least 20 protesters died of bullet wounds. Police officials denied firing at the crowds, even though the police carried the only visible guns at these rallies.

Still, the protests have persisted well into February. At Shaheen Bagh, a neighbourhood in south-eastern Delhi, hundreds of thousands of people have turned up over nine weeks to take part in an indefinite sit-in. The BJP has taken a ruthless view of all this dissent. On one occasion, Yogi Adityanath, a Hindu cleric who is chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, said: If they wont understand words, theyll understand bullets. One of Modis ministers used Shoot the traitors to the nation! as a call-and-response at a rally the same slogan the ABVP had raised in JNU.

In its 72 years as a free country, India has never faced a more serious crisis. Already its institutions its courts, much of its media, its investigative agencies, its election commission have been pressured to fall in line with Modis policies. The political opposition is withered and infirm. More is in the offing: the idea of Hindutva, in its fullest expression, will ultimately involve undoing the constitution and unravelling the fabric of liberal democracy. It will have to; constitutional niceties arent compatible with the BJPs blueprint for a country in which people are graded and assessed according to their faith. The ferment gripping India since the passage of the citizenship act the fever of the protests, the brutality of the police, the viciousness of the politics has only reflected how existentially high the stakes have become.

The RSS and the BJPs success, over the past six years, is owed in part to its adept poisoning of the public discourse. Politicians, indoctrinated media outlets and squadrons of social media trolls lie, polarise and demonise all day long. Among their stratagems is the invention of categories of abuse for their opponents, to convey with a single label why such people should not be trusted to have Indias interests at heart. Presstitute is one, applied to liberal journalists to accuse them of selling their coverage for money or influence. Sickular is another, born of the RSSs opinion that Indian secularism is a demented version of minority appeasement.

The term JNU type refers to leftists of every stripe from Maoists yearning for the revolution, to moderates who abhor Hindutva. Traditionally, JNU has specialised in the humanities, so JNU types also came to be scorned for their soft humanism for their opposition to capital punishment, to the armys human-rights abuses, or to the states repressions in Kashmir. All while studying for years and years on the governments dime, the BJPs supporters complain. Its enough to slot JNU types into the mother category: anti-national.

In its earliest years, JNU soaked up the ideology of the man it was named after Jawaharlal Nehru, Indias first prime minister and of his party, the Congress. It was still only a generation since independence, and Nehru and the Congress, having led the freedom struggle, exerted enormous moral authority. The universitys ethos and its very curriculum were built on Nehrus values, says Rakesh Batabyal, the author of JNU: The Making of a University. It was secular in its worldview, left of centre in its economics and technocratic in its thinking on policy. Students came from all over the country, Batabyal told me. There was a pluralism to the university that Nehru wanted for India.

Over the next few decades, the locus of power in student politics migrated further leftwards, into groups that allied themselves with national communist parties. The ABVP, which opposed all these -isms secularism, pluralism, socialism, communism remained on the margins, just like its counterparts in national politics. The Hindu right had done nothing of note during the freedom struggle; in fact, the RSS didnt take part in the mass movements that forced the British out of India. For almost half a century after independence, the political parties backed by the RSS remained in the political wilderness. They used to say that, back in the 1980s, if you were a supporter at an ABVP event, you went to it with a blanket covering your face, Azad, the JNU professor, told me. That was how embarrassing it was considered to be.

Then a mosque was destroyed, and India changed. For years, the RSS had claimed that the Babri Masjid, a 16th-century mosque in the town of Ayodhya, stood on the very spot where the Hindu deity Ram was born. The location warranted a temple, the RSS declared, not a mosque built by an invading Muslim king. Late in 1990, a BJP leader toured Indias heartland for two months, in an air-conditioned Toyota mocked up to resemble a chariot, to rouse Hindus to demand that a temple replace the mosque. (The man who sat in the Toyotas cabin, serving as the rallys logistician, was Narendra Modi.) In December 1992, a crowd of men from the RSS and BJP razed the mosque, watched but unhindered by the police. In the following weeks, religious riots erupted across India, particularly in Mumbai. Two thousand people were killed. The BJPs obsession with the Babri mosque was bloody and divisive, but it also earned them new political capital. In 1996, the BJP came to power for the first time.

On the campus of JNU, in tidy parallel, the fortunes of the ABVP bloomed: it won its first seat in the student union in 1992, three key union posts in 1996, and in 2000, the presidency of the union itself. The man who won that plum post, Sandeep Mahapatra, entered JNU in 1997 a time, he told me, when the ABVPs supporters were proud and vocal about their allegiances. No one wrapped blankets around their faces any more. Part of the reason for the ABVPs rise, Mahapatra said, was fatigue with leftist ideas. The Soviet Union had disintegrated. Even there, the left had been defeated, Mahapatra, now a lawyer in Delhi, said. The students thought there was some space for nationalist thought.

The 90s were a decade of disillusionment with socialism and communism, and so too in JNU. Mahapatras opponents, he said, were always talking about abstract things what Mao had said, or what Marx had said. The ABVP, for its part, mined the same faultlines on campus that the BJP exploited in Indian society. We talked about Kashmir, about the Ram temple, about the Hindu nation. These were all crucial items on the RSS wishlist: to take full possession of the disputed region of Kashmir, defeating Pakistan in the process; to build the temple in Ayodhya; to give Hindus primacy in India. Dust-ups and brawls between student parties, Mahapatra said, were common. Once, while speaking on a stage, he was injured by stones hurled at him by his opponents.

In the 21st century, the tracks of Indias politics and JNUs politics diverged somewhat. Across the country, the old communist parties fell out of favour. In West Bengal, a citadel of the left, the communists were voted out of the state government in 2011, having held it for 34 years. The Congress, run as a family shop by Nehrus dynasty, turned complacent and highly corrupt. In the 2014 parliamentary elections, it won just 44 seats a historic low. The slide was swift and brutal. On campus, the leftist student groups splintered; new caste-based factions arose. But they all decided, Mahapatra said, to band together against the ABVP. Its numbers grew, but its electoral triumphs stalled. There hasnt been an ABVP union president since Mahapatra, but the groups power and authority have expanded in ways that tracked the havoc let loose by the Hindu right under Modi.

When Modi won his first term as prime minister in 2014, it was difficult to know how to read the result. Were those who voted for the BJP frustrated with the alternatives, or did they believe Modi to be the economic miracle-worker he claimed to be? Had they simply chosen to disregard the fact that he had allowed mobs of Hindu fanatics to murder hundreds of Muslims in riots during his chief ministership of Gujarat in 2002, or did they actively approve of this overt anti-Muslim agenda?

Only after Modi settled into power did many BJP voters begin to clearly voice their sympathies for Hindutva. These revelations felt sudden and shocking, to the point that you wondered if these voters had silently longed for a pure Hindu nation well before Modi. Relationships ruptured the way they did after Trumps election or the Brexit referendum. Families bickered on WhatsApp groups, and friends fell out. Before 2014, youd have found a pro-ABVP student and a pro-left student who were friends with each other, Cheri Che, a PhD student in history, told me. After 2014, that was increasingly difficult.

At JNU, the ABVPs influence swelled. Che claimed that faculty and administration positions were filled with people who had RSS or ABVP connections. At one point, he said, the wardens or supervisors of nearly every residence hall were shunted out and replaced with ABVP sympathisers. Beyond the campus, Hindu nationalists felt so empowered that they formed gangs to lynch Muslims and lower-caste Hindus, on flimsy suspicions that their victims were smuggling cows or in possession of beef. (In Hinduism, the cow is revered as sacred.) Since 2014, at least 44 people have been murdered and 280 injured. The gangs acted with impunity, sometimes filming themselves, as if theyd never be prosecuted and they were proven correct. In one Uttar Pradesh town, a Muslim man, beaten so badly that he would eventually die, was dragged injured along the ground. A photo showed a policeman clearing a path through the crowd as the mob hauled the body behind him.

On the JNU campus, Muslim students felt more and more anxious. On the day in 2017 when Yogi Adityanath, the Hindutva hardliner, was elected chief minister, a Kashmiri Muslim student was walking to a canteen. It was close to midnight. I saw a guy, a hardcore ABVP supporter, said the student, who asked not to be named. As soon as he saw me, he said: Now that Yogis here, well cut down and devour the Muslims. He said it openly. There were a lot of people standing around. You wouldnt have heard anything like that earlier.

In February 2016, Kanhaiya Kumar, a communist who was then the student unions president, was part of a campus protest against the hanging of a Kashmiri man dubiously convicted of terrorism. The ABVP called in news crews from pro-BJP channels. Over the next few days, these channels aired footage that seemed to show Kumar and others yelling slogans calling for the break-up of India. For viewers, the videos confirmed what they already suspected: that JNU was a hothouse of treason. A few weeks later, the videos were found to have been doctored.

Regardless, the BJPs leaders kept referring to JNUs students and to anyone who supported them as anti-nationals and traitors. The Delhi police arrested Kumar and charged him under a century-old sedition law. When the police took him to the courthouse for his hearing, they encountered a mob of dozens of lawyers and at least one BJP legislator hollering slogans. Shoot him! they shouted. Then, inside the courthouse, while the police stood by, the mob beat Kumar up. Afterwards, a news report said, one of the attackers claimed with satisfaction: Our job is done.

After the February 2016 protest, the Kashmiri JNU student learned that police had visited his home in Srinagar, in Kashmir, and taken down a host of details about him and his family. He hadnt even been at the protest, he said. Then he discovered that every Kashmiri student he knew in JNU had a similar story to tell. It shook him. We decided a group of us that wed just stay out of things having to do with politics, he said. Were vulnerable here. A little over a year ago, when he was going to the campus library one morning, he saw a big truck filled with people shouting slogans about the Ram temple in Ayodhya. Out of a set of loudspeakers on the truck, music from the Hindutva songbook poured out. Accompanying the truck, he said, were people on bikes, people on foot and they were outsiders, not students, he said. I thought: The goons have come inside.

In 2016, Modis government installed at the head of JNU an engineering professor named M Jagadesh Kumar. The students and the press described Kumar as an RSS loyalist part of the governments wider campaign to seed universities and cultural institutions with RSS appointees. Kumar denied any links with the RSS.

On the evening of 5 January, as the attacks on campus escalated, Kumar messaged the police via WhatsApp, according to a police enquiry report. Instead of requesting help in curbing the mob, though, he asked for police to be stationed outside the gate. (Later, to a reporter, he said that hed wanted campus security to tackle the assaults, which he called unfortunate.) Only at 7.45pm did a JNU official ask the police into the campus to intervene, but by then the violence had ended. The attackers were still on the premises hours later, but the university and the police let them leave, as if theyd dropped by for a visit and were now hurrying to catch the last bus home.

Even before the ABVP attacks, JNU had been seething. For weeks, the student union had been aggressively opposing a fee hike, boycotting registrations and forcing classes to be suspended. When the nationwide demonstrations against the citizenship act began, that was folded into the mobilisations on campus. To many students, the JNU administration, the RSS and the BJP were part of the same machine.

By itself, the new law defies Indias constitution, which is a long document steeped in the resolve to treat castes and religions with scrupulous equality. Written between 1946 and 1949, it was an exercise in nation-making in gluing together a giant modern state from fragmented communities living across the land. To effect this, one of its chief promises was that citizenship would bear no connection to religion. The citizenship acts exclusion of Muslims violates that promise.

But the act is most menacing when read in tandem with other recent government measures, which in totality aim to redefine who does and does not belong on Indian soil. These measures can be perplexing, even for Indians. For one, some of their functions seem to overlap. For another, theyre constantly referred to by the kind of abbreviations that are unavoidable in Indian life. The Citizenship Amendment Act is the CAA; the National Register of Citizens is the NRC; the National Population Register is the NPR. On Twitter, hashtags about the #CAA-NPR-NRC issue devolve into a thick alphabet soup.

The government started to create a register of citizens five years ago, in the north-eastern state of Assam. The riverine deltas and paddy fields of Assam lie across a porous border with Bangladesh, and migrants have crossed in both directions for decades. The arrival of Bangladeshis many of them Muslims became a heated political issue in Assam through the 70s and 80s. The migrants were blamed for taking jobs, usurping land and signing up for welfare benefits despite being ineligible for them.

Previous governments, as well as Indias supreme court, had agreed that a citizens register was necessary to distinguish migrants from locals. Citizenship isnt always simple to prove in India; in a country of more than 1 billion people, fewer than 100 million hold passports, while other documents, issued at local levels by corrupt or inefficient officers, can be unreliable. For the BJP, the idea of a citizens register served as both a profitable electoral tactic and a religious wedge. In a stump speech in 2014, Modi told an audience in Assam that while Hindu migrants would be accommodated, other infiltrators would be sent back to Bangladesh. In April 2019, Amit Shah, now Modis home minister, said that Bangladeshi immigrants were eating the grain that should go to the poor. They were termites, Shah added. The BJP would pick them up, one by one, and throw them into the Bay of Bengal.

To get into the register, people had to prove first that an ancestor lived in Assam before 1971 and then that they were related to that ancestor. In a country of spotty electoral rolls and property deeds, of inconsistent name spellings and patchy documentation, this was always going to be difficult. When the registration of citizens began in 2015, Assam scrambled for its papers. Poor families, worried about being rendered stateless, spent their money on lawyers and documents. Some committed suicide. The so-called foreigners tribunals, set up to hear appeals, were incentivised to strike people off the register; the more foreigners you identified, the better your chances of staying on the tribunal.

In 2019, a Vice News examination of five of these tribunals found that nine out of 10 cases involved Muslims. Of the Muslims who appealed, 90% were declared illegal immigrants; for Hindus, the figure was 40%. The government plans to round up all these foreigners and transport them to fill nearly a dozen internment camps in the state. (One is already being built: a 28,000 sq metre, double-walled complex for 3,000 people, not far from the border with Bhutan. The centre has six watchtowers and a 100-metre-high light tower.) The BJP is so pleased with this process that it wants to compile a pan-Indian register of citizens, extending the exclusionary power of the process across a population of 1.3 billion.

Assams register was made public last August, and 1.9 million people, finding themselves omitted, had to hurry to file appeals. Four months later, the government passed the citizenship act. In this grand mechanism to determine Indianness, there will be one further component: a population register, hoovering up demographic data on the usual residents of India. But even this seemingly passive count of the population can transmute into yet another sieve for citizenship. After the population register is updated in September, lists of residents will be posted in each locality. Then anyone in the locality officials, neighbours, vigilantes, RSS informers can lodge an objection to your names inclusion. In such cases, you will be marked out as a doubtful citizen a D-voter with the prospect of being interned endlessly or thrown out of India. In this fug of paranoia, anyone might theoretically find themselves tagged doubtful: Muslims, dissidents, journalists and opposition political workers. The BJP knows its priorities. No Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Christian or Parsi, a new BJP booklet assures readers, will find their name in the D-voter list. Muslims, again, are conspicuous by their absence.

The end game isnt to rinse 180 million Muslims out of India. It cant be, for practical reasons. Where would they go? Even those speculatively identified as illegal Bangladeshi immigrants cannot be sent back home unless Bangladesh accepts them. What the BJP is aiming for is what its founders have always wanted: a country that is Hindu before anything else. In the 1940s, both Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, and Vinayak Savarkar, a leading RSS ideologue, were proponents of a two-nation theory. The only difference, says Niraja Jayal, a political scientist who studies Indian democracy, was that Jinnah wanted the territory of undivided India to be cut into two, with one part for Muslims. Whereas Savarkar wanted Hindus and Muslims in the same land, but with the Muslim living in a subordinate position to the Hindu. That unequal citizenship was what the RSS considered and still considers right and proper, Jayal said. So you get a graded citizenship, a citizenship with hierarchies. You dont need genocide, you dont need ethnic cleansing. This does the job well enough.

Modis first and second terms have now come to feel distinctly different. After 2014, the BJP consolidated its success by winning a series of state elections. The government began its citizenship registry in Assam, but its other prominent policies affected every Indian uniformly: a new tax on goods and services, chaotically implemented; a cancellation of high-value currency notes, intended to curb corruption but melting the economy down instead; and an Orwellian biometric identification scheme. The worst acts of rightwing violence the beef lynchings were committed by vigilantes emboldened by the BJPs rise, and often supported by party leaders. (Two years ago, after eight convicted lynchers were released on bail, one of Modis ministers invited them to his house and draped floral garlands on them.) But the lynchings were not directly ascribable to the government in the way that events since Modis re-election last year have been.

In August 2019, three months into its second term, the government suspended a constitutional provision that has long granted special autonomies to the disputed border state of Jammu and Kashmir. Further, the state was split in two, and the halves brought under federal control. To forestall resistance, troops poured into the already heavily militarised Kashmir valley, and internet services across the state were shut down. They havent yet been properly restored; each passing day sets a new record for the longest shutdown of the internet by a government anywhere in the world. Kashmirs leading opposition politicians were arrested; they havent been heard from since. Justifying a draconian detention order, the government argued that one of these politicians deserved to be held because of his ability to convince his electorate to come out and vote in huge numbers.

The RSS got the solution it wanted in Ayodhya as well. Since 1992, a legal battle has raged to determine what should be done with the site of the flattened mosque. In November, the supreme court which appears increasingly pliant to the governments needs ruled that the mosque had been destroyed illegally, but that the land should nevertheless host a temple. It was as if a burglar, having been dressed down, was then invited to move into the house hed robbed. The citizenship act was passed in December. Within half a year, with a speed and brazenness that left India dazed, the government had fulfilled some of the chief items on the RSS wishlist.

Given the ferocity and stamina of the anti-government protests since December, it seems bewildering that no similar mobilisations met any of the governments previous moves. From the 2019 election onwards, for several months, it seemed as if most Indians were implicitly in favour of this galloping onset of Hindutva. Why was it the citizenship act that electrified the public into protest? It may have partly been the straw that broke the camels back, Jayal said, but it also induced a broader, more primal kind of insecurity.

With Kashmir, large segments of India have been persuaded over time that its a troubled region which is an unfair stereotype, but maybe that made it harder for people to respond to its change in status, she said. With the Babri Masjid, it was fatigue over an issue that has dragged on for decades. The citizenship act, though, promises a whole range of unpleasant possibilities. Despite the governments assurances to Hindus and other non-Muslims, everyone is anxious to be told they have to search for papers, although of course its worse for Muslims, she said. Theres the prospect of harassment. Theres the fear of being declared illegal. Theres the fear of the unknown.

This sense of personal peril is matched by a sense of national peril. India can appear to be inured to injustices the miscarriages of law, the iniquities of wealth and caste, the venality, the wounds and bruises to the body politic. What it still resists is any attempt to claw into the body and rearrange its very bones its constitution. Nehru, Ambedkar and the other framers of Indias constitution engineered the country to be a liberal, secular democracy. Until recently, that idea had come to seem so impossible to dislodge that even patently unsecular politicians feel compelled to pay lip service to it. Secularism is an article of faith for us, Modi said during his 2014 campaign. By then, as an RSS member, hed already been committed to the concept of a Hindu nation for 43 years.

When governments have threatened to split away from this constitutional foundation, theyve met widespread popular opposition. After the prime minister Indira Gandhi suspended civic freedoms of speech, of assembly, of due process in 1975, she had to suppress waves of protest for the next 18 months, until she called off her declared state of emergency. The recent agitations against the citizenship act are similar: defiance of a law that meddles with the fundamental design of India.

For the first time since 1947, when the subcontinent went through its bloody partition into India and Pakistan, a politics is being constructed entirely around the premise of exclusion of deciding who cant be Indian, or calibrating how Indian anyone can be. The rabid focus on identity is a piece of a global pattern, of course, but it is especially dangerous in a country that is as tenuous a construct as India. This is still, as it was in 1947, a land teeming with so many identities plotted multi-dimensionally along the axes of caste, gender, class, religion, language and ethnicity that the only way to make it work is to accept that everyone belongs equally to India.

This egalitarian principle, therefore, has not been just an ideal; it has been a compact necessary for Indias survival. When a government starts to make the case for some to be considered less Indian than others, subtracting first one identity and then another as if they were Jenga blocks, the structure turns unsteady. Either the union dissolves, or it is kept together only by an iron-fisted, authoritarian regime the kind that unleashes violence through the police, as in Uttar Pradesh, or through party auxiliaries under police protection, as at JNU. The danger posed by the BJP is that it is both preparing itself to be that regime and guiding India into an instability from which it may never recover.

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How Hindu supremacists are tearing India apart | World news - The Guardian

The Come Fly with Me controversy: how did Walliams and Lucas’s ‘racist’ comedy get off the ground? –

After Little Britains brief return to radio last October a "Little Brexit" special David Walliams says the sketch will definitely be back. I cant say when exactly," he toldThe Sun. "But at the right time and place."

Since the show was last broadcast, a pair of Christmas specials in 2006, Little Britain has been re-evaluated and criticised for its portrayal of gay, trans, and ethnic minority characters.But what about Matt Lucas and Walliamss other sketch show,ComeFlywithMe?

The spoof airport documentary was controversial even at the time of broadcast in 2010. Now, with adecade of hindsight, it feels like something that belongs in the Seventies, with Lucas and Walliams playing as a cast of characters including painted-up racial stereotypes.

Among them was coffee kiosk manager Precious, a Jamaican woman (played by Lucas with blackface and a comedy West Indian accent) whos too lazy to do a full days work and shouts Praise the Lord!; Taaj (Lucas), a deeply stupid ground crew worker of Pakistani descent, who ends each sentence with Isnt it or Dyou getme?; Moses (Walliams, also tanned-up), a camp executive passenger liaison; and dodgy Arab billionaire Omar Baba (Walliams in double-chinned disguise), owner of fictional budget airline Flylo, apparently based on easyjet founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou.

First broadcast on Christmas Day 2010, the debut episode ofComeFlywithMedrew 10.3 million viewers the third biggest TV audience of the day and most watched comedy of the year. But complaints came quickly. Twitter users soon likenedComeFlywithMeto the Black & White Minstrel Show and accused it of stepping clumsily over the line into overt racism.

But the show had its supporters too. Jim Davidson, known for routines about his West Indian friend "Chalky", leapt to their defence inThe Sun probably not the ally Matt and David were hoping for.

Lucas appeared to disown the show when it was reported that he had vetoed a second series, despite being commissioned by the BBC. Lucas has since spoken about the well-meaning intentions behind the characters and to his credit, with far more reflection and humility than the standard it was a different time defence. But for both stars, theres no escaping the shameful history ofComeFlywithMe.

Speaking together on aComeFlywithMemaking of documentary, Lucas and Walliams recalled the show was an attempt to do something fresh, without the weight of Little Britains huge mainstream success. They brainstormed various ideas and formats.

We had one idea, said Lucas, [about] a couple of actors, who had been in some sort of Seventies show together, that was now regarded as really un-PC. And they were going around America because they couldnt get any work. Nothing came of it.

From their various ideas, the BBC was keen to develop the airport doc concept. In spirit, it was very much like Little Britain Lucas and Walliams as cartoonish characters, with sketches loosely threaded by running gags: passenger liaison Moses and his kids charity Wish Wings, using the proceeds to indulge in the gay scenes of various locations; a terminally stupid burger shop worker Tommy whos trying to work his way up to pilot; two supposed best friends on the check-in desk who go to war over a promotion.

Unlike Little Britain, which began on Radio 4 and worked its way up through the channels until until it hit BBC One,ComeFlywithMelanded on the prime Christmas Day slot.ButComeFlywithMewas out-of-date straight off the runway. The mock-doc concept came 10 years after That Peter Kay Thing and The Office; far broader in its execution that those influential shows, Come Fly With Me's characters seemed troublingly out-of-step. Watched again in 2020 (its all on Netflix), its inconceivable that the BBC would commission something likeComeFlywithMe.

Now, of course, the concept of offence is thrown back and forth in the deafening, un-winnable shouting match between left and right, woke and alt-right. It's a time dominated by discourse about so-called cancel culture and the ever shifting parameters of whats acceptable. Social media and industry voices demand representation for race, sexual orientation, gender identity with appropriate actors cast in those roles and every possible facet of art and interaction is examined for problematic subtext.

Jamie Oliver cant rustle up some jerk chicken without a three-day Twitter firestorm about cultural appropriation never mind Matt Lucas in a painted brown rubber mask, afro wig, and fat suit, shouting, Praise the Lord!

We wrote that material, we played those characters, Matt Lucas said on Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast. But we werent asked the questions then that we would be asked now.

Actually,ComeFlywithMeis funnier that critics will admit. Theres a running joke about a couple who have the holiday from hell each episode everything from finding their hotel isnt properly built to being hijacked by pirates and kidnapped by a voodoo tribe which taps into great British pastime of moaning; and the shoddily run budget airline, with flights delayed up to a year, is amusing, if depressingly real.

Theres also Irish airline steward Fearghal, who who resorts to underhanded tactics to win the Air Steward of the Year award and tries to seduce a straight colleague because, according to him, the only difference between a straight and bisexual man is two pints of lager (cut to them in a pub Another pint of lager? asks Fearghal).

But at its worst,ComeFlywithMeis deeply uncomfortable viewing. Its difficult to imagine that the character of Precious was ever a good (or indeed, funny) idea; airline owner Omar Baba is like every stereotype about dodgy foreign businessmen rolled into one wobbly-chinned charlatan (Babas cost-cutting ranges from having no toilets on board to charging passengers for life jackets); and a scene in which Lucas and Walliams play Japanese teenage girls in full East Asian prosthetics is a throwback to decades-old depictions of Oriental characters.

Dwarves are also used for visual gags part of a PR scam by Baba to make his planes look roomier and David Schwimmer makes an unexpected cameo for a skit about trans porn. The show plummets to its offensive nadir with Moses thats Walliams painted up as a nondescript BAME character speaking mock Chinese dialect to a Chinaman. Pardon the pun, as Moses says, but it just wouldntflyin 2020.

Asked about the issue of playing characters of different ethnicities on the making of documentary, Lucas said if it was a different concept if they were just the writers, or it was an ensemble cast they would have likely cast a 55-year-old black woman to play Precious. But thats not the concept of the show, he said.

I think its a hard one because there is a pleasure in seeing us dressed up, said Walliams. And there is something pleasurable about sometimes they are outrageous looks [...] where you go, Oh my word, I cant believe the make-up.But I think the character needs to be funny beyond its racial characteristics... all the characters weve created of different ethnicities, I think theyve been comic characters not specifically to do with their race.

The duo have form, of course. In Little Britain, which began on BBC Three in 2003, characters included Daffyd, the only gay in the village, which Lucas later learned was used as a taunt against gay kids in schools; Emily Howard, the overly masculine transvestite, who would be accused of being anti-trans now, while back in the mid-2000s, the trans community was, as Lucas has said, invisible; Desiree, a morbidly obese black woman (played by Walliams in blackface), seemingly played for laughs because, at a base level, shes fat and black; and Thai bride Ting Tong. Writing in his 2017 autobiography LittleMe, Matt Lucas also recalled being accused of class tourism for portraying characters such as Vicky Pollard, thick-headed Bristolian teenage mum.

Lucas has commented that the intention with both Little Britain andComeFlywithMewas to represent and celebrate multiculturalism in Britain plus, on a shallower level, show off the range of characters they could play. Fat, thin, tall, short, straight, gay, male, female, young, old," Lucas wrote in his book. "David and I saw playing different races as part of that.

Lucas has admitted that Ting Tong was a mistake. I thought we got the tone of those sketches wrong, he wrote in LittleMe, calling the execution too rudimentary and insensitive. My performance was crude and simplistic and hard to defend, he wrote. I have a feeling that if we hadnt spent all the time and money on those prosthetics we might have reviewed those sketches and cut them out of the show.

Speaking to Richard Herring, Lucas recalled that growing up it was common to see white comedians gets laughs out of playing black characters.

When I was a little kid I would see predominantly white people on television and they would often play black people," he said. "And there was a moment after that I felt I the late Eighties and Nineties where that didnt happen, where people said, 'Its wrong to make comedy out of the fact youre a white person playing a black person, that is not acceptable for comedy.' When we were doing Little Britain andComeFlyMeit felt like things had gone somewhere else again after that.

Lucas and Williams did belong to a generation of comedians who confronted controversial issues head on with irony and satire. Ricky Gervais in The Office, the 11 OClock Show, and in his stand-up used ironically offensive language. Father Ted put a lampshade on his head and pulled his eyes into slits. Alan Partridge boasted he was homo-sceptic". And Ali G asked Is it because I is black? Comedians pushed the parameters of political correctness to prove they were in on joke in fact, they made themselves the joke as a way of mockingprejudices. It was understood that they were so clearly liberal, it was all done in the same of satire.

The same is true of Lucas and Walliams. According to Lucas, Little Britain characters Daffyd and Emily were intended as a celebration of queerness and they sent up racist attitudes inComeFlywithMethrough Walliamss immigration officer Ian Foot, whos suspicious of anyone foreign or non-white.

However, they seemed to think comedy had moved on so much that it was also acceptable to black-up if the intent wasnt to mine laughs out of racism.

I think if youre accentuating racial characteristics for laughs youre on dangerous ground, said Walliams on the making of doc. If youre portraying someone from a different race it should be OK, you know, because it used to be people would black-up but they would make jokes very much at the expense of black people about their appearance and I think thats now gone.

"And then time passed when no one did it. Now it seems acceptable. And in a sketch show its a little different. We wouldnt do a whole series about two Japanese girls, it would be a bit odd, but I think for a couple of minutes its acceptable.

Its a staggeringly nave attitude the kind of naivety that can reallycomefrom a position of privilege, itself a concept that was much less discussed in 2010. Ten years afterComeFlywithMe, theres no way two successful white male performers could decide whether or not its fine to play different ethnicities.

While the first series of Little Britain was very good, it became as broad as it was successful in the following two series they received the the kind of lowest common denominator backlash that Mrs Browns Boys faces now. Lucas and Walliams have arguably been the targets of some selective retrospective wokeness. Certainly, other comedians seem impervious to similar criticisms.

You rarely hear the universally-loved Vic and Bob being criticised for wearing blackface when they played Otis Redding and Marvin Gaye; or Harry Enfield for playing Greek stereotype Stavros and later Nelson Mandela; or Chris Morris, one of the lefts favourite comedy minds, performing Uzi Lover while blacked-up in The Day Today; or national treasure Jim Royle for making homophobic slurs.

Walliams was accused of racism again in 2017 for dressing as Kim Jong-un for Halloween. Hes also commented that he understands Little Britain would have to be different if it does indeed return but they'd still push boundaries.

Its hard to say specifically how it would be different, he toldtold the Radio Times. Theres all kinds of tolerances that change. People understand peoples predicaments more now I wouldnt rule out anything because I basically think you have to be able to make jokes about everything, everyone. Otherwise there is no point having comedy.

Matt Lucas continues to be apologetic and reflective about it he can often be seen on Twitter responding to accusations of racism by providing explanations and context.

SpeakingtoThe Big Issue in 2017about Little Britain, Lucas outlined what he would and wouldnt do now. I wouldnt play black characters, he said. Basically, I wouldnt make that show now. It would upset people. We made a more cruel kind of comedy than Id do now. Society has moved on a lot since then, and my own views have evolved. There was no bad intent there the only thing you could accuse us of was greed.

"We just wanted to show off about what a diverse bunch of people we could play. Now I think its lazy for white people to get a laugh just by playing black characters. My aim is to entertain, I dont have any other agenda. And as Ive got older, Ive become more empathetic, I care more about hurting people.

This piece is part ofScreenSecrets,a regularseries telling the untold stories behind film and TV's greatest hits and most fascinating flops

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The Come Fly with Me controversy: how did Walliams and Lucas's 'racist' comedy get off the ground? -

This Obscure Foundation Helped Fund The Alt-Right – New York Magazine

Richard Spencer. Robert Rotellas foundation gave Spencers National Policy Institute $12,500 over three years. Photo: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

At first glance, Robert Rotella appears to be a typical libertarian donor. Through the foundation named in his honor, the Bellevue, Washingtonbased founder of Rotella Capital Management has donated millions to libertarian and conservative organizations like the Cato Institute, the Reason Foundation, and Turning Point USA. One of his particular favorites is the Institute for Justice. Since 2010, he has donated nearly a quarter of a million dollars to the group, and through it, he has helped set up a Supreme Court battle with dramatic implications for public schools. Justices heard Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue on Wednesday: the Institute for Justice had brought the case against the state of Montana in order to force it to include religious schools in its tax-credit scholarship program. The case has implications not just for the First Amendment but for teachers unions, who view it as yet another attempt to take precious resources away from public schools.

Rotellas financial support for libertarian causes is enough to make him a consequential figure, but theres another reason to know his name: A closer look at the financial records of the Robert P. Rotella Foundation, which he manages alongside his sister, Rosemarie, reveals that he isnt just interested in right-to-work laws or free enterprise. Hes also a significant funder of white nationalism.

Of the $5.8 million the foundation has donated to various causes since 2002, roughly $105,000 has gone to organizations like the National Policy Institute, or NPI, which is led by neo-Nazi Richard Spencer. A comprehensive review of the foundations available 990 reports indicates that its financial support for white nationalism began in 2014 and continued through 2018. Though $105,000 is not an exceptionally large sum of money, white nationalist organizations are small, and it doesnt take much money to keep them afloat. Annual recurring donations are kind of where its at for these guys because they all have financial limits, imposed by federal law, on how large the donations can be, explained David Neiwert, the author of Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump.

A guy like Spencer, for instance, doesnt need a single sugar daddy to give him money, Neiwert added. Basically, the National Policy Institute is Spencer, and he just needs an annual salary. Five thousand dollars is basically 5 percent of that annual income for him. He just needs another 20 of those donations and hes done for the year. Thats actually not that hard to get, because there are a lot of people out there who are willing to keep that chunk rolling in for him every year.

Rotella was one of those people. His foundation gave $2,500 to NPI in 2014, then doubled the sum in 2015. It handed off another $5,000 chunk to the group in 2016. Donations to other white nationalist groups follow a similar pattern. Between 2013 and 2017, his foundation donated $10,000 every year, or $40,000 total, to the Charles Martel Society, a white nationalist organization that publishes The Occidental Quarterly, a pseudo-academic journal that focuses on race science. Members of the journals advisory board include Virginia Abernethy, a Vanderbilt University professor emerita who describes herself as an ethnic separatist, and Tom Suni, a writer whom the Southern Poverty Law Center calls an intellectual voice for white nationalists and who once complained that the media pathologized White Western peoples into endless atonement. Until 2018, the RPRFs donations composed roughly 13 to 18 percent of the Charles Martel Societys donation income, depending on the year.

Rotellas foundation also funded the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR. That group, founded by the late anti-immigration eugenicist John Tanton, has received $17,500 from Rotella since 2015. FAIR calls for sweeping restrictions on legal immigration based on stereotypes about the criminal tendencies of nonwhites; the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated it a hate group. During the same period, Rotella gave another $35,000 to the New Century Foundation, publisher of the digital outlet American Renaissance. The website advocates for white separatism, eugenics, and strict immigration restrictions.

Rick McNeely, a spokesperson for the Rotella family, told New York in December that the Charles Martel Society and the National Policy Institute had misrepresented their work to the foundation. In retrospect, the original goals of why someone would give a donation, in the spirit of diversity and giving other people voices, that certainly wouldnt have been something [the Rotellas] would do if there had been better disclosure. Or if they had a crystal ball, McNeely said.

Unfortunately, none of us can tell the future or hidden agendas or what might happen, he added. However, the goals and characteristics of the Charles Martel Society are not hidden knowledge. The Southern Poverty Law Center helped publicize the societys role as a leading purveyor of academic racism in 2010, years before the Rotella Foundation started funding the group. The society has been around since 2001, meaning it had 13 years to establish its white nationalist raison dtre before it received any Rotella money. FAIR has existed since 1979; NPI, since 2005. Richard Spencer, no stranger to the limelight, had already begun leading NPI by the time it started receiving Rotella money. The intentions of these organizations were clear enough to many.

McNeely said he was unaware that the RPRF had also funded American Renaissance, nor could he explain how the Charles Martel Society and NPI became familiar with a relatively minor foundation in the first place. Public information offers scant additional insight into Rotella or the substance of his views. He has no social-media presence. His official biography on the Rotella Capital Management website says he earned degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Temple University before founding his company in 1995. He eventually relocated from Chicago to Bellevue, where the company is now based. An amateur photographer, he opened the Rotella Gallery in Bellevue, and his biography on its website says he is originally from Niagara Falls, New York.

Despite Rotellas relatively low profile, his donation history offers a rare glimpse into the way the alt-rightis funded. Information about its major donors tends to be scarce. The RPRF is only the second funder of Spencers organization whose identity has become known; the other is multimillionaire William Regnery II, who founded the Charles Martel Society and also helped found NPI.

Rotellas other charitable causes are not so obviously linked to partisan issues. In addition to funding environmental groups like Conservation International and the Pollinator Partnership, the RPRF donated thousands to obscure groups that tout research efforts into UFOs, anti-vaccination, and the apparently fictitious Morgellons disease. The foundation has donated $5,000 to the Exopolitics Institute, which offers a certification program in extraterrestrial affairs, and $25,000 to the Farsight Institute, which claims its team of psychic remote viewers has confirmed that aliens built the Pyramids. But Neiwert says this grouping of interests, while strange, isnt completely unusual. White nationalism runs on conspiracies, he explained.

The psychics of the Farsight Institute probably have little impact on daily affairs, but other Rotella beneficiaries achieve more tangible results. The Southern Poverty Law Center reported in November that before Stephen Miller joined President Trumps speechwriting team, he regularly shared links to American Renaissance stories with Breitbart staffers to influence their coverage. Julie Kirchner, who resigned as the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ombudsman in October, had previously led FAIR for nearly a decade. She wasnt the only FAIR employee in the Trump administration, either. John Zadrozny and Ian Smith both worked for FAIR in different capacities before joining the Department of Homeland Security under Trump; both have since left the administration.

The Rotella Foundations giving will soon cease: McNeely said it will dissolve this year. The family lacked the manpower to do it correctly, he explained. But the foundation has already accomplished a great deal during its 18 years in existence including funding a legal case that could lead to a radical reinterpretation of the First Amendment. The Supreme Court will rule on Espinoza later this year, and, given the conservative makeup of the court, the Rotella-funded Institute for Justice is likely to win. That worries unions like the American Federation of Teachers, which opposes the use of public funds for religious schools. Robert Rotella and his support for far-right causes is exhibit A in the disturbing story of how money has infiltrated and corrupted our political system, Randi Weingarten, the president of AFT, told New York.

As a backer of Richard Spencer, Rotella represents a clear and present danger to the tolerance and diversity underpinning American democracy and its well past time his influence is exposed and interrogated,Weingarten added.

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This Obscure Foundation Helped Fund The Alt-Right - New York Magazine

Alt-Right Group Handed Out Fliers In East Windsor In 2019: Report – East Windsor, NJ Patch

EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP, NJ A relatively new white supremacist group has been distributing propaganda in East Windsor and Hightstown, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League.

On April 7, the alt-right New Jersey European Heritage Association distributed fliers in Hightstown that read: "White Pride World Wide," "Reclaim Your Heritage," and "It's okay to be white."

On Dec. 7, the group distributed fliers with the QR code for New Jersey European Heritage Association and propaganda that read: "Take back your country" in East Windsor.

On Dec. 24, the group returned to Hightstown to distribute propaganda that read: "The New Jersey European Heritage Association wishes you a Merry white Christmas."

The New Jersey European Heritage Association was founded in 2018 to "save white European people from purported extinction," according to the Anti-Defamation League's profile of the group. They focus their efforts in central New Jersey.

Statewide, the number of incidents involving potential hate, extremism and anti-Semitism dropped from 2018 to 2019, according to the report.

In 2019, there were 216 incidents of hate, extremism and anti-Semitism in 112 towns in New Jersey, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The figure for 2019 decreased from the 452 incidents reported in New Jersey during 2018. But the incidents were no less concerning, the report says.

The list follows a similar report published last year by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which said 18 hate organizations are based in towns throughout the Garden State, and the number is rising. Read more: Hate Groups In NJ: Map Shows Rising Total Of Racist Organizations

The occurrences in New Jersey identified in the ADL report were among the 4,015 examples of extremist and anti-Semitic incidents that happened nationwide in 2019. The figure reported for 2019 is up almost 32 percent from the 3,052 incidents reported in 2018, according to the ADL.See related: Hate, Extremism, Anti-Semitism In 112 NJ Towns In 2019: Report

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Alt-Right Group Handed Out Fliers In East Windsor In 2019: Report - East Windsor, NJ Patch

This Researcher Juggled Five Different Identities to Go Undercover With Far-Right and Islamist Extremists. Here’s What She Found – TIME

Wearing a blond wig and walking through the streets of central Vienna in October 2017, Julia Ebner reminded herself of her new identity: Jennifer Mayer, an Austrian philosophy student currently studying abroad in London. It was one of five different identities that Ebner, an Austrian researcher specialized in online radicalization and cumulative extremism, adopted in order to infiltrate far-right/Islamist extremist networks. That day in October, she met a local recruiter for Generation Identity (GI), the European equivalent of the American alt right, which is mostly an online political group that rejects mainstream politics and espouses ideas of white nationalism. GI is the main proponent of the Great Replacement Theory, the baseless idea that white populations are being deliberately replaced through migration and the growth of minority communities. The theory has inspired several recent extremist attacks, including the murder of 51 people in Christchurch, New Zealand last March, and the mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas last August, which left 22 people dead.

The meeting with GIs local leader proved to be significant. Ebner learned about how important the group considered social media for their strategy to expand and recruit members in schools, public baths and other public venues that young people visit. She found out that GI were planning to launch an App, Patriotic Peer, that would connect a silent majority (in the words of the leader), which was funded by donations from around the world.

Securing the meeting wasnt easy. It took several months of setting up credible accounts within the various GI networks online and a couple of weeks of messaging with GI members. But it was necessary for Ebners research: the 28-year-old is a resident research fellow at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a London-based think-tank that develops responses to all forms of hate and extremism. She has advised the U.N., parliamentary working groups, frontline workers and tech firms on issues around radicalization, and her first book, The Rage: The Vicious Circle of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism, was published in 2017.

Two years ago, Ebner started to feel like she had reached the limits of her insights into the world of extremism. She wanted to find out how extremists recruit members, how they mobilize them to commit violence, and why people join and stay in the movements. Ebner believed she could only get her answers by being a part of these groups. Over the past two years, she has spent much of her spare time talking to people on online forums. They include the Discord group, used by the alt-right to coordinate the violent Charlottesville rally in August 2017, the Tradwives (short for Traditional Wives), which is a network of some 30,000 far-right women, who perceive gender roles in terms of a market place where women are sellers and men buyers of sex, and an online trolling army, Reconquista Germanica, which were active in the 2017 German federal election.

Ebner, whose new book Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists is published Feb. 20, spoke with TIME about what she discovered. The conversation below has been edited for length and clarity.

Ebner: My first attempt of creating and maintaining a credible profile didnt work. I was kicked out of a group and had to start all over again.

I found switching between different identities stressful and confusing. Remembering exactly what I had said in my online profiles, previous chats and real-life conversations in these various roles could get challenging. Sometimes staying in my role and not being able to talk back as my real self was also difficult. There were many moments when I wanted to debunk a crazy conspiracy theory, or say youre not funny! instead of laughing at a racist joke, or convince younger members to cease their involvement with a group.

As youd imagine, I made made plenty of stupid mistakes. Dropping my real credit card was only one of them. Once I even signed an email with Julia instead of Jenni. Im not a professional MI5 agent, I did acting in high school but going undercover didnt come naturally to me.

I received some tips from a friend who has done undercover investigations himself and also trained people to infiltrate dangerous groups. I probably did appear nervous but I imagine most people who go to a first recruitment meeting with a white nationalist group leader probably would be, so I didnt think that it would be too suspicious.

In many cases, they offer an escape from loneliness and a solution to grievances or fears. A lot of the time it was a fear of a relative loss of status, which the networks blamed on migration and changing demographics. They offered easy explanations oversimplified rationalizations to complex social and political issues.

The networks also offered support, consolation and counselling. They can turn into a kind of family. Some people spend so much time online that I doubt they socialize in the real world.

On the surface, there was no clear profile. Users were from different age groups, social classes, educational backgrounds and depending on the group different ethnic backgrounds. The lowest common denominator was people who were in a moment of crisis. The recruiters did a good job of tailoring their propaganda to pick up vulnerable individuals. The Tradwives reached women who had relationship grievances, Islamist extremists recruited alienated Muslims whod experienced discrimination, and white supremacists exploited people who had security concerns.

It was a major part of the recruiters strategy. White supremacist networks, like the European far right, have a clear step-by-step radicalization manual, which they call recruiting strategies. The Tradwives, for example, made themselves seem like a self help group and I think thats what attracted even women from different ideological backgrounds, and even those who dont subscribe to traditional gender roles.

Some groups, the European Trolling Army for instance, had tightly-organized hierarchical structures. Neo-Nazi groups often have military-like structures, positions in the groups are even named after military ranks, and a person could rise to the top by running hate campaigns against political opponents.

Other networks, like the ones used by the perpetrator of Christchurch and the attack in Halle, Germany last October, had looser structures. They would get together on an opportunistic basis when they saw that something could be gained by cross-border cooperation. They use their own vocabulary and insider references when they decide to collaborate on a campaign or a media stunt. The Matrix is one of many internet culture references from Japanese anime to Taylor Swift. And they would be very effective at advancing these operations.

Far right groups have undergone a rebranding and have reframed the ideas held by traditional neo-Nazis. Generation Identity use euphemisms like ethno pluralism instead of racial segregation or apartheid, and combine video game language with racial slurs, creating their own satirical language.

Not only are extremist groups better at spreading their real ideologies behind satirical memes, theyre also being given a platform by politicians. Language which mirrors that used by proponents of conspiracy theories like the Great Replacement are retweeted by politicians and repeated in their campaigns. This is likely to become more prevalent in the next few months in the run up to the U.S. presidential election. The 2016 U.S. election proved to be one of the key turning points in uniting far right groups globally.

Trans-Atlantic cooperation between the far right in Europe and the alt right in the U.S. has been growing. Some of the ideologies that inspired the GI and other far right groups have been propagated by leading far right figures in the U.S. And the European far right have adopted some of the strategies of gamification and propaganda used by the Americans alt right. They both see themselves as fighters in a war against white genocide or the Great Replacement and there is loyalty between them that makes the idea of ultra nationalism obsolete.

One of the biggest problems is in the infrastructure of social media and tech companies. Algorithms give priority to content that maximises our attention and to content that causes anger and indignation. Its like handing a megaphone to extremists. Its allowed fringe views to get a much bigger audience. Developments in deepfakes, cyber warfare and hacking campaigns are likely to help extremists to refine their strategies.

Firstly, we need a global legal framework that forces all the tech companies not just the big ones but also the fringe networks, like 8chan and 4chan to remove content that could inspire terrorism. After the shootings in Christchurch and Halle, the documents the manifestos left behind by perpetrators were translated into several languages and shared on the fringe corners of the internet. We need a global approach because people can always find a way to circumvent national laws.

But content removal alone wont work. In my book I suggest 10 solutions for 2020; this includes more digital literacy programs in education settings, which can enhance critical thinking skills, help Internet users to spot manipulation and ultimately weaken extremists. We also need more deradicalization projects that use social media analyses to identify and engage with radicalized individuals. Counter-disinformation initiatives with the help of fact checkers and social media campaigners could be formed, as they have done in the Baltics, to debunk online manipulation.

Technology and society are intertwined. So, our response has to be integrated. We need an alliance across not only politicians and tech firms, but civil society and social workers.

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This Researcher Juggled Five Different Identities to Go Undercover With Far-Right and Islamist Extremists. Here's What She Found - TIME