Ann Coulter: Can I Be The Poster Child Against Obamacare …
Like millions of Americans who are paying thousands of dollars a year for health insurance no doctors will take, I would love to be flying to Washington this week, pleading with members of Congress, spearheading letter-writing campaigns and appearing as a witness, to tell everyone about my experiences with Obamacare.
But none of us can, because were too busy working so we can afford to pay for the health care of 22 million poor, entitled or irresponsible people under Obamacare.
Just yesterday, for example, in addition to working, I had to spend an houron top of days and days last monthfiguring out which few remaining clinics provide mammograms under my brand-new, now third Obamacare insurance plan.
My original plan was made illegal by Obamacare, and the next two plansfully approved under Obamacarewent bankrupt and were shut down by state and federal regulators.
Now I just have to pray I dont get cancer or break a bone before Obamacare is repealed because, even at $700 a month with a gigantic deductible, there is NO PLAN on the individual market accepted by the two premier hospitals in my area for cancer or broken bones.
Those $700 premiums go to pay for the pregnancies and dental care of welfare recipients and immigrants, not cancer treatment for Ann.
Democrats love to get on their high horses about the wonderful things Obamacare has done for the uninsured. They should be asked why they refuse to live under it.
After they spend 800 hours changing insurance plans every year, ending up with increasingly expensive and increasingly useless plansall so that their premiums can pay for the poorIll be fascinated to hear about their love for the downtrodden.
Same with Republicans who are, once again, being bamboozled by lobbyists, to the detriment of their taxpaying constituents who dont have time or money to fly to Washington and tell them our hard-luck stories.
Insurance lobbyists have somehow convinced politicians, who have very little experience in the private sector, that health insurance is wildly different from every other producteven car insurance and homeowners insurancebecause of its need for a large pool of enrollees.
Everyone talks about the enrollment problem as if this is a bug unique to the health insurance industry. What product, do they imagine, does not need lots of customers?
How could restaurants afford those chefs, fresh flowers, industrial kitchens, one hundred sets of plates, napkins and silverware and a staff of waiterswithout customers? AHHHH! THEYLL GO OUT OF BUSINESS!!! THE MODEL DOESNT WORK WITHOUT LOTS OF PARTICIPANTS! CONGRESS MUST GET INVOLVED.
Publishers couldnt have editors, proofreaders, lawyers, paper plants and marketing departmentsunless theres a large pool of book buyers. Pipe manufacturers couldnt have hundreds of employees, huge machines and factories unlessyou get the idea.
Why is having customers treated like some freakish need of this one industry?
People are a lot less interested in buying hotel rooms, restaurant meals and pipes than they are in buying health insurance. Everyone knows someone who has died of cancer or had some other major medical problem, and most people are not insane.
Even with the hell of Obamacare, requiring hundreds of hours of workto research, sign up for, be thrown off of, then sign up for a different, ever-more-expensive plan, year after yearthe long-suffering taxpayer is doing all that in order to maintain some form of health insurance.
So apparently, no matter how awful you make it, this is a product Americans are desperate to buy!
Republicans all say they want to save the so-called good parts of Obamacare. Because who knows better what the American consumer wants than a member of Congress!
I keep imagining Congress designing a comprehensive hotel reform bill, promising to save the popular parts: BUT PEOPLE LIKE HAVING TVS IN THEIR HOTEL ROOMS! How could we ever get TVs in hotel rooms without Congress writing a law?
It turns out, people running a business have an uncanny ability to figure out whats popular with their customers.
Any popular features of Obamacare obviously, manifestly, inevitably will be preserved by the free market. If parents like keeping their useless millennial kids on their plans, guess what? Any insurance company forced to compete with other insurance companies WILL OFFER THAT.
As for covering people with pre-existing conditionsthere are pre-existing conditions and pre-existing conditions. Does this mean the unfortunate few with some exorbitantly expensive medical problem? Or does it mean people who have a pre-existing condition because they waited to be diagnosed with cancer before buying insurance?
The first category of people was dealt a bad hand. Eventually, they will be taken care of by the market when excess coverage policies are common and reinsurance companies pop up to cover the primary insurance companies.
Until then, a separate program can pay for the unlucky. Thats not a reason to wreck the health insurance market for everyone else. There arent 22 million people with horrifyingly expensive medical conditions. Theyre being used as the baby seals to sell subsidized health care for the irresponsible.
The second category is a lot less sympathetic, which is precisely why the two cases are always conflated. You cant buy flood insurance after your house has already floated away.
But we wont let people die in the streets, soas Trump said at the very first GOP debatethey will be dealt with through a different system. They probably cant go to Sloan Kettering, but then again, neither can I. Right now, my $700 a month pays for them to go to Sloan Kettering.
Both cases are of zero practical importance to the vast majority of people who just want to buy health insurance on the free market, rather than what were doing now, which is giving shiftless layabouts and irresponsible screw-offs an unlimited health care credit cardpaid for through our insurance premiums.
Wed come to Washington and tell you that, but were working to pay for the pediatric dental care of illegal aliens.
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Ann Coulter: Can I Be The Poster Child Against Obamacare ...