Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Opie & Anthony – Jim’s Interview Reel + Scorch Fired (9-9-2013) – Video

Opie Anthony - Jim #39;s Interview Reel + Scorch Fired (9-9-2013)
Ann Coulter in studio to promote the paperback release of her book "Mugged" and talk about race, Syria, and other ... Gary aka Radio Wizard is probably leavi... Jim talks about his week in...

By: Jim Lisi

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Opie & Anthony - Jim's Interview Reel + Scorch Fired (9-9-2013) - Video

Hollywood Pitch Halloween Movie – Video

Hollywood Pitch Halloween Movie
Halloween Hollywood movie pitch featuring Ann Coulter.

By: genepoolx

Excerpt from:
Hollywood Pitch Halloween Movie - Video

Opie & Anthony: Ann Coulter (09/03/13) – Video

Opie Anthony: Ann Coulter (09/03/13)
Since I #39;m applying for Video Production jobs and such, I thought it would be a smart idea to make a demo reel of my best and most recent work! This reel incl...

By: leet witford

See original here:
Opie & Anthony: Ann Coulter (09/03/13) - Video

A Brief History of Ben Affleck Yelling on Bill Maher

Since his first appearance in 2005, Affleck has been a guest on Real Time seven times, frequently butting heads with conservative blowhards like Ann Coulter and P.J. ORourke. He also pretty reliably blows a gasket just like he did last week.

That kind of indignation is what Maher's show lives on, and Ben Affleck delivers it very, very well. Here, a quick rundown of the actor's best Real Time rants.

2005 Appearing with Salman Rushdie and Andrew Sullivan, Affleck gets into it with Maher after the host suggests people of religious faith are unintelligent. People of faith arent stupid by dint of their being of faith,"says an exasperated Affleck. "I disagree. I think that's stupid." Later, still stuck tussling over the same subject, Affleck exclaims, You cant just frame it in such a reductive way!

2007 Democrats who supported further expenditures on the war in Iraq? To Ben Affleck, they shall forevermore be known as These fuckin people!

2008 Perhaps a late-night talk show hosted by Bill Maher is not the place to look for nuanced discussion, but once the conversation turned to the vague political discourse around the term Arabs, Affleck let fly. Arab and good person, he railed, are not antithetical to one another!

2012 This was a doozy. Ann Coulter launches into a tirade about post-9/11 security measures and how we all have fingers stuck up our butts to go through airport security. Then Affleck goes off. They grab your dick a little bit," he says. "Its not the end of the world!

Follow this link:
A Brief History of Ben Affleck Yelling on Bill Maher

Glenn Beck to Bill Maher: Im Not Coming on Your Show

Just a few weeks after openly hoping to have a civil dialogue with Real Time host Bill Maher, Glenn Beck no longer seems to want that meeting to take place.

On his Facebook page Sunday, Beck responded to an interview Maher gave to Tuscon Weekly. In the interview, Maher rejected the idea that his views on Islam are comparable to Becks.

Glenn Beck is more on the Ann Coulter page that what we should do is conquer the Middle East and convert them to Christianity, Maher said. Thats not what Im saying. Im saying all religions are stupid. Islam just happens to be the one right now, in this century, thats most dangerous and violent. Maher said, though, that hes willing to appear on Becks program if Beck will in turn appear on Mahers.

Beck pushed back on his Facebook, saying he doesnt want to convert Muslims. There is no winning in this game, Beck wrote. We can move the world forward, but never in name calling and belittling others. It was played in the beginning and will be played until the end.

More from Becks note:

This is why I wont accept an invite on his show. I want an actual discussion. One based in respect. One that I think can actually help reknit the fabric of our country and world,

I think Bill wants to discuss things but he also wants to win and he really wants a good show.

I dont blame him. I used to live somewhat in that world. Then I woke up.

Previously, Beck had said of Maher that, Maybe we should start talking to each other.

Or maybe not.

Go here to read the rest:
Glenn Beck to Bill Maher: Im Not Coming on Your Show