Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Ann Coulter’s Obamacare Replacement Rant Shows That Even She’s Not A Fan Of The Trumpcare Bill – UPROXX

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Ann Coulter, who enjoys trolling almost everyone, may have reached her limit, or perhaps the Obamacare replacement rollout is more chaotic than the GOP could have ever imagined. On Monday evening, the party introduced their bill, which swiftly revealed itself to be a series of tax credits that seemed destined to increase premiums, although the replacement (as is) likely wont survive all of the Congressional hoop jumping required to become law.

One person who doesnt worry about being called out is Coulter. She proudly celebrated Donald Trumps immigration policies and rang in his victory with a series of white supremacist tweets. So, it does come as a surprise to see that Coulter really isnt a fan of how the repeal directly took on abortion, which she believes could be a death knell to acceptance of the bill.

Coulter pointed out more flaws and then decided that Obamacare should stick around for members of Congress (who didnt use it in the first place).

Go here to see the original:
Ann Coulter's Obamacare Replacement Rant Shows That Even She's Not A Fan Of The Trumpcare Bill - UPROXX

ANN COULTER: How to provide universal health care with one weird trick – St. Augustine Record

The first sentence of Congress Obamacare repeal should read: There shall be a free market in health insurance.

Right there, Ive solved the health insurance crisis for 90 percent of Americans. Unfortunately, no one can imagine what a free market in health care looks like because we havent had one for nearly a century.

On NBCs Meet the Press this weekend, for example, Chuck Todd told Sen. Tom Cotton that his proposal to create affordable health care that would be widely available, sounds good, but do you understand why some people think thats an impossible promise to keep?

(The do you understand ? formulation is a condescension reserved only for conservatives, whose disagreement with liberals is taken as a sign of stupidity.)

Todd continued: To make it affordable, making it wider, I mean, that just seems like you know, it seems like youre selling something that cant be done realistically.

Dream Sequence: Chuck Todd on Russias Meet the Press after the fall of the Soviet Union: Do you understand why some people think thats an impossible promise to keep? To make bread affordable, making it wider, I mean, that just seems like you know, it seems like youre selling something that cant be done realistically.

It turns out that, outside of a communist dictatorship, all sorts of products are affordable and widely available! We dont need Congress to provide us with health care any more than we need them to provide us with bread. What we need is for health insurance to be available on the free market.

With lots of companies competing for your business, basic health insurance would cost about $50 a month. We know the cost because Christian groups got a waiver from Obamacare, and thats how much their insurance costs right now. (Under the law, it cant be called insurance, but thats what it is.)

Even young, healthy people would buy insurance at that price, expanding the risk-sharing pools and probably bringing the cost down to $20 or $30 a month.

In a free market, there would be an endless variety of consumer-driven plans, from catastrophic care for the risk-oblivious to extravagant plans for the risk-averse.

You know just like every other product in America.

You should visit America sometime, Chuck! The orange juice aisle in a Texas grocery store knocked the socks off Russian president Boris Yeltsin. (Imagine how cheap a double screwdriver must be in America!)

Just as there are rows of different types of orange juice in the grocery store and loads of grocery stores there will be loads of health insurance plans and insurance companies offering them.

Americans would finally be able to buy whatever insurance plans they liked, as easily as they currently buy flat-screen TVs, cellphones and whats that product with the cute gecko in its commercials? I remember now! car insurance.

Evidently, insurance is not impervious to the iron law of economics that every product sold on the free market gets better and cheaper over time.

The only complicated part of fixing health care is figuring out how to take care of the other 10 percent of Americans the poor, the irresponsible and the unlucky. And the only reason that is complicated is because of fraud.

Needless to say, the modern nanny state already guarantees that no one will die on the street in America. The taxpayer spends more than a trillion dollars every year on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security disability insurance so that everyones health is taken care of, from cradle to grave.

Unfortunately, probably at least half of that sum is fraud.

Policing fraud is difficult because: (1) the bureaucrats dispensing government benefits believe there is no fraud and, if there is, its a good thing because it redistributes income; and (2) we keep bringing in immigrants for whom fraud is a way of life.

Consequently, after the first sentence establishing a free market in health insurance, the entire rest of the bill should be nothing but fraud prevention measures to ensure that only the truly deserving and the truly American are accessing taxpayer-supported health care programs.

Id recommend sending as much as possible back to the states, and also paying bounties to anyone who exposes a fraud against Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security. Anyone caught committing health care fraud should get 10 years. Not in prison, in a Medicaid doctors waiting room.

But Im sure you guys in Congress have come up with lots of great ideas for policing fraud in the seven years youve had to think about it.

Then, Congress can start removing all the bad stuff from the U.S. Code, such as:

n Tthe requirement that hospitals provide free care to anyone who shows up (how about separate health clinics for poor people with the sniffles?);

n The exemption of insurance companies from the antitrust laws (where all our problems began); and

n The tax breaks only for employer-provided health insurance (viciously and arbitrarily punishing the self-employed).

The goal of universal health care is very simple to achieve, just as the goal of universal wearing of clothing seems to have been taken care of.

The government can provide for those who cant provide for themselves, but the rest of us need to be allowed to buy health insurance on the free market an innovation that has made America the richest, most consumer-friendly country in the world.

Its taken 50 years, but, thanks to Hillarys losing the election, we finally have liberals on the record opposing the Soviet Union. Cant all of Washington come together and end our soviet health care system?

Go here to see the original:
ANN COULTER: How to provide universal health care with one weird trick - St. Augustine Record

Ann Coulter: How to Provide Universal Health Care Using This One Easy Trick – Breitbart News


Right there, Ive solved the health insurance crisis for 90 percent of Americans. Unfortunately, no one can imagine what a free market in health care looks like because we havent had one for nearly a century.


On NBCs Meet the Press this weekend, for example, Chuck Todd told Sen. Tom Cotton that his proposal to create affordable health care that would be widely available, sounds good, but do you understand why some people think thats an impossible promise to keep?

(The do you understand ? formulation is a condescension reserved only for conservatives, whose disagreement with liberals is taken as a sign of stupidity.)

Todd continued: To make it affordable, making it wider, I mean, that just seems like you know, it seems like youre selling something that cant be done realistically.

Dream Sequence: Chuck Todd on Russias Meet the Press after the fall of the Soviet Union: Do you understand why some people think thats an impossible promise to keep? To make bread affordable, making it wider, I mean, that just seems like you know, it seems like youre selling something that cant be done realistically.

It turns out that, outside of a communist dictatorship, all sorts of products are affordable AND widely available! We dont need Congress to provide us with health care any more than we need them to provide us with bread. What we need is for health insurance to be available on the free market.

With lots of companies competing for your business, basic health insurance would cost about $50 a month. We know the cost because Christian groups got a waiver from Obamacare, and thats how much their insurance costs right now. (Under the law, it cant be called insurance, but thats what it is.)

Even young, healthy people would buy insurance at that price, expanding the risk-sharing pools and probably bringing the cost down to $20 or $30 a month.

In a free market, there would be an endless variety of consumer-driven plans, from catastrophic care for the risk-oblivious to extravagant plans for the risk-averse.

You know just like every other product in America.

You should visit America sometime, Chuck! The orange juice aisle in a Texas grocery store knocked the socks off Russian president Boris Yeltsin. (Imagine how cheap a double screwdriver must be in America!)

Just as there are rows of different types of orange juice in the grocery store - and loads of grocery stores there will be loads of health insurance plans and insurance companies offering them.

Americans would finally be able to buy whatever insurance plans they liked, as easily as they currently buy flat-screen TVs, cellphones and whats that product with the cute gecko in its commercials? I remember now! CAR INSURANCE!

Evidently, insurance is not impervious to the iron law of economics that every product sold on the free market gets better and cheaper over time.

The only complicated part of fixing health care is figuring out how to take care of the other 10 percent of Americans the poor, the irresponsible and the unlucky. And the only reason that is complicated is because of fraud.

Needless to say, the modern nanny state already guarantees that no one will die on the street in America. The taxpayer spends more than a trillion dollars every year on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security disability insurance so that everyones health is taken care of, from cradle to grave.

Unfortunately, probably at least half of that sum is fraud.

Policing fraud is difficult because: (1) the bureaucrats dispensing government benefits believe there is no fraud and, if there is, its a good thing because it redistributes income; and (2) we keep bringing in immigrants for whom fraud is a way of life. (See Adios, America! The Lefts Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole.)

Consequently, after the first sentence establishing a free market in health insurance, the entire rest of the bill should be nothing but fraud prevention measures to ensure that only the truly deserving and the truly American are accessing taxpayer-supported health care programs.

Id recommend sending as much as possible back to the states, and also paying bounties to anyone who exposes a fraud against Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security. Anyone caught committing health care fraud should get 10 years. Not in prison, in a Medicaid doctors waiting room.

But Im sure you guys in Congress have come up with lots of great ideas for policing fraud in the SEVEN YEARS youve had to think about it. (Hello? Is he breathing? Dammit, Im not getting a pulse!!)

Then, Congress can start removing all the bad stuff from the U.S. Code, such as:

the requirement that hospitals provide free care to anyone who shows up (how about separate health clinics for poor people with the sniffles?);

the exemption of insurance companies from the antitrust laws (where all our problems began); and

the tax breaks only for employer-provided health insurance (viciously and arbitrarily punishing the self-employed).

The goal of universal health care is very simple to achieve, just as the goal of universal wearing of clothing seems to have been taken care of.

The government can provide for those who cant provide for themselves, but the rest of us need to be allowed to buy health insurance on the free market an innovation that has made America the richest, most consumer-friendly country in the world.

Its taken 50 years, but, thanks to Hillarys losing the election, we finally have liberals on the record opposing the Soviet Union. Cant all of Washington come together and end our soviet health care system?

See the rest here:
Ann Coulter: How to Provide Universal Health Care Using This One Easy Trick - Breitbart News

Coulter Praises Trump’s Address: ‘No One Else Could Give This Speech’ – Fox News Insider

If you follow Ann Coulter on Twitter, then you know that she was blown away by President Trump's address to a joint session of Congress.

Coulter called the address"beautiful,""flawless"and "the best speech I've ever witnessed from Washington."

On "Hannity" tonight, Coulter said people shouldn't be surprised by the speech, because Trump has been pushing the same "America first" agenda since he announced his candidacy nearly two years ago.

"It was the same message he's been giving all along, but in a proper State of the Union format," Coulter said. "And nobody else in that room - not Republicans or Democrats - could have given that speech."

She said that the address was such a "home run," in fact, that the mainstream media is trying to ignore it.

"This is what they did throughout the campaign," Coulter said. "He would give a blockbuster speech ... and their position is to just say, 'Trust us, America. You don't want to see it. It was dark, it was awful.'"

"There was nothing new here. It was a beautiful speech. He loves America. No one else could give this speech."

Watch more above, and see what Bill O'Reilly thought about Trump's address.

How Trump's Address Went Over at a CA Bar Near the Mexico Border

Oprah Winfrey Rethinking Idea of Presidential Run After Trump's Win

Judge Jeanine on Trump's Address: 'It Was Presidential, He Spoke to Everyone'

VP Pence on Trump Speech: 'It Was a Great Night for America'

Excerpt from:
Coulter Praises Trump's Address: 'No One Else Could Give This Speech' - Fox News Insider

Ann Coulter says US Congress is just as unpopular as the House of Lords –

The political commentator compared the unpopularity of the two chambers as the President gave his first address to Congress on Tuesday.

President Donald Trump reiterated his promise to build a wall along the Mexican border before he pledged to create more jobs for the American people.

The billionaire outlined his vision for the country in front of the nations most senior politicians, however he is expected to clash with the house when enforcing some of his more controversial policies.

The United States Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives and meet at the Capitol in Washington DC to make and implement laws.


Ms Coulter, a ardent supporter of Mr Trump, criticised the US Congress claiming the chamber was as unpopular as the House of Lords in the UK.

Speaking on Newsnight, she said: I think the people are with Trump, and part of the reason he got elected was because we are sick of these do-nothing Republicans in Congress who just want to please their donors and dont care about the people.

The Newsnight host then cut off the controversial author as he argued that the politicians in Congress were voted in by the American public.

He snapped: But Congress was elected too. Theyve got their own mandate, theyre legitimate as well arent they?

Well Im not saying they are not legitimate, Im saying they are not popular. Thats why someone who was so out of politics was just made President of the United States, Ms Coulter replied.



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U.S. President Trump is interviewed by Reuters in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington

Its like the House of Lords, Congress, its very hard to get rid of, but they are very unpopular

Ann Coulter

I mean you have two choices, generally when someone is running for Senate theyre Democrat or they are Republican, in fact I spent the last few election cycles, haranguing Republican voters to vote for people like Mitch McConnell.

I dont particularly like him either but hes better than a Democrat.

Next Ms Coulter assessed the popularity of US Congress before she compared it to having a similar reputation of the House of Lords.

She added: I think you probably will see a lot more Trump Republicans, it takes a while for this turnover, its like the House of Lords, Congress, its very hard to get rid of, but they are very unpopular, with the people.


In his address, the US President insisted that work would soon begin on the wall he aims to build along the Mexican border, before arguing how he would protect the American public.

He said: For that reason, we will soon begin the construction of our a great, great wall along our southern border.

"As we speak tonight we are removing gang members, drug dealers and criminals who threaten our communities who prey on our very innocent citizens. Bad ones are going out as we speak.

And as I promised to any in Congress who do not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this one question: what would you say to the American family who loses their jobs, their income or their loved one because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders?

Ann Coulter says US Congress is just as unpopular as the House of Lords -