Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Hey, Kathy Griffin, the Left Doesn’t Need Its Own Ann Coulter – Daily Beast

Channeling her inner ISIS, comedian Kathy Griffin appeared in a photo shoot Tuesday carrying the bloody decapitated head of Donald Trump. The conservative internet is apoplectic, but a lot of us on the left arent terribly pleased either. Griffins beheaded heathen stunt isnt just grotesqueassassination jokes go over in Washington about as well as Holocaust humor in Tel Avivits also bad politics.

Griffin took to Twitter to defend/explain herself:

I caption this there was blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his...wherever. OBVIOUSLY, I do not condone ANY violence by my fans or others to anyone, ever! I'm merely mocking the Mocker in Chief.

An hour later, Griffin published a video with a full-throated mea culpa. I sincerely apologize I am sorry, I went way too far. I made a mistake and I was wrong. Griffin also added that she would ask the photographer to take down the image.

And good for her. While I get the jokeGriffin is quoting Trumps obscene comments during the campaign about former Fox anchor Megyn Kellygags about killing the president are never appropriate, and its good that Griffin has now acknowledged that. Imagine how Democrats would react if Ann Coulter were photographed swinging the disembodied head of President Obama. And in fact, Democrats were rightly livid when two University of Wisconsin football fans dressed as Obama with a noose around his neck. There was an equal outcry, back in 1994, when Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) joked that President Clinton was so unpopular among soldiers in North Carolina that hed better bring a bodyguard if he visited the state.

This is not to suggest that the left and right are equal in their embrace of violence as politics through other means. It was the Trump, and not Clinton, campaign that regularly egged its crowds on to manhandle protesters. Trump even promised to pay the legal fees of anyone who knocked the crap out of them. And its Republicans and not Democrats who routinely call the media the enemy. The press is only the latest victim of GOP ire. During the 2000s, Republicans in Congress demonized activist judges who, they said, were running roughshod over the Constitution. It was only after some of those judges were murdered, forcing former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor to tell the GOP to back off, that the rhetoric cooleduntil now. Since Donald Trump added judges to his enemies list early on in the campaign, the threats have begun anew for Americas jurists.

Its an Ann Coulterization of politicsvaluing trollery and shock value above all else. And Im worried about its spread to the left: not what we are, but what we may become. Weve seen a creeping intolerance on the left, from the Bernie Bros to the Richard Spencer-punchers. Its subtle, and not nearly as bad as the right, but its there. Ive worked in national politics for nearly 30 years, and it is difficult to face an enemy for decades and not ultimately become them. Their anger fuels your anger. And the incessant attacks on everything you hold dear can eventually break you. And its our job as progressives to be better than that. To be better than them.

But theres another reason Im speaking out about Kathy Griffins joke: Its not just bad manners, its bad politics. I work in Washington because I care about our country and want to make a difference. Joking about Donald Trumps violent demise doesnt help us win any votes in Congress or at the ballot box. All it does is feed a Fox News marketing machine desperate for anything it can find to detract from Donald Trumps latest himbo eruption. While Trump will still be president for the foreseeable future, his presidency is increasingly on the ropes, particularly as the Russia investigation continues to hit closer and closer to home. Why do anything to detract from that?

Theres an adage in politics: If your opponent is hanging himself, get out of the way. Donald Trump is his own worst enemy. Hes not going to grow up and suddenly become more presidential at age 70. One of the few things that can save Donald Trump is Democrats screwing up.

So, to all the Kathy Griffins out there, please just get out of the way.

Hey, Kathy Griffin, the Left Doesn't Need Its Own Ann Coulter - Daily Beast

Ann Coulter: Rome Burns Nero Worries About Pyrophobia – Breitbart News


This is not a game. When young British girls are the targets of a suicide bombing, can we take a short break from the posturing, political correctness and Russia conspiracy theorizing? Wont the hatred of Trump keep for a few weeks?

Channel-surfing on Monday night was like watching broadcasts from different countries. While Fox News and CNN covered the terrorist attack, MSNBC concentrated on the real news of the night TRUMPS COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA as children screamed in the background in footage from Manchester.

It was a big enough step for MSNBC to stop claiming that the explosion was just popping balloons. The hosts reasoned,We know that Islam is a religion of peace, so what else could it be?

CBS and NBC News finally produced the name of the suicide bomber the next day. (After any terrorist attack, the media like to keep us in suspense for as long as possible about whether it was a Muslim or a Christian.)

Even then, the answer was difficult to find on either networks Twitter feeds, which were bristling with minute-by-minute updates on former CIA Director John Brennans congressional testimony about Russia and Trump: Yes, collusion was investigated. No, Brennan is not aware of any evidence to support the theory. BREAKING NEWS!

The media didnt gaudily broadcast the bombers name, religion or ethnicity in their headlines, but at least they finally coughed up the information. He was Salman Abedi, son of Libyan refugees.

Apparently, the media think you cant be trusted with that information. You might notice that the West is deliberately importing people who enjoy killing kids.

According to ABC News, the bombers father, Ramadan Abedi (not to be confused with Huma Abedin) was a member of an al-Qaida-linked Islamic group in Libya. For this, he was accepted as a refugee by the British government.

Liberals main reaction to the attack was not to demand the toppling of the terrorist-friendly British government, but to worry about an upsurge in Islamophobia. They say theres nothing we can do about terrorism and we probably shouldnt do anything anyway, because we deserve it.

These were teen and preteen girls! Is there any fuel left in the gas tank of humanity, or are we just running on fumes now?

While liberals are impatient to get back to their murderous immigration policies, conservatives are pining for war. And really, who wouldnt want to send ground troops to Syria after our tremendous successes in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Why do we need to fight ISIS in Syria again? I forget. How about we NOT send U.S. troops to some godforsaken nation of primitives?

My reasoning is: It will cost us trillions of dollars; we will sacrifice the lives of an untold number of our best young men in combat (and little girls thanks, liberals!); and we will accomplish absolutely nothing, apart from creating a new stream of refugees and making the primitives even angrier with us, if thats possible.

Historically, starting wars in the Third World has not proved salutary.

Trump was elected for one reason: Because he promised to put Americans interests first. If only hed stuck to his campaign promises, hed be a hero right now.

The one promise Trump has kept is the so-called Muslim ban and hes looking prophetic on that. The Ninth Circuit was probably just about to release its opinion affirming a Hawaii judges revocation of Trumps travel ban, but after Manchester, theyll have to sit on it for a few weeks.

Wouldnt you rather be defending Trump for imposing a travel ban, building a wall and deporting Dreamers, than for idiotic leaks about nothing? If Trump started removing undesirable foreigners, liberals would rush back to the airports, en masse, and forget all about Russia.

The most humane response to terrorist attacks in the West is to kill a bunch of them for revenge, and then concentrate on our own problems. Instead of sending ground troops to Syria, we should be sending them to San Diego.

Our policy following every Islamic terrorist attack anyplace in the West should be the following:

1) We drop a nuke on some majority-Muslim city involved in terrorism.

2) We add six months to the immigration moratorium (which Trump promised us in his Aug. 16, 2015, immigration policy paper, the greatest political document since the Magna Carta).

3) We deport one Ninth Circuit judge.

Since Trump, politics has become a game to liberals. The media is a game. Hollywood is a game. Islamic terrorists are killing little girls in England. This isnt a game.

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Ann Coulter: Rome Burns Nero Worries About Pyrophobia - Breitbart News

Ann Coulter May Be Joking, but What She Says Is Far From Funny – Truthdig

Ann Coulter at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2012. (J. Scott Applewhite / AP)

Another Ann Coulter column, another casual endorsement of mass slaughter.

This weeks piece, Rome BurnsNero Worries About Pyrophobia, addresses how to keep attacks like the recent one in Manchester, England, from happening again.

She has three ideas. The first is to add six months to the immigration moratorium President Trump promised but hasnt delivered. The second is to drop a nuke on some majority-Muslim city involved in terrorism. The third is to deport a U.S. 9th Circuit Court judge (presumably because that court has ruled against the moratorium).

Just like her protg Milo Yiannopoulos, Coulter likes to keep her audiences guessing as to when shes joking and when shes just dishing out hard truths. Unlike Yiannopoulos, she has managed that balancing act with great aplomband cashed in for decades because of it.

But what makes her trio of suggestions on how to respond to terrorism so telling is that two of the three must be jokes. The U.S. cant lengthen an immigration moratorium that hasnt been, and probably wont be, put in place. And if President Trump hasnt managed to pull an Andrew Jackson and ignore the courts, he certainly cant start deporting the judges whose decrees hes beholden to. Those two recommendations are obviously jokes.

President Trump could, however, launch a nuke at Tehran, Iran, or Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

So the question then becomes: Are all three of her recommendations jokes? It would be strange for a right-wing pundit to end a column about stopping Islamic terrorism with three jokes. Indeed, after she makes her recommendations, she solemnly closes with:

Since Trump, politics has become a game to liberals. The media is a game. Hollywood is a game. Islamic terrorists are killing little girls in England. This isnt a game.

If Coulter thinks this is not a game, then it stands to reason that the recommendations she makesthose that are possibleare serious. Furthermore, this weeks column is not exactly a departure from the usual for her.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2006 she, to great applause, roared, I think our motto should be post-9/11, raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences.

In her first column after the 9/11 attacks, she ended with:

We should invade their countries [majority-Muslim ones], kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We werent punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. Thats war. And this is war.

In an interview in 2005, she really went full-Coulter, saying, I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning. Theyre a major threat. I just think it would be fun to nuke them and have it be a warning to the rest of the world.

If you think Coulters comments are in jest, Id have to ask what she could say that would make you take her seriously.

Another thing about Ann Coulter that isnt a joke is her open and obvious racism.

Its not just the periodic dog-whistles that she, like some other Republicans, indulges in, such as when she wrote that desegregating schools led to illiterate students knifing one another between acts of sodomy in the stairwell. Her racism runs much, much deeper.

Her weekly column, for instance, can be read on not one but two white nationalist websites. One is VDare, named for Virginia Dare, the first child born of English parents in the Americas. In addition to Coulters syndicated column, some of VDares recent articles have included Its Official: Europeans (Such As Macrons Voters In France) Have a Genetic Death Wish and The Moral Of New Orleans: Americans Cant Live With These People, a protest against the removal of Confederate statues in that city.

There is no ambiguity here. The website is openly racist, the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled VDare a hate group, and even other pro-Trump Republicans keep their distance.

The second white nationalist website Coulter is syndicated on is, shockingly, even worse. American Renaissance has been around since the 1990s and was the alt-right before there was an alt-right. It publishes essays about the supposed need to form a whites-only ethnostate, claims that blacks love raping white women, and obsesses over the supposedly impending genocide of whites in South Africa. After Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, the founder and longtime president of American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, commented on the ensuing disorder: When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilizationany kind of civilizationdisappears.

To reiterate, both of these websites publish Coulters columns. See for yourself here and here.

Could it be that Coulter is unaware that her work runs on these sites?


She has attended Christmas parties thrown by VDare. She has also tweeted links to the American Renaissance website. American Renaissance in turn retweets her frequently, nor does it shy from mentioning her.

Coulter was also good friends with the late polemicist Joe Sobran; read her fawning obituary for him here. Sobran not only spoke at several American Renaissance conferences, he also spoke at a Holocaust denial conference. Some of his greatest hits include suggesting that gays with AIDS get tattoos on their posteriors that read Abandon hope, all ye who enter here and quipping An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews. After his death, Coulter lamented, And Im insanely jealous that hes giving God all the good belly laughs now.

It is a long-standing pattern. There is no ambiguity or room for doubt when it comes to Ann Coulter. Shes a racist warmonger who advocates nuclear warfare and is published on white nationalist websites. She should have been banished from polite society years ago.

Instead, shes a pundit whose influence reaches into the Oval Office. Aint that America?

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Ann Coulter May Be Joking, but What She Says Is Far From Funny - Truthdig

Cost of keeping peace at Ann Coulter’s Modesto speech? Enough to support a family. – Modesto Bee

Modesto Bee
Cost of keeping peace at Ann Coulter's Modesto speech? Enough to support a family.
Modesto Bee
It cost the city nearly $65,000 to keep the peace at last month's Ann Coulter demonstration outside of Modesto Centre Plaza. About 100 demonstrators protested outside the downtown convention center April 28 as conservative polemicist Coulter spoke ...

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Cost of keeping peace at Ann Coulter's Modesto speech? Enough to support a family. - Modesto Bee

Ann Coulter: Donald Trump could be impeached –

Ann Coulter told Fox Business Stuart Varney on Monday that if President Donald Trump doesnt keep his promises, impeachment could well be on the horizon.

Varney noted that Coulter had lately been down on Trump, referring toher recent blog postsblasting the president his lack of action on building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Coulter stated in a recent interview thatshe was close to jumping ship on the president.

The attacks on Trump keep bringing me back to defend him every time we want to be mad at him, she began. We voted for a wall, for enforcement of our immigration laws, for not being the worlds policemen, for ending NAFTA. Unfortunately were not getting what we voted for, but secondly its preposterous because, I mean, to blame the quote chaos on Trump himself, no hes being viciously, violently attacked because he took on both political parties.

Varney then took aim at Coulters recent criticisms of the president.

Do you blame Trump himself for some of the tweets hes put out? Varney asked, And some of the things that hes said, almost, off the cuff youre critical of that, I take it.

Smiling, Coulter disagreed and said, No, I love the tweets. Almost everything that everyone else dislikes about Trump are what I consider his strong points. I love his tweets, its how he defends himself.

Insinuating that Trump is the peoples president for the people, and not Wall Street or elites Coulter added that Trump was the only candidate who was going to put Americans first.

She did, however, insist that she wants him to get back to his campaign promises, which include funding for the Mexico-U.S. wall and tighter immigration law.

Once again defending Trumps propensity toward Twitter, Coulter said, I love his 3 AM tweets; I think theyre hilarious.

Varney then turned the question back to political turmoil, and brought the media into the fray, noting that he feels the mainstream media will never give Trump a break.

Do you think, though, that the media at this point is winning? Varney asked.

Pausing for a moment, Coulter answered, I dont think they have as much power they did as when the took out Nixon, so part of their rage is that theyrelosing their power because of the internet. I dont think they will ever stop, and I hope Trump notices that if he doesnt keep his promises, Republicans will be wiped out in the midterm elections, Democrats will have the House of Representatives, and they absolutely will impeach him.

The left-wing base is just obsessed with that, so Trump better keep his promises, she added.

Reiterating that she wants campaign trail Trump, Coulter said, [Trump] was supposed to go down and be a bull in a china shop. Were still waiting for the bull in the china shop.

Thats what we want, she concluded.

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