Right-wings sick Twitter celebration: Ann Coulter, Ted Nugent, Brit Hume battle for grossest Darren Wilson tweet
You can always count on the right to show off its raging, uncontrolled self on Twitter.
MO guv: Cops will protect lives, property & "free speech." Only people whose free speech is threatened are whites cowering in their homes.
DarrenWilson did good MichaelBrown did bad justice is served
Everyday Americans serve justice in grand juries while elite media only serves up mob justice based on lies.
Hardcore leftists' don't really give a rip abt facts. Goal is and has always been to undermine civil society, stoke unrest, chaos.
Same libs blasting US Justice system tonight will defend same system as perfect venue for prosecuting Al Qaeda terrorists held at Gitmo.
Dear Liberal Media, You are the problem. Again.
"Man, some guy just bit my leg, kicked my balls and tried to strangle my mother" - "he was unarmed, you animal!!"
SCUMBAG; Hey my butt hurts. Let's light some working class guy's small business on fire. MEDIA; Where should we put the camera?
Obama has made everything, including race relations, worse. Sickening.
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Right-wings sick Twitter celebration: Ann Coulter, Ted Nugent, Brit Hume battle for grossest Darren Wilson tweet